
7 Reviews
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Cell Phone "movie"
6 July 2019
Some people got together and made a horror-ible movie using their cell phones and I was dumb enough to watch it. At leased it's only sixty minutes long, a very long sixty minutes. So, Scott and Lena conjure up a demon in Joe's house and forget to tape the do not enter while demon is being conjured sign on the door. Joe enters and releases the demon, then complains for most of the "movie" that they did this in his house, which by the way is an apartment. Scott becomes possessed by a film critic who wants to kill Lena. Joe and Lena take off in the minivan and meet up with Andrew who for most of the "movie" complains that Joe is filming the events. I agree with Andrew, none of this should have been filmed. I'd tell more but don't want to spoil it for anyone. Not that you can spoil something that's already rotten.
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Your suffering won't last long
9 November 2018
First let me just say that I was happy to discover this "film" is not a ripoff of Dan Curtis's 1976 classic Burnt Offerings. This movie is just bad, bad acting, bad story and a musical score so bad it alone will make you want to switch this turkey off. The only good thing is that it's just 73 minutes long.
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Unlike some reviewers I was not employed by the "filmmakers."
12 June 2018
The characters are incredibly boring and what makes it worse is that the dialog is very drawn out. The special effect are not special at all just cheap and cheesy. The only thing frightening about this "film" is that it was made and released. Just a poorly made "film" not worth watching so don't make the same mistake I did.
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Not Horror but Horrorble.
31 March 2018
If you enjoy loads of mindless chatter then this is the movie for you. Kept waiting for something...anything interesting to happen. Never did and after a long and gruelling 58 minutes and 14 seconds I had to mercifully switch it off. Someone describes this as character-driven Irish horror, to me it was more like endless cackling hens. Another said it was top quality Irish horror film. God save me from ever watching another character-driven, top quality Irish horror film. Like another reviewer has mentioned I also believe that some if not all the glowing reviews might be from people affiliated with this horrorble Irish film.
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Evil Exhumed (2016)
What a mess.
6 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you look at some of the "actor's" credits you'll see this movie is their only credit and maybe their last. Really really bad acting, no suspense, thrills or shock value. It fails not only as a horror movie but a movie in general. Just a bunch of guys running around in the woods with their shirts off and the only woman in the "movie" looking bored as hell. A native American mummy with gauze bandages around its head and white pants and shirt designed to look like bandages killing everyone with a metal hand scythe that looks like they picked it up at the Home Depot and wrapped some feathers around it to give it that native feel. I can't imagine it took more than an afternoon to make this "film" and cost more than a few cases of beer.
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Night of the Wild (2015 TV Movie)
A warning, not a review.
25 December 2015
I'm actually an hour and fourteen minutes into this movie while writing this. A brief summary; a meteor lands in a small town turning all the dogs into crazed killers and the people into mindless idiots. This movie is not scary, only annoying. Horrible plot, horrible acting and horrible characters. I really don't care if any of these people survive. I'll watch it to the end only because it's been a long day and I'm too tired to care. But please don't make the same mistake I've made and stay far away from this one. Watch the Green Inferno instead, at least it had some laughs.

It mercifully just ended, one of the worst movies ever. Pray there will not be a sequel.
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God awful
29 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First I'd like to ask the people giving this "thing" rave reviews. How much did you get paid and how can I get some of that? While I was hoping for a well filmed representation of David and Goliath, what I got was sub-par video that went from horribly loud then suddenly soft audio. In one scene, David is seen pulling a donkey, seconds later it evolves into a horse. In several scenes, tennis shoes can be seen, couldn't tell what brand. The audio of Goliath was dubbed and used too many times. Goliath seem more like a WWE wrestler that had seen one too many boots to the head. King Solomon was dressed and spoke as a commoner. He demanded no respect as a true king would. At the final battle, video editing appears to have been done by the donkey David was pulling earlier. Goliath was frame jumping all over the place. David then slayed Goliath and Goliath falls to the ground - head attached. Moments later, His head is detached. I was hoping for a high quality piece of film craftsmanship, and was delivered a middle school effort from bad actors. I would recommend to not waste you time with this or wear earplugs if you're going to try to sit through this terrible movie.
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