
158 Reviews
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Started Off Interesting.... (got stupid pretty fast.)
13 March 2024
As a lot of viewers, comments have already pointed out a very predictable lifetime movie, started out interesting enough, but then went downhill and had a rushed ending. I don't like to do spoilers, but I will say, within the first 10 minutes of the movie you pretty much know how it is going to end. A couple of the main characters were very irritating, and like another viewer pointed out, the guy was not injured enough to where He couldn't cook or take his own meds, that was over the top for sure, and took the realness out of the film. He did not need a live-in nanny. And certain things happened in the film to where the nurse should've been fired immediately and jailed. Not given a chance to do more heinous things to the patient. That part of the film really ticked me off. But by then, I went ahead and finished it because I don't like reviewing films that I don't watch all the way through, it's at least one good watch, if you don't have anything else to do, and grabs your attention the first half hour or so, but takes you nowhere the rest of the way... I hadn't seen Tracy Lords in years in films like these, so believe it or not it was refreshing to see her, and she's aged well.
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Human Traffickers Are Disgusting!!!
10 March 2024
Not much of a plot here, but the revenge part sure was fun to watch. Human trafficking is very serious and not a game. I usually don't watch movies that endure this subject matter unless it's a good revenge flick, this was one of those. Nothing more, nothing less. It is something watching the same monster that was trying to kill you about 45 minutes ago now back for his own life.... PATHETIC! Is asking me to type 208 more characters... Seriously?

Not much of a plot here, but the revenge part sure was fun to watch. Human trafficking is very serious and not a game. I usually don't watch movies that endure this subject matter unless it's a good revenge flick, this was one of those. Nothing more, nothing less. It is something watching the same monster that was trying to kill you about 45 minutes ago now back for his own life.... PATHETIC! Is asking me to type 208 more characters... Seriously?
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Jurica Road (2020)
Full Of HATE....
10 March 2024
We simply do not need these kinds of movies right now. The movie is so full of hate, I couldn't get through it. And I have a thick skin. Enough is enough already. I'm not about to sit up here and watch a man and child be slaughtered because of the colors of their skin. And I can't believe I have to type another 331 characters before this can be posted. That's stupid as well. This movie doesn't even have a good plot at all, again just a bunch of hate and killing because of skin color. There used to be a time where a movie had a good plot even though the subject matter was difficult, like American history X, for example. That movie was hard to watch as a African-American person, but that movie had a good plot. A very good script to where I could sit through it, this movie was simply disgusting. And usually I do not do reviews on movies that I haven't watched all the way through. Consider yourself warranted folks.
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Guns of Eden (2022)
Started Out Promising
4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Started out, promising... But got stupid pretty damn fast! You ever watch a movie that pisses you off because everybody is so stupid? The main character went from being a stupid, naïve rookie who killed an innocent cop to Rambo in 35 minutes? Seriously. Curly, Larry and Moe from the Three Stooges, Could've done a much better script and would've been much better ass kickers lol. And as other reviewers have said, it made hillbillies look dumber then ever, as a black person raised in Texas, I was offended for all my hillbilly friends lol. And they had the nerve to leave the movie open for a sequel! Are they kidding? I watched this for free and I want my money back lol. P. S, also they should've left the religious zealot part out. I thought that threw the script off as well. Having all these hillbillies kill in the name of God seemed a bit off to me. And that backstory wasn't explained thoroughly as it should've been. It was refreshing to see the veteran actress Lynn Lowry in the film, I loved her part. She played the big bad old lady with the gun, who took no mess from anyone.
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Revenge Ride (2020)
I Enjoyed It....
1 March 2024
Of course, this movie has very sensitive subject matter... However, I love me a great revenge movie. There was no happy ending here. But at least worth one watch. I haven't seen hardly any films out here with women biker gangs. Just usually the guys. Personally, I thought this would've made a good series... the sisters biker gang. It makes you think about who your friends and family really are, when the tough times happen. When push comes to shove, would you really ride and die for and with your sisters? This really drove that point home. And also shows how bonds like this can be really extreme and you have to think to yourself about the dos and don'ts of this so-called sisterhood. I don't like to give away spoilers, but I will say the leader of this so-called sisterhood had a good side and also a very selfish side, as if you could be no part of anything or anyone without her consent, and that can be very dangerous with your so-called sisterhood, you have to think for yourself and do for yourself at some point, YOU choose who you want your friends to be , especially if they are good folks, and mean you happiness. When your so-called sisters, start pushing away the good guys and telling you they can't be a part of your life, your so-called sisterhood are NOT your true sisters.
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I ENJOYED IT... Great Supernatural Element Added!
28 February 2024
I thought the movie was awesome! It had more of a 80s feel to it. I was surprised it was only made in 2020. I started not to watch it at first, because I hate bullying, in real life & on TV. But I hung in there to see the bad guys get their asses whipped. I was not disappointed, it will piss you off though. The young man being picked on is a special needs child so that makes you more angry. It really was a great film in my opinion. It's a Tubi movie, so of course it's not gonna be perfect lol, I'm glad I gave it a chance. I love the supernatural element to it. It was also very lengthy, I'm talking two hours, lol. The bad guys were the worst! The character David, who played the special-needs boy, was absolutely adorable! He really pulls at your heartstrings a bit. What also irritated me was, to be bullied so badly like that and nobody did a damn thing, it was really extreme. But I know that's how it is in real life as well. It also had a plot twist that I wasn't expecting. I will be looking for other movies that the character David was in. Nicholas Alexander was his name.
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Started Out Great... Went Down Hill Midway
27 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Now,I love me a good revenge thriller. Especially when it's women getting back at abusive sleaze balls. I grew up watching the Death Wish franchise ect. What disturbed me with this one was... The girls, not women, just started killing innocent boys, for no reason... I cannot wrap my mind around that. To me that ruined the whole movie. We're thinking we're watching a movie about vigilante Justice, not some psycho girl obsessed with her girlfriend, who starts killing anybody she's friends with, which is what happened. I usually don't like to do reviews with spoilers, but this one just rubbed me the wrong way. It's movies like this, that make it the reason I read spoilers. There was some great guys in this film that were killed for no reason! Even one guy, one of the girls was having an affair with, he ended the affair to go back to his family {his wife and three year-old daughter} , so he's off, minding his own business and the crazy girls lured him in the woods, and he was killed for no reason at all. If anything he tried to help the girl who was in a mental decline. But her obsessive girlfriend just had to end his life. It was scenes like this that made the film NOT so good in my opinion. They went from killing rapists, to killing any guy good or bad. It took for the obsessive girlfriend to kill and then it's a boy she really liked before. She got her revenge on her crazy friend, by then though, the damage had been done! I would not watch this again. And it shouldn't be marketed as a vigilante film either! It should be marketed as a psycho girlfriend film. Watch at your own risk. But keep in mind not only do the bad guys die, but the good guys too. And I am a 50-year-old female. I don't believe in either sex being bashed for no reason, I like it to be a balance in movies and this was not. These were silly girls doing silly things! Now I'm off to find a real vigilante movie to cleanse my soul of this mess.

P. S there's a scene when the two girls are at a diner, eating, and one of the girls asked her killer friend, why do you hate men so much,? Were you abused as a child? The crazy girls response was, yes, and she goes into this long spill about being passed around to her father's boyfriends and getting an STD, and her mama not caring. The she busted out laughing, saying it was a joke. Her childhood was perfect. Right then and there she should've known her friend was crazy and left her high and dry at that diner but no, she just plays along with her. Danielle Panabaker paid the naïve character and I like her. But her talent was wasted in this film .
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ReSet (2022)
Started Out Great...Then Went All Over The Place...
22 February 2024
The movie started out, very promising, and I did like the main character. I felt like a lot of his backstory was missing of why he was the way he was. For a while, you feel for the guy because he seems so traumatized and injured, at the same time that doesn't give him the right to project that onto others. I don't like to do spoilers so... Like I said, in the title, it started off very promising. It gets right to the point, but then midway through there is a lot of flashbacks and back-and-forth dreams that seemed to be confusing... In fact, I found myself rewinding the movie more than once, to see if I missed anything. There's also a scene with a drink and a roofie, but it doesn't show how it got there, again it makes you rewind the movie to make sure you didn't miss anything. I really liked the main male actor and I would love to see him in other films. This movie is good for a one time watch.
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Wild at Heart (1990)
23 March 2023
I love Nicolas Cage! And I will watch almost anything He is in at least once! I mainly watched this though for the legendary Calvin Lockhart, he was a famous 70s actor who had a cameo in here. He played his Reggie in this film. I cannot believe he took part in this trash, as they say, he must've really needed the money. It was very disappointing to see him in this trash. It was very graphic from the first scene, I had to turn my head, a lot a lot of unnecessary graphic violence in the sale. I'm surprised they showed that in the 90s! I remember the Director saying 300 people walked out of the screening. I can see why! I would've walked out to. But I pushed through and watched it anyway, I understood the love meaning in the story and the Wizard of Oz connections , but to me it was too violent to express the story, and I have a strong stomach lol! I would not watch this again and I would've been upset if I had to pay for this. Watch at your own risk and it's definitely not for kids. I don't like to leave spoilers for those who want to watch it.
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6 March 2023
We have all this blood and gore, torturing a woman and two innocent little kids, as a lot of the comments said they were hell of annoying, lol, but hell I would be screaming too, if some masked monster was chasing me with an ax. All that with no reason as to why! There's no WHY to the story, a stupid movie with no plot. The suspense was good, but all that build up to. ...NOTHING! This movie held my attention, but took me nowhere. And the ending was absolutely ridiculous! A one time watch out of curiosity. There's so many things not answered, to me, a good movie is like a puzzle. You should be able to put it together piece by piece. It may take longer for others, but theres a puzzle with pieces missing never to be found. That's what this movie was like. I didn't put what the missing pieces were because of course I don't want to spoil it for those who still want to give it a chance.
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Intriguing... Yet Very Slow Thriller.
6 October 2022
Intriguing yet very slow thriller. I was very excited to see this movie because Donald Sutherland is excellent in whatever he's in! The previews looked really good. And it started out very good. This is a nice slow psychological thriller. It has more to do with their supernatural help from beyond the grave, Do you wonder if it's really happening or if it's in the young man's mind.. Like I said the acting is great! Especially the bond between the main two characters, the young boy and the old man, I don't like to give away spoilers of what the bond is, the relationship between the young boy and the old man grows over a few years time, To where, by the middle of the film the little boy is now a teenager, still bonding with the old man, Like a grandfather/grandson type of relationship. But after about 45 minutes it fizzled out and different things happen, but it's so slow that it can be irritating to some, especially with this being labeled a thriller. It holds your attention but takes you nowhere. My five stars was for the main two characters, their bond was awesome and actually beautiful to watch. I expected more exciting things to happen towards the end, but it kind of just fizzle out. All in all good for one time watch. If you watch this relaxing on the couch you may actually doze off lol. I had actually watched it twice to see what I missed first time round to put the final pieces of the puzzle together., If you miss one or two words of the dialogue it will throw the whole story off to you, you really have to pay attention to everyone's dialogue, it is very important to the story.! Also the ending wasn't bad at all...just slow🙄!

P. S. If you are expecting an "Horror" film... you'll be disappointed indeed!
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23 September 2022
This was one of my favorite movies growing up! This movie is how justice should be dispensed! Lol it stars the late great Rod Steiger and Isaac Hayes and the lovely Laura Hamilton. Rod Steiger was so good at this it was years before I realized it was him playing a major role😂. It is a must watch, it is hard to find. I finally got the chance to download it. Amazon used to have it but the license expired so they're trying to get it back. If you can catch this movie, it is an excellent black comedy. A lot of up-and-coming actors That weren't well known at the time, but well known now are in this. Commenter raegan_butcher said it best when they said Ron Steigers character somehow managed to be funny, sad, sweet, righteous, warped and malevolent-- sometimes all in one scene.😂 That description was so accurate LOL. Whenever I'm down and sad and just need a laugh, I watch this movie.
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16 September 2022

It was nice to see a film with super natural elements as the reason to survival. It's like both of these children used their gifts together to survive. All the children actors were absolutely phenomenal! Especially the brother and sister. Ethan Hawke shines as always. A must watch... I never seen the sinister films,so I can't compare them. I don't like gory horror type movies. I like psychological thrillers where your imagination takes you to the strange places. I know a lot of people complained about a lack of the backstory. But the Director said they didn't want much of one as to how and why, they just got straight to the point and the climax of the film. I hear they are now working on a prequel to create more of a backstory.
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Sollers Point (2017)
Absolute Trash!!!
31 August 2022
What in the entire hell was this mess?! Holds your attention but takes you nowhere... No resolution in the end. I think it's sad that a review needs 600 characters. As if this terrible movie didn't take enough of my time! I actually only watched it because I like Jim Belushi. 1:43 minutes OFF MY LIFE!

What in the entire hell was this mess?! Holds your attention but takes you nowhere... No resolution in the end. I think it's sad that a review needs 600 characters. As if this terrible movie didn't take enough of my time! I actually only watched it because I like Jim Belushi. 1:43 minutes OFF MY LIFE!
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For Charlene (2021)
Vigilante Justice Indeed.
13 August 2022
This is more like a short story or mini film. The film was only 43 minutes long. It's about a child who's kidnapped and murdered by some generic mobsters. And the parents take the law into their own hands to make it right. I would've liked for the film to be a little longer and it still was a couple of parts that I wish the dots were connected to. But overall not a bad film. I look forward to other projects from the people in this film. I would like to watch it again just to connect the dots that I couldn't connect before. It doesn't drag go on, it happens at a very fast pace and cuts right to the chase! And the ending will surprise you ... in a good way. I gave it a 10 in spite of its flaws because to me vigilante justice is better than none. Especially when it comes to justice for the children. We wouldn't need vigilante justice if everyone done their jobs!
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Gone (I) (2012)
Great build up! STUPID ENDING!!!
2 June 2022
Great build up! STUPID ENDING! Sickening character! As tempting as it is, you just don't show up anywhere waving your gun around in strangers faces, Breaking into their stores and bum rushing teenagers,especially when they are trying to help you. By the time the ending came I didn't give a damn anymore! The main character was truly stupid. And the cops were on a whole nother level of stupid ! 30 cops couldn't catch one chick waving a gun and on two high speed chases ! Dumb! Dumb! Just dumb!
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Katt Williams: World War III (2022 TV Special)
The First Half Hour was "Pure Brilliance"
19 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a diehard Katt Williams, But I have always given him his flowers. During the pandemic I watched a lot of his stuff because I could used to laugh. So when my sister let me know about this new Netflix special, no questions asked, I watched it. The first half hour, it was great and had me in stitches. A lot of people are complaining about politics and religion, but that's Katts style, He has always given his opinion on God and politics in his own unique way. This is what made his comedy unique in my opinion.

Every special I have seen of his and I've seen at least five of them, he has always talked about politics and religion, way before it became the woke cultures thing, and he always does it without taking sides. To this day we don't know who the hell he voted for and we don't care. He shoots straight from the hip as far as both sides go. Like he said, we are not America, America is us. LOL that's what made his comedy so different in my opinion, the difference this time is it was an imbalance. He strayed too much into religion, too much into politics, too much into women's vaginas ', And merged these topics together during the last half hour of the show. LOL the last half hour he was all over the place it's like he strayed off the road and ran into a ditch, instead of straying off the road and getting back on. At least he looked healthy and not high. So to me that was a plus. Also to point out being a woman of color, I notice a lot of commoners who are African-Americans didn't like where he went with the religion part this show . I can understand why they would say that, lol but again his comedy has always been risky like that. But of course he totally was blasphemous to some people by joking about the The garden of Eden and Adam and Eve were committing incest by being together, that threw a lot of people off. That wasn't my first time hearing that, he had said this on Larry King back in 2011. It seems like this was just the first time he made Political punchline out of it! It rubbed a lot of Christians the wrong way. I noticed that's what a lot of people that watched the special didn't like about the show.
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The Bobby DeBarge Story (2019 TV Movie)
6 April 2022
Bobby my love, you deserve so much better than this! I pray you get it one day. This was not it. I'm all for our people getting work, God bless the actors. The story should have least been a mini series. And don't even get me started on those wigs, the fake looking wigs which I noticed a lot of people commented on, took away from the realness of the story. It was like people were playing dress-up and having an awful costume party and they didn't even tell not even 25% of what Bobby went through and shared only 10% of what his talent was.... and so many things in the movie was actually proven false so that also was a disappointment. For those who knew Bobby personally and his struggles, a lot of scenes more disappointing because it wasn't what happened, so we're not even looking at a real biography here, just something somebody threw together. And again Bobby DeBarge deserved better then this.
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Gramps (1995 TV Movie)
Ole Gramps Is A MENACE!!!
14 March 2022
This movie is one of my favorites! I had taped it off of TV back in the 90s when it first came out. Then I had bought the DVD years later. It was awesome to see Andy Griffith step outside the box. John Ritter and Andy Griffith are both Legends, therefore this movie should be re-released so everyone can enjoy the work they did together. Top-notch Thriller, it wasn't underdone or overdone! It was just right! I don't want to give any spoilers, because I want you guys to check it out. Let's just say the estranged grandpa reconnects with his son and meets his grandson, and nobody, will stand in the way of them being a family!. YouTube just got the movie about two weeks ago. Amazon is trying to work out a publishing deal with the company so they can get it on their Prime.
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Mom and Dad (2017)
Two Stars For The Kid Actors/Actresses
11 July 2021
I just cannot wrap my mind around this movie & how someone would think it would be a good comedy for parents to lose their minds and KILL their children for an unknown reason. The movie left us with no reason, why the parents lost their minds, it ended it in the middle with no resolution!. I have never been so pissed after a movie! I love Nicolas Cage, even in his bad movies! But this one was ridiculous, I gave the stars for the kids, their acting chops were great! They did the best with what they had to work with. One part of the movie I found really disgusting was when the woman literally almost squeezed her newborn baby to death! I almost stopped watching after that, but I kept going to see if we were going to find out why all hell broke loose, & why parents were hurting their children. We never got those answers. PS it was a pleasant surprise to see Lance Henriksen from Pumpkinhead, he had a small but brutal role LOL.
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Beautiful Yet Horrific ...
24 June 2021
As a 48 year old black woman with a multiracial background, I know a lot about diversity and I always love learning, the good, and the bad because you know who and what to stay away from. This documentary was very beautiful, yet very horrific because the treatments Robert received was horrific! Can you imagine being turned down by 2 dozen Doctors because of how you identify?! The movie / documentary touched me on so many levels. You care for the people, you care for what they are going through, By the end of the documentary/movie, it hits you these are REAL PEOPL AFFECTED! Not characters playing a role, that this actually happend to them!
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The Apostle (1997)
Can I Get An AMEN!!!?
3 May 2021
Excellent movie! Excellent! Being raised in a Southern Pentecostal background, I understood & appreciated the work that went into this film! It is the balance of spirit/emotional guidance, it shows that a perfect man doesn't exist, but one who's trying to be perfect, a human being who's trying to balance his life good vs Evil. He knows he must account for his crimes & his sins! He does not try to run from it! What he does try to do is do as much good as he can to even things out & help others along the way. It's a must-watch for any human being, it doesn't matter if you Christian or atheist! Whatever you choose to be, anyone with a good Compassionate Heart would love this movie! Believe it or not, it's not too preachy & what I mean by that is, it's not a Hellfire /Damnation message, it is a try & do right by others message, not because it will get you into heaven but because it's just the right thing to do!! Acknowledge your mistakes/sins & fix them, it's as simple as that! It was also refreshing to know most of the cast weren't seasoned actors, but real church members & Louisiana residents, & you could tell, you could feel it. This movie gave me chills when I watched it 20-plus years ago, and gave me chills when I watched it again recently, it also was June Cash's last film. And also Robert Duvall had been working on this movie for over 25years! Great job Robert! Personally I thought he should have won the Oscar over Jack Nicholson's As Good As It Gets, that's just my opinion.

For the commenters who said it's too disturbing to see so many religious people because he was an atheist... Suck it up buttercup, because we're not disturbed by YOU at all! Stop trying to break Believers down because we're not trying to break you down or force feed you!. We could care less what you do or don't believe in. (Major eye roll)
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Relic (2020)
25 April 2021
Please stop taking Alzheimer's, and trying to turn it into disgusting, gothic horror film. This is the third film that I know of that has done this. Turning frail all the ladies into monsters to make money off this terrible disease ! JUST STOP IT! Too many family members have loved ones who have suffered from this this, It's nothing to be made light of at all. Leave Stephen King tactics out of this one! I noticed they are doing the same thing with the pandemic making films about "covid-24" and all that other mess. Just stop it ! If anything make fun movies, things to keep us off illness, not to add to the depression of it all. IDIOTS!
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Overated Trash
22 April 2021
Disgusting, vile, vulgar overated trash! Alot of sex... A lot of killing! A sadistic perverts dream! And I am a fan of the actors in This film. I just did not care for this film. I didn't care for it in my teens, I don't care for it in my forties.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Lost Interest After Season Four!!!
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I lost interest in this show after they killed off Mr. Kaplin in season 4! Her charter and back-story was pure magic! I only made it halfway through season 5! Haven't watched it since! I'm surprised it's lasted so many seasons, I know that's because of James Spader. Along with millions of other viewers Lizzie Works my last nerve. Redd should have put a bullet in her head a long time ago! She's pathetic!
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