
80 Reviews
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Sharper (2023)
Fast for sharper.
25 February 2023
Six hundred and one.


From the Sting up, a few interesting movies, mainly about con crews, scaling uo the business, corporate level.

We can "Name" one or two of these, but we won't.

Doubt subsists.

Is it a memory problem or disdain?

Maybe we see movies in an holistic perspective.

As we don't care about names except Deutsch or Latin... We may see faces, or death people.

Death are closer than the living, deserving appreciation, their book is written, although not entirely disclosed.

Living are intermediate points of uncertainty although we have Big Data, Statistical analysis, artificial intelligence or at least deep learning with a machine touch, tout court.

Sui Generis is hard to find, art and life, those common places that since Kant, Historical Hegelian Dialectics or Max Weber Positivismus sucked life from that quantum of chaos that, glaube ich, is returning, alleluia.

David Chalmers brought up Qualia.

Well Qualia of a con artist movie enter a realm of deja vu or presque vu.

So, i am writing this pretentious words out of boredom.

Although poor, a failure in life, one decided to write a 600 about 104 arcs a little less beats, in this particular, more, since heart is trying to end my existence or give me an hello, I'll be leaving, hit the road you moron.

Oh, this is about a movie.

New York must be a trip of deviation, high and low, even the New York urban falcon or bicycle deliver insane routes are hard to find, and, consequently, interesting.

Good film locations, some takes.

A master actress, may she endure forever, she does not need my appreciation, but there it goes: thank you so much for your Art, madam.

Good work, lets see it and leave a shadow of a doubt.

I guess it deserves at least a solid seven.

Congratulations, don't misinterpret my feelings, I love cinema.

Keep it up.

Thank you.

Best wishes 🙏.
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Dickinson (2019–2021)
Three for third. Not rating.
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The same as Christopher Marlowe, someone shows an educated reinterpretation and Neal Stephenson's Novel Rise and Fall of D. O. D. O., several TV séries suppose him a metrosexual spy for Elizabeth I, last of the Tudors, adulterated Shakespeare himself as a pure unfounded hypothesis.

Emily Dickinson's poetry has beautiful poems about sexuality, eventually between girls... normal in any era.

Rap, liquid mdma like or alucinogenics, well, that's my beach, baby, but...

Later I would say anything, I love to actively participate in lesbian affairs, it is a adrenalin fueled thing, but one should be bisexual or confused... 🤔🙏✨

OK, the German subtitles are a lesson.

That's not Emily from her Oeuvre, I am not that idiot who writes mine, also.

Congrats to the assembly, Cast and Crew, ". .. Einem einst friedlich Wald, Lärm, Qualm und Menschen?..."

To be contemplated and continued. 😉
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Killing Eve: Making Dead Things Look Nice (2022)
Season 4, Episode 7
In between, killing choices.
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Defining by negative, this episode finally let Konstantin go, still making a beautiful corpse.

Showing closed paths, entering psychological realm with a grain of salt, many common places.

Daring to change with no expected outcome... The human nature.

Congratulations to Cast and Crew, bring more music, if you may.
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Seven minus Azazel...
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Congratulations to Cast & Crew.

Very interesting, well developed, it works at an unexpected final.

This time we're talking about astral plane projections, not demons, as in "Fallen" 1998.

But every time, Azazel, the demon, a guy who fall for a good life, in the end, they get a winning hand 🔥 Good Riddance.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Please, sintetize, cut, reduce, simplify.
22 March 2022
I had sympathy for the first Robert Jordan's books.

That I kow of, only my daughter, a little obsessive with completing tasks, which is good for a surgeon as she is, maybe not so much as a reader.

Have I ever jump chapters from books 5 to eight? Yes I did.

Robert Jordan's motivs don't apply to a cinematic adaptation.

So, if you want to get it, grab a strong, fast, narrative.

You may still be faithful to the spirit of the oeuvre, but don't go into unending, unimportant details.

I am comparing George R. Martin "Storm of Swords" to a side story, "the world's end" of Joan D Vinge, part of the exceptional writing of "The Snow Queen", " The Summer Queen".

You know what preliminary conclusion have I derived?

Still endorsing with a grain of salt George Martin's writings, the HBO production invested in such quality that was able to produce eight A grade series.

But we wanted to know what lied beyond that wall since the first... Our present epoch is of big, complex threads turned into writing... On the contrary, Joan D. Vinge prose is beautiful, has poetic flashes, is effective, and tells a story, it is not a marathon of fantasy as The Wheel of Time.

I became a fan of the second law of thermodynamics, wishing entropy to take ride of the narrative😃of the Wheel, come, O arrow of Time!

An example of big book series that is not a marathon is Anne Rice's Witches/Talos or Vampires... So, my opinion: your team has failed my expectations at first chapter.

I wish you recover force, purpose, great pixelated images and takes, action sequences.

So you may save Robert Jordan from himself and Get Dragon Reborn /Aes Sedai/not much Matt (&&)... I believe the world will thank you.

Congratulations to Cast and Crew, six is due to an slow motion beginning... I should have given an higher value, actually I am afraid of a never ending story, like THIS REVIEW 😁 Be Good, write, reduce, act heroically!

🔥 🔥 Thank you so much. Best regards.

So, get up,, improve!
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Lean on Pete (2017)
Just a story about life.
25 February 2022
I have seen many movies about sad times over life and bad luck, changing people.

Young people.

Critics have a way of over appreciating some.

Plummer played a character not easy to accomplish.

Overall it is a sad, difficult theme.

I just don't see where the stuff that made the critics up actually exists.

Congratulations to the Cast and Crew, If one's really good at telling sad stories, the results should be similar to this movie.

Good, simple, ending.
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I am so sorry.
21 February 2022
To one of the greatest directors, To all you that gave your heart ♥ to a remake To all you great Actresses and Actors, Cast and Crew To a beautiful Art Direction, To some wonderful takes💫 My deepest sympathy and respect.

You are doing well, are pretty much excellence embody... Legends in action.

Unfortunately I don't endorse full circle ethically controversial movies.

Yours sincerely, best of all things, including Lady Luck's smile.

Thank you, this should be a Ten.

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Scream (I) (2022)
21 February 2022
Regarding an unplausable, chaotic, condusing, plot, although a grain of salt of unpredictability remains.

It's a seven for so many people, Cast and crew, together with this crazy train.

A wreck, a nice crash... Congratulations Cast and crew, best of luck to everyone!

Yours, sincerely, from a cinepholic... Good Riddance!
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Little big things.
9 February 2022
TV has taken the higher role many times, maybe too much.

Until you see a movie that honors us all.

I bow to you all and have nothing to add. All infra are little big things.

Like real art. The best is yet to come?

The director returns, we cannot always get the bullseye.

Eventually we stumble at the end, it comes for everyone.

Not the same Ridley, but a good one.

Congratulations to the Cast & Crew!

I have no schedule for movies, I ask when needed.

It's not about the money.

It's about evil, and soulless humans.
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
Past due for a praise. Sense.
25 January 2022
One of the most touching, important, uplifting series of the second decade of the century.

I write this now about the creative human experience of the sisters, independently of means, plus the exceptional cast.

When it not three and an half in the morning, Something more articulate will perhaps become true.

It is the kind of thing that brings responsibility to the direction, establishing that level high and above.

It was an honor to watch, including the conclusion, art superseded life.

Congratulations and many thanks for the opportunity to meet with such a great story brought to my attention.

If the time was know, I would have given it a Maximum Score.
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My Matrix is not our or even Wachovsky's
24 January 2022
Many years ago I saw a first movie, innovative like Inception or Alita, Spider-Man in the Multiverse... New moves, new frames, good wardrobe, so I waited.

The Resurrection was the best of the Triumvirate.

Real good sci-fi cinema, like James Cameron, Guillermo del Toro or the percursors Lucas/Spielberg.

The sisters/brothers have Cloud Atlas, wow, real kick in spotlight of good cinema.

Now, they want us to say that they are underachieving.

They mounted a pseudo sequel without any real grip.

Are they still available?

They could extract a whole new "fork" at any given point of the prior movie experience and, as a blessing of creativity, give us an entire new Arc of the Matrix, or a parallel one.

Instead they reinstated the same characters into less bright, minor innovation, cliches, until we, I, not being real, must tread softly, but I don't believe they were afraid that someone would smash or scatter their dreams.


As proven, there were no dreams required, only script adaptation, like a minor update, fixing bugs, introducing some minor functionality... Seven stars for the privilege of doubt, maybe there is another that brings light into this unsatisfactory piece.

Go there, ask for new ideas, red blood.

Wich does not mean that you were not doing well, Cast & Crew: congrats and many thanks, old friends... Keep it coming, and coming 🙏
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The spirit whithin revisited
24 January 2022
It doesn't matter how many years have passed or how many money was spent on the present Blade Runner black lotus.

It captures the essence of the Blade Runner, of those who have to earn their keep, but decide to go with the flow and choose their spirits, including humanity, empathy, compassion, and also the rage against the system that turns us into hungry ghosts of our best selves.

So, I welcome this little great saga, I hope that you will be able to give it an inspiring end as it should, beyond the bitter world that is crushing us every single day. Lights are welcome.

A distinct gathering of voices, oh yes, good soundtrack, fight choreography, interesting animation, Congratulations to cast and crew and Crunchy Roll for what's been doing for our digital arts and animation in particular.

Good Riddance, be strong in your view.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
An eight as a cube of a pair
22 January 2022
I am a little hungry, mad about life and such, so, why not an eight?

I just didn't see it all, (45 min. Ep 10) so I ignored, as a blessing, the degree of monetization... Or pretend not to know.

You did a great job over a theme one thousand times in the TV or movies.

Interesting characters, explained by a belonging to a team of above average people.

Yes, cannibalism is not so taboo, satanism, of voodoo like stuff, cults, sacrifices, are they?

Maybe if real people were more problem solvers than inertial values, society would progress strongly.

Having seen so so many plots over the years, this has been a watchable season.

Rare at this state of my life.

So, congrats, I always said women have more angle to do interesting characters.

A scrip, an interpretation, things we have intended to do, at least once?

A recipe above average. With a grain of salt.

That's all folks! 🦄
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Drive My Car (2021)
4:44 minutes
14 December 2021
Masterfully introduced into our forma mentis, That's why I will not see this movie right now.

Moulin Rouge took 21 years waiting.

And I won't regret them.

Regardless, this piece and, maybe, this sensation of fragile equilibrium where I stand, they would smash into each other.

So, calculating a high probability of increasing my present nostalgia, towards depression, I wouldn't allow myself to see it thoroughly.

Knowing it would mess with that frightening thing that I bare inside... But know that those minutes meant more than many 2 hours cinematic experiences.

If this perfunctory appreciation proves itself not accurate, A review will be edited and reoriented.

Congratulations for a four minutes beauty, maybe influenced by Hiroshima...mon amour, And yet, I am eager to see it when the time comes.
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The Wheel of Time: The Dragon Reborn (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Never Ending Story
27 November 2021
After four episodes, at this rhythm, we will need about 24 series, at least to cover Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time Series.

As politics and directors may see that, and get a good TV series compression method, I gave the benefit of the doubt,

And the hope to transform one of the most boring best-selling series into something good.

Yes, because the good lines of script plot are easily discernable...

Give up. No to a Gargantuous project.


Actually I wrote a gigantic review, waiting editing for spelling and semantic errors, just to getva little taste of it.

Best regards.
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Arcane (2021– )
21 November 2021
It's a great honor to have been there, beyond.

New benchmark for animation in latu sensu.

Thank you for the opportunity, Congratulations to you all that made me think outside of a box I've never found, actually... One can only imagine that box should exist for many.
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See: The Truth About Unicorns (2021)
Season 2, Episode 6
A coherent saga
2 November 2021
Uneasy is the Head that's wears the Crown, We could say that the Tempest would have been better without the act 5.1... Other relations about what an epic drama should be.

I bow to you all, people, authors of something different, unpredictable in a sense, consistent and powerful.

Great Job.

It will not be forgotten.


Let's keep the bar higher... sense.
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Wish Dragon (2021)
Misplaced Ressources
25 June 2021
With that kind of know how, a wonder could been achieved.

That's way leaders, I general, especially at such endeavor as Netflix, And other great Juggernauts of Dream and entertainment business, Are loosing its grip, Reliying on statistical analysis of big data cloud, creative that use exactly the same approach, SSDD, in a known expression.

Common places or trending conflicts, influencers opinion, and more.

Is this a bad animation movie?

No, it isn't.

But words are in debit, images at fault, as used so many times for so many similar movies.

Same recipe, a "new flavor" while our the palate says otherwise.

A wasted opportunity to art, maybe a strategically well succeeded business decision.

Congrats to those who matter to me, regrets to others.

It is a pity.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Forth pack: do we came full circle?
18 June 2021
Elisabeth Moss is actually a reference as an actress. Margaret Atwood, I suppose, has reached deeper insight into human mind.

Because this is not about mistreat or abused women.

It uses the theme, very clearly and properly in terms of utopian fiction, to induce the universal theme of inequality, discrimination, philosophy, social and trauma psicology and relief, if it may exist, as closure, we don't opinate.

This last series was a pleasure and a honor.

Resistant at first series, I don't endorse dystopia much, instead side with utopian thinkers, we should be convinced by the forth call.

So, including all the contributions, cast and crew, I guess there still much to happen in a sequel.

In spite of future events, that may change the overall perspective, congratulations are in order regarding these wonderful episodes.

Keep up the great work, godspeed, to be moderate on many "archaisms" properly applicable to this fine art piece.
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
If we will face a "righteous" ending
29 April 2021
In that case, eight is top shelf.

If not the sky is the limit.

If creativity brings all to a type of dark side... It Could have the sum of genius takes and conversations till know, the surgeon and both daughter and son, t his, always his ex wife, the fabulous criminologist forensic expert, and others also interesting.

Congrats to cast and crew.

One of the best achievements to this date..

It is an honour to have your performances as experienced.
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Come True (2020)
15 March 2021
Why don't we leave this movie, with so many common places. Why watching it? If you have an articulated answer, you have more than I. Congrats,, it is a movie. Full of hipotetical interpretations, I guess. Actually, I don't guess here, so please forgive the vacuity of my appreciation.
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A tribute to movies, the heart of an era.
14 February 2021
Very pleasant movie, which gives you a warm feeling at the end, with a taste of bitterness. As cinephiles, we should look for beauty, photography, a good script, and especially to the forest and not only the trees, which are characters well performed, an epoch recreated with its enormous challenges, a people and its history. A very interesting forest that we have seen. Congratulations to all the people who are at the center and also those who are behind. Afterall if the team does not want to provide quality, even great productions may fall.
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Synchronic (2019)
A road into a funnelling field.
12 January 2021
At the beginning you see unusual takes, exotic happenings, provocative scenes of danger and death. There is a common denominator, as the lead character rapidly concluded. As an alternative reality offers a first insight, in the end we fall upon commonalities around Sci-fi and movie making. Although not forgotten, That sense of what was lost, certainly missed, turning our experience into an ordinary one. So, as promising more than what was delivered, it ends being underappreciated. Hail cast and crew sorry for the critic, good piece, could have been great. Next time. Congrats
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Scripts and books, literature is not the seventh
29 December 2020
I did not have the pleasure of meeting the related queen bee in words, Although the series is not void of lovely sentences, with true literary value,on the contrary I very much appreciate the opportunity of hearing those words, thoughts, dialogue, and the mastery of the narrator. Love scenes were "normal" , as I, usually, in many cases, facing abnormal fabricated behavior fast forward them... these passed as those real life has presented me, considering the epoch. So it is a positive experience of good takes, dialogues, art. Stories as this are the fabric of a type of literature that transcends genres. Beeing able to bring it to screen and take an old, experienced viewer and critic to its happy tears, falling slowly off his cheek, more than the sad little tears that real man also drop, was an unexpected pleasure. Drama, adversity, naiveté, social constraints, love and pain, ilusion and delusion, what more to that stuff that dreams are made of? I see clearly a good thing to say about Bridgeton, Congratulations for bring us an object of that world called good cinema ou TV, in an age where we see the intersection of them both. Congratulations for not spending my time with monetization and infantile attempts to shock and held the tent of a circus, as many unfortunate do. Good ensemble. Say different, I have my delusions filled already with some absurd criticism I was presented here in Imdb, here and there. You are wrong. This is good work. Art.
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Next (2020)
It could have been great, improve it.
22 December 2020
Simplistic, based on urban myths more than real computer science, it has the stuff for a higher complexity, philosophical, dramatic, real frightening version. Which compression algorithm or encription? A simple server farm? Maybe an A. I. into a phone controlling Watson or Amazon would be more credible.... The seven and eighth episodes are getting the thing watchable... As everyone knows it would be a target for appropriation by the powers that be. And, as usual, a storm follows. If you relay on the right side of expertise for a sequel you may reverse it for a good product. Distributive cognitive architecture, some verisimilitude here. Monetization fights itself when one reserves what should have been delivered by packets through the first S. in terms of impact. Get a better sequel. Persist and you can get a hit on two. Congrats for the effort. Good Riddance.
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