
3 Reviews
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The Rifleman: Which Way'd They Go? (1963)
Season 5, Episode 25
18 May 2018
The father (Peter Whitney) and the son who forgot to plant the corn (Conrad Conlan) played very similar characters (Lafe and Dub Crick) on the Beverly Hillbillies
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Ricochet (1991)
racist movie
30 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a racist movie which should never have been made. If the color of the heroes/villains had been reversed i am sure it would not have. The movie itself is a festering sore of clichés and overacting. An absolute turkey to avoid. It gets a one only because that is th lowest grade allowed. It is a movie which serves only to incite racial hatred. Though considering Washington's latest movies, this is not surprising. The idea of the movie is interesting. Everything else stinks. There is no one in the entire movie who can rise above the slime which is this movie. It is particularly sad to see a good actor such as john Lithow involved in such a sad bunch of tripe.
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another besser disaster
22 July 2005
The stooges are launched into space, land on a distant planet and (after the usual stooge shennanigans, save the world from alien zombies (a young dan "hoss" blocker") The only reason i give this movie a 1 is because that is as low as the ratings go. The stooges in space can be a funny idea, but to pull it off you need THREE stooges, not 2 and the very unfunny Joe Besser. Imagine what Curley could have done with what is politely a bad script. Heck, even shemp or Curley Joe DeRita could have probably salvaged at least a few chuckles. Instead we are subjected to the annoying whinning of Joe Besser. This is a stooge short ( along with just about any other Besser shorts) that even the most die hardstooge fan (and i definitely count myself in that category) could not recommend.
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