16 Reviews
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An absolute Blast for your newborns
29 March 2024
This has to be one of the most inspid and zany film I've laid my eyes upon. This has got to be a effing joke right?

Both the main characters are wasted and felt like underutilised.

The human cast was mostly garbage especially Bernie. He was obnoxious in the previous movie and remains the same in this one. Instead Dan stevens could have been give more screen time.

The CGi is very poor and rough in some scenes and it's glaringly obvious.

The most repulsive thing about it is the monsters don't move or fight like monsters rather inflated balloons. No weight, no impact, no earthquake... Nothing.

Also the fight scenes were extremely short and uninteresting. Why else would someone would want to watch a movie of big monsters if they don't fight for a considerable amount of time?

Well I guess if you let a low budget garbage tier scholcky horror movie director handle your tentpole blockbuster franchise this outcome isn't all that surprising.

But hey if I point out the flaws instead of gobbling down nonsense then I am public enemy number 1 right?
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Blue Beetle (2023)
DC's first AI written film
19 August 2023
Welcome to yet another hot garbage by WB studios. This cannot be a movie written by humans. The dialogue is just beyond gut wrenching puke. No way this was written by a sanely functioning human. Has WB lost its mind completely? From Immigration to name mispronounciation, poverty and other such blatant in-your face tropes about the latin american genpop. What were they trying to achieve here? Score ESG points for appeasing the ethnic minorties ?

Susan Sarandon is completely wasted and reduced to a script reader with a monotone voice. The physical thrreat aka bad guy has to be the THE worst character ever produced in the history of movies. With a singular expression on his face and no character development he was punching bag for the protagonist. The supporting cast is headache inducing with non-stop conversing in their own colloquial terms much of which is left to be deciphered. Horrendous doesn't even begin to cover this movie. Steer clear and wait for streaming after all this movie was meant to be a streaming release initially, so that just tells about its quality. A bloated telenovela garbage with sprinkles of fortnite battles aimed at 10 year olds.
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Disappointment Ahoy!
13 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When i got to know about this horror movie about one of the cornerstone of Gothic Horror was being made and too by the director of Autopsy of Jane Doe fame, I was ecstatic but alas! Such a poor adaptation of the source material. Granted the source material itself is very very short, but still. Dracula was shown too much in the movie instead of keeping him hidden and building up the suspense. A glaring scientific inaccuracy like blood transfusion without even knowing whether blood type would match or not just made my mind go nuts. Not verifying the content of the private cargo before loading was also another mistake, also the speech about racism blatantly shoved in our faces was competely uncalled for. The execution was very very poor with too much exposition and not keeping the surprise of Dracula. Decent performances but the poor script destroyed this movie. But the ending tease was very very nicely set up although we know with the current box office disappointment it wouldgo nowhere. Stay away and rewatch other movies.
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Excellent Movie, if you are a 5 year old kid
3 August 2023
Pros: None that i can even remotely think of.

Cons: Where to begin?

Mildly interesting twist revealed way too early, not enough megalodon action, laughable CGI which is absolutely unacceptable for a 2023 movie, supporting cast is just like puppets, awful script, asinine direction, blatantly differs from source material and insults the source.

Female lead of previous movie is missing who had slight chemistry with male lead. John Turtletaub may not have made a magnum opus with the first movie but it's definitely fun and enjoyable unlike this vapid waste of resource Verdict: Avoid at all costs, not worth pirating also, just read the novels.
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Black Adam (2022)
Bland Adam
22 October 2022
Direction: Very average. I don't know how or why Jaume who did some decent to ok films in the past had agreed to do this bland movie. Maybe he is a just a puppet director like a stand in?

Dialogue: Zany and cheap. How terrible can you make? I guess they told an AI to write some generic action movie lines and wrote the script.

Action: Decent but due to poor editing it just feels so jarring and hard to follow.

VFX: oh my god! Atrocious to put it mildly. Some scenes are okay but others are straight up PS2 level of garbage. Spending 200 mil on a film and one would expect good VFX but alas it's horrendous.

Acting: again, very poor. Dwayne performs decently owing to the stoic and hard boiled nature of Teth Adam but it falls flat near the middle to end of the movie. Pierce Brosnan just seems uninterested to be in the movie as evident from his dialogue, demeanor and body language and was there to collect his paycheck. He plays a character that is almost godlike yet he's almost underutilized and it's painful to see. Hawkman and Cyclone are race swapped to play the diversity card as usual and wasted. Cyclone and Atom Smasher is wasted but their performances are mildly nice. Hawkman acts a Adam's punching bag and serves no other purpose.

Story : an absolute barebones and it doesn't help this mess at all. The character motivations and objectives are all over the place.

Skip this and save your bucks.
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When did we become the joke?
7 July 2022
My title of review is a line said by Russel Crowe's character Zeus and it aptly summarises the problem of this movie.

How the mighty have fallen.... said by Thor to Zeus also nicely fits the movie.

Incessant gags and idiotic quips marred the already tiring nonsensical screenplay. Christian Bale had barely any screentime and is wasted completely i guess even a thespian such as him has accepted defeat at the hands of mcu. And how come everyone is suddenly a worthy candidate? In the first film Odin had said he whosoever is Worthy shall possess the power of thor, but here apparently everyone is out of the blue. You don't need proper training, skills or experience because... reasons i guess.

Only Russel Crowe's Zeus seemed serious and menacing enough but he isn't given a lot to play with. Chris doesn't bother anymore with the pile of cash at his feet i guess butchering Norse mythology left and right. Well u get what you paid for i guess.
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2 October 2021
I had high hopes for this film after the initial decent film Venom (2018) by Ruben fleishcher. Although it was critically panned by critics and somes fans alike, it became a decent success. The sequel is nowhere near the previous film, even though the previous film suffered from uneven tone all thanks to Sony and Tom Hardy's idiotic mindset to make a clown out of the morally grey character to appease the kids and the director who understood the property correctly, aiming for a horror, mystery and sprinkled gallows humor story.

Andy Serkis known best for his motion capture roles as director does his best with an abysmal storyline and banal script. Tom Hardy and Woody Harrelson two of the most reputed actors are wasted as they barely give good performances. Naomie Harris as Francis is also grossly under utilized and so is the supporting cast of Detective Patrick Mulligan, Anne and her fiance Dan and lastly Mrs. Chen. Music score is bland compared to the first film which added a sense of urgency, tension and thrill, CGI is downright atrocious beyond words as expected with a budget of 110 million in today's day and age when the plot revolves around cgi heavy elements.

Sony just trying to pass it off as blockbuster whereas its absolute garbage and much much pathetic compared to the first film. The characters of Cletus and Eddie is absolutely out of touch from their comic-book counterparts where as Eddie as an investigative reporter is clueless like an imbecile and Cletus as a serial killer is nowhere near the unhinged psychotic murderer from the pages of source material. Shame as i was really excited for the first ever appearance of Carnage. Even the intro of Carnage is pathetic and suffers from pg-13 rating whereas he should be bathing in the blood of his victims and was such a huge threat that Venom allied with Spiderman to defeat him.
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Loki: Lamentis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Wow another garbage!
23 June 2021
Another Wednesday another pile of cringe from the new show. A filler episode in a tv miniseries? Now that's a new low even for most cringey universe aka MCU. Absolutely no exciting development takes place. 2 of the most dangerous schemers in existence who brought The Earth's Mightiest heroes down on their knees and they can barely manipulate their way out of the hands of soldiers.? Just keep churning out more garbage and eventually phase 4 will be the new DCEU .... a pure abhorring colossal waste of resource and time. Shame on you Tom Hiddleston for agreeing to work on such pitiful nonsense a new low for a revered thespian such as you.
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Loki (2021–2023)
Has marvel gone completely insane?
10 June 2021
Are u seriously joking with me? The God Of Mischief, the son of King Laufey the Ruler of Jotunheim, admitting that he's Weak. What atrocious piece of writing is this? And i can't believe Tom Hiddleston agreed to work with this type of material. He's known for picking interesting projects where the characters are intriguing at the least with a flair for dramatics. He isn't even trying anymore. He gave his best performances in the first Thor film and Avengers(2012). The god of mischief must be terrifying and conniving whose sheer presence makes your skin crawl with uncertainty and terror not cracking jokes or delivering asinine garbage dialogues. He never lets the situation get out of control because he's the ultimate schemer, even the Earth Mightiest Heroes version is better than this. The biggest joke is how they explained the entire function of TVA using a animated intro instead of u know actual live action stuff. Just speak volumes about their efforts. Won't be bothering to check out the rest of the episodes . I guess this dumbed down version of loki is very easy to explain for mentally paraplegic kids which seems to be the target audience of mcu nowadays.
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Confused (no spoilers)
23 April 2021
Oh boy, wasn't that a disappointing show?

You have the duo of an 100 year old brainwashed assassin trying to escape his PTSD horrors by righting wrongs working together in an uneasy at worst alliance with the second in command of Steve Rogers trying to fight a group of disillusioned radicalized neo-terrorists in a globetrotting adventure, add in a old conniving antagonist of Zemo by the talented Bruhl into the mix along with a government funded cheap replica of the great Captain America who has a hard time adjusting to the role and you're supposed to get the best spy genre action thriller tv show. But no instead, we get irrelevant non sensical group of terrorists led by an psychotic angsty teenager who can't even act out of a wet paper bag. Just following into the footsteps of the previous monumental failure of Wandavision from the so called 'powerhouse' of marvel.

I guess they can sell anything now just by adding 'from the MCU.' The plot was paper thin, the characters under utilized and absurd so called 'twists' destroying previous character development, the action and plot was absolutely horrible. I guess hiring a second unit director of mediocre action flic as writer didn't work out for them.
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Excuse me?
16 April 2021
When i saw the name as Falcon and the winter soldier i was excited to be treated with breathtaking action and plot. Instead we get garbage. Just how can you waste such good talent ? Making idiotic plots with cringe dialogue. What happened to fast paced action thriller with lots of conspiracy stuff and double agent vibes? Super soldiers, assassins, government funded psycho soldier, terrorists with toppling government agendas, spy and double agents.... how can you go wrong? The performance is really the saving grace but the show is an absolute trainwreck. Even though winter soldier was my favorite movie this is nowhere near that.
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Godwhy vs Kingnonsense
31 March 2021
Just why? This movie is simply awful. Adam wingard can't direct a decent monster movie and he's given the helm of directing of what should've been a magnum opus of the monsterverse. The plot is paper thin with unlikable characters. Millie, her friend denison and brian tee simply comes out as obnoxious and annoying. The humour is toilet standard, the visual effects are decent. The main antagonists are not at all motivated by logic rather according to ... i don't know what. Kyle chandler is wasted, serizawa's son's presence makes no sense or motivation. Kong and godzilla fight off but they're not visually enticing.
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Sorry, not impressed.
20 March 2021
This can't be snyder's justice league or zack has probably dropped his calibre. the dialogue is garbage, not a single worth remembering unlike MOS & BVS. What happened to affleck's batman? acting like a clown!! The music score is atrocious, the cgi looks 90's pile of garbage. i'm sorry i can't pretend to like this movie even though i'm a zack's blind fan
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Oh no! Cringe.
26 December 2020
Patty Jenkins thought if the first mediocre movie raked in boatloads of cash so will this pile of garbage. Laughable dialogues, non existent action scenes one would expect more action in a movie about Amazon warrior one of the fiercest warriors in mythology. The adversaries are cringe worthy , the cgi is pure pathetic. The sub plot of middle Eastern politics is unnecessarily complicated and adds no later to the movie's overarching theme. The target audience is probably juvenile so patty Jenkins thought why not induce more more 80s non sensical nostalgia to draw people. Mark my words WB will blame Covid for poor reception and performance of this movie
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Paranormal (2020)
Finally Netflix delivers a stellar show
15 November 2020
This show is worth checking out for. The source material is highly acclaimed as i found out . the adaptation is mind blowing and i didn't expect this from a egyptian creators. The lead is phenomenal, the supporting cast is also very good if not excellent. The overarching mystery is fantastic and especially the supernatural tone of the series. i never thought i could enjoy it so much. Renew this asap netflix with increased budget
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Helstrom (2020)
Just Hell! No Storm
17 October 2020
A pale and zany butchered adaptation of the the source material from the pages of classic Marvel Horror. Both of the leads are wasted and instead the focus is on other boring meandering subplots which adds nothing valuable to the story. Sydney lemmon fares much better than the charismatic yet moody Tom Austen but I don't think it's because of the acting. I'm quite sure both are equally good but Daimon's character has zero personality and as such treated without reverence (when in reality or should i say comic book world?) he's usually a brooding, melancholic pariah from existence. He's got nowhere to go, ostracized from society due to his demonic heritage for being the son of Satan and branded as a traitor by the forces of netherworld (who are the closest thing he's got to a kin) due to rejecting pure Evil. But he acts it out as if it's nothing and all's good to go. Too bad but there were glimmers of SatANA's (Sydney's character) personality sprinkled. But that's it... sprinkled and not ex positioned properly. She's a succubus after all, draining the life force of men by seducing them could have been much much better but alas. One thing you have to understand is that our leads are NOT heroes like your cookie cutter good vs villain stuff but rather afflicted by evil who are trying to shed their demonic heritage, they have to keep their dark side under control, waging a perpetual war to subdue their inherent evil by righting a wrong. The major dichotomy between the siblings is that Daimon rejects the ways and teachings of Evil while her sister welcomes it with open arms. None of it is properly explained or shown. The side characters of caretaker and hastings are utterly distracting and adds nothing to empathize our hell spawn duo siblings. Nor do complement our leads in any way just monotonous drab dialogue without much implications. They should have been fleshed out thoroughly. And Visual effects are barely decent compared to production houses that nowadays usually work with. The stakes are absent even when demonic forces are at work and a sense of foreboding doom should linger around. The dialogue is somewhat good but again sprinkled, fails overall. just stay away and read the source material available for free online
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