
8 Reviews
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From (2022– )
A Bore
28 September 2023
This was a very interesting premise. It went from that to The Actors Studio. Lots of scenes with 2 actors ---- acting. This seems to happen a lot nowadays. Here is the thing, I do not care a flying doughnut if you need to 'express' yourself or showcase your skills as an actor. I really don't. I want a story WITH good acting. I couldn't care less about art.

So that means telling a story that holds my attention. Not a demonstration of the art of drama acting. This usually entails 2 characters intensely talking to each other with lots of emotion and going over stuff from the past which I have zero interest in. Then you wait 5 minutes and you do it again.

The Walking Dead reduced itself to this, so did Marvel's Agents of Shield. Both of which I happily abandoned. TWD outstayed its welcome by about 5 seasons. Shield same thing only with fast walking down corridors to nowhere. I mean really guys do you think we don't notice this stuff??

With From I struggled through the first season thinking no,no, no it will pick up again you'll see.

It didn't.

So I gave up and deleted the 1st season from my hard drive. Unlike Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse and The Sarah Connor Chronicles this was never going to be revisited. GOT or Deadwood this was not. Go do your acting demonstration somewhere else preferably off my screen and in a dingy backstreet theater somewhere. It was like watching Henry Winkler"s character from Barry doing his thing. Please no more.
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Aquaman (2018)
Bad Beyond Belief
11 September 2022
This movie is so stupid it is fit only for little kids. If you are an adult and enjoyed this then you may well need therapy because you obviously didn't make it past puberty.

I watched with an open heart because as a little boy in the 60s one of the very first comic books I read was Aquaman. That and Hawkman who DC have given no space to at all. Then all these years later this travesty emerges. Utter drivel that is reaching for something that was not there in the comic books. He looks different, he acts different, there is this whole Atlantis thing going on. This is not Aquaman. It is just yet another derivative piece of garbage where they can roll out a 'current thing' star to flex his muscles in the avalanche of CGI laced piles of dog poo. This rubbish was so bad I didn't even keep it for posterity and for the sake of completion. You would have to do a Clockwork Orange deal on me with me tied down and my eyes artificially kept open. Yes just as in that movie I too would be convulsively vomiting. It appears that Hollywoke have finally perfected the art of insulting the intelligence of every adult in America nay the world. Is this really how you think we think Mr Producer, director, candlestick maker??

This is garbage of the first order. It isn't even escapist, it is pure rubbish.
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11 September 2022
This is a finely made series. The acting is very good. The reason it is ridiculous is because they are portraying the New England states as if they were deepest darkest Alabama or Mississippi in the midst of Jim Crow.

Just about everything is wrong in the stupid depiction of Massachusetts.

I guess the exaggeration is to be expected when you consider the sister of Jussie Smollett is one of the 'stars'. Nobody was being chased in pickup trucks by gun wielding rednecks in Mass in the 1950s. Where the hell do you think the soldiers came from who died to free the slaves?? That's right - New England.

Was there racism ?? Sure but not like in the south and it wasn't everywhere there either. Look up the State of Jones.

When are people going to get off the victimhood pity party band wagon. Get over it people. Wallowing in your poor treatment 70 years ago isn't helping. FFS change the record.
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The Boys (2019– )
Stupid but entertaining
27 August 2022
This is amusing and I have enjoyed watching it but it is built on incredibly stupid premise.

Why on earth would a group of superheroes need a corporation? Why would a guy with superman abilities be beholden to a bunch of flunkies.

It is stupid.

Especially when you consider the mentality of Homelander. He is a psychopath and intense narcissist. He kills anybody in his way. He is like a child with a machine gun. Who the hell cares about what is trending when you can fly? This was impossible for me to swallow. I kept going though because it was amusing.

Also Krl Urban's cockney accent was absolutely appalling. I come from Brixton (look it up) We don't all talk like Minder on crack. It was - again - STUPID.
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The Walking Dead: Splinter (2021)
Season 10, Episode 20
Utter Rubbish
25 March 2021
Look all you movie / TV aficionados with your 10s and 9s and telling everyone how this is character development and it is a 'covid story'. Who cares. I want a story not acting classes. I am sick to death of season after season of art and spotlight opportunism. If you can't see this is self indulgent bull then you are blind. The original story was good then it became the Actors Playhouse. Give it a rest and tell the damn story. I don't care about this rubbish I want action and a story. This is complete nonsense. I don't think I can take anymore of this tripe.
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Tobacco Road (1941)
What an utter pile of rubbish
31 July 2020
I saw John Ford and I thought wow undiscovered gold. I was wrong. I was hoping for a Steinbeck masterpiece like The Grapes of Wrath. Boy did I get a surprise. This is a cartoon. A child's movie. A dung heap of a movie. Do yourself a solid, do not waste your time.
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Self/less (2015)
A remake of 'Seconds' by John Frankenheimer
11 February 2020
Once I realized this was a remake I lost all interest. The original starring Rock Hudson is far more chilling. This is just another retread of which we are buried in nowadays. It is well acted and well made but has no flavor once you realize it is just another "I have no imagination so I'll just rip off a classic" effort. I am really tired of seeing this process take place. Another is Jacobs Ladder. It really is hard to find a movie that isn't a remake of a classic. What is next? Casablanca??
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Color change
15 November 2019
Err why is Abra now a little black girl. She is WHITE. SO was the gunslinger ad the human torch. There is just no escaping now is there?
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