
178 Reviews
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Asteroid City (2023)
Wes, you've lost it buddy
15 December 2023
While Moonrise Kingdom was a masterpiece to many, including us here at the Old Movie House and Crab Shack of South Hollywood, this is merely an indication poor Wes has finally lost touch with the Known Universe. What werked well in the past, now simply illuminates a Disturbed Mind. And Trust Me, we here surely know well a Disturbed Mind when we see one.

As there seems to be no real discernable plot, ( at least not one that became clear to us after smoking quite a bit of Green Mojave Real Budd), we don't seem to be able to tell anyone else just what the heck this movie is about. Several residents slept thru it twice. Our Entertainment Director talked on her cell phone to her third ex husband for the entire second half of the movie. Both Dizzy and PeeWee remarked that people's lips looked funny.

We barely recognized any of the actors, except of course Willem Dafoe, who remains one of the Ugliest Persons West of I-10.

All in all, we can't say this was an unexpected disappointment, as we have watched the steady decline in Wes's Very Peculiar Movie Making Skills since he did that Hotel Budapest thing.

Wes, check yourself in and get some help...and please, don't make a movie based on your therapy.
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Everybody Loves Raymond: The Wedding: Part 1 (1998)
Season 2, Episode 24
If you din't already HATE frank barone...
13 July 2023
If you didnt already hate frank barone you sure as hell would halfway thru this freaking episode. The sunnavabitch steals his son's wedding in the real world, Ray and Debra would have moved to BoomFook Alaska and gotten as far away from this monster as possible...the fact that Ray just takes it shows this is common and happens all the time...which makes frank barone the #1 worst sitcom character of all time.

Worst sitcom characters of all time: #10-Red Forman 'That 70's Show" #9- the entire cast of 'Taxi' #8-Lucy Ricardo 'I Love Lucy' #7-Hawkeye 'MASH' #6-Florence 'The Jeffersons' #5-Meathead 'All in the Family' #4-Kramer 'Seinfeld' #3-Julia Sugarbaker 'Designing Women' #2-Monica Geller 'Friends' #1-Frank Barone 'Everybody Loves Raymond'
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You know you're in for a turkey dinner when you see the stupid opening credit
13 July 2023
And make that a cold turkey dinner.

This film is just plain bad. Bad as in not good at all. The reason we gave it 4 stars is because of the cast. Arthur Treacher didn't get a credit but he is there, as is Harold Huber in a bit at a hamburger stand. Charles butter worth and Binnie Barnes and the Great Rosalind Russell, though they don't do much, do lift the turkey a good bit also.

But what are we talking here? Some really rich people. Some really bad people. The height of the depression. This ain't no screwball nonsense either. What we got here is a just an excuse for bad behavior. And the three leads behave plenty badly (well gable much less than the other two)

We not going to spoil it for you. Watch this thing if you must but be warned, it drags everything out and never gets to the point. As we here rather loathe mommie dearest, we firmly state she is terrible terrible terrible. Gable has just one trick, it ain't that bad, and he used that in all the movies he made in 1934. Montgomery is fine given the horrid lines he must repeat. It over all this is a complete waste f time.
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Friends: The One with Monica's Thunder (2000)
Season 7, Episode 1
"If you're married to me, you don't get to win"
27 June 2023
Yeah, that comes later...but this episode foreshadows it.

This was the beginning of the downhill slide for this show. This show should have ended after 6 seasons, but of course, people were watching. They were making money etc etc etc.

The biggest reason for the slide was of course the monica character (and courtney cox's over-the-top screeching).

From Day 1 this character was annoying to say the least, but the other characters, clever writing, and comic portrayals by Matt and Mathew more than made up for it.

Perhaps the writers felt this was the best way to make this show successful; perhaps they felt this was a good offset for dingbat rachel and looney phoebe; but in retrospect, a guy like chandler would Never in a Million Years allow himself to be hogtied to a witch like fact its a stretch that the rest of the friends would manage to stay Friends with her thru 6 seasons... Regardless, this show just gets worse and by season 10, its an embarassment.
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In Harm's Way (1965)
even though this is a terrible movie, you need to watch it
15 June 2023
This is a terrible movie. And its all otto premingers fault. He was a knpwn to be cheap hack of a movie maker, heavy handed and narcissistic. Even Laura suffers because of this...the section on goofs alone should convince anyone in doubt just what a really bad movie maker he is...most roadrunner cartoons are more well done than this nonsense... however, a couple bright spots...but first, look at the casting...stars and future stars pretty much seem to have done the usual run of the mill soap opera stumbling thru bad ridiculous dialogue...lets start at the top...John wayne is giving a rendition of, well john wayne from his past performances in at least 12 previous outings...kirk douglas hams his way thru, unrestrained, left to figure it out on his own (go watch Ace In the Hole for a good look at how he CAN act when a truly Great Director like BIlly Wilder has him under control)....dana andrews, tom tryon, jill haworth, brandon dewilde. Patrick o'neal are all cartoonish and unbelievbable...and who was the idiot who cast fonda?

But...Patricia Neal, Burgess Meridith, and the Great Stanley Holloway manage, despite the nature of their roles, to pull off pretty believable jobs... there jsut is no good reason then, to further discuss the glaring errors, goofs, bad camera angles, third rate lighting, and foolishly designed sets...but watch it...that is, if you like cheap soap opera productions.
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About Fate (2022)
Made for morons
27 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Moronic; juvenile; absurd; pure garbage... first of all - badly cast; the persons pretending to be the main characters in this disaster couldn't act their way thru 1st grade fairy tale theater two - idiotic story; yeah things like this occur when you throw a dingbat and a dorkus in the same room third - supporting cast from hell (wendie malik belongs on local tv in Quackaghanistan: "and that missing goat was eaten by lions according to QuackaVille Police Chief and Taxi Driver Shumracha Bishnafong ) if you make it to the end of this, seek therapy immediatley (binge watching McHale's Navy reruns will help along with cheetos, popcorn, and several ham sammiches.
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Midsomer Murders: The Blacktrees Prophecy (2022)
Season 23, Episode 1
31 December 2022
Have loved this show since we started watching it back in the day. But. But. It's not necessarily gone woke, but it has turned a character into a purely nasty old hag. And we are talking about fleur. What kind of name is that. She is nasty. She is mean. She likes to argue. She likes to fight. Say the wrong thing around her and the thought police are Busting your behind. DCI Barnaby has to put up with her. Has to let her throw her man hating remarks around to try to bait him into saying the slightest thing to give her reason to go file a complaint. And a lawsuit. Why do they even talk to her outside of work? She is poison.

Well done guys. You made this series even more realistic than before with this cackling cauldron stirring bat out of hell ready to pounce on any fool foolish enough to cross her.

And given there is no free speech in jolly old England these days not even DCI barnaby dares.

Well done guys.
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sheer nonsense
29 December 2022
Ok, so this was some Pre-War prop the studios churned out to relax the American Public and get them to have faith in FDR's 1940 campaign promise (Mr. Roosevelt said at Boston on October 30: "I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.")...ironically this movie was actually released months before Pearl Harbor, and was heartily approved by the Army Air Corps who cooperated with Paramount in the production... And with that said, this thing is silly and sad and amateurish and rididculous. A 5th rate story, weak as oatmeal acting, cartoonish special effects (opening cartoon of B-17's in a mock bombing of LA)...worth watching?

Sure... Just don't expect much, despite the cast...
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1941 (1979)
take a nap in the middle and wake up for the end and its not too bad
20 December 2022
This movie is watchable...just dont expect Animal House or The Blues at this institute, our one big takeaway was if we didn't already loathe treat williams, we certainly do now..(did you ever see AnyOne so Badly in need of a behind whoopin?) Belushi is fine, Ackroyd does his best, some good aerial shots, good turn by old pros ned beatty, slim pickens and the great warren oates...matheson a little over the top, but it works.

Some poor choices in the casting department, like the blonde girl from the dumb tv show but we can overlook that

The extended brawl scene could have been cut shorter, but, its still watchable...take a nap in the middle, wake up for the ending and its not too bad.
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Camelot (1967)
Awful...Bloody Awful
6 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Never seen anything so terrible, so awful, so devoid of any kind of entertainment value whatsoever...forget that no one in the cast can actually sing...forget that the part of the young girl gwinn-a vear is played by a wretched old hag...forget that the part of king arthur is played by a filthy windbag who wears a wig apparently made of kitty kat furr and has charcoal rubbed into his eyelids...or the idiocy of casting an italian as a frenchman (Bon chagrin)...forget all that... This is a horrible production. Even for Warner Brothers. Horrible direction. Even for Joshua Logan. Horrible acting. Even for Ms Redgrave and Mr Harris.

Just Horrible and they should go on a nationwide search and seek out and destroy EVERY COPY OF THIS ABSOLUTE MESS!!!!
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Just a horrid little piece of work
5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Made it thru season 1 episode 1 and 2 (2 part episode).... WHO IN THE BLANKETY BLANK thinks about stuff like this? A 16 year old girl cuts off her abusive fathers head...a day old baby is left to die out in the cold, and the FATHER of the child hears the baby crying and simply walks away...are there people LIKE that in Scotland? Civilized persons? A father mentally abuses his daughters to the point the wife and one daughter run away and the younger one DECAPITATES him? After cutting her dogs throat?

Suffice it to say, here on this vessel we WILL NOT BE WATCHING HIS LURID TAWDRY and poorly put together piece of garbage..shame on the BBC for this...shame...
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Ballykissangel (1996–2001)
this could have and should have been so much better
15 September 2022
1-production values were exceptionally poor...grainy production, bad camera work, poor set design and art direction 2-really poor acting 3-questionable casting 4-really poor writing.

BUT.. Even with all that.. The constant women bitching, moaning complaining yelling (at the men) makes one start to think Irish women are somehow horrible creatures, able to outdrink the men, promiscuous, greedy, and shrieking at the least discomfort, and one wonders why they watched beyond the 2nd season.

Oner word: DON'T watch beyond the second season.

(Neighbor of ours from Ireland suggested we drink shots while watching)
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Worst film Anybody ever was associated with
8 August 2022
Who could be responsible for this mess? Obviously elvis did this for the payday, but as for the rest of this....its just a stupid foolish mess...embarassingly idiotic..MTM was never a great actor, and this may be one of the worst things she was ever associated with (maybe she ought to have done a bingbang with elvis; that might have given this pathetic nonsense some spark.
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If You Can't Sleep
20 July 2022
If you cannot get to sleep by all means put this turkey on. I'm actually being generous by giving it 2 stars. This is a boring, annoying, dark, plodding terrible piece of work, even by netflix standards. Colin used to be a well thought of actor, that is, until he allowed himself to be caught up in that brigitte jones nonsense.

The real conflict in this isnt the war--its the idiot dialogue in this move..the guy opposite coling makes you want to smack him, as he is a disagreeable a-hole every time he comes on yourself a favor and watch the marx least their movies supposably have a plot.
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Adam's Rib (1949)
Pathetic boring mess
15 May 2022
Hollywood thinks the public is stupid. Beware the opening sequence where tracy and hepburn are having breakfast in bed--will make you puking sick...also beware the little freak singing to hepburn...the writers and the freak director expect the public to buy a drunk (tracy) a daughter of sappho (hepburn) as a married couple-lawyers even...(give us a freaking break)...miss holiday is excellent as in miss hagen, and the great always under appreciated mr ewell save the day...other wise go to the zoo.
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Midsommar (2019)
the yoko ono of movies
11 April 2022
And that is all there is to this demented garbage. One must wonder what kind of perverted and disgustingly sick mind concocted this, and apparently it's some crqckhead named ari aster, or something like that. This piece of human debris needs to be isolated from the civilized people.

If joe biden made a movie about barack obama starring AOC this would be it.
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Murder in Provence (2022– )
Pleasing light mystery
27 March 2022
Quite pleasing to see Nancy Carroll and Roger Allam team up in a mature, adult, and well done production. They are bound for success if enough adults discover it. Excellent production values, dialogue that does not revolve around today's vulgarities that are common with the current crop of millennial writers; in short one might find this a pleasant foray into the English Mystery Genre without the dreary windbags and shrieking stiff-upper-lippers that tend to so often gravitate to these roles.

Well done Mr Allam. Wishing Great Success to you Sir.
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Book of Love (2022)
Embarassed to say We watched this
4 February 2022
And the only reason we watched it was because it adverted Lucy Punch...however, they barely give her anything, just using her name...with that said, normally we would not even consider an amazon prime original, as they have shown to be inept at cinema (this isn't cinema by Any stretch) However, as we said, the aforementioned Ms Punch was in the cast, and being fans of her, we said, 'why not?' ( it must be revealed one of our crew was under the influence of some unknown mind altering substance, this being LA and all). So we let it roll... "oh dear God this is awful" "absolutely formulaic and predictable" "romper room school of acting" "whats on the golf channel?" You get the idea.... BEWARE>>>and be very afraid.
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we might have given this an '8' but for...
25 January 2022
...but for having to listen to sarah miles cat-inna-washing-machine singsong whine...good lord, mr annakin get that noise outta here... but overall this is not a bad ensemble circus...nice to see some favorites, like goldfinger hisself, Mr. Benny. Hill, the always always terry-the-thomas... the overall silliness is actually much much better on a whole than the stupidity of 'the great race', and not at all a waste of time to watch...(just be ready to cringe every time miss miles opens that mouf)
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11 January 2022
...cumberbatch is a loathesome, creepy and slimy individual perfect for this rot...if the book was so good, why have it directed by an unskilled director? Why cast as the lead one who conjures up visions of pure evil? Is there not a director skilled enough to sublty intimate the cruelty of the antagonist? Spare us all.
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Don't waste your time
17 December 2021
Fanciful and self indulgent nonsense...if you and your compatriots are conned by some dork into sitting thru this mess (..."Oh, you simply MUST do this film..."), then you are sadly lacking in the ability to to discern foolishness and hokum...and by the end, when you find yourselves asking each other, 'what in the name of charles degaulle was the point of this ?'...well, don't say you weren't warned.

A slimy mess of a production (did any of the cast, especially mr cassel, bathe at ALL during the filming?)
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foolishness, utter foolishness
31 October 2021
This is the sort of nonsense destroying young people's ability to deal with the world in a rational manner and make logical rot. At least hitchcock, as disturbed as he was, knew he was disturbed and didnt try to pass himself off as normal (well, some of the time anyway)
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
this trash is worse than stupid
30 August 2021
Who, or rather what, actually would watch this rot? Further evidence our country is going straight to hell.
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Cross Creek (1983)
Serious disappointment
27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Mizz Rawlins was a much more interesting woman than the portrayal by ms steenburger allows...she was a raucous, rowdy, gun totin' moonshine swillin' pants waring hussy with a big big mouf... she was also very very articulate and intelligent... none of these qualities shine thru... ms steenburger plays her like she is the secretary of the local knitting circle... alfre woodard however, throws some pro acting chops down that handily spice things up... the late great rip torn is marvelous...shotgun on horseback cracker style...he and alfre save the thing from being completely stuffed... no real story here, just some nice scenery, a bit of history (the famed maxwell perkins -"On my way to see Earnest")... peter coyote does well also as her eventual husband... but be warned: by the end, you'll ask yourself, 'what was the point of all this? It could have been wrapped up in 5 minutes'... a real and concise biography of the woman might have been a bit more interesting, like we said-she was an interesting woman; you'd never know that by this snoozer.
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Jezebel (1938)
Just plain trash
2 August 2021
Fake southern accents....dumb women....really pitiful hair and costumes.... And a story about a horrible woman...just plain trash.
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