
37 Reviews
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We Damn Ourselves
13 May 2024
It's a sad truth when you find that the most powerful, upsetting and damning indictments of the human race are those movies that are based on the truth.

A time might come when films such as this don't need to be made but I have a feeling it's going to be a long time coming.

Thank God - whichever one you believe in or don't - that this film was made. A reminder that we still have a long way to go before we really do become ''civilized''.

I've read the reviews by others, after having seen it, and it is obvious that most of those who have commented are both upset and angry.

A truly moving experience.
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UFO (2018)
At Last, an intelligent UFO movie
31 December 2023
I've watched this movie twice now and upgraded my original score of 8 to a 10. Why? Because it is one of the very few, maybe the only, film that uses intelligence to investigate the possibility of a UFO sighting.

There are no histrionics involved, just mathematics, and even if you are not interested in math or fail to understand it, this movie explains it for you without being patronizing.

The characters are normal, if educated, people who figure things out and I found it very uplifting to see. All the actors play their roles to perfection and are very natural.

I only hope that the real-life people who investigate these things are as intelligent and open-minded as the characters in the movie. If they are, we stand a chance. It doesn't matter what your views on UFO's are, by the end you will at least be able to consider the possibility.

Don't watch this movie hoping to see little grey men or any of the cliches associated with the genre, it's not that kind of movie, but it is the kind of movie I'm grateful for in these dumbed-down times.
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Push (2009)
A Movie With Style
26 December 2023
I've watched this movie several times and always enjoy both the story and the actors involved.

There seemed to be a short spate of films revolving around Psi-powers (I'm not talking Marvel Comic movies or suchlike) and, as far as I'm concerned this was the only one which did it with style.

The Hong Kong filming gives it an exotic if seedy backdrop, the female characters dress in sexy ''come on'' gear and the males are a pretty cold blooded crowd. The way it is filmed also adds to the authenticity, secret cameras for the street shots means no-one except the actors are aware of the fact that they are all extras to the story.

Sharp, sexy and a hell of a plot makes me give this a 9/10 and I'm sure I'll be watching it again.
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Everything I Want In A Movie
19 November 2023
I gave this film a 10/10 rating because as the credits rolled, I was holding back the tears. That means I was both immersed and moved and that is a rare thing today.

I always enjoy Tilda Swinton as she plays every role to perfection and, in this case, Idris Elba was a match made in heaven.

I read a review where the movie was described as two people in bathrobes talking in a hotel room, with little action. Did the reviewer fall asleep? This was a movie with plenty of action, mostly centering around the djinn's tales of how he got to be where he was. These were beautifully filmed and, at times, graphic in their sexual and violent scenes.

But most of all, the love story and Tilda Swinton's precise and measured narration were what moved me so much.

A film like this does not come along very often. I urge you to try it.
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Risen (2021)
Slowly paced but brilliant concept
21 September 2023
Having read other reviews after seeing this movie I wondered if I had watched a different film. For me, I was mesmerised by the story and its slow pace gave me chance to process what was unfolding.

I certainly did not find it cheap-looking. Indeed the escalation as the movie reached its climax I thought was brilliantly done.

I can only surmise that people are not willing to entertain a concept where there is no hero to save us, or deus ex machina that provides a happy ending.

The final reveal of what had happened to our protagonist came totally out of the blue and explained much of her character and actions. Throughout the movie, I kept wondering if she was terminally introspective or autistic. She rarely spoke. Ultimately this was made clear in the last act when everything came together.

I enjoyed this movie immensely and I'm disappointed few are singing its praises. We need more ''thinking'' movies like this for those of us bored with endless Marvel expansions.
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Patriots Day (2016)
Do Not Miss This Movie
14 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Patriots Day is not one of the best films I have watched, it is THE best movie I have ever seen (and I'm 61).

If I could rate it 20 out of 10 I would.

I began watching as someone totally ignorant of the events of that day apart from the fact that it was a terrorist attack in the USA. Slowly we are introduced to several characters who have been chosen, seemingly, at random. Gradually we build up to the terrible atrocity itself using, I imagine, some actual scenes that were taken by the public, CCTV etc.

It was at this point, as we saw the immediate aftermath of broken bodies and severed limbs, that I had to step away and pause until the following night when I continued watching, because I was so moved that I could not see clearly through my tearing eyes. I was hit that hard.

Gradually we move on to the investigation and the attempt to identify the bomber(s) and apprehend them.

This involves more shocking scenes and shows the bravery of the Law Enforcement community and the public themselves.

I am loathe to say more because I am not a professional critic and would not want to spoil too much for anyone.

Just please see this movie and I hope you experience it just as strongly as I did. You will, regardless of what I've said, come away uplifted.
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Noah (2014)
Moving and Engaging
13 April 2023
I normally avoid movies that are set around biblical stories because I am not a believer and definitely don't want to feel manipulated.

I took a chance on this because I was curious and wanted to see what sort of hash they'd made of the story of Noah which, unless you were born ignorant and determined to stay that way, you must know the story.

To my surprise I found this film very engaging with no sense that I was being preached at. It was gritty, down to earth, and the actors played their parts well.

I would not be writing this review at all unless it was for the scene where Noah is about to put to death the daughters of Ili (Emily Watson), twin babies. This reduced me to tears, a 61 year old atheist. If this movie can do that, it must be good.
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Blood Glacier (2013)
Kept me gripped
10 April 2023
I came across this movie entirely by accident from a YouTube list of alien movies. Truth be told, it is not an alien movie but gets very close.

It's Austrian (I think) so sub-titled but that makes no difference. I believed the characters and it's irrelevant to me if they're likeable.

The landscapes are suitably chilling and bleak which adds to the atmosphere and, because it's an ecological movie about mutation, you never know what's coming next.

The body horror pulls no punches and is believable.

I'm afraid I knew none of the actors but I often finds that helps with the immersion.

For a film I had never heard about I found this highly watchable and would recommend it.
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Refreshing Change
12 November 2022
Every time a film pops up about the occult and Nazis it seems to revolve around zombies or the immortal possibilities of super-soldiers. Not so with this movie as it delves into the division that actually did exist within the general scope of the SS, namely the Ahnenerbe, Himmlers occult department. This movie is not ''Raiders of the Lost Ark'' but rather a more gruesome tale set on the Eastern Front as the tide had turned against the Germans and the leaders were grasping at straws.

In this respect I give the film credit for not pulling any punches in its depiction of the actions of the soldiers on both sides. The only criticism I would make is that the fanatical Nazi characters (three at the most) were depicted as cartoonish and stereotypical. There was no need for it.

Overall, I enjoyed this because it is the first movie I have ever seen where the Ahnenerbe were mentioned by name. Thankfully it was all hogwash.
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The Best
27 July 2022
Doug Stanhope says everything I want to say but he does it with style and wit (and honesty). As far as I'm concerned he can never go too far because he's telling the truth. If that's too much for you then all I can suggest is stop watching but still rate him highly. One day you might need a guy like this.
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Species (1995)
A Sexy Giger Alien Done Right
21 March 2022
What begins with a very interesting premise is followed by a movie that, using an ensemble cast, never pauses for breath.

Horror and humour are mixed together to provide a film that never stops (just in case you wanted to pick holes in the plot and I can't find any) and throws in a good dose of the disturbing surrealism of H. R. Giger. In case you've been living under a rock, Giger is the genius artist who designed all the alien bits (including the monster) in Alien from 1979. It is Giger who raises this film out of the realms of being a ''B movie'' and it was shocking how badly the studio were going to treat his input. No credit and no money. I for one am glad to see his name up there in lights.

Credit is also due to Christopher Young for the beautiful soundtrack. One of the best and most memorable I have ever heard.

As a final word, just in case you think this might be sexploitation under a Sci-Fi banner, believe me it isn't. This film will not turn you on.
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Keeping it in the Family
19 February 2022
I watched this performance with the for-knowledge that Bridget is Mrs. Stewart Lee of who I am an enormous fan. So was I biased? Yes, of course. But that didn't make it any less enjoyable and, dare I say it(?), they do share some mannerisms - good ones I add.

Very funny and she does have her own unique style regardless of what I've just said. I'd love to see more of this lady.
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I Origins (2014)
What would you do?
11 February 2022
Towards the end of this movie an educated Indian lady asks the decidedly atheist scientist protagonist ''What would you do if you found definitive proof of god?'' As the viewer I'll leave that with you.

Hopefully you will find this movie as deeply moving as I did and, unlike many films, I didn't feel manipulated into it.
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Brilliant and Personal
9 February 2022
John Bishop's delivery and material always come across as true to life - his life - but also something we can relate to. I speak as an English man so this may not be humour that's exportable but it would be a shame if it wasn't.

I only hope that as time goes by he will stick around to give us more of his insight and experiences.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Bravo Betty!
6 February 2022
I might have been living under a rock because Betty Gilpin had never caught my attention until this movie where she bowled me over. Another reviewer uses the phrase ''stoic faced'' and I can't think of a better way of putting it. Perhaps because of that and her concise, biting dialogue she makes this film a delight.. Regarding the movie itself: it's brutal, gory and extremely funny and I never got the impression it was taking itself too seriously.

Highly recommended.
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Free Guy (2021)
For once, believe the hype
3 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't really sure what to expect from this movie, only that Ryan Reynolds is consistently watchable especially in comedic roles.

I can only say that watching this movie may be the best thing I will see this year. On the surface, it's a freaky love story where a background character in an online game ''breaks'' his normal programming and falls for a real female player, not realising his own nature or the fact that he is in a game at all. Sidenote:- luckily the female avatar was being played by an actual female in the real world.

The real-life player needs help so she teaches him how to level up, not by being a sociopath like most players, but by being a ''good guy'', which is something he can relate to.

Running parallel to this story is his growing awareness that he is but a simulation as is his whole universe and this, for me, is the meat of the story. How he deals with that problem is a deeper question than I can relate here.

This movie never stops, it is funny, touching, full of nods and winks to other movies/games/TV shows and I must see it again.

Top marks and highly recommended.
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Excellent addition to the movie.
30 December 2021
I've been a fan of Alien since its release in 1979 and remember vividly sitting in a cinema having the bejesus scared out of me. Since then I've managed to read everything I can about its conception, production and eventual reception.

When I heard about this gem I just knew I had to own it and was not disappointed. It is not ''the making of Alien'' nor is it meant to be. Rather it is an examination of where the concept for the film arose, how the people who ultimately made it were brought on board and its place in cinematic history.

The widow of Dan O'Bannon speaks eloquently and movingly of her husband and, call me sentimental, but that made it all worthwhile.
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Dara O Briain: Voice of Reason (2020 TV Special)
Never Disappoints
21 December 2021
I'm going to admit a bit of ignorance about this show as Dara O'Briain introduces it as only a partial record of the proceedings. If that's the case then I'd love to see all of it (my versions run-time was 59 mins) because what is left is absolutely hilarious.

I watch any DVD of O'Briains that I can and have never been let down. This performance just cements his reputation in my mind. See it if you can.
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Intersect (I) (2020)
Tried my Patience
23 November 2021
Describing a movie as Lovecraftian is all very well as long as somewhere along in the story there is at least the suggestion of cosmic horror or the Cthulhu Mythos. Well sad to report this had neither. What it did have have was a lot of patience testing flashbacks and a completely unnecessary subplot about bullying.

And don't even get me started on the ending.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Truly Breath-taking
18 November 2021
When the final credits rolled on this movie I let out a huge sigh that I didn't realise I was holding in. Contentment is the only word I can find. A superb movie that added to the mystique of The Shining even allowing for the obvious fact that new actors had to take the part of characters from the original.

I never want to spoil the plot of a movie, you'll watch it or you won't, but let's just say it turns out that there are plenty more people with the power to shine and they aren't always using it for the good. For that matter, how come this film has a 7+ rating? I would have thought, considering the content, a 13+ would have been appropriate. This is definitely not suitable for children.

In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed this and highly recommend it. Full marks.
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Spectral (2016)
Clever SF that doesn't mess about
12 November 2021
I've watched this film a few times now (it's a fixture on Netflix) and never been anything less than entertained. A fast moving story, a genuinely original concept and actors who play their parts as if they believe it. My only niggling complaint is the speed in which our main character produces his ''wonder weapons'' from bits and pieces scavenged from the army supplies. Mind you, it's a good job he does or ''it's the end of the world as we know it!'' It's also worth pointing out that until you know what's going on it's very spooky and, when you discover the truth, quite chilling.
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Carry On Space Trucking!
9 October 2021
I first watched this film many years ago when VHS was the accepted medium. At the time it seemed like a fun film but a throw-away pleasure. Tonight, having re-watched it, I discovered I had severely under rated it. There are some fantastic lines in the script and the actors put their heart and soul into something many might consider beneath their talent. Kudos to Charles Dance especially. Does he seek these roles out?

Don't pick fault with seeing the wire work, just enjoy it for what it is.
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Ultraviolet (1998)
Intelligent and Moving
5 October 2021
Considering the style of what passes for drama in the now (2021) which seems to be a case of shouting loudly, smashing you in the face and making little sense, Ultraviolet shows how it should be done. Subtle, intelligent and, at times, very moving, this series never outstays its welcome but leaves you wanting more. All the main four actors play their parts superbly and believably. How Idris Elba must have loved some of his lines. Every time I watch this series I fall in love again with Susannah Harker and, if you're male, I bet you will too.

I'm not going to mention any particular episodes or spoiler details, only to say that the story seems expand exponentially in scope until the very end. Do yourself a favour and buy the 2 disc DVD, it was made in 1998 so I imagine its going cheap.
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A Class Act
3 October 2021
I've watched as much of Ed Byrne as I can get my hands on and this show I'd rank as the best. From the very beginning, right up to the second encore, I found myself laughing out loud. All his tales and stories were very believable, just honest reflections on his personal experiences. The final encore where he describes how he perceives pornography from the different countries in the UK had me in stitches.

Highly recommended 10/10.
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The Nevers: True (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
A Blinder
2 June 2021
I'd watched the previous episodes after being hooked by my wife and was wondering where exactly this series was going. It doesn't matter to me how good the performances and script are (and they most definitely are excellent) if I'm not seeing the point.

Well I needn't have feared because this episode provides the framework on which all the rest hang and now I can't wait for more.

Very nice too to see Claudia Black, an actress I always enjoy watching, with a decent role.

Highly recommended.
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