
51 Reviews
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Reacher (2022– )
That went down the drain real fast!
6 January 2024
The first season was very impressive and even made me forget about Tom Cruise ever playing Reacher.

Reacher was strong, powerful, a good fighter, demanded respect, was respectful even when resisting, all of which made him highly attractive.

In season 2 they seemed to have totally altered the original and well-known Reacher character though.

First of all there are his looks. The actor did so much work on muscle, likely took steroids, and no longer looks attractive. Too much of a good thing is still too much. He now looks off-putting which isn't congruent with how Reacher is supposed to be and look. He can't even move normally anymore, his muscles are in the way. In order to be effective, strong, and yet elegant in fighting you cannot be a gorilla or body-builder. You have to train different muscles for speed and strength.

Then his personality. He now acts like a blunt projectile without a brain and unfortunately his appearance matches that.

The respectful approach when taking on an opponent, or talking to an ally, has gone. It's like we're dealing with an entirely different character, both inside and out, no longer Reacher as we have gotten to know him.

What is also lacking is a person like Finlay and Roscoe. For some reason they glued everything together in season 1. The cast surrounding Reacher in this 2nd season doesn't have that same effect. Something about the whole setting is 'off'.

I'm not sure why this allowed this to happen. Another writer or producer maybe?

What I do know is that it's not an improvement. Season 1 I'd rate a 10, but season 2... a 4 rating is doing it a big favour.

For me this is enough. No need for a season 3 unless Reacher character goes back to looking normal, his character become normal "Reacher" gallant & powerful again, and of course a decent story as this 2nd one doesn't really work either.

Fan of season 1 Reacher, not of season 2.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Brilliant Movie!
30 December 2023
Absolutely brilliant movie. You maybe need to have a bit of an understanding of the incredible power of our mind & subconscious. Or at least be open to that concept.

The plot is excellent, the cast is great. Not sure what I was expecting from the story, but I got much more than I thought I was going to get.

At first I thought it was something like a medium helping someone out but this is a whole other level!

It got interesting right away as well. If you have little patience in giving movies a chance to take off (like me) then this is the one for you.

Special kudos for William Fichtner. He does a more than excellent job.

Oh, and don't run off as soon as the credits begin as there's a few more gems hidden in between them!

Now go watch it. You won't regret it!
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Shetland (2013– )
Was brill, with season 8 maybe pull the plug
23 December 2023
10 stars for the seasons with Douglas Henshall.

I loved the first 7 seasons of this show. It had everything just right, characters, cast, setting, stories, love & intrigue.

I've enjoyed it a lot, watched it 2x even.

I just finished the 8th season without Douglas Henshall and I really had to make myself stick with it and watch the last couple episodes.

To be honest, I feel the show would've been better without the new woman, Ashley Jensen. Why not let Tosh and Sandy carry it? They could do that. Flesh out their characters, promote Tosh, and simply get a new lower ranking officer in to provide a bit of newness. That would've worked better.

I understand it isn't easy to replace Douglas as he is such a strong actor and has such a powerful aura. That's going to take time for the audience as well as the cast, but for some reason I didn't like the story either. I got bored with it, which is why after watching 4 episodes it took quite some time for me to get back to watching the last two.

It made me wonder if there was more going on outside the main storyline in the previous episodes.

Things will probably get a bit easier with the next season, if there is going to be one.

I'm thinking that maybe it'd be best to simply call it quits. It'd be a shame not to have more of the Shetlands, but it's also better to end it on a high and not let it go down the drain.

In essence I don't like this new character.
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What a relief to watch the REAL truth!!
19 December 2023
I LOVE this series and I hope there's going to be another season!

If I could give 20+ stars I would.

What a relief to finally have someone tell the real truth as opposed to pop-science stuff we get spoon-fed in school and throughout life.

My beliefs never are congruent with that as I intuitively sense they are off, but also the circles I'm active in tell another story. Basically the same story as this docu tells.

Personally I cannot believe the masses don't see the truth just because science tells another story and refuses to change it to the correct one.

Gregg Braden once asked a scientific friend, "So you know that what you teach is incorrect, why don't you help change it?" The answer; "Because it would mean that all I've taught, my entire career, would be worthless!" That's the attitude of science, while it wouldn't mean that at all! It'd mean science would be flexible, able to learn and grown and with that change its point of view. That'd be true science, not rigidly sticking to a belief.

Science rejects all that people have known for thousands of years until it can measure and/or prove something but it usually lacks the ability to do that for decades or longer. Meaning we are taught the wrong thing just because science cannot prove otherwise? By that they make their inability to prove it the gauge, or in other words, god.

To me it means science isn't reliable. It certainly is always lagging behind.

Big sigh of relief that someone dares to stand up to tell the real truth, knowing upfront he'll get ridiculed.

Some are brave, like Graham, also Bruce Lipton, Dr Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden and so on. We'll get there. Eventually.

Kudos to Netflix for offering this!
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Expedition Bigfoot (2019– )
Good but raises lots of questions
9 December 2023
I love the series! Yet, the more episodes I watch, the more questions I get. Why is infrasound no longer an issue? It was such a big deal, 2 people got affected by it even. Don't all Bigfoot make that sound?

Also, when all witnesses tell them to be careful do they ever think that maybe their quest isn't such a great idea? What are they going to do if they actually encounter one, or a bear, that attacks? How are they going to defend themselves? If they have weapons, is it fair to bring that into the natural world and harm creatures just to satisfy curiosity?

Then they're wondering why the government would cover it up. Quite simple: the individual can deal with it, the masses not so much. People would get afraid or want to be the famous one to find and capture a Bigfoot. Considering the vast amount of rifles in the US, they'd go into the woods and kill anything that moved. Other people would get killed, and a lot of wildlife as well. That alone is reason to not reveal anything to the public.

As the series progresses it becomes clear the team doesn't gel so good anymore. Mireya constantly says, "that's what we're hoping to find, it's what an expedition is about" but it's what she needs. Even though Jane Goodall told her it's important for a scientist to have an open mind to every possibility she sticks to black and white science.

It pretty clear to me Bigfoot is doing what it can to avoid an encounter. Probably to keep both us and them safe. They give sign after sign that the team isn't wanted in an area but it isn't respected. We have a track-record of not being able to peacefully co-exist with other species. Maybe Bigfoot is smart enough to know which is reason enough to want to keep to themselves.

This aspect is the biggest problem I'm having with it, yet I contribute to it by watching...

A weird thing that has me wondering... several times they were about to show us something significant, then there's a break (commercial?). When it continues there's no showing or mention of what they'd stumbled upon. I'm increasingly getting the feeling they're not showing us everything and that they did find proof. Have they been forbidden to show us?

Lastly, when you're chasing a likely dangerous creature you do your utmost to be quiet. Yet, Mireya and Ronny keep talking out loud to each other and make lots of noise. The only ones that know how to go about it are Russ and his cameraman. We've seen they even have a specific whistle in order to find each other when something is up. They don't speak when in close proximity of a creature either, Russ uses hand signals. That's being professional.
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Primeval (2007–2011)
Solid show as long as Cutter is in it
14 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First time I watched it is when it first came out. I loved it, still do, up to a point. The initial cast is great and all seem to have an equal share in carrying the series, although it rest for a big part on Douglas Henshall's (Cutter) shoulders.

That's why I feel the show falls flat on its face when he leaves in season 3.

Then we see character Danny Quin take over the lead which feels unnatural as he only entered the scene as an insignificant character with no specific qualifications. He doesn't feel like a leader either. Yet he suddenly runs the whole show?

With his appearance the others, like Abby & Connor, are pushed to backburner positions which is a crying shame.

Had this not happened I would've rated this with 10 stars. The 7 I'm giving are largely based on the episodes with Douglas Hensall. After that it plummets to maybe a 2 star series for me.

Another big mistake, one you see in almost every series, is that they get too much drama and redundant things in it. Series almost always digress from what it used to be about, which often was an excellent concept. Begs the question, why mess with it?

This happens after Douglas's departure from the series. Seems they had to make up for great acting, a strong lead from a great actor and a team with chemistry by incorporating red t-shirt figures, drama, badly executed action scenes (especially by Danny Quin character) accompanied by way too loud in appropriate music.

In short: the entire show changed from a good solid show with excellent cast, story-lines, great acting, and dinos, to 'the Danny Quin Show' without substance.

The only good thing about the last episodes is that Mrs Cutter seems to have disappeared. Apart from her character being annoying, I honestly don't know why her chest had to be so exposed.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Absolutely stunning series!
1 August 2022
This series is nothing but great, from cast, acting, settings, outfits, hair, script, just everything. It all works.

The cast has done an outstanding job, Uhtred of course, but also David Dawson who did an excellent job playing king Alfred. The bond that is forged between these two over the years is amazing, from very close to hostile and back.

So many characters that you love, others that you despise, yet all fulfil their part, and all played by actors that are perfect for their role.

I have to say I loved Ragnar the Younger, AND Rutger Hauer who had a role as one of the Dane Ravn in the first few episodes. Could well have been on of his last roles, may he rest in peace.

Almost all series have moments that make you want to fast-forward as it gets too long-winded, makes no sense, gets boring, or otherwise annoying. Even Outlander that is so revered got up my nose. But I cannot recall any such moment in this series which is a major feat!

Nothing but glory and praise for this series. Thank goodness we got a decent, solid ending, but nevertheless I'm sad it's over.

This is one to rewatch many times over and would be worthy to get the DVD box of, something I never do.

If I could rate it higher I would. Out of the 10 this is worth 20 at the very least!
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
Se 1 was BRILL, major dip, but ended great!
30 June 2022
Season 1 was the best thing ever. The script was literally brilliant, the acting good, and yes, especially Tom Ellis' performance and mastery of the brilliant script.

It was the best thing I've seen in a long time but then it dipped, I think with season 3. Likely why the network dumped it. The storylines became totally unbelievable with Lucifer loving Chloe, then dumping her as easily as a dirty pair of socks to be off with another woman, saying he loves that one, then back to Chloe only to dump her again for another etc. Etc. In the end he tells her he is incapable of love. What the heck?

All the while Chloe waits, apparently happy to be treated badly by the man she loves. Yet when she finally falls for another guy Lucifer gets jealous.

The way demon Mazekeen's story evolves is also annoying. She's there to protect Lucifer and suddenly she's trying to kill him.

The whole thing with Lucifer's mummy gets really boring, and Miss Lopez character is too much of a good thing.

Just when you think you've had enough and can't bear it anymore it picks up again.

I suppose the switch of network was good as season 5 and 6 are definitely much better again. Especially season 6 had me on the edge of my chair. And FINALLY there's some point to the Dan character who up to then seemed rather useless in the whole plot throughout the seasons.

And they give a proper ending of it all, one that is very satisfactory even. Not one that leaves you feeling "I wished they did another season!" Nope, it actually feels good the way they've done the ending.

I'm giving it 10 stars in spite of the huge dip in the middle because, hey, the 1st season alone deserves way more than 10 and the last 2 seasons are very good too, and absolute kudos for the ending. So I'm overlooking the dip, giving it the full 10 stars. I do feel it deserves that as the good seasons outweigh the dipping ones.
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Goes downhill after season 5
13 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Currently in season 7. I loved the show but I notice that I'm getting bored with it. Too much of the same with different people.

What I dislike is how easily they moved past Jack's death. In a way it's good they didn't endlessly milk the drama of that, but considering how deeply they loved each other it is also weird. The chemistry, romance and love between them was almost tangible, and was the heart of the series.

In short, the show hasn't been the same since Daniel Lissing left and took character Jack with him. It would've been more believable if they'd shown us more moments where Elizabeth has a hard time because of Jack not being there anymore. In essence they brushed Jack's passing off the table too soon and too easily, making it unbelievable.

It's almost as if season 1-5 was a different series. It's also becoming a bit bland because they introduce so many new characters, many of which leave again. It used to feel like a real tight-knit community and family, but that all got watered down by too many new faces and too many new story-lines. And where the heck is Abigail? She was one of the strong lead characters of the whole show.

So as it is I'm in two minds about it. Kind of like Strike Back which was absolutely brilliant with its seasons 2-5. The rest was crap.

As for the seasons with Jack, 1-5, I'd give it 10 stars without a doubt. But now I don't know. I miss the wonderful chemistry & romance, even though they try to create that with different couples. It doesn't work. And in spite of what they said, I DO think Daniel Lissing and Erin Krakow had something going on privately too.
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FBI: International (2021– )
Amateurish camera work, bad cast, not a keeper
16 March 2022
From the 3 "FBI" series this one is clearly the weakest. I've watched a number of episodes now but it just doesn't work.

The cast isn't great, and as FBI agents they are amazingly rude to people they talk to which would be very unprofessional, certainly in another country than their own.

Apart from the cast not being great they don't seem to gel together either. No chemistry, no click. It just doesn't work.

I also don't understand the concept of having FBI in Europe. We have our own police, special forces etc. It reeks of American arrogance.

The camera work is really weird. It comes across as very amateurish although I guess it was deliberately done.

But you see part of people's head cut off all the time, other things in view while focusing on someone speaking, like a sleeve or part of a dog's head and so on.

And it looks like it's hand-held, and not in a good way, as it's wobbling all over the place. Maybe the camera man/woman had low blood-sugar. Again, it looks very amateurish.

FBI Most Wanted improved a bit in its second season, I don't see much movement here though.

Not a keeper. Can be used as a time-filler maybe but I wished they spend the money on something good.
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FBI: Most Wanted (2020– )
McDermott Saves The Show!!
11 March 2022
Rewriting my original review. At first this show wasn't real bad. It was trying but it simply didn't work. Cast didn't click, no chemistry, the team leader didn't come across as a leader, too much drama in the stories, just bad. It was like waiting for a lame horse to win a race. Not going to happen.

I stopped watching. Then out of boredom I gave it another go. And Dylan McDermott got in. Holy smokes, what a change?! Right away the show worked! He does have what it takes to play a natural leader and for some reason he manages to blend the whole lot together, bad cast and all. Everything suddenly clicked together.

And now, since he's in the show, it's good! Really good!

The Ortiz character left, which was good as he didn't fit in and his replacement Ray is a natural. A much better choice, he had chemistry with all from the start.

The only one that doesn't work, never did, and likely never will, is the Barnes character (Roxy Sternberg).

But replacing leaders and getting Dylan Mc Dermott in was probably what saved this show. I'd never realised how strong a personality he is until I saw the change for the better in this show.

The lame horse has become an elegant race horse with a good future. As long as McDermott stays. I guess it's clear to say he's the one who carries this series.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Hello! We do get to see ALIENS eventually, right??
2 February 2022
First few seasons I was enthusiastic, felt it was really good. Then it went down the drain real fast, getting worse by the minute. The script is just bad.

Parents displaying the worst parenting skills ever, and impossible children. A Japanese chick working for Japanese Nasa keeps whinging about her female lover that died in space, convinced she's still alive even though she'd seen footage to the contrary. She keeps at it, stealing and lying, and makes contact with an alien but convinced it's her lover. Her selfish action undermines the US' and Japanese attempts to save mankind, but she doesn't care. Her fixation on her lover is all that matters, and US and Japanese top people let her get away with it? Apart from that totally unbelievable stuff that continues during the entire season, she's also incredibly rude.

Then there's a US navy seal in Kandahar who's also incredibly rude and also has tunnel vision. And we meet a bunch of English schoolkids that get trapped in a deep pit. The entire schoolkid thing is rather pointless to the story. What little importance it had could've been conveyed in a single scene. Waste of time.

All this to-do is dragged out over the entire season, and you don't get to see much alien anything for quite some time, if at all.

It actually is more of a drama than a SciFi series. The alien story is just a backdrop for the drama.

I skipped through the last few episodes as I want to see the end of it as they keep throwing 10-15 mins of unimportant scenes at you. For instance the navy seal leaving a voicemail for the wife who doesn't want him anymore. Why waste so much time on that? Show us some alien action!

The whole thing could've been done in half the number of episodes, had they cut the lengthy toilet break scenes out of it. You could seriously go bake a cake and not miss a thing.

Do yourself a favour and forego this one. Spend your time on something good!
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
One of the BEST out there! (maybe THE best)
28 January 2022
This is one that surprises. It's so unbelievably good! It is one of the best things out there and I watch a lot of series, good things only.

Normally I don't watch anything with vampires as it's so 'old' and I find it boring. Except for Blade and Dracula Untold. But in this series the whole vampire thing is done differently and classy.

THE CAST is superb! Matthew Goode is not what I'd call a classic example of good-looking yet there is this thing about him that makes him very intriguing and attractive. The outfits he wears do add to that for sure.

Then the interaction and chemistry between him and Diana, wow!

In season 2 James Purefoy turns up, making my knees buckle. No matter his age, his is sexy as sin. And he has this oddly fascinating aura about that makes you hold your breath, glued to his every word. The sense of mystery he exudes sucks you right in. The man is sexy, intriguing and in a strange way intimidating. He certainly was one hell of a choice for the role he played. But I've never seen him play anything insignificant.

The entire cast is great, I'm just highlighting a few.

THE STORYLINE is excellent! I've not really come across anything that makes me raise my eyebrows because it doesn't work or is questionable.

LOVESCENES... again very well done! You don't see a (female) nipple, but it's done so sensually and the chemistry works so well between them that you'd think they were romantic lovers in real life. It makes clear it isn't necessary to show breasts and whatnot to convey a sexual, sensual, loving scene. The way they perform together makes you hold your breath and feel as if you're part of the love-making.

IN SHORT: absolutely great series! If the genre appeals to you it's a must-watch for sure!
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Station 19 (2018–2024)
Goes down the drain REAL fast... Too much drama
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First 2 episodes I had to get into it as it all was about this main character Andy shouting and putting her mark on everything and bossing everyone around.

I almost left right there and then but gave it a try and yep, it got good.

But then they do what they always do with every series: introduce too much drama and too many side stories that have nothing whatsoever to do with firefighting.

Everyone is sleeping with everyone, sometimes one character swaps from one to other and back. Totally unbelievable, and totally unacceptable for people who have to save lives.

Too much gay & lesbian intricacies and sex. Why does everything have to be politically correct? It utterly boring and annoying at the same time.

Then finally something good, Andy marries Sullivan and they really seem made for one another. Unfortunately writers have to ruin that too. What are they trying to do? Create an emotional disaster series?

Sullivan in hospital, about to get surgery and Andy barges in last minute to whinge about her own problems. Really? I'd file for divorce right away.

They throw so much at us in one episode your head starts spinning. It's too chaotic and restless.

It could've been good, there's a lot of potential, but as per usual bad writing doesn't give that a chance to work it's magic.

I just finished season 3 and likely will stop watching this disaster soon.

Fact that this happens to so many series tells me people like drama. I don't, and considering many of the other reviews here I'm not alone in this.
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Bull (2016–2022)
Good start, then loses its strength
23 December 2021
I enjoyed the series in the beginning, but at some point its dynamic began to change.

Chunk doesn't dress witnesses anymore, which I actually thought was a nice touch, showing how thorough the company works.

The whole ex-wife thing coming up time and again was a bad choice of the writers.

A number of things that happen in court are really weird, making me wonder if they follow the US law or just have tweaked it for entertainment purposes. That in itself is okay but it shouldn't become an annoying thing. I'm not giving specific example as then there'll be spoilers. But it happens a number of times the witness says something they didn't know, leaving Benny overwhelmed and tongue-tied and the whole team feeling their case is now blown.

While in actual fact it was a golden opportunity to win the case IF Benny had asked question XYZ. If I can the question that could bring victory surely a weathered lawyer could too.

There are also a few occasions where Dr Bull, a renowned psychology, doesn't seem to be familiar with the ins and outs of a psychological disorder. Quite odd.

And when binge watching the series like I did it begins to stand out there are a number of cases where a woman was a victim of for instance abuse or rape, and no one believes her, not even her team of lawyer, psychologist etc. How can a psychologist not see the signs and know how such a victim acts?

So all in all the show is going down the drain a bit.

But what irritates me most is that in season 5 everyone is wearing facemasks most of the time. Even when they're standing outside?

Now this is congruent with what's going on in the world right now, indoors that is, but I watch a series for pleasure and entertainment, not to again be reminded of what's going on.

Maybe they had to wear the masks in order to be allowed to film, but then they should've announced that.

For me this is the reason I'm stopping watching this. If I want to see people wearing masks I go to my local supermarket.
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Bull (2016–2022)
Good show with flaws
22 December 2021
Started off as a really good show, but I do feel that over the seasons it's beginning to go downhill a bit. It may not be noticeable when watching weekly but when binge-watching you do notice.

Quite often a witness says something that has lawyer Benny tongue-tied and is bad for their case while in actual fact it is a great opening for a next question that would turn it in their favour. Yet Benny doesn't take the golden opportunity. That happens a number of times.

Also in one episode the DA claims the death of a teenager was caused by his heart disease, which was a murmur.

No one objects while heart murmur is not a heart disease at all.

All in all there are inconsistencies that do begin to annoy. And some things make me wonder if they're correct, according to the law, and would happen as shown in real law and court.

As for the cast.. not bad but the whole to-do with Bull and his ex-wife is tiring. They shouldn't have let that unfold the way it did.

And I feel it's a shame that chunk isn't doing the wardrobe thing for witnesses anymore. I actually really liked that.

Then season 5... which is from 2020 when the pandemic started. All characters wearing a face mask. Wonderful to try and be accurate but this is TV, it's supposed to be entertainment! If I want to see people with facemasks I'll go out to my local supermarket!

I do not need to see that when I watch a show for my pleasure.

Must say it is admirable how they can come up with surprising approaches and cases, even after many episodes.

Giving it 7 stars as it is okay, but does come with flaws.
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Not what I'd hoped it would be
9 November 2021
Not sure what rating I'd give No Time to Die really... Very strong start, very promising, then it dips quite the bit. The villain played by Rami Salek doesn't come across nearly as powerful as one would've thought from the previews.

It's almost 3 hrs of movie so of course difficult to keep the action going throughout but the middle section got so weak that I felt like dozing off.

Then it picked up again. Also a good thing they got the black woman there as then they can more believably come up with a huge plot that a single man couldn't deal with in a believable way.

And then the ending... quite disappointing to be honest.

So what rating... for the first time I wouldn't know.

I do know I find Skyfall much much better.

I also must say that I miss Judi Dench as M in this movie. Very much so! She could've given this the power to lift it out of the more mundane levels. In that sense this movie is almost a tribute to her as it clearly shows how formidable an actress she is. The current M just doesn't have that aura of power nor the captivating character she does.

So I'm going with a 7, for me a low rating to give.

No matter all of this... I will miss Daniel Craig terribly as James Bond, that is for sure!
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Treadstone (2019)
Too chaotic & all over the place
21 October 2021
A good espionage never goes amiss, or so I thought. This one proves that wrong. I was doubtful the minute I started it. The time and place, the entire setting, is weird, and no explanation as to what's going on.

Then you sort of get the hang of it and understand it moves back and forth in time. Yet, the characters in question, the assets, have not aged? No one mentions this ever. Really weird. After all, we're talking some 50 years of time difference and Doug and his wife haven't a day while a Russian woman DID age? What is that all about?

Apart from the time jumps it also goes from person to person. The most time is spent on Doug, which gets tiring real fast. Especially because there are other storylines from other assets as well. When they finally show us more of one of those, a Korean woman, they stay with her for about 30 seconds at the time only, then switch back to Doug. Why not show longer sections of what this woman is doing? It was much more intriguing than whatever Doug was doing.

I've made it to episode 9, so I will watch it to the end now. But in all honesty I'm going to be glad when it is over. They made it too difficult and chaotic to follow, it's all over the place.

I can only hope they don't end on a major cliff-hanger as it didn't get renewed I think, which is good. But I still don't like cliff-hangers, so fingers crossed!
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The Nightingale (I) (2018)
Our history ain't pretty, VERY good movie!
26 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I believe this movie paints a very accurate picture of how things went in the past when the English were settling in Australia and using it to dump convicts. So it shows the total lack of respect and humanity for both convicts AND the Aboriginals.

It is not for the faint of heart, it almost starts with a rape of Clare, the main character. There are 2 more rape scenes in the movie and I couldn't bear to go through more of these, so I clicked past them.

Then there's a quite violent scene where Clare does something that is very understandable but the way it is shot... Again, not for the faint of heart (I looked away).

They also show certain things done to Aboriginals that make you cringe. And yes, this is accurate, unfortunately, but also quite in your face.

I have lived with these beautiful people for half a year, and this resonance with them never fades, and it pains me to see this.

But it's white man's history...

Nevertheless, the movie is absolutely great, the cast, the story, the acting. Very well done.

In a way it's a must see, simply because it's that danged good, but also to have a reminder of our history, what they always say: Lest we forget.

And many won't even know about Australia's history.

Watch the movie, it's worth it!
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
9 for Se one / 1 for Se two
26 September 2021
First season was really intriguing, a totally new and fascinating storyline. How people ended up together, how they worked out what was going on etc. Was well done.

It was unusual but good and I couldn't wait for more!

Then SEASON 2. Utter disaster! It's like a Dutch soap opera, and believe me, these are bad in capitals. The only thing that was going on in 2nd season was arguing, yelling, threatening each other, working against one another, discord, locking people up, plotting against each other, and did I say arguing and yelling? They spend 2 episodes on an occurrence that has no bearing to the story whatsoever and just annoys the bleep out of you.

To be honest, the writers ruined what was very good and held a lot of promise. If there will be a 3rd season, which I doubt, you could just skip this one. You wouldn't have missed a thing.

Also, it's labelled "thriller" but it is "drama".

Another major disappointment. I hope they fire the writers. They made a total mess of things.
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Kung Fu (2021–2023)
Had promise that fades real fast
25 September 2021
At first I was enthusiastic but that quickly passed. There's way too much drama in this series.

The story behind it all is good and could've been very interesting, but then they don't focus much on that. It's like a kiddie or teenage thing with a whinging mother, an annoying sister and brother, and a main character that doesn't tell them off and to mind their own business.

I started watching for the martial arts and a good story, I'm not into drama and family to-do. So it's very disappointing.

If you can bear to go through the controlling, nasty mother and claiming sister you might want to give it a go.

Maybe producers should've been clear what audience they're aiming for: adult or kids.

It is a crying shame as it could have been really good!
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Fate: The Winx Saga (2021–2022)
Had doubts but wowza! This is good!!
22 September 2021
I had doubts initially as usually this genre is rather childish and aiming for the teenage girl audience. But I was very pleasantly surprised when this turned out to be different. This is really very good!

The acting is good, casting great as well, and the connections between the characters do develop beautifully.

They take time to tell the story, background, present etc. But not too long so that you get annoyed and impatient. It's exactly right each episode and it keeps you coming back for the next one because you want to know more!

All in all it's well worth the watch. I can't wait for season 2, which likely will be aired in January 2022, so yes, it has been renewed. YAY!

They do end this first season properly, so you aren't left feeling hanging with a gazillion questions. Kudos to the writers and producers etc. They did a really good job.
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Worse than I'd Expected
4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The cast is good, it's fast paced, the action is okay. So far so good. Then there's a pile of things that don't make sense whatsoever.

First thing that's daft is when they time-jump and land in the future they drop 1,5 - 3 meters. Nice! You're running out of people on the planet and you have people break their ankles or legs. Why not give them something to slow the fall?

What they fight is only vulnerable in the belly and throat. Yet they sent out millions of people with rifles to safe mankind from extinction? Why not use weapons that would easier hit them from below? Grenades maybe? Mines. Grenade launchers and whatnot.

When they get the toxin which will sort the problem, he has to take it back to his own time to stop it from happening. Then he's whinging he's lost his daughter, mankind is lost and so on.

Say what? He's got the toxin to save the world? So if he makes that happen his daughter won't die, that future he went to won't ever come to be.

Next stupid thing: they go to the place where those aliens are still nicely frozen with a handful of people. No one else knows about it, so if they die that bad future WILL happen after all.

Also, why do they have to inject each alien one by one with the toxin? Why not come up with something that at least works from a distance to keep people safe?

It's a shame they didn't come up with a better story without a ton of holes in it as the concept was solid and very interesting.
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Blood Father (2016)
Mel is still awesome!
30 June 2021
Mel did it again! A great movie, good cast, good script, I just loved it!

It's fast paced, keeps you on the edge of your seat for sure. No moments where you go 'oh please! Don't be so stupid!', which so many movies do have in the plenty.

Just a good solid action movie with deeper emotional moments here and there for good measure.

Not a split second of thinking, "Mel, you're too old for this!" He's just as awesome as ever.

The girl's acting is good too, and even William H. Macey does a good job. Since I don't like him at all, that's quite something to say.

All in all just a great movie, very much worth watching. I don't get why some people say it's trash, it's absolutely not. I guess the genre isn't for everyone. But I say, we need more movies like this that are done this good!
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MI-5 (2002–2011)
Potential went down the drain fast
21 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this and felt it was an okay watch. Not something I'd stay home for, just okay.

The first extremely annoying thing was Tom Quinn's girlfriend Ellie. Very immature and very demanding. He trusts her as she keeps nagging, tells her what he's not allowed to tell anyone. Result, she gets even worse, nags more, makes him tell her daughter who's way too young to know, and her knowing who he is poses a huge risk for him. Yet she keeps nagging, manipulating, and so on. And he puts up with it for ages. It was more like a cheap soap opera then an exciting secret service series to be honest.

Then the girlfriend disappears, sigh of relief, and the series gets really good. Until the part where Tom is set up. At first it was good, in the end it could even have been great, but then they messed it up after all.

I couldn't believe that when he'd proved his innocence only Harry apologized. And not profusely either. Zoe had the audacity to scold him for what he'd done to them? Say what?? THEY were the ones to drop him like a brick without even considering he was innocent. MI5 not understanding car accidents can be faked, and especially in the secret service world it shouldn't come as a surprise, and certainly worth taking seriously. Instead Zoe yells in his face that he's lying. What a show of trust. So amateurish.

That whole part of 'Tom goes rogue' was awfully written.

And oddly enough the whole things collapses in on itself after Matthew MacFadyen leaves the show. Odd as the replacement that was introduced early enough, and in a very good way, somehow didn't seem able to carry the show.

BTW also a shame Hugh Laurie wasn't in there anymore. He was absolutely stunning, as always.

I stopped watching for now, and I doubt I'll ever watch the rest. It's a time-filler, or a waste of time.

A shame. It could've been good as it did have potential.
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