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My movie of the year so far, you need to see this movie
10 May 2023
This movie's just great. Not really sure what exactly to say about it, but Guy Ritchie just nailed it with this film. His style of filmmaking, with his quick cut storytelling mixed with a really keen sense for how to create and hold tension, really makes this movie constantly engaging.

The performances are fantastic from all parties, with Gyllenhaal's performance of course being the standout, but Dar Salim's performance, while he didn't have any standout emotional performances in the film, was extremely believable and made you care for him and his family.

I'm not usually a war movie guy, in fact usually I skip them, but I'm so happy I decided to go into this one. Worth every penny.
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Bad, but not in a fun way
19 February 2023
I was so disappointed. I went in expecting to be in uproarious laughter at how campy and silly this movie was. Unfortunately, it wasn't funny bad, it was just bad bad. Imagine every single bad horror movie trope and sprinkle a tiny bit of hunny on top and you've got this movie. The opening 10 minutes were somewhat promising, but the remainder of the movie just wasn't fun, scary, or even that impressive in any way. Really felt let down with this one. There were some scenes that made made me laugh at how stupid and bad they were, but the laughs were not very common and it just felt frustrating watching the characters all behave like morons, while watching a Jason ripoff in a Winnie the Pooh mask parade around pulling people's heads off in the most boring manner possible.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Great performances, cool visuals, hated everything else.
1 February 2023
The style of this movie was very unique and visually stimulating, and the performances of the actors, particularly Skarsgard and Goth, were fantastic in what they were trying to both convey. However I hated almost everything else about this movie. There was no nuance to any of the gore and violence, and it was literally just torture porn for 2 hours.

I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less gore-wise from a cronenberg movie, but in my (admittedly limited) experiences with both David and Brandon's films, the gross out gore and special effects are on the back of some thought provoking or interesting story. However, I got none of that here. This isn't the worst movie I've ever seen, but it's probably the worst I've watched in quite some time. Sorry, but yeah I think I hated this movie.
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A decent premise with fun to watch action, but ends up being kind of bland towards the end.
19 October 2022
I enjoyed this film a lot! As a lifelong Dragon Ball fan and huge fan of Gohan growing up, it's great to see him back in action after he was more passive and not nearly as important in the narrative post cell games. Plus the characterization of him and Piccolo was on point and so much fun to see. Piccolo taking care of Pan as favors for Gohan and Videl was adorable to see, and the humor in this movie was great. The action as well was very well done, although at times admittedly the full 3D graphics of the movie got a little bit wonky to watch, but generally it was just fine.

The premise was pretty decent as well. I was worried when I heard the movie was going to bring back the Red Ribbon Army, but I thought that they pulled it off in a believable and interesting way. The new characters were good and Hedo's motivations were a great change of pace.

However, admittedly I'm not a huge fan of Gohan and Piccolo just getting "new forms" that don't have any substance to them in the long run, even though the Beast Form and Orange Form looked great. It felt a little bit forced, and the final villain just being an overgrown and mindless clone of Cell felt a little bland compared to the way they set up Hedo and the Gammas.

Overall, a good and enjoyable watch, especially if you're a big Dragon Ball fan, but it's not any kind of masterpiece work of art. What are you expecting from a DBZ movie though haha. Not all of them can be Battle of Gods.
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Started off fairly promising, but faltered in the latter half.
27 February 2022
The start to this movie was pretty decent, but a series of not that great twists, mediocre action scenes, and very lackluster ending made for a pretty underwhelming experience.
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Too slow with severe lack of world building, also where were the dragons.
30 December 2021
I finally saw this movie after wanting to see it from the cover art. I knew nothing going in because I feel like that's the best way to go generally with movies. Unfortunately, despite wanting to like it, I found it extremely uninteresting for most of the runtime, the characters don't get fleshed out a hardly at all, and the world is so uninteresting. The beginning of the movie had me hooked with the dragon fight, storm, and king getting stabbed, but all that went out the window for the next hour and 40 minutes.

The visuals looked ok and there were some shots that I actually thought looked amazing, but at the end of the day, there was just nothing there to keep me invested. Shame, but this is the worst Ghibli film I've seen, besides earwig and the witch of course, but that's too obvious.
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Child of Eden (2011 Video Game)
I love this game quite a bit.
10 November 2021
So yeah, the only other review for this game on this site was written by me when I was about 13 in 2012. I don't have access to that account anymore so I can't delete the review, so I suppose I'll try and do my best to just make the review better cause the other one is so terribly written it's hard for me to believe I wrote that garbage.

This game is wonderful. The story is pretty simple, it's just you having to purge a virus from the internet of the future, which is done through playing a pretty fun rail shooter. The game is visually gorgeous, the soundtrack is awesome, and the game actually makes the kinect fun to play with. The only thing I really don't like about it is that the game is a little bit short. There's only 5 levels, with a 6th level that's an endless level you can see how far you get in. However, in my opinion, the game is really fun to replay. I know no one cares, but I just had to write a more coherent review of the game for my own sanity. If you haven't played this game and are somewhat interested, go try and snag yourself a copy. It's not the easiest game to find because it didn't sell well, but seriously go try and get if you are interested.
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Eternals (2021)
Trying to do too much in 2 and a half hours
10 November 2021
I'm not super into the MCU anymore. I didn't want to see this movie, but my friend bought me a ticket so I decided to go see it with him. I sat through the entire movie bored and confused at what was happening and why. They started setting up all the eternals super hurriedly, and spent the rest of the movie trying to finish setting them up through the entire movie, and character motivations were introduced, but then they wouldn't really go anywhere, some characters would die and it was hard to care because we barely had any time to get to know them. The humor was ok, but often a bit out of place. The characters' powers also weren't clearly defined so it was hard to really understand everything they could do. Probably my least favorite part though was the villain had potential to be super interesting, but his motivations were wasted on a character that was way too powerful for his own good. It seemed like he couldn't be harmed or beaten, and even when it seemed like he met his match later on in the movie, he just breaks free of whatever restraints were holding him and goes to confront the "main character" if you could call her that. This movie didn't know what it was doing. It was rushed, bland, uninteresting, and was riddled with so many plot holes that were even apprentice from watching the movie once. Not recommended, stay far away. In fact stop watching MCU movies. They're not that good.
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Digimon is silly, cheesy, and a bit stupid sometimes, and I love it for that!
2 July 2021
I grew up watching pokemon and digimon quite a bit, however pokemon dominated most of my childhood when it comes to cartoons, along with dragon ball Z. I remembered really liking digimon though, so a few years ago when the show was still on Netflix I decided to rewatch it, at least the first two seasons, and it was better than I remembered! I personally like it way more than the Pokemon anime, even though the theme song is pretty bad in comparison to the original pokemon theme song.

Some things that I love about digimon is that the who is not afraid to tackle more mature issues, like divorce, self-esteem issues, and depression. The best part of all of this is that it tackles these issues Ina way that is relatable and doesn't insult the viewer. , Plus the digimon are just super fun. The amount of wacky designs the show has come up with will never cease to make me giggle cause the show doesn't take itself too seriously, but it does treat the villains as what they are, a threat to the characters.

My only real gripe with the show is that things move a little too fast sometimes. In the first 54 episode season seaso, they move through 4 different storylines that easily could have fit into their own 20 episode sagas and been let breathe a little bit more, or even 15 episodes, and it would have benefitted the show because they wouldn't have rushed things so much. On the upside though, this means you there is usually something always happening with the story (there is filler here and there) and it won't get bogged down with taking too long tondo something simple (looking at you pokemon! Why does it take ash an entire episode to catch a pokemon every single time!? It should be more commonplace since it's so easy on the games!)
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Pretty darn good for an Adam Sandler film.
13 July 2020
I am not a huge fan of Adam Sandler or most of his movies. I like Happy Gilmore and I can tolerate the Waterboy if I don't watch it all in one sitting. This movie though, is probably my favorite film of his. It's surprisingly good! Adam Sandler actually has some funny moments in this movie that are funny because they're actually funny, not just so awkward that you laugh out of being uncomfortable. There are some jokes that fall in the category, like the hot tub joke or the part with Violet watching the kids. However, for the most part, it's not too bad. Also the Native American part was a little bit much, but the concept of that section was good, just a little bit disrespectful I think. Plus the plot is very charming and the characters are all pretty likeable. Unlike most of Sandler's movies, they don't butcher the concept with utterly stupid characters. Even Russel Brands character is tolerable, despite the fact he's an absolute idiot. Overall, a solid premise, a good script, topped off with good performances for the most part. Not the worst you'll ever see.
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One of my favorite marvel movies
17 April 2020
Full disclosure: I love the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and it wasn't until 3 years after this movie came out that I finally saw it (there are several reasons for that). I'd heard from others that this movie was very good, but not quite as strong as the first one. After seeing this movie finally though, I don't know what they were talking about. This movie was every bit as strong as the first movie, if not stronger in a lot of ways.

I won't spoil anything about this film, but I will say that Quill's father is one of the most interesting characters they've had in marvel films, and the fact that he's played by Kurt Russell certainly doesn't hurt. The story is more interesting and fun than the original, with a lot of very well crafted jokes within the movie. There are some that overstay their welcome just a little bit, but as a whole, they are all great.

My favorite aspect of the film was there was no sign of MCU in this movie really at all. There were no random cameos from other marvel superheroes, and there was no "infinity stones" or other nonsense like that in this movie. Not saying those things are bad necessarily, but it just feels so nice not having to deal with unnecessary shoehorning in of Marvel things. This was kept relatively tame in the first one as well, but the macguffin in that film was an infinity stone, but this film was it's own separate thing and that made it feel fresh. It didn't even feel like a superhero movie all that much if I'm honest.

I don't rate many superhero movies as highly as this, but this one is great. Go watch it if, like me, you put off watching it for fear of not being good.
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Joker (I) (2019)
If it hadn't have been for Phoenix's performance, this would have been a 3/10 movie.
17 February 2020
This movie is not good. I'm sorry to all of those who may love this movie, but to me this movie was not what everyone kept telling me it was. When the movie came out, I didn't see it immediately, but all of my friends who went to go see it kept telling me that it was the movie of the year, and that I would be blown away by the movie. Months later, I finally saw the film, and I was generally entertained, especially by Phoenix's performance, but the story was not very well crafted, and the message of the movie was way too vague. I got that the movie was about the importance of mental healthcare, but they didn't do enough with that plot point. Similarly, the theme of classism and that being detrimental to society was so forced and rushed into the plot that it seemed t like the movie was trying to get me to sympathize with the lower class of the city, but it wasn't developed so I didn't want to relate to them because they all just seemed like a bunch of ruthless killers who attack anyone who looks at them the wrong way. The whole movie I was trying to figure out what made this movie so great, but I just wasn't finding it. I understand that the movie was supposed to be a character study, and that it "doesn't connect to the DC universe at all," but that doesn't excuse a weak story with terribly underwritten characters. I would be interested to see if they replaced Joaquin Phoenix with anybody else in the role if everyone that praised the movie would praise it as much because his performance elevated the character of Arthur Fleck. He deserved the Oscar because he made an uninteresting character into an interesting character with his peformance. Interestingly enough, the most interesting parts of the film were when he became the Joker and was admitting to the fact that he's crazy. However, despite the fact that those parts were good, I don't think this should have been a Joker movie, but rather something else, and they should rewrite the script to have a more specific theme. I know I'm not being super kind to the movie, and I don't want to turn anyone off to the movie who want to see it, but my point of this review is this should have not been a Joker movie. If they wanted to make a character study movie about someone that has mental problems and is treated poorly by the upper class, this would have been much better as it's own separate thing, and been a bit more specific with what it was trying to say rather than "Classism is bad and we should tear it down because reasons."
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Warrior (2011)
One of my favorite films ever made.
17 February 2020
This film so wonderful. It's one of those movies I can come back to again and again and feel the same emotions and have the same enjoyment of every time. The story is so well crafted and the characters have good development, particularly Tommy and his father. The themes of the story are probably one of if not the best part of the entire movie. The whole movie deals with redemption and forgiveness, and the story centers around a broken family that begin to reunite, but have difficulty reconciling because of mistakes that had been made in the past. Great performances from all the leads, particularly Nolte and Hardy, and I would recommend this movie to anyone, even those who don't care for fighting movies because the fighting is only a plot device, and it's not what the movie is about. If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and go see it.
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A Goofy Movie (1995)
Adore this movie
4 February 2020
This movie is very fun and charming. It reminds me a lot of my childhood, though my dad was never as over the top as goofy is. The relationship between goofy and max is the crux of the entire movie because if their relationship and their development didn't feel real, then the movie would have crumbled. However, they did a very good job with making their relationship feel real and well developed. The movie will shed a few tears, well at least it does for me. Also, they did a masterful job of making max feel like a normal teenager. Everything from his maneurisms to his motivations and his speech reflect an average teenager trying to be normal, but at the end of the movie, he learns that it's OK to be different. Great movie and wonderful characters. Not the best Disney movie, but one I can return to and enjoy every time.
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Honestly not great
4 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love A Goofy Movie and when I first watched this one a few years ago I wanted to like it just as much, but I just can't stand it. It's basically the exact same story as the first one with the plot device being skateboarding as opposed to goofy taking Max on the road trip. The outlandishness of the first one made it super charming and fun to watch, with the relationship between max and goofy feeling real and fleshed out. However, the way they fleshed their characters out in this movie just didn't work for me. Despite the fact the journey was more over the top and unbelieveable in the first one, they managed to make the character arcs well done. Here, in a normal activity of skateboarding, the character arcs were not well developed and max and goofy relationship didn't feel very believable. If you love it, great, but I don't.
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Seventh Son (I) (2014)
I don't even know what to say about how abysmal this fantasy title is.
2 November 2019
Full disclosure, I've never read the books that this movie was based on, but I have talked to friends that love the book series, and it's very apparent that they didn't follow the books hardly at all apart from the character names.

I'm not going to dwell on that though because I have no reason to. Even without reading the book, I was extremely confused and bored through the entire movie. Nothing about the plot made sense. Characters have no development through the entire movie, and only little bits of background is given about the main characters and main villain, and the bit we are given makes little sense and adds no tension to the movie.

Probably the part of the movie that lost me the most and made me want to turn the movie off is the romance between Tom and Alice. It happens so fast and it literally makes no sense that they would ever get together in the way that they did. The characters had little to no chemistry, and they ended up sleeping with each other on their second or third time seeing each other. Unless this is a social commentary on the current state of dating in the modern day, this was dumb and shouldn't have been included.

Moral of the story, don't watch this movie. Go watch Stardust instead. That movies not amazing, but it's fairly decent and certainly a million times better than this fun-sucker of a movie.
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Peter Jackson tried too hard
29 March 2015
Overall, the first time I saw this movie I really enjoyed it, but after I read the book again talked to my friends and siblings about these movies, I realized that they weren't as good as I previously had thought. I think that they tried too hard to make something great. For starters, the CG seemed rushed and it just straight up didn't look as good as the Lord of the Rings movies did. It still looked good, but the trolls specifically didn't look like they were real creatures on the screen. Also, why did they add to the storyline? The whole business with Azog and all the other orcs was completely unnecessary and it didn't add anything extra into the story that was worth putting in. I used to defend this, saying that it would be too boring without this plot point, but I realized that it wouldn't have been because Peter Jackson would not have needed to add all of the walking. Taking out the orcs and the whole business with where Gandalf went when he left the dwarfs at the edge of the Mirkwood. If Gandalf saw Sauron at that fortress place he went to, why was he so surprised when he realized Sauron was back at the beginning of the Lord of the Rings. That was never explained. If he hadn't have gone to the trouble of trying to create a great masterpiece out of what is already a great masterpiece, he could have done this whole thing in two movies tops. Everything extra was unnecessary and makes big fans of the book cringe with embarrassment and annoyance.
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