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Lots of blood, not much of a plot; I enjoyed it, don't know about others
2 June 2015
Firstly, I have to say that I had a great time watching this movie but that's probably because I love those kinds of movies. The Redwood Massacre is a (really) low budget film with lots and lots of blood and features a serial killer hunting down a group of campers. Its plot is just that simple.

Lets start with the good points of the film, and at this point I have to say that I just loved the scenery shown in the movie as well as the inside of the Redwood house. They were really great and the costumes were well-made too. I also liked the variety of the murder scenes and the variety of weapons-tools the killer used. There was a lot action and killings throughout the film so in that aspect you won't easily get bored.

On the other hand, The Redwood Massacre has lots of flaws too. Most of the cast are doing a mediocre job at best but that can't be helped because of the low budget. I enjoyed the death scenes a lot but some of them weren't that well-thought and they really overdid it with the blood. So even though the death scenes are visually enjoyable and bloody(if you like that style) some of them seem unnatural. Also, the quality of the movie drastically drops after the one hour mark. The last 30 minutes of the movie are nowhere as good as the rest of it. Last but not least, in this movie you will find one of the most unnecessary and stupid side-characters found in a movie ever(I won't spoil details so just watch it and see for yourself).

I will give this movie a 6 because I myself liked it and as an appreciation of the effort made in a low budget movie but an objective review would be lower.My advice; watch it if you like bloody slashers but don't expect much of a plot or something "new" or avoid it if you prefer more serious horror films, you won't find that here.
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The Pyramid (2014)
Not a masterpiece but worth watching despite its bad critics
26 May 2015
I watched this movie despite its bad reviews because I liked the fact that it is a horror movie in a pyramid and I also quite like movies that have to do with Egyptian history. So after having watched it, I have to say that the one and a half hour I spend doing that was worth it. The pyramid might not be a masterpiece but it is definitely a horror movie worth watching.

Firstly, I have to say that the settings were well made as well as the monsters. The actors did a good job too. I can't say that they were amazing but their acting seemed quite natural and they were well directed. Another fact I liked about this movie is that it was decently scary(enough to scare the average watcher) and intense. I quite enjoyed most killing scenes too. In that aspect I think it was better than most horror movies I've seen lately . It could have been more intense though.

Coming to the bad points now, as you can probably can guess already the plot is not something new or groundbreaking. You won't see something entirely new here. The only thing that's somewhat "new" is that the killings happen in a pyramid. In addition, the movie is not evenly good for its entirety. It starts well, shows promise and is pretty good for a big part but the last part of the movie ruins that feeling. Some scenes of the last part of the movie are not that well-though. Add to that the fact that they probably overdid it a bit with the selection of the "monster" and you can understand why it has bad critics. They involved Egyptian mythology a bit too much I guess but I won't spoil further.

To sum it up, The pyramid is a horror movie worth watching despite its flaws. They did a good job for a low budget movie like this and an average horror movie fan will surely have a nice time watching it.
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Dead Mine (2012)
Started OK but the last part left me with a bad aftertaste
22 May 2015
I wanted to watch a horror movie yesterday and after a quick search I chose Dead Mine. Well,the "horror in a mine" concept is nothing rare so I didn't expect to encounter something new plot wise to begin with. What I was expecting to see in an Indonesian B-movie like this were some nice killing scenes and probably some scary or intense moments. Also, most horror B-movies nowadays usually make up for their "bad" plot with lots of blood and gore but that's not the case here. This movie isn't much scary either. Even at moments that the protagonists are hunted down and the watcher should feel the intensity of it the director just failed to make it happen.

Coming to the story now, I have to say it was not that bad.It actually had more potential than it delivered if I can say that. Of course, there are cliché characters placed here and there but it happens to most movies(I even found myself liking the character of Warren's gf) .The plot is quite good at first(not something entirely fresh but decent) and seems like it might lead somewhere good. Still the bad pace, the lack of attention to detail and the horrible 15-20 last mins of the movie where the story goes off track ruin the effort made before.

I know that what I've said so far will probably make you not wanting to watch this movie at all but its not entirely unwatchable. It's still better than many movies out there. So if you like horror movies and got nothing else to watch give it a try. It will be a decent one-time watch, though the last part of the movie might leave you with a bad aftertaste like in my case.
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Ex Machina (2014)
A simple yet refreshing drama sci-fi!
20 May 2015
I was looking for a movie to watch and after some search I decided to give Ex Machina a shot.To be honest, I mostly watched it because I was curious about how could this movie have so many good reviews. I didn't have too many expectations and I was hoping to at least watch a decent movie. Well, after watching it I have to say that it definitely is a movie worth watching.

Ex Machina is a well-made movie with a simple yet somewhat unpredictable plot that will keep you interested for its entirety. The cast was almost entirely unknown to me but despite that I have to say that they did a really good job. The most important thing about this movie though is that it makes you think a lot about stuff we sometimes tend to forget or (pretend to) ignore, like the course of evolution, the invasion of people's privacy by by corporations and others I wont spoil now. Another really interesting part of this movie is the way the interaction of the main character with the female AI and its creator affect him and change his beliefs about certain things and even affect his mental state.

It's not a perfect movie though. There are some facts that are just too convenient to the plot.Many people will consider them plot-holes but I prefer to loosely base them on traits of some characters and leave like that since I think over-thinking it would be a waste of time. Also as I said the story is quite simple and despite being one of the facts that makes this movie good the story itself is nothing that unique or groundbreaking. You have probably encountered similar stories and will do so in future sci-fi movies.

Finally,I will say that the its the simple yet refreshing way this movie is presented that makes it that good and also the attention to detail. Everything from the scenes,buildings,machines to the female AIs and their movement seem to be carefully chosen. Ex Machina is probably in my top two or even the best sci-fi movie made in the last two years easily surpassing most sci-fi movies shot in 2014-2015,even ones with much larger budget.
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Stitches (I) (2012)
A weird comedy-horror movie worth watching
14 May 2015
To be honest I didn't expect much when I decided to watch this movie.A cast I hadn't heard of, an irish production and a comedy-horror story involving a killer clown, how good could it be? Well, I liked its cover and I like horror stories a lot so I decided to rent and watch it anyway. The result? I was really surprised about how good and refreshing this movie was. Don't expect to watch a really scary movie though. Stitches has some gory killing scenes but even during those scenes you will probably find yourself laughing (It might scare you a bit if you are not used to watching horror movies but that's it).Yes, the most unique and intriguing point of this movie is its dark, weird and even at times disturbing humor. If you can accept this kind of twisted humor that doesn't take anything seriously you will enjoy this movie a lot like I did. In addition, Stitches has some nice effects and even the killing scenes look decently natural and well-made. The flow is the movie is good and I think it will keep you entertained for its entirety. Another point I liked about this movie is that despite having some sexual content it doesn't really have nudity in it. I have gotten bored of seeing naked women in horror movies just for the sake of fan-service. Of course, it has some bad points too. For instance trying to fit in a love story in the plot was probably a bad choice and there are some common clichés laid here and there but nothing too bad. I think Stitches is a hidden gem and definitely worth watching so give it a try.
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