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27 May 2024
A waste of time. There isn't a single good scene in this entire movie. This is just as bad as Adam Sandler's "Grown Ups" movies.

This is a poorly written movie with a lot of bad acting. Brooke Shields is terrible in this. Her acting is horrendous. She does one bad scene after another. Every other actor is bad too. Throughout the movie you don't care about the story or any of the characters. I fell asleep a few times during the movie.

There is no conflict, there is no drama and there is no comedy. This movie is another reason the film industry is dying. With junk like this around who wants to waste time watching a Netflix movie? Netflix movies are all terrible.
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X-Men '97 (2024– )
Very disappointing!
28 April 2024
This continuation of X-Men 97 is very disappointing, weird, and boring!

No one ever said "I want to watch a soap opera starring the X-Men". This cartoon really sucks! The story is boring, jumps around and is pointless. It makes absolutely no sense. Who wants to watch the X-Men cry and have emotional and dramatic scenes? I want to watch them fight using their powers against well written villains. Wolverine's voice is terrible and Magneto is drawn to look like a drag queen having a bad wardrobe day.

I bet someone used chat gpt to write all of the positive reviews. They should have used chat gpt to write a better script. This is a pile of 💩.
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Fallout (2024– )
Well done!
23 April 2024
At first I thought it was going to be a goofy show based on a video game and I started watching with low expectations. I was pleasantly surprised when I realized this show has an intricate story with great character development.

The story is interesting and with each episode reveals another layer of this Fallout world and makes you want to keep watching. I think the cast is fantastic! The main girl is my favorite character. She does a great job in selling you her rosy point of view on life. I really like Maximus and the ghoul as well. I look forward to learning more about the ghoul and his origins. I can't wait for season two.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Frustratingly slow
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's a slow burn science fiction show with major plot issues.

The aliens become afraid of humans and decide to exterminate us when they learn that we are capable of not telling the truth on purpose, lying. Yet several months before they leaned that humans can lie the aliens sent an advanced AI computer to Earth that would completely change actual results of all of our scientific experiments and provide us with false information, A LIE. Their advanced computer is lying to us so that our technology never advanced to a level that can one day destroy these invaders. They are capable of lying and should destroy themselves.

The scene where the wire that can cut through anything was used to kill was intense. I don't understand why the scientist that created it had to watch everything on the monitors and then was allowed to sift through the body parts. She was really annoying.
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Probably the worst Spider-Man ever
13 February 2024
Who is worse: Tom Holland or Toby Maguire? What a whinny, annoying little man. I guess the point of the script is to be as annoying as possible. These Tom Holland Spider-Man movies are just as good as Venom. 👎🏼

Again, this guy whines throughout the entire movie and is super awkward and super clumsy. His entourage is just as annoying. The guy in the chair does nothing and the girlfriend is terrible. They have no personality. I hope Marvel reboots Spider-Man with a better cast and better stories.

I wait for these movies to go to Disney + and fast forward through most of them. The action isn't even worth watching. The guy can do a sideways flip - so what? That doesn't make a movie good.
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Candy Cane Lane (I) (2023)
Wish it was better
14 December 2023
I wish it was better. The movie has a great look and a great leading cast with Eddie Murphy and Julian Bell. Unfortunately only Julian Bell was funny. I only laughed during her scenes.

I think the issue was the story. It wasn't very good and it was boring. I really didn't care what the problem was or what Eddie Murphy was trying to accomplish. The live coverage of Candy Cane lane made no sense and the reporters were terrible actors. The news coverage came out of no where. The movie was a mix of a bunch of bad parts and recycled stories. If it's going to recycle a story it needs to be as good as the original or better. I don't ever want to see this movie again.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Very Disappointing!
29 September 2023
Ahsoka is really boring! It's as bad as Boba Fett. I fall asleep during each episode. Ahsoka talks really, really slow and seems depressed. How can a character with two lightsabers be this boring? They should give Ahsoka some anti-depressants.

And just when I thought there couldn't be a character more boring than Ahsoka they introduce the blue mumbling general. The guy talks like he has marbles in his mouth. I don't understand a single word he says. He also moves slower and more awkward than C3-P0. This guys is the main villain? Are he and Ahsoka going to bore the audience to death in their final battle?

This show is also focusing a lot on politics, making it super boring. Didn't they learn this made the first 3 Star Wars movies suck hard?!! I wouldn't be surprised if they brought Jar Jar back as Ahsoka's boyfriend. What a disappointing, terrible show.
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Twisted Metal (2023– )
30 July 2023
This is one of the worst shows ever made. Death Race was a much better version of Twisted Metal than this garbage.

It's difficult to understand what would make an actor want to be on this show. I get a poor struggling actor willing to take anything that will put food on the table but one actress won many awards for her work on Encanto and the other was a reoccurring actor in the Avengers movies. They aren't desperate for a paycheck.

This show is one of the stupidest, poorly scripted, poorly acted-in shows that I've ever seen. I can't believe how horrible it is. They should force people in prison to watch this show. What an insult to the video game. Neve Camble and Lloyd are both bad in it too.
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Naomi (2022)
24 June 2023
Naomi is an amazing show!! I can't wait for the second season, I bet it will be even better!

It's great to finally see a superhero show with so much diversity. I hope other shows learn from Naomi and provide this much diversity and entertainment. We need to see representation of everyone out there!

From the very first episode Naomi catches your attention. The writing is great, the cast is phenomenal and the story is unique. I'm looking forward to the movie version of this show. Zack Snyder will work the same magic that he did with Justice League. Hopefully this will be a three to four hour movie in order to capture all the character development. This will make the Snyderverse epic!!!
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Well, at least it's over
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first John Wick was the best, after that they all went down hill. There's no point to these movies.

John Wick 4 is three hours of mind-numbing repetition. Keanu reading the script: "Punch, roll, headshot, repeat. Dude, I think I got it." I'm not even sure what John Wick was trying to accomplish. These movies could have gone on for 100 years and nothing would have changed.

And evidently everyone is now bullet proof and has infinite ammo. John took out 250 guys with his 9mm pistol. He's also invincible. He can fall several stories and not even break a bone, get run over a dozen times, and roll down a million stairs.

I would have enjoyed this movie more if at the end he took off flying because he was really Neo in a simulator and all of this took place in the Matrix, which would explain Laurence Fishburn.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
5 June 2023
The live action Little Mermaid is amazing! Halle Bailey did a fantastic job portraying Ariel. She has a great voice and brought new life to so many beloved songs. I hope they make a sequel.

Mellisa McCarthy was also great as Ursula. It's amazing how much she looks like the animated Ursula. Her costume and makeup were amazing! She also added her own style to the characters.

The special effects were also great. In the underwater scenes you feel like the characters are under water without having to be in murky water where it's hard to see what's going on. The visuals were also amazing!

The diverse cast, sets, costumes, and props made this a must see movie for the entire family!
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New Girl (2011–2018)
It was a good show
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first few seasons of New Girl were great! The writing was funny, quirky and the cast was weird in a good way. Everyone was a perfect mess.

Fortunately and unfortunately Zooey was the center of the show. The show fizzled once Zooey left for several episodes and was unable to recover its magic once she returned. The writers had to pivot for a while by bringing in a barrage of special guests to fill in during her absence and the story changed to accommodate these new changes. It became a different show. By the time Zooey returned the show had fizzled and was unable to get the magic back.

The wheels completely fell off in the last season. Everyone was domesticated and they even threw in a kid. The kid bit didn't work. I recommend only watching seasons 1 - 5.
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Smokin' Aces (2006)
Smokin' Crap! 💩💩💩
14 April 2023
This is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. Wow!!! The script was horrible.

From the very first scene this movie tells you it's a big piece of 💩. The only good actor in this was Ray Liotta, everyone else sucked. The script was horrible, the actors were terrible, the editing sucked, most of the camera work was awful and the cgi was terrible. I got a headache from watching this.

This movie felt like someone did a bunch of cocaine and was supposed to make a trashy music video but instead made a movie. Also, a bunch of FBI agents were shot but Ryan Reynolds only cares about his partner. And I wonder how many people the FBI murdered by shooting blindly into the hotel across the street?

This is one of the stupidest movies that I have ever seen, and that's that I fast forwarded through most of it.
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Overlord (2018)
It's not a Documentary, Dumb Dumbs!!!
5 April 2023
This movie is not a documentary. I wonder if it was shown on the History Channel? All the bad reviews are from people that have said "there were no Nazi zombies during WW II". Gee, no kidding you geniuses!! Nazi zombies all died in WW I.

I think the real zombies are the people making bad reviews because they are clueless.

This movie is like a scary video game. If you like scary video games you will like this movie. The story is cool and the acting is great. Because it's a J. J. Abrams movie the visuals are amazing. This is a popcorn movie that will entertain you the entire time, unless you think it's a documentary.
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Too long!
24 March 2023
Wakanda Forever isn't just the title, it's a warning that this movie is too long. Almost 3 hours is waaaaayyyyyyyy tooooo long. Doesn't Marvel realize 3 hours equals boring? Every movie that exceeds 2 hours is going to be painful to watch.

The best part about this movie is the character Namor and his people. Their history, abilities and way of life are fascinating. They should have their own movie. When I first saw the trailer I thought they were going to be cheesy fish people, like Aquaman and his peeps, but Namor is far from cheesy. Aquaman can learn a lot from him. No need for orange spandex, hair extensions and poser tattoos.

Everything else about Wakanda Forever is slow, boring, and repetitive. It's not as exciting as the first movie. It was too long and felt like something was missing. There was no strong lead. Also, the CIA guy didn't really do much. I don't know why he was in this movie.
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M3GAN (2022)
Bad M3GAN! Bad! Bad! Bad!
19 March 2023
What a terrible movie. The acting was horrible. The aunt should have been the robot because she had no personality and couldn't act. The little girl was also terrible. Megan had more personality than the two of them combined. They made me root for Megan.

The story was very simple, pretty much a rip-off of Chucky without the production value.

The entire cast, acting, and directing were terrible!

The good parts we're watching Megan unleash mayhem. I recommend just fast forwarding to the last 40 minutes of the movie. Nothing worth watching happens before that.

I hope they don't make a sequel. Megan belongs in the junkyard.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
It was okay
13 March 2023
Compared to the video game, the show was okay. Some episodes were great and some episodes were terrible.

The episode with Frank and the other guy was surprisingly great! Considering it wasn't part of the video game. The episode of Ellie at the mall could have been a 5 minute flashback. I was hoping there would be more episodes similar to when they are ambushed and have to fight their way out of town. Those are the scenes that made the game great.

The show tried to move the story forward with flashbacks, which I feel didn't work. They would follow up an action packed scene or episode that left you wanting more with a slow, drawn out flashback. The pacing was off.

I feel like the final episode was too short. It felt like a quick summary of the end. They just rolled credits and leave you asking, "That's it?"
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Not much of a story
6 March 2023
There isn't much of a story here, but the visuals are cool. It's a super basic concept that rehashes some of the scenes from the first movie. They don't add anything new to this movie. They even use original footage from the first movie. There's a mission, everyone is mad at Tom Cruise because he's such a maverick. Tom is a maverick doing things his way, playing loose with the rules, blah blah blah.

The acting was just as bad as the mustaches. I'm surprised they didn't give the female pilot a mustache just to show off how much of a badass she is.

The visuals were amazing. They should have just shown the title of the movie followed by a bunch of jets doing stuff, then rolled the closing credits. That would have been a much better film.
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Skiptrace (2016)
19 February 2023
Skiptrace is poorly made. For no reason at all the story jumps from one location to another with no explanation. At first I thought I had missed something but then I realized the movie was jumping around from location to location.

I'm a huge fan of Jackie Chan and it was great seeing him in another movie. The other guy was just okay and it seems like he was trying to be Chris Tucker from Rush Hour. The problem is this wasn't Rush Hour.

The villains were random and weird. It really didn't make sense why they were chasing them. The main villain made absolutely no sense. It's just a poorly written story.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021–2024)
Wish it was better
9 February 2023
The idea of the show is interesting and the bad batch clones are cool, but the show is slow and boring. There doesn't seem to be a strong theme throughout the show, with the exception that the empire is bad.

I keep watching hoping for a good episode but the writers don't have any good ideas. There was an episode with Wanda Sykes treasure hunting, really slow and boring. Then there was a different episode about racing little space scooters. I mean really, what's the point of the show?

Also, Omega seems to run everything, which doesn't make sense because she is working with the best of the best of the best, yet she's the one with all of the good battle plans. That's just lazy writing.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
A show with a lot of heart
6 February 2023
Brooklyn Nine-Nine, what a great show! I can honestly say that I love the entire cast. From the very beginning all of the characters capture you, make you want to learn more about them. They feel like they are all one big family. Sometimes they fight, but you know they love each other.

I would say Boyle is my favorite. He always made me laugh with his ambiguous sexual comments. 😂 The rest of the cast was absolutely outstanding! Captain Holt was a very well written character. He had so many layers.

This show did a great job turning a cop show into a comedy. It's a fine line that I think they managed really well. Now that it's gone, it left a big hole in a lot of people. "The title of your sex tape!"
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27 January 2023
This show is really bad! The first 5 minutes are interesting but after that it all goes down hill.

The acting, dialogue and cast are all terrible! The main actress is the rain man of puzzles. She's really annoying, but I think her friends are even more annoying. It feels like this show is a Disney Channel Original. That should be part of the title in order to warn anyone that makes the mistake of thinking this would closely resemble the original movie.

The talk of social media and followers really brings this show down, which is why I think it's a "Disney Channel Exclusive".

Also, why is Catherine Zeta-Jones wearing prosthetics on her face?

How many times does the main character have to mention that she doesn't have papers? What's the point they are trying to make?
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Wednesday (2022– )
Entertaining, but...
27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wednesday was entertaining. It's had a really cool look, as expected from Tim Burton. Jenna Ortega did a great job. I also liked the girl that played her roommate.

Parts of the story really didn't make sense and it's hard to ignore. For starters, if the sherif's deceased wife was once a hyde and all hydes look the same, wouldn't he suspect his son??? The same goes for the head mistress of the school. She knew that her former classmate was a hyde but didn't suspect the son? They just hoped the viewer ignored all of this and were easily distracted by shinny things.

Christina Ricci was terrible in it. Her big glasses and toupee were hard to look at.

Wednesday's dance wasn't as good as everyone says it was. She just twitched around and pretend her neck was broken. The original Wednesday dance from the 70's was much better.

Also, it was difficult to believe that Wednesday would develop feelings for the mumbling towney. That guy was such a terrible actor! He couldn't open his mouth to speak. I hope he's not in season 2.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
27 December 2022
The show has a really interesting alien concept, but the producers made it really slow and boring.

There is way too much talking and it's all about the character's boring lives. They found the most boring people in the world and put them in a really boring show that has an alien invasion in it.

I was able to enjoy parts of the show by fast forwarding through a lot of slow, boring scenes. Looking at the show that way made it an interesting alien invasion. I was rooting for the aliens. "Go team aliens!" 👽

I was able to watch a ten hour show in 2.5 hours. It took me that long to get through it mostly because Apple TV's fast forward function really sucks and freezes up, a lot!

It didn't matter if I fast forwarded past any pertinent dialogue because this boring show would often repeat what was happening or said many, many, many times.

I highly recommend fast forwarding past all of the scenes involving Japan's Nasa, fast forward almost all of the parts with the English kids, fast forward at least 97% of the family's scenes, and fast forward past pretty much all of the scenes with the soldiers. Just stop whenever you think you see an alien.
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Green Room (2015)
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen.

The script seems really pointless! There is no story, just something stupid happens and stupider things continue to happen. The neo-nazi tie in is just random and doesn't have much to do with the story.

The trailer makes it seem like a punk band gets the upper hand on some nazi worshipers and takes them out. Nope! It's just about a homeless punk band that is great at making stupid decisions.

Then you have Patrick Stewart with his fancy English accent and impeccable vocabulary trying to play a backwoods psycho. Talk about crappy casting.

The best thing about this movie is that the whinny, annoying people get eaten by a dog. However, I don't appreciate pit bulls made to look like vicious beasts. They are great, loyal dogs.
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