
9 Reviews
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Jaws (1975)
You're gonna need a bigger boat...
1 August 2016
If you ask me, there are only a hand full of movies that I can call "perfect", and this is one of them! Jaws tells the story of Martin Brody, the Chief of Police on the quiet island of Amity, and how his life was changed forever one fateful summer. It all starts with the mysterious death of a skinny dipper, soon found in pieces on the shore. Believing it to be a shark attack, Brody attempts to close the beaches, but this upsets the mayor of Amiry Island, who's main goal is to make money off the tourists coming to the island. Things become worse when a little boy is also killed by the same shark, putting fear and anxiety in the hearts of Amity's people. Trying to find a way to stop this shark before he strikes again, he teams up with Matt Hooper, an oceanographer hired to find out more about the shark and how it works, and Quint, a war vet with a terrifying past and a vast amount of sea shanties to sing as he hunts down this great white. Will they find and kill the shark? Or will they be the latest thing on its menu?

First thing to comment on, of course, is the story. No other person on this Earth could write a more realistic, terrifying, and classic story like this! The movie is based on the book written by Peter Benchley, so he is given the praise for making one of the best stories ever put on paper and screen! Next up, the acting. Jaws gave us the best performances from Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider, and, most of all, Robert Shaw as Quint. His performance has sent chills doe the spines of many, and those chills never stop. Next, the score. It's John Williams. That's all I need to say. Up next, the effects. This is the only negative part of this movie. The effects are not the greatest, and especially considering the budget of the film, which I calculated as over $35,000,000, it's a wonder how this shark looked so strange. However, you have to admit that it was a good idea to keep the mechanical shark hidden until the final third. The shark may look odd, but it still scares the crap out of me to this day. Finally, the cinematography. The film is very beautiful and you can see that by just looking at the multiple screenshots. It's dark and disturbing when it needs to be, as well as nice and pretty when it needs to.

Really, this review can't do this movie justice. All I have to say is watch this movie. Just don't watch it before going to the beach. You never know what could be down there...
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K.C. Undercover (2015–2018)
Move over Robert Rodriguez. Zendaya is the NEW spy kid!
18 September 2015
Talk about a show being better than it should have been! When I saw commercial after commercial of this show, I thought I was going to HATE it. But Disney proved me wrong, because this is a fantastic show for some one like Zendaya. If you don't know Zendaya, #1, shame on you, and #2, she's an actress that is not unfamiliar to the Disney Channel crowd. She was in Shake It Up!, Frenemies, and Zapped. She is also a really great dancer, so it's not a big leap from dancing to kicks and punches. Zendaya plays K.C., a regular straight A student that wouldn't seem out of place on a TGIF sitcom. But, like in Hannah Montana, she also lives a double life… as a SPY! So the show is mostly a Spy Kids version of Hannah Montana, but much funnier than Spy Kids and less musical than Hannah Montana. The show also has some other funny characters like K.C.'s parents, Ernie, Marisa, and J.U.D.Y., who all have great lines and mostly don't move into the stereotypical characters we've seen in other Disney Channel shows. They also have great guest stars, such as Bella Thorne, who played Zendaya's friend in Shake It Up!, and Raven from That's So Raven, one of my favorite shows from the early 2000s! Now this review is becoming too positive.I'm gonna have to nitpick. The only nitpick I have is that Marisa isn't a good enough character. She just seems like a useless character that could've been scraped. But even though I think that way, I don't HATE Marisa. In fact, I think that this show might be one of my top 5 favorite shows! So, anyways, K.C. Undercover was better than I could've expected, and I WANT MORE EPISODES!
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What in the world did I just see?
13 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was a somewhat fan of the Judy Moody books, and the spin-off series of books about her brother. So when I heard about this movie, I was happy to see someone adapt the words in the books to a visual medium. I didn't see it in theaters but I saw it on Disney Channel with my little sister and my reaction was along the lines of "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" and "Well it could've been worse." The story is somewhat original: a girl takes up a challenge in which she must do as many strange, creative, and fun activities to score points. But meanwhile, she must handle the quirks that come from her little brother and her Aunt, who helps her in her challenge. Hijinx ensue. That is a good story for kids. The editing is all over the place. A lot of the shots are quickly done, that whenever a slower scene comes on, I feel like I'm watching another film! The acting is OK for a film like this, but they should have given the actress who plays Judy more direction. So, when all is said and done, the film is just… OK. The acting: it's OK! The editing and directing: it's OK. The story: once again, it's OK. Unless you want to watch a film for you and your kids to watch and get sucked into, I say watch it. Especially when your summer is NOT a bummer!
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The Muppet Show (1976–1981)
A great, nostalgic show!!
5 July 2015
I always say that my favorite type of film is comedy. I should also say that about TV shows. And The Muppet Show is one of my favorite comedy shows! It has everything that I love in comedy TV shows: good, memorable characters, funny comedy, a memorable theme song that will never leave your head, and, of course, a feeling of being for kids and adults! I would talk about the characters, but you all know them: Kermit the Frog, Ms. Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Gonzo, etc. These characters are so remarkably funny and so connectible that we remember them even over 40 years later! The show relies mostly on slapstick comedy to make you laugh, but, that isn't their only type of comedy. They also use spoken comedy to balance it out. I like that, because too much slapstick is not funny. The THEME?! GOOD GOSH this theme is amazing! You find yourself humming it almost everyday! It's just so goofy in its lyrics, but the seriousness in the orchestration makes it all too memorable. So if want a nostalgic show to watch and have fun with the family, go buy this show! You won't regret or forget it!!
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4 July 2015
Though this movie does have problems, they are not major and don't really matter. This is because the movie distracts you from the stupidity quite well. For Example, the effects in this movie are great! The aliens are original and the explosions are quite believable, even if they are CGI. The plot is just another alien takeover. Just think of War of the Worlds meets Top Gun. The characters are…… OK. That's the nicest things to say about them. Jeff Goldblum plays… JEFF GOLDBLUM! That's it. The only actor who's trying is Will Smith, but he makes everything he's in awesome! The movie is just… OK. The movie is silly, but harmless. It has plot holes, but the action distracts you from them. The movie's stupid, but it is so hilarious in its stupidity. So, yeah. I have a spot in my heart for cheesy blockbusters. And this movie is no exception. Have a happy Independence Day, and watch Independence Day!!!
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Tomorrowland (2015)
Why do people hate this movie?
3 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Don't listen to the haters giving this movie ones and twos, because this movie is phenomenal! This was my favorite Disney movie… before Inside Out came out (then it became my number two favorite). The characters are nice and fun with just enough screen time and character development to make them likable. The story: Brad Bird's GREATEST PREMISE since a Superhero family! The world is going to end because someone has implanted that idea into everyone's heads. So it is up to a girl with a great imagination and determination to save it. But the twist is the bad guy in this movie isn't George Clooney for making the device, or the Audio-Animatronic girl, or even Hugh Laurie. It's US. Because we didn't know any better, we didn't try to fight the idea of the end of the world. So, in a way, WE are the reason that this movie exists. I guess the only reason people hate on this movie is because of the continuity errors and the fact that they are the bad guys. Speaking of, this movie does have it's faults, but who cares when you have a great story and characters AND amazing special effects. And, yeah, the effects in this movie are beyond amazing. When I saw Tomorrowland for the first time, and the rocket in the Eiffel Tower, I was blown away! I saw the trailers and the effects made me gravitate towards this movie! And the trailer is probably another reason why people don't like this movie. The trailer made it look like an early preview for Star Wars 7. I was also expecting that, but when I saw the actual movie, the trailer didn't matter. So what if you didn't get a dumb action sci-Fi flick. You have a new original idea acted well, directed well, written well, and made at the right time that this movie should have been a hit! Tomorrowland: Disney's dream on the big screen, and I LOVE IT.
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Teen Beach 2 (2015 TV Movie)
It's Disney Channel! What did you expect?
3 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Although I didn't particularly care for the first Teen Beach Movie, because it was boring and pretentious, I can say that the sequel is about the same. The characters aren't interesting (but no one in a Disney Channel movie is, so whatever), the story is kinda creative, but a little silly, so it's OK for an audience of Disney Channel watchers, and the songs are just ear wormy enough that you get them in your head, but only sometimes. All in all, I would have liked this movie… UNTIL I READ THE PLOT!!! The plot is just a great idea: two teens fall in love in the summer, but their relationship falls apart when school comes. Not only that, but they have some eccentric friends that have a problem that they want the two lovers to help them with. So they try to help and keep their relationship intact as well. THAT IS A GREAT PREMISE!!! But then you throw a side plot about a fading movie, and, BOOM!, you ruin the original plot!!! I say all the time that Disney Channel Movies are always recycled ideas that they make their own, and this movie proves it. But the good part about it is that the plot is the only main problem with the movie. There are more and I know it, but the plot is the only one that I will care about. So, if you want a movie made out of Universal's table scraps and Disney-fied, this is a film for you. If you want a sequel to a satire made by Disney Channel, then this is the movie for you. If you want a movie with a good plot and good characters, don't watch.
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The Croods (2013)
The Peter Jackson's Avatar of kids movies… in the worst ways possible.
3 July 2015
How can anyone like this pile of uneducated garbage!!! I think people are just too blown away by the animation ( which is this movies only strong point. Seriously, this is Dreamworks' greatest animation since How to Train Your Dragons!) that they don't notice that it is literally a movie done a million times!!! Yes folks, this is the "paranoid parent doesn't want to let his daughter go/ road trip" movie. Nicholas Cage is OK in this movie, but all I hear is Nic Cage being… NIC CAGE! Emma Stone is also a good actress, but I can't say that this is the best film of her career. That being said, it's not the worst film she has been in either. But I'm getting ahead of myself. The one thing that this movie is is UNGODLY FORGETTABLE!!! I can't remember ONE LINE OF DIALOGUE and the comedy is too much slapstick and not a lot of anything else, that the jokes are just as forgettable as the dialogue. Quite literally, this movie is THE AVATAR OF ANIMATED BOX OFFICE MOVIES. It has good actors that don't do as good in the movie as they should, like Avatar. It's visual style is much more memorable than the actual plot, like Avatar. The story is a mix of clichés, like Avatar! It's just Avatar made for kids! Unless you want to see a movie to riff and make fun of, or if you want to see Avatar 2 before they release it in theaters, I wouldn't touch this movie at all!!!
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Was this a different movie?!
3 July 2015
I have a feeling that this movie was gonna be the minions movie before they decided to make a sequel instead. That's what I'm gonna question first: WHY ARE MINIONS FUNNY?! Slapstick IS funny, but when you won't laugh when you see that as an entire movie! That's why the Home Alone sequels didn't work, so why are the creators of this movie getting a pass? And the minions' comedy is just that: slapstick overload! So, now that that is out of the way, let's talk about something else. GRU IS BLAND AS HELL!!! Whenever I hear him talk, I hear a bored, uninterested Steve Carrel waiting for his paycheck. And he only cares about himself until someone he knows is in trouble. And the girls! My GOD is this a waste of Miranda Cosgrove! She is a good actress and she was even very good in the first Despicable Me, but she just SUCKS here. The smallest one is a boring character, and I don't remember ONE LINE OF DIALOGUE from the middle child. I would go on and on about all the other characters, but I won't. And the plot just plain up SUCKS!!! Again, it feels like a Minions movie that needed a plot to have a sequel to the first film. It feels slow and boring, and I'm convinced that the script writers were high while writing such inane dialogue, comedy, and characters!!! NEVER WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! EVER!!!!!!
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