
14 Reviews
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Adolfo (2023)
Sweet, smart and funny
10 March 2024
I'm amazed by this thiny jewel I just saw. A friendship story between two lost souls that encounter by chance and find in each other the completeness they're souls were so desperately in need. A sweet love story between two human beings, so gentle that you need to taste the movie tiptoe. The 67 minutes length it is not a problem because after ten minutes you're already captivated by the chemistry of the two great young actors. The music department perfectly complete without overflowing, leaving the intimacy between the characters the fulcrum of the entire project. Full of spoken and non spoken meaning, kind and leaves you with an open heart. Livelihood for people in need of recharging their souls.
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Once Upon a Boyhood (2023– )
Emotional rollercoaster
16 February 2024
I'll be forever amazed to see how a coming of age kdrama-comedy can easily turn to be a deep drama from one episode to the other. I think this is a characteristic of the seriality made in Korea to have a fluctuating variation of styles within the same season. Probably Hollywood accustomed us viewers to hiper standardized products which, like apples at the supermarket, must be predictable and always maintain the product boundaries of "what's stated in the labels". I'm wondering if this is one of the reasons why K-series are becoming so popular around the world. Probably yes. Well very enjoyable, ultra violence and revenge story at its finest.
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Perfect Days (2023)
An homage to simplicity and silence
27 January 2024
I believe this movie particularly resonate in those who seek refuge in silence, such as mindfulness practicioners like me. But how do you explain interior silence on film? Exactly as the Good Wim did. We live in chaotic surroundings where there's often no space for a deep reflection on ourselves, habits and so on. But when you start to put real attention to yourself you probably find a world you don't know at all. What you think you are it's just an illusion. Might seem the main character is doing this excercise living a simple life despite the chaotic big city all around him. It's a sort of 'urban hermit' (they really exist) focused on balancing and not distracting. Doing a simple despised job but useful for the community. Creating healthy routines and not escaping boredom by filling the void with the first desire who comes to body and mind. He's just living mindful acting accordingly to his inner values. Sci-fi? Absolutely not, years of diligent efforts and intention of being attemptive can lead to this state. You just have to leave behind your old cracked shell and accept a new illuminated one. Way easier to say than to do it, but not impossible. My conclusion: this movie speaks to a specific part of the soul not everybody are ready to start a conversation with but that more and more people are getting curious of. There's still hope out there!
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OVNI(s) (2021–2022)
Way better than Hollywood
28 November 2023
I honestly don't understand how Hollywood can still be the reference point to the world cinema and Tv. I found this serie to be way better that most of the things you can find nowadays on the major streaming services. It's fresh, smart, nice with a sparkle of dry comedy that is not overflowing and well balanced through the 'unfolding of the truth'. Very European in a way, but at least not the same old crap used and reused. Cast works well and you get fond of all of them. A bit repetitive at a certain junctures but perfection doesn't exist. Summarizing: it's a warm and smart series that keeps you hooked up with stunning photography, great acting, perfect original soundtrack and wonderful alchemy between characters. Very funny inventions every now and then, strong storytelling and overall incroyable! Well done, can't wait for third season.
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Portrait of what is liquid life
18 November 2023
This is one of the three movies I consider the pillars of my young adult informal formation. So iconic for many different reasons. First we have Valerio Mastandrea as Walter, the main character - a lost philosophy student - and my favourite italian actor. Second the solidity of a script coming from the book of Giuseppe Culicchia and readapted by the author himself and Davide Ferrario, the director. Third the music department literally invaded by CSI (former CCCP) one of the few original and noticeable contemporary Italian bands. If you add all the three ingredients you get a miracle. A perfect imperfect movie (perhaps like some period of our lives) depicting a young guy that doesn't fit anywhere. This is the personification of sociological concept of 'liquid society' by Zigmunt Bauman, probably not on purpose though. The portrait of a lost soul left without guidance from the past and alone and depressed about the future. As the CSI well dress with one of their most famous songs: 'io sto bene, io sto male, io non so come stare' ('I'm good, I'm not good, I don't know how I should feel'). This is truly a masterpiece to watch. PS: The other two pillars for those interested are: Piovono Mucche (2002) and SLC Punk! (1998).
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Overwhelmed by tender brilliancy
11 November 2023
Finally an empathetic portrait of what is being a woman without ostentation of the condition but a proactive view of feminism as it should be nowadays as well. In a society based almost entirely on self-absorption and individualism - like it is ours - Elizabeth is the example we need to have. First to let understand on an experiencial base what is systemic discrimination to everybody, men as well, and second because in order to approach and resolve a situation you need to respond with rationality and not a self-centered complaining attitude. It seems a miracle today. Once again we see all the power of storytelling that comes from a novel and limit the commercial need of modern television. This is TV history in the making.
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Joe Pera Talks with You (2018–2021)
Can't believe it has been canceled
9 October 2023
I've just find out that the show won't have a fourth season and therefore I've entered mourning state to cope with the sad news. Not only I've started growing beans on my balcony thanks to Joey, but I've also found in the 10 minutes of each episodes an entire universe almost completely detached from the absurdity of ours. 10 minutes that gave me focus and an optimistic view on the simplicity of life. Poetry and awkward comedy at the finest state of art. This was so brave and so new I'm not surprised the views went (probably) so down they had to cancel. A comet we needed in the poor quality of content we are bombarded every day. And who knows, maybe like a comet it will be back in up to 150/250 years from now. I hope sooner, though. But even if it won't be back I'm glad for the heartwarming and smart experience. Thanks to all who made it possible!
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Great cast and idea but it doesn't fly
26 August 2023
It's been presented as one of the movie of the year but despite the premises it doesn't fly. The founding idea is good, it's an historical movie about changes, political power and secularism. Cast is great but I couldn't keep away from my nose the scent of Italian bad tv. Despite all to me these are not the major flaws, the main problem is I was not hooked by the subject and therefore this was not interesting to me. Probably 20 years ago this would have been way controversial showing a Pope in crisis of conscience during the making of the Republic of Italy and the atomization of Church. I need to add that it was quite inflated by media as well therefore my expectations were high. It's still a well made movie just not for me. But you should give it a try especially if you are a parent.
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Pretty amazing Discovery
26 March 2023
Found by chance but very interesting. Nick is a nice, charismatic and smart person and surely makes you feel very comfortable in the friendly manners he has. It really seems to be there among the rattling, the smell and the encounters in the trains but also in the markets and all the local activities. It seems I have to add more characters but there's nothing much really to add. It's a good show and I can't wait to see all the episodes. For passionates about trains, history, food and culture. A good cocktail with all ingredients mixed in the perfect proportions. Enjoy your view, you won't regret it!
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Starts incredibly good but episode after episode turns out to be as bad as Lost
8 February 2022
I don't understand why Hollywood keeps adding stuff over stuff to take all the demographics from impotent granpdas to desperate housewifes and also to fourteen yo with identity crisis. And in doing so loosing the good that could come ut of a good story. I'm not a fan of UK in general but HBO would have done it way better.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
I usually believe in the value of the vote system in IMDB but not this time
2 November 2021
I seriously think there's been a misplacement in the title by the marketing responsibles. In fact if you write 'invasion' you attract a lots of average viewers which have the patience of a colibrì! I'm not saying it is a masterpiece, it has its flaws but it's like a Diesel: he needs some time to warm the motor but then... Up to ep4 seems fine and the mistery about the aliens is slowly unfolding. The vote system counts a lot and if a season two won't be made because of low votes it will be a pity. But hey this is how democracy works after all. I shouldn't be surprised after the no vax movement but what can I say I'm still amazed by human capabilities.
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Creamerie (2021– )
Fresh, funny and dark at the same time
8 August 2021
Good job with this one, even though is pretty dark for a comedy. The cast is working pretty well together and apart from rare moments of vague rambling the story keeps your eyes wide open towards the screen. It's funny yes but the weird and dark factor are the things I loved the most. Can't wait for pt 2!
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Not all the donuts come out with the hole in the middle
25 June 2021
I have nothing against the people who worked to make this movie. But it is bad. So bad it's so far the only movie I have left the theatre before the end. And I sat until the end for Alita, one of the worst movie I've seen in my life. It's not a matter of art, soul, entertainment it's just a bad movie. Next will be better.
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L'alligatore (2020– )
Oh my... It was good!
27 December 2020
I had doubts at the beginning because Italian fiction is usually bad. But L'alligatore has solid pillars to substain it: it's taken from the book series by Massimo Carlotto with the same name, it's shooted in the beautiful Padova especially in the splendid and peculiar countryside, the cast is pretty good especially Thomas Trabacchi that plays a trigger-happy smuggler with a heart of gold and music perfectly feets the mood of the main character and the evolving of story. First episode seems a bit 'light' but it's just the beginning of everything and by the third episode I realized how moving and immersive was the story. There is a main background plot that goes behind the entire series and 4 'chapters' divided in two episodes each. In conclusion: if you like solid storytelling, good music, passion, entanglements, love, borderline detectives and redemption you should definitely give it a try.
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