
14 Reviews
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five stars for the footage!
14 June 2023
Once again a modern nature film (esp so on netflix) is rendered almost unwatchable with an absurd, childish narration. Who is this aimed at? I grew up watching wildlife on BBC & was able to understand accurate, interesting information. Animals didn't have daft, unnecessary human names, they were not endowed with human emotions & there was no need for trite, banal humour. I would be incredibly peeved if I had captured this incredible, wonderful cinematography and it was then dumbed down with this appalling narration. Again, what are they aiming for? Duplicating Disney is what it felt like, not serious wildlife documenting. Will never watch another netflix documentary, then again I should have known better. Another example of playing to an undemanding, easily pleased audience. What about the rest of us???
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Crooked House (2008)
Mark Gatis is no M R James
4 December 2020
Having just finished the full works of M R James i couldnt take this "spooky" trilogy seriously at all. It conveys none of the dread or sheer terror of other wordly experiences. I find Mark Gatiss ridiculously overated & an insult to M R James to compare the two. This offering was so poorly scripted (and acted), that i was shaking my head in disbelief rather than shaking in fear. They bored rather than chilled. Would NOT reccomend. If you want top class chills for a blustery winters night go to the master and read some M R James. He can't be beaten and certainly not by the likes of BBC lovey, Mark Gatiss. Just awful!
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Fractured (IV) (2016)
8 & 9's ????? Really???
25 November 2020
NEVER again will I trust reviewers on IMBD, This film is absolute dross! The premise is laughable, the execution insulting to anyone with a modicum of intelligence and the acting......all aforementioned. If films like this can get rated 8's & 9's then films like this will continue to plague us. I shall NEVER watch a film again with ANYONE connected to this, in it.
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Deadfall (2012)
Vaccuous violent nonsense
12 September 2020
Not very much to say other than I was ashamed of myself for watching to the end. Fairly obvious from the beginning it was badly written, drowning in clichés and aimed at those who don't require much in realism or quality writing. It wasn't good enough to even pass for an indulgent foray into 'hollywood' Sat night at the movies escapism. Just really bad all round.
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Freaks (2018)
Bad reviews or low IQ's
31 January 2020
The glowing reviews for this film seal the deal (for me) that phony 'users' come on here to pump up a movies rating. This was an extremely boring, poorly written and badly acted mess. Either that or an incredible amount of reviewers have no idea what constitutes a good movie. UTTER GARBAGE with nothing thought provoking or new in its 'story' or execution. Also, Emile Hirsch has morphed into Jack Black & that is not a good thing
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Got to be fake reviews
26 November 2019
I am ashamed I stayed to the end with this one. Grown men acting like the usual teens in slasher movies should have stopped me going further. It is one of those films where you end up 'slacked jawed' at the shear awfulness of the WHOLE production. Two idiot brothers who think they're funny (to themselves) but are just loud and obnoxious and EXTREMELY untalented, wrote and produced and gave themselves 'starring' roles in this travesty. BORING BORING BORING. No tension, no fear and nothing to see here. Don't be fooled into wasting your time. I have no doubt that friends and family only, gave this mess the high scores on here. They should be ashamed of themselves, I am for watching this nonsense!!
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Patronising rubbish for the easily impressed
3 September 2019
Wow, I haven't felt so insulted by a film for a long time. I couldn't/wouldn't reach the end, too predictable to bother. Once again a white person 'sacrifices' for the poor black people. Sweet faced little children living in filth and 'bad' black males spreading aids. If this film was suppose to champion the horror of 'underdeveloped' nations and their exploitation, it failed and in fact contributed to 'poor, ignorant black people need heroic whites to save them. ANYONE who found this film sincere and indeed 'worthy' is far more ignorant and uneducated than any 'natives' portrayed in this awful drivel. How the paying public can be fooled or impressed by such obvious archetypes is beyond me???
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The Haunted (1991 TV Movie)
Unbelievable tosh!!
7 August 2019
The script and acting is wooden, uninspired and bland. People who believe this stuff must be determined to be hoodwinked. Seems the actors felt the same way as me as the 'performances' were stilted and lacked any energy or believability at all. Awful film, perfect evidence of how phoney these 'true' stories are. Don't waste your time.
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Territory (2013)
I feel shame!!!
18 July 2019
I do actually feel ashamed that I watched to the end. The idea and 'creatures' weren't that bad but, oh the 'acting' was awful along with the script. How do these films get the okay and who okays them? Honestly give this a miss and don't feel the shame.
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Someone Is Watching (2000 TV Movie)
'Young Mum' in her fifties?
17 July 2019
Typical American made for TV movie. Nothing believable happens but come on, Stephanie Powers playing Mother to a young nipper!!!! Couldn't watch much after being expected to swallow that ridiculous casting. Anyone thinking this is a great film has never seen a great film.
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Preposterous nonsense
17 June 2019
Started off ok, good setting for a thriller/chase film. Quickly became tosh & not for anyone even slightly intelligent. The 'baddies' were a joke so any suspense was thrown away with any plausibility. Give it a miss.
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Pandorum (2009)
Over stylized nonsense!
10 June 2019
With zero tension and an appalling script it failed to create any fear or attachment to the 'characters'. Absolutely none of the apprehension or anxiety created by films such as Alien. As my Mum use to say "all fur coat and no knickers"!
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The Battery (2012)
I wanted a film NOT a cd.
2 June 2019
I'll give most movies a go, (apart from Tom cruise et al). I love finding low budget gems that deliver in spite of tight budgets etc. This was a sound track with bits of 'acting' thrown in. I like to pick my own music, thanks. Truly self indulgent and over long but without the depth to carry off such a lack of discipline, Something to show to family & friends (especially those that provided the music),
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Unbelievable hokum!
17 November 2018
Glen Ford looks as if he can hardly believe the lines he has to utter in this corny, preposterous film. Other reviewers talk of "suspense"? they must lead very sedate lives if this is their idea of suspense. It's drawn out hair brained plot is so full of holes the thrills leaked out. Give it a miss i'd say, you're sure to find something more worthwhile to do.
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