
3 Reviews
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Quinton Tarantino's Most Underrated Film
24 August 2020
I never saw this film back when it was released in 2015. But, I did manage to buy a copy of Blu-Ray. Now, when I first saw it, I thought this movie was flawless/perfect. I now know that no movie despite what anyone may say, is perfect. But I am firm believer that this is in fact Quinton Tarantino's most underrated and under-appreciated film. Everyone I've talked to, says the Hateful Eight isn't Tarantino's most re-watchable film. I disagree. With a phenomenal cast that really gets into their characters. Each one stands out and not one is forgetful. Samuel L. Jackson and Kurt Russell are the stars of this film and it shows. Their performances (in my opinion) were Oscar worthy. Don't even get me started on the story. This is basically a Who-Done-It play turned into a film. The complexity of this story should make the audience feel confused and turn their heads going, "what the hell is happening?". But it does the exact opposite. Everything flows perfectly. The pacing of this film, while it is almost 3 hours, it doesn't feel like it. The cinematography is great. The score brings tension and makes the audience uneasy. But I think my favorite thing of this film, is the scenery. Having these 8 characters who all hate each other, trapped by a blizzard. Really builds up the tension of the catastrophe that is coming. The only thing that is working against this film is the lengthy setup shots at the beginning of the movie. The first five minutes of the film is plagued by it and those tend to drag on. Beyond that, everything about this film is great.
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Seven Samurai (1954)
Don't Waste Your Time!
20 August 2020
Seven Samurai, is a Japanese Film from 1954. It's a black and white film, and is considered a classic. I don't see this as a classic. I see this as a film that was possibly great in its time, but did not age well. Time has not been kind to this film/ I personally do not feel that the average movie goer, would get pass the first hour. Let's talk about what I liked. First off, the acting is good. Each actor fits their character and thats fine. The Direction is good. That's really it. This film has a lot going against it for today's age. And that is how I am going to conduct this review, from a viewer in today's age. What I didn't like is majority of the film and its aspects. Let's start with the big one, the movie is Three and a Half Hours long. When it does not need to be. The first hour alone could be cut in half and it wouldn't take away from the main story. Which brings me to my next grievance. The plot of the movie doesn't come into play until an hour of the movie. I was sitting waiting for something relevant to the plot to happen and by the first hour when it happens. I have lost all interest in the movie. Another factor is the pacing is awful. The movie is 3 hours and 27 minutes, it felt like 4 hours or more. I was constantly checking how long I had left. One last thing is you really don't know whose who. You have these characters that are thrown into a scene and it's never really explained who they are or what their purpose is. I had such high hopes for this film because I heard it was great. But, I was given nothing but what was a great film in it's prime that lost it's meaning and watchability over time.
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Another disappointment
21 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am one of the people who had hope for Justice League, wonder woman was great I loved every second of it. But this film does not deliver. As I watched this movie I noticed many flaws right off the bat. Lets start with the beginning, Batman was the opener of this film, you find him catching a cat burglar, yet he wants to find Steppen Wolfs minion. He finds the minion and it blows up for no apparent reason except to advance the plot. There is no introduction at all, nothing, not who these creatures are or where they came from. And on another note, don't these creatures only come to Earth with the villain. Later on Bruce Wayne is with Alfred on his jet and you can tell immediately when Ben Affleck sits down, its CGI. The side shot of his face is CGI. Later on you get a horrible into to what could have been, possibly, a good villain. Steppen Wolf just shows up at themyscira out of no where, that was a terrible intro. We get a horrible CGI Cyborg. And Aquaman is barely in the movie for the first half. Speaking of Aquaman, he had a barely any dialogue and a lot of one liners. He and Flash were so cringe. Superman is in the film for twenty minutes. Wonder Woman is the only redeeming quality. She had some good scenes, I won't lie. And at one point Batman magically transfers from his Bat Plane to his Batmobile, like what the actual crap. Now, Steppen Wolf was a lousy villain, he was barely in the film and when he was, he was extremely boring. The dialouge was garbage. They stole ideas from Xmen Days of Future Past with the slowmotion flash scene with helping wonder woman. The pace of the movie was to fast, they tore through everything in the trailer within 40 minutes. The movie was 2 hours with credits, this should at least been two hours and twenty minutes with credits. And I believe this movie should have been released later, and let the movies for Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg been released and then come out with this film. All n all this movie was boring, fasted pased, and had nothing going for it. I hope there isn't a sequel.
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