
18 Reviews
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25 March 2024
Probably the worst "Horror" ive seen in a long time. How are people giving this 8/9 stars? Did they watch the same movie? Absolutely BORING not ONE scary bit. No sense of dread. No horrifying images. No creepy music. NOTHING. Just people sitting around talking for an hour and a half. It should have never even seen the light of day for a CINEMA release! I want my time and money back. People giving this 7 or higher need to watch more horror movie because is NOT horror. Its like a bad episode of goosebumps so bad that it never aired back in the day but some psycho found the tape and decided to bore the world with it. 0/10.
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Spencer (2021)
12 November 2021
FINALLY someone gave her the role shes been practicing for all her life! The one role where she DOESN'T have to move her face, OSCAR NOMINATION FOR OUTSTANDING FACIAL EXPRESSIONS!
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Thunder Force (2021)
Octavia was kidnapped!
12 April 2021
Was Octavia held against her will to make this? You could tell in her acting she didn't even want to be there.
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14 December 2020
Dear Paul......WHY did you let doobie white ruin yet another video game movie, with his AWFUL AWFUL editing....if anyone in Hollywood reads this, DO NOT EMPLOY THIS EXCUSE OF AN EDITOR!!

Kind regards

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Why Women Kill (2019–2021)
Finally DH 2.0
1 December 2019
Just watched the first episode and loved it, really funny BUT.... please get rid of the 2019 storyline for season 2, the other two stories are brilliant and funny and make you want to know more, but the 2019 story is very lazy and uninteresting. But I'll be watching every episode anyway 👍🏼
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Noelle (2019)
Nice Christmas advertisement
18 November 2019
How MANY times can they mention Apple and Ipads.... I wonder how much money Apple paid Disney for this advertisement disguised as a movie.. Its a nice funny movie but would have been better without the Apple placement
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
People cant be THAT stupid!
12 November 2019
I read a review on here stating that this show is a rip of the Golden Compass movie...... seriously??! Im just hoping its a joke comment, also why are people giving this such bad reviews? Seems like people these days just dont understand what a book is or how to read one, i loved the movie but the show seems spot on so far, also some people giving out that its on late and wondering why as its a "kids" show....if you've read the books you would know it gets very dark. Anyway Loving the show so far, i will be watching every week.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Im sick of it!
7 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am sick of the writers now, can you please stop writing stupid situation just for dramatic effect!! Like in episode4 of season5 when the was running to the SWAT truck and just stood there while the guns got stuck, why didnt she open the door and let him in straight away? Oh no, lets wait 5 minutes till the walkers get cloes enough to grab you, THEN ill open the door for you, seriously?!! Just stop this bulls**t situations or i wont keep watching
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3Below: Tales of Arcadia (2018–2019)
5 September 2019
As soon as I seen the 2 girls kissing I came here straight away to see if anyone complained about it it didn't take long to find the comments, Serious people get a grip on reality, it's a kiss! I saw a comment saying this sort of thing shouldn't be in a kids show, we need to protect our kids from this sort of thing, please!! I bet you let your kids watch any Disney movie which every one of them has a heterosexual kiss and you have no problem with it, but God forbid it's a gay kiss and the world ends??! you are the people making a big deal out of it, not the kids themselves, kids LEARN hate from those around them, speaks more about YOUR insecurities as a human than anything else.
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Still missing something
7 July 2019
The marvel movies are still missing something that the old ones before the MCU had, Its a good popcorn movie but it doesn't have the heart the toby movies had. They will get it right some day, just hope its soon.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
Stoped watching
24 May 2019
I shopped watching at S3 ep17.. ive had enough, the farm storyline is boring its just Betty finding them in random places around the town and doing nothing about it. And the Gryphons and Gargoyles storyline seems to have gone on for 10 years by now, that storyline needs to die already, and the musicals need to stop too! There should be one musical episode for the WHOLE series, not one every few episodes...season 1 was great, season 2 good, season 3 terrible. If Sabrina starts going like this will stop watching that too.
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5 May 2019
Boring, unscary, worse than the nun, James just come back and write these movies, your universe is going stale without you.
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After all these years?
1 May 2019
After all these years THAT is what we get? A movie that makes no sense whatsoever, Because every time i try to figure something out about the movie another plothole appears.. X-Men3 The Last Stand is a masterpiece compared to Endgame and thats saying something! 3 stars only for Tom Holland, love him as Spiderman
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Bird Box (2018)
Why all the low ratings???
13 January 2019
I've read loads of the comments and it seems people haven't even watched the movie properly, why do you need to know all the answers? Thats the point of a movie like this, we are seeing it from one person's perspective, so we dont get to know what happens to other people because the main character doesn't even know, so why give the movie 1 star just because YOU dont even understand how the movie works, plus how are people not understanding the ending...??? Its not difficult to understand... People really need to actually WATCH a movie properly before giving a movie such a low rating. I for one thought it was a brilliant movie, ive watched it 3 times already and yes id love to see more as i found it too short. Dont believe the low rating reviews and give it a watch.
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Back to what it was
1 December 2018
After years of not so good Pokemon movies, this one is up there with how good the first few movies were, loved it, plus was great to see my favorite Pokemon Lugia on the big screen again. If you're a big Pokemon fan like me, you won't be disappointed.
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Hope they make more
29 October 2018
Dont know why people are giving it awful reviews, i thought it was the funniest movie of the year so far and hope they make more.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
26 September 2018
Ill never understand why Camilla Luddington wasn't chosen to be in the movie. #1 she IS an actress #2 she IS Lara Also the script was just awful.
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Snooze fest
12 August 2018
I actually fell asleep for half of it.... that is all...
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