
31 Reviews
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Wonka (2023)
Great actors and acting, great musicals, and overall super good!
17 January 2024
To be honest, I was a bit hyped to the movie, and it bought every expectation to reality. Very nice, charming, heartwarming and just a nice classical story, with great decor, acting and every else.

So. In longer text. The acting is great. Really, amazing. It really brings it. Their clothing, great. Their singing, very nice. Amazed. Can't say more because it's spoilers, but very catchy and pulls you in.

The decor is amazing and so is the cinematography. The picture just looks great. Everything on it. The colors, the classical looks, the clothing again, very well going together and just satisfying to watch.

What else? Lots of other things. The story is really nice too. The emotional things and even waves are also. There is a reason why I gave 10/10.

It's not super super serious, but still, very nice, and the audience -which were mostly if not all adults -, were laughing and in cheer.
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Strange Magic (2015)
A very nice love story
4 September 2023
Watching in 2023. The story is well written. The plot and the universe is well written. The characters are really well played. The design, mood of locations are super nice. Overall, I really enjoyed this cartoon and had a great time.

The characters and how they are modelled, animated, is very enjoyable. Their character play is really nice. Their banter, the way they speak, I loved it a lot.

The story is a love story and adventure. The creatures are really nice, quite cute. Great body language and facial animations. The mood of the locations are really nice. The developments of characters and how they find love is adorable and quite a good, warm, heartfelt feeling.

I very much enjoyed it. I loved the characters, the story, and the love of it. The singing was quite nice. A very good experience.
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The Orville: Mortality Paradox (2022)
Season 3, Episode 3
Disappointing, this is not Seth Macfarlane's Orville. Mediocre and Corporate.
20 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was hard to watch, and felt like an imitation of how someone would think an Orville episode looks like. The humor too, feels like someone who looks at Seth's humor, and tries to replicate it, but didn't really like it.

  • Walking into the same trap they already did once before.

  • Just random things happening. Not discovery, curiosity, or any else. Just randomness.

  • The whole thing feels like some big company bought them, has lots of money, set the standard of production, but does mediocre corporate product.

  • Seth hates cgi, yet the show is full of it. Why? He expressed, that he loved the old models, like SW and ST had. So what changed all of a sudden? Pretty sure wasn't his choice. Big studios love expensive, but bad quality soulless cgi.

  • Super expensive sets that have no point, but being
a camera shot, and empty space. Previously this wasn't a thing. This serves no purpose.

  • They straight up bully Isaac in this episode. What kind of command is this?

  • Hidden pc-ish propaganda. Seth is a normal person, not a
company trying to virtue signal. Virtue signaling is not a commoner thing, as every normal person can see through of it, except for big companies, who love the pretense.

  • It smells like incompetent middle and upper management. People who don't care, don't know their job, and are just "bench holders". It has nothing to do with fans or professionals.

  • Professionalism lost for small jokes.

  • Unnecessary action, pointless action, and just action story,
for no reason. Feels exactly like how big studios make mediocre shows based on nostalgia and big titles.

  • These are not Seth's jokes or writing, he doesn't write or do,
things like this.

  • Science is magic, now the scanners just tell everything,
no discovery, no curiosity, stuff is there.

  • The team is very unprofessional. Touching and pushing everything.

These are still navy personal, smart, trained to be careful, and much more. Not just random civilians.

  • Inconsistent writing and characters.

  • Cursing, sometimes yes, but this just feels like bad writing and out of place.

  • Just really bad and low quality cgi.

I'm sorry to say this to be honest. But this is the third episode and hard to watch. This is not the creation of Seth and he has no creative will in this production. It is obvious. It is sad. Orville was a great show. Seth's fan ship is not in the show, neither his directing. Something happened behind the scenes, and I would expect a corporate take over. This is entirely not his personality.

The purchased corporate reviews are disturbing too. They are so obvious too. Bland and soulless. The same thing happened on youtube with SW8. So I would expect it's the same company.
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The Orville: Electric Sheep (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
The Discussion of Suicide
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Two things, people can be faulty when someone does suicide and others feelings are a selfish viewpoint.

For one, most of the ship's crew is responsible. It's okay to have feelings, but not okay to give someone constant harassment. The woman in question is angry, but she forgets why she is alive. All of them do. That man betrayed everything that he was programmed to do so, his home, his whole nation, to save them. He has nowhere to go, neither back, nor join these people. The Keylon would've succeeded without Isaac. That was the original plan. It would make sense to give a speech at least, addressing this issue before the crew. They are venting their frustration and anger on an easy target.

Secondly, when someone kills themselves, they don't do it for "what others would feel". This is a thing said by the victims, but not very persuasive. People who commit suicide often don't see a way out. Which of course is untrue, as people are always boxed in their own heads, own little prison. Money for example, does not exist. Why are many afraid of it, or it not being? Life goes on. It did for the last 10 000 years. Sometimes they are boxed in their heads, because of mental illness. Depression, melancholy. Sometimes, they tell themselves awful thing, think of awful things to ruin their own mood. Discomfort followed by frustration, frustration, by hatred, and than apathy. Leading down the road of melancholy and hopelessness. It took me physical pain, like I cut something in my head, to silence those awful voices telling me bad things. They are still there, but so much easier to silence now.

People don't understand that they are boxed in, till they are out of the melancholy. But to get out of the melancholy, they would need to be out. This is what is really hard. Getting out with melancholy. However, sometimes just going out of the city, in the meadows, forests, nature, and chilling, forgetting things and not caring is the solution. As the city, the human medium, can often be the source of melancholy. The incoming dread of deadline, the tomorrow work, the neighbor, the whatever else. The caring for the human medium. The artificial stress, problem and drama. They are manmade creations. Getting away from it, to a natural medium is very healing. This can be hard at places like Tokyo or New York, where the concrete is layed many kilometers long in every direction. But this is just another layer of comfort zone . Another "box", another chain, another prison, another lie. Leave it. Care not. There is a reason why people in the countryside are more mentally healthier. Sleep naked. Do fun things. A bit of flour-dough rested in oil, salted, makes a great delicacy. Bake it in an oven. Try out things. Get new input.

Many who ends themselves have regrets. The medics know it. Not all mental sickness or melancholy is so easily suppressed. Some people have very seriously bad things happening in their life. Beating beaten, bullied, or being abused. Living in the bad neighborhood. Being hurt in the workplace, but not having another choice. But in this the show is right. Every person is very precious. Despite my flaws, I am loved by some. It's a thing we share. Keep trying. Also, it's a realization: I thought, I was the only one so super happy, that I was clapping in my chair, when a girl said yes to my date. But she was just as happy. In this, the show is right. People are precious, they are made in pairs too. It's taking away from the other one and a toll on others. Probably, this does not help on those, who are in a bad relationship, and sad because of that. If you can, let go, if you are with the bad person. If you can't, I hope you get out in a way that is not suicide. You are deserving and very lovable.

The show wishes to give condolences to the victims, but it made me feel, like it misses the point of the discussion.
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Worse than Amateurish
7 January 2022
I watched Season 2. Amateurish writing at best, low framerate (sometimes 3-4), missing sound clips, woke propaganda. Bad characters, drastic personality changes from minute to minute, self-centric characters. Self-denying universe and logic, plotholes, and general destruction of a franchise. The worst is the self-centered hysterics and rants of a main character, mixed with political messages.

The writer should've understood, that there is the story, and story elements that help move the story forward, gives a frame, in which a story could be built and told. In this case, the genre, Sword & Planet, Grayskull, the Sword, are the story element, that helps the writer move the story forward, or write stories in the universe. But the writer here, didn't understood this, and thought that Grayskull and the Sword are the story. Which is a very bad start.

The second big flaw is the animation and sound, but still not the worst. The animation is sometimes a moving background, with the characters standing still, and lip-synch making very visible frame-by-frame jumps, like a slideshow. The visuals and effects are great, but the animation often very low-frame rate. At some fight scenes, you can see the different images, instead of fluid movement. The weapons do not make sounds when they hit each other, or very dimly. A lot of things do not have sounds, or barely any. Which is weird, because at other scenes, even steps have sound.

The last thing, and worst is the characters, and the political message. Most of the season one characters, are genuinely useless. The main character has constant rants and hysterics. Their actions have no negative consequences. Instead of the "heroes journey" they get cool gadgets and random Mary Sue power ups. The universe and it's rules do not matter. There is no training and they have to fight for nothing.

But meanwhile, the male characters, main and side, are outstandingly supportive, helpful, nice, do the heavy lifting, the emotional support, and they get trashed for it and blamed for everything. Than the female characters get the power ups and lead like in season one, with outrageously ugly hairstyles. Female characters do nothing but trouble, and get promoted for it. I also dislike how female characters use their sexuality as a weapon, like it's a good thing, while it is shameful, honor less and primitive behavior.

The basic rules set for the universe just do not work, as they are constantly walked over and ruined. Those rules were set, so there is a frame and boundary, in which a story can be told. It's not too much, not too little. So a character can have a journey, have hardships, and moments. So the character can learn or develop it's skills, deal with it's flaws or further them. So there is a story. Which just doesn't happen.
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A pretty nice movie!
26 October 2021
I really liked this one. I looked into the movie, and a couple scenes really just catched me. After that, I just kept watching. It's a one thing lead to another, with a variety of characters, and a medieval setting.

There are a lot of emotions that are visualized, that I really liked. The interaction, the banter inbetween the characters. The acting is very good. The story is simple, a one thing lead to another structure, built set by set, and such progresses throughout. It's a lot like a theatre play, but without it's limitations.

The fighting scenes are also pretty good, there is plenty of action. The actors are doing a very good job, they are obviously veterans. The characters and their interactions are done well. The settings and decorations are very good, rougher, more like how old movies used to be.

Overall, I really liked the movie.
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Little Nicky (2000)
An old classic
23 October 2021
A lot of people likes or dislikes this movie, mainly because people take themselves too seriously, as seen by the comments. This is a comedy. It's making people laugh with dirty jokes and fooling around.

It's a pretty light movie, easy to watch, easy to spend time with.

The characters are pretty good, making fun of stereotypes in writing and such. The story is similar in this, built on the typical heroes journey, but with a twist. The actors are pretty good too, everyone bringing their part, each pretty unique from each other, the play is pretty good.

I think some of the best is the customs and the design, the set. Hell is colorful, bright red and black, heaven is white, but the middle ground is concrete grey, city brown, and the park. A very nice change for the eye inbetween sets. Someone built this really well.

Overall I like this movie, because it does not have great expectations. It's just simple, light jokes. I often watch movies in english, instead of dub, and complex jokes either fall flat on their face, because it's just not funny for me, too much effort for a little turn, or I don't even understand how it was supposed to be funny. Not in this case. It's clean, and understandable. It's not over-over-pulled like most american jokes are.

I liked this movie a lot.
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Hellboy (2019)
I expected much worse, pretty good.
30 June 2021
Overall I really liked it. It's a new kind of Hellboy movie.

I was very surprised by it to be honest. I expected a much worse experience. The film was entertaining. It had really good moments, great actors, some weird stuff, but it was nice. The CGI monsters are pretty good, the fight scenes and camerawork too. There are a lot of very nice and realistic characters, seems to be either figurine, animatronics or something else. There is also a debate and a couple philosophical thought.

Cons: Near the end of the movie, things look good, but there is 1 CGI that is not so good. Some of the characters seem a bit comic reliefy, too humorous, to release the tension and lift the movie from the darkness. Which is understandable, or else it would be very dark.

Overall I had a good experience.
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Primal (2019– )
Outstanding Experience
13 October 2020
I just watched the first episode of the show. The Emotion. The Characters. The Picture! I felt it from start to end and it felt great.

Very immersive, the story really grabs you, makes you think and makes you.. feel. I was just sitting here "common dude, you can do it, don't give up". The struggle is.. relatable? No. It makes you empathetic.

I really recommend it.
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Doom Patrol (2019– )
Very good, raw, keeps you on your toes. Excellent
23 August 2020
I didn't know what to expect first. So I started watching it. Every moment of it is mystery and interest. Can be a bit shadowy, or even boring at the start, the first 5-10 minutes, as all things are amix. Everything is foggy.

But as the story goes on, as every event goes on, as more and more things happen, the more you catch up. The more invested are you in the world and it's characters.

It's entertaining.
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I loved it. Everything about it.
23 August 2020
The show was outstanding. The writting, amazing. The show pulls you in, the characters are interesting and they are constantly developing. The emotional ups and downs, as the story unfolds, as the adventure goes on... I loved every minute of it. I was really invested in this show. I really loved it.

My only regret that it is over.
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Harley Quinn (2019– )
I enjoyed every moment of it.
4 March 2020
The twisted mind of Harley Quinn, and her point of view. The representation and dark jokes of realworld issues, abuse and the like. The sex jokes. The normality in unnormality. I just loved the romance, it was fitting. I loved every part of it.

No plotholes, no missfitting characters, very good experience.
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Pretty nice
19 June 2019
I wouldn't give a 10/10, but it is definitely MIB, and it's a pretty good watch. My only criticism that they should bring more professionality into the role of the MIB.

Beside that they catched the universe pretty well, brought plenty of new, the acting and aliens were pretty good. I did not like some of the "female" things. Woman in black sounds like a funeral. That's why it's Man in Black. Human in black sounds even stranger.

Overall I was inbetween 7 and 8, but it I would say due to lore, it's an 8. Maybe would add less fancy, more metal and MIB style.
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This is how Spider-Man IS
23 April 2019
Whoever made this.. he/she understood what Spider-Man is. The concept, the aspect.. on point.

What a lot of Spider-Man movies lack is the soul of writting. In this movie we could understand the will to do good, the duty, the soul, the humanity, and the fragility.

Spider-Man is so confident, not because of birthright and not because he is good at humour, but because he is just a simple man. He makes the act to be confident, he does like he is not afraid. He acts like a hero, not because he feels like it, but because people around him need to feel it.

His bravery comes from his fears and fragility. His strength is only a means to an end for a writter to get him where the villains are. So he could be where you could not get to. But when he is there? He isn't bulletproof. He isn't safe from weapons even as simple as knifes. He is just like you. He grabs that opportunity and use it. Simply because that's the right thing to do.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Wow this is awesome!
9 March 2019
I never would've thought that a sci-fi, comedy series made by Seth MacFarlane can be this good.. and it is this good. I heard he was currently making the Family Guy, but this is just the next level. This is not just comedy.. not at all.

The suspense, the mission, the discovery, the enemies, the characters. Really good. The story itself, the people in it, the characters. Some character are like Teal'c, smart, wise, not talkative, but also there is this alien girl who is super cute, awesome, and a brawler.

The story elements fit together. The characters fit really good. It is a very enjoyable series that has a lot of good moments, mixed with some humour. Not bad humour. Really good humour. The sets? Very good. CGI? Absolutely.

I can only recommend it.
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6 March 2019
The movie covers a lot of very emotional subjects and in a very immersive, expressive way. It looks at real problems, class differences because of technological oppression, and just really touches the human soul.

The story keeps you at edge, on guard, sceptical all the time, worrying, but also hoping. It makes you wish that you could give your knowledge, hope, and creativity to those people, because they are not exactly bad - they are - but rather lost, or incapable of better.

To see that even in dump like this hope and a desire for the better still hits his head up.. is just great, inspiring and really speaks of human nature. The villain of course takes advantage of it. The writer obviously acts upon this like an adult and handles this realisticly. No way out, no magical good luck, no going back. You ruined it, you broke it.. it will stay like that.
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Watchmen (2009)
A bit too much, too vague, too long
9 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The show has it's absolute pro's, such as some characters, like Roschack, Dr. Manhattan, The Nightguy. The setting is pretty good too. There are a lot of good things, hard to grasp, but it's there. The politics, the grim, the power, all of them fits pretty well. Than there is the philosophy.. and the story.

I also feel, that some things are just.. bad, out of place. Especially the philosophy. The thoughts, the ideas, which the movie is trying to imagine or screen are just bad. Sometimes childish. It feels forced, it feels long. Most of them could be summed up easily, and answered in the same way. It falls flat on the face. It was so hard to watch through all the scenes and explanations that were put together like some childlike idea, which than was kept being pulled longer and longer.

The story... well.. Not the best. The start and lead up was good. An afterworld of the hero era with some remainders and political influence. Not realistic political influence or put together. More like a wash up. But okay.

Than came the mid part and the end. The animation was good, but out of place and explaining way too much. I was happy to see it, but absolutely unnecessary in this form. The whole Adrian thing is just bad at best. The whole Dr. Manhattan as the "uniting enemy" is just stupid. It's.. faulty at every stage. To put such a scrapped together ending to such a long and mixed together movie.. well.. a bit disappointing.

So I would say the first hour is exciting, interesting, than downhill from then. I didn't like how there are gangs with Roschack around. It makes no sense. He is like a sociopath Batman. How are they even alive? How he died was emotionally touching. I'm not sure if.. it was sound. But I really liked his character and the actor did a great job, his death was emotional. I would say he was the max of the story.
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A well done movie.
7 June 2018
A good movie. It was done really well, and I really recommend it to everyone. As a fan I was honestly suprised. It's the original trilogy level. After the whole fiasco with Disney and Star Wars 8, most people didn't expect a good movie, and that will be seen on sales. But this movie is what Star Wars needed. A hope, a base, a pillar for the franchise. A sign that there is a will behind the Star Wars.

If I could snap my finger and make magic come true, than I would give the new trilogy to this man (Ron Howard), these writters ( Jonathan Kasdan, Lawrence Kasdan), and this team.

Actors: They did a really good job. They had good scripts too. You can see human characteristics on the role they are playing. You can feel emotions, doubt, thinking. When a character is in a.. danger, you can see him trying to find a way out, like a rat trapped in a cage. I feel the characters were at a good place at good times. Their roles made me feel good.

The robot scared me though. He seemed to be a feminist character. But later I realised that it is a symbol for it and what will happen to him, but also his stand is clear in case of lore.

Enviroment: I will not spoiler. It is great. Simple, but very efficient. The first days of the empire troopers are top notch.

I will close the review here, it was a great movie. The Star Wars community really needed this.
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Mixed but notewhorty
22 April 2018
Pros: + Exploring the universe / World Building + Pretty good fights, dialogues + Enjoyable movie experience overall + Good music, very good filming + Good, big, open scenes, no shakes, no "camera-cuts" and other camera-work half-works

  • A bit of from the point of the original
  • The Jaeger do not have weights, some would fall flat,
yet they fly.
  • A bit of plotholes and hard to explains with the new enviroment
  • A bit teenagery, open audience
  • A bit too much Transformers
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Bright (I) (2017)
An Enjoyable Creation
3 January 2018
First of all, it's a typical Will Smith type of movie.

It's an enjoyable title, the actors are good, the masks, fantasy set is pretty good. The story itself is a normal street-police chase with some fantasy elements.

It would be an avr. movie (7/10) if not for the fantasy style. It really does good to the movie, brings a bits of refreshment, excitement and kind of shakes the old genre up.

If you do not like the american style cop chasing, ghetto/slum, dirty cops etc.. than I don't recommend it, because it might bore you or not interest you. In my country.. we do not have this. It doesn't even exist. The american slums. If something like this makes you feel bad, than I also don't recommend it.

Overall the art was good, the music very nice. The picture of things.. good. The design elements, also very good. The story is a bit sloppy, unoriginal of course and maybe old. The acting is great though.
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As a movie, under-average.
17 December 2017
For those who want to watch this movie, pro-s and con-s. Pro:
  • I think the actors did a great job. They show good feelings, they are not boring to watch, they do well.
  • The movie has a good comedy to it.
  • Some okay sci-fi movie to watch.
  • It has very good design, very good interiors, scenes, and brilliant effects.
  • I guess it's an okay Star Wars film for fans.

  • The movie is boring. Not for me, but for my family of not fans.
If you want to take the kids and the family to this.. unless they are fans, just don't. Even as a Star Wars fan, there have been those moments of "okay".
  • The plot is horrible and badly written. The main line of happenings are so forcefully put together that not in a sci-fi, in Star Wars, or in a real-world logic can it stand it's way. You would not expect this low-quality from a Disney movie.
  • The side plots and happenings are even worse. All the great moments are ruined by a slap on the forehead. "What was the writer thinking?"
  • The sci-fi elements are often horrible. The ships are just bad designs.
  • The space battles are an "okay" at best. They are small, illogical, forced and alien to the genre.
  • The final acts are bad from every possible point of view. They are weak.
They are a slap on the tummy type of bad.

  • If you had problems viewing the previous Star Wars movie, just download this one. It's much worse. As a fan, when I saw the Nebulon-C and that star fighters by cannon now can shoot and fly under shields... the middle part is around 3 m in diameter. A couple shots or a torpedo can destroy that and it's thinner than Nebulon-B.

Over all I recommend watching / downloading this as it is a Star Wars movie. But I can't say it will be a good experience.
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Wind River (2017)
Excellent, I really recommend it.
17 September 2017
No spoiler.

Both main lead brings the stuff really well. Side characters are excellent. The writing is really good. The characters are lovable. The topic is great. The excitement, the tension, the action, they are all real.

There are a lot of hints for the viewers. You can easily sympathize and live into the movie. It is dark, but not the "I don't want", "too much" dark. Just the right amount, so you want justice, but also learn from it, you grow somewhat.

Excellent for adults.. but too much for kids. 18-20+ is a minimum for this. I'm not kidding. It's not that deep, but under that.. it's just not whole.

I recommend this movie. It was well worth the ticket.
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Very good, enjoyable, action filled
22 May 2017
The movie was very good, I really enjoyed it. The actors were great, the plot was good, the magic and witches refreshed - more in the buff and chant, less in the glass cannon idea.

The main reason I write this review, because of other negative reviews. I do not think that the reviews mirror the reality. So please let me debunk that.

The CGI is good, not over-excellent, over the top.. it's CGI. Very good looking, at some places a bit lacking but well edited when it comes to action and chanting. The story is good. Makes the mood, gives you empathy, let's you feel through of it.. yet it goes well with nowadays. Of course it's a 2 hour movie, don't expect world-end, but it has a lot. The world building is also great. We can see the world of witches, the world of man, the collision, the mix. At some places there are moments that make you think, why they do that, how that comes together.. at some other places you see war-thorn witches, very old.. which are just hints as in how did that happen? Would they be black magic users, they would be in prison forever. So it does have that. The characters have development, they work well together. The script is well done, it has seriousness, thoughts, funny moments - "Let me see you do that with an iPad." Very good. The actors.. now.. here a lot of people didn't like things. Vin Diesel plays more of the father type in his 50ies, of course without family, which play out very well. Michael Caine does a very good job, you can feel the chemistry but the gap between the worlds. It's a bit distracting, but also good, because it is also written as such. Caine is an old man, probably 60-80ies, typical old British gentleman who lived over his life, adventures, strife, etc. Which clashes with Vin-s character, since he cannot find peace or happiness. Very good. Than comes other characters - no spoilers - they do a very good job. I really liked how both the side characters had their own side feelings, they weren't cast-ed as how they look, but as what they lived. It's a surprise. Really liked Rose-s playfulness, good movements, body language. Elijah did excellent. He will surprise you too - again no spoiler - with his strong standing up and hardened stature.

I don't really have more to say. It's very well done, and I really enjoyed it. I recommend it.
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This was amazing.
18 December 2016
The movie is amazing! It binds you into the chair. The characters are amazing, the story is well written. The fight scenes both on the ground and in space are beautiful.

Nothing is forced, everything as it should be. The movie is credible, it fits both for SW and normal viewers. I'm not sure of plot holes or small things etc, have to wait for smarter viewers.

A movie experience from which you can walk out happily and satisfied. It's a fine movie. May the force be with you, always. it seems I still need two more lines to make this an acceptable review. So.. The weather effects were amazing. The darkness was Star Wars like, and not the blind darkness you see in most movies. I know the critics like that because it's "realistic", but I didn't bought my ticket to stare at a black blank canvas for two hours.

The weapon fire and weapon usage really improved. I like how it has a soul. It's not just the effect, but the shooting itself. Really good. What else? The star ship! Most space movies love to be small on the variety, but this! A real fan service for Star Wars fans, and for sci-fy lovers the better. You can see so many different vehicles! Both in space and on the landing pads. One can believe that armies are fighting not just x wings and tie fighters.
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Every line is sewed, every thought is ended!
14 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I know a lot hates the Prequels, for a lot of reason. Some is as how they show the things we heard about in the Originals. They are entirely different, than what we imagined. This is what I like. That the episodes show how things escalated, and that how things turned so black & white.

  • First of all, Darth Vader. We all heard of how good he was as a Jedi Knight. A great warrior, a great general and a Jedi. But especially this episode shows how untrue that is, and how it is mostly nostalgia from the old Jedi. He wasn't a good Jedi, he had a wife. Which lead him to the dark side.. which is why Jedi aren't allowed to marry in most cases. He was young, he was passionate, he was smart and powerful. But these are the things that lead him to the dark side. But when we hear of him, we imagine an epic young Jedi, very powerful, strong, mighty who was seduced by Palpatine. Which is again not true. Both Clone Wars, canon and this series shows, that the reason Darth Vader is a thing mostly faults at the Jedi and Anakin. I would say even Obi-Wan. He overlooked every dark thing, and he knew about Anakin and Padme. He knew that Anakin has problems because he was once a slave, but nobody done anything. They all ignored it. (Jedi Codex irony)

  • The Great Republic. We heard a lot of great things about it... but honestly, is it even livable? Would most choose to live under the Republic? Corouscant the core of the whole thing is filled with / rotten with - corruption, unlivable places for the poor, and a pretty bad place for the average citizen. Constant strikes, demonstrations. The CIS exists because of the Republic. Outter Rim people being looked down, colonized and used by the Republic. The only good way to make more money, and have a chance for a better future is trading, which the Republic very heavily / extensively taxed. The reason so many people rebelled. Of course, they are far from the good, but how desperate they could be? And what the council did? What the Jedi did? Nothing. Problems comes after problems, they didn't care and when they don't have enough money, because of corruption etc, than they tax even more? This is a thing in the real world, and it's not a good thing.

  • The Jedi Order. We heard so much of it. But.. it's nothing like what we heard. Not at all. They are basically ignorant politicians half the way, than "blinded" by the dark side. Their acts is not at all smart. In the Clone Wars we are going to know even more about things and see how things escalate, but even here we can see all of it! So many fault, so many things the Jedi can't seem to notice. Are they really wise? Smart? No. Far from it. Political guards - shock trooper clones - everywhere in Coruscant. Remember the Separation of Powers? It was made, so no One man could hold the power, but it's there. They are everywhere. We will see more of how deep they are everywhere in CW, but just from this 3 movies we can see it. One man, Palpatine has all 3 line.. but the Jedi never noticed. How is that possible? Many great Jedi Master left the Order, because of these things, and they show it. The Jedi is bad, political, corrupt, not caring. They are doing what they are not supposed to!

  • The Clone War We expected epic battles with Jedi fighting and Clones being bad ass, and so many more thing! But this showed what the war really was. A massacre. A resistance for a well-needed change. The Jedi, basically a force-cult whom are barely military trained compared to clones were generals. Not knights or specially ranked. They were Generals in the war. How? The clones? They were people, but they were killed by the thousands. While the CIS had droid ships and barely any real people on board, every republic cruiser had thousands of clones and they all died. Some of the ships were supposed to land forces (invasion forces probably) and had as much as 16 000 clones on it, but was shot down on orbit! The clones were bred to fight, and had to fight. How is that humane? I understand, you have an army, let them fight we need them anyway. They were bred to be soldiers, and you can't do much about that. Even though it's clear that the enemy ordered the Clones and their hand is in this.. but sure let's use them. Is that smart at all? No, no it isn't. But make more of them? Sacrifice millions of clones that were never given the chance to not fight, because basically you are corrupt. These are not droids, they are people. They die, they get a hole in their stomach, they bleed out. This episode showed that.

Summary: The Jedi is Evil ..and I recommend this movie.
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