
18 Reviews
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Pretty solid movie, if a bit annoying
15 April 2024
This movie was actually pretty solid. Not really for me, but that doesn't mean others cant enjoy it. The story is decently engaging though the audio mixing is ATROCIOUS. To the point where I almost wanted to turn it off entirely but I managed to stick it through. Subtitles are your friend here.

The acting is actually pretty good, the scenery is very beautiful (movie takes place in Alaskan woods on a rez) but the transition between scenes is a bit lackluster and makes things a little hard to follow. There's also not really a clear timeline unless you really pay attention to the day/night cycles in the movie.

There's a more than a few scenes that honestly didn't need to be there, or were just written poorly which sadly detracts from the movie but they aren't so egregious that it totally, totally ruins it. I think by far the most angering part of the movie is the cold open as it was a situation that could've been avoided if she just....didn't keep walking in front of a suspicious car but ah well.
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Garbage truly
24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lets see, the character designs? Terrible, the faces are stiff lifeless weirdly misshapen blobs. The plot? What plot? They go to New York. LB and CN get into a fight that's instantly resolved because of a robot. No actual work or growth for them. Random girl they barely know gets a miraculous AND gets to keep it. Not to mention apparently there's just superheroes, like MCU/DC type heroes even though this concept has NEVER been touched upon before. The ending is SO rushed and cliche and incredibly sudden. I suppose that's because this is an hour long but good god they couldn't add a few more minutes to make this movie make the slightest bit of sense?
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Rattlesnake (2019)
Should've been a short film
2 June 2020
Honestly all I can say about this movie is that I skipped multiple scenes and missed nothing important to the story. That alone is a pretty good sign of a movie just trying to boost the runtime. Why be good when you can be insufferbaly long?
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Into the Dark: All That We Destroy (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Should've been a short film
1 March 2020
I gurantee if you stop paying attention to this movie for 30 minutes and then come back to it you will have missed nothing of importance. This movie is far too long with far too little occuring. It has such an interesting premise that would be lovely as a 20-30 minute short film but as an 80 minute flick it just doesn't work out. Without spoiling anything it's a bit like groundhog day but with a sociopathic teen who may or may not be a serial killer and his overprotective mother, who for some reason refuses to let her child receive actual professional mental help that she cannot provide.
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Into the Dark: I'm Just F*cking with You (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
Good grief
29 February 2020
It's horribly slow, filled with nonsense and plotholes and worst of all: god awful 'jokes' that never land. I don't think I laughed once during this and not once was I shocked by anything that happened. It's terribly predictable and too long. This would've worked beautifully as a short film perhaps but a 2 hour full length film? No dice
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Tusk (I) (2014)
It's not a good movie stop lying to yourself
28 February 2020
This movie is so incredibly boring. Scenes are either filled with way too much boring, pointless dialogue that does nothing to further the "plot" or endless screams from the main character. That's the whole movie. Talking, swearing, screaming, more swearing, more screams. A small bit of body horror that at first is shocking but the longer you see it the lamer it becomes. Would not recommend this unless you really want some background noise consisting of screams and a bad french accent.
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
1 February 2020
I am firm in my belief that no other show will be able to do what Bojack did. This show starts off as some silly show about a horse making questionable choices and quickly turns into such a deep and emotional show about taking accountability and facing the real consequences of your own bad decisions in life.
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If it was a standalone it would hold up well
22 January 2020
I remember being 10 and seeing this in thatres with a friend after having powered through the first few books. I HATED this movie then as it does not follow the books in the slightest. Ten years later and I just watched it since it was added to netflix. I still don't quite love it but it's decent.

The movie is terribly rushed and it's very apparent, even if you've never read the books. Visually it's gorgeous especially for something coming from 2010, though the acting is a little shoddy sometimes. Things just happen one right after the other without giving you time to take in whats just happened which is probably the 2nd biggest flaw with the 1st being it deviated too much from the source material.
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The Golem (2018)
A slow burn with a decent payoff
2 November 2019
Look we get it: the movie is slow. Though it's very unique, at least in my opinion and it seems to be super overlooked by impatient viewers. It's very stylized which you can take as you will, but pulls it off in a way that's not too over the top or anticlimactic. I feel like this movie was more a drama about dealing with your grief (albeit in a mystical way) rather than just a monster horror movie. There's not much to be said without spoiling a lot as the movie is a bit easy to figure out with a a few details.
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17 October 2019
Dude absolutely Nothing happens in this movie. The nonexistent plot and strange dialogue just makes this a painful watch. The one upside is at least I got to see Kristen Stewart's boobs.
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Equals (2015)
Love it or hate it I guess
11 December 2018
I think this is a movie where you either love it or hate it. I loved it needless to say. The film itself is quite slow and for the first portion of the movie very dull to look at which reflects just how perfect the society they live in is. Once the colors start showing up and the music kicks in though you're hooked. The story is one we've all seen before, but it still was done well and seems fresh in this movie. The romance is slow at first but then goes full force as you watch two people experience love for the first time in their lives.

Even if you hated this movie you have to admit that its beautiful to look at and the music really helps set the tone.
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Mother! (2017)
7 October 2018
I give the movie props for getting me to finish it but that's all. The dialogue is....atrocious....the acting? Not quite as bad, but still painful to see. J Law has the exact same face until like the last 15-20 minutes. The movie just rams the religious imagery/symbolism what-have-you down your throat. I dont think the director knows the meaning of 'subtle'.
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Creeped Out (2017–2019)
Tries too hard to be Black Mirror
7 October 2018
The show tries too hard to be like a more...I guess kid-friendly? Black Mirror. The acting is painful at its worst...laughable at best. The ideas aren't anything we've not seen in Black Mirror before.

Technology can be dangerous when we absue it, you don't know what you have until you lose it, your actions can have brutal consequences.
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Mm not memorable
3 September 2018
Honestly this movie isn't for everyone. I guess if you are a fan of found footage type movies this might work for you but personally i dont like it at all. There is a plot but not really; a man wants a famous actress to be in his movie and uses local actresses to showcase his script....choas ensues.

It's fairly original I'll give it that, but it is quite boring and not really memorable. I was thinking about it right now a few months after watching it and wondered "What the heck even happened?" It's just a bit all over the place and not really in a good way. The acting was decent and for a found footage film the camera work was actually pretty decent as well. One of the few films of its type not to give me a migraine from how badly it shakes around.
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It's not bad, but it's not good either.
2 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What to say about this film? Well it's /very/ slow for one. A lot of needless sex scenes, maybe to try and trick us into thinking it's interesting? Who knows.

I think this movie could have worked amazingly as a thriller. It seemed like that was the route it was taking when you find out the husband has been changing her eye drops, and disposed of the dog. However we just wind up with a less than satisfying ending to a mediocre movie about a woman trying to work her way through life with new sight and a clingy, obsessive, borderline abusive husband. It does kill the time but I also found myself wondering "god when is this over? When does she push him off the stairs already?" Sadlt my dream for his comeuppance did not happen but this is why we have fan fiction authors in this day and age.
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June (I) (2015)
It's not bad but it's not good either.
26 April 2018
June isn't terrible, but it's also not anything special. Decent acting, overused plot, and subpar effects. A lot of what happens in the movie doesn't even seem relavent to the main story. It's all just glossed over, and never really goes in depth about anything which leads up to the climax being pretty anticlimactic and rushed. It makes for decent background noise at the very least.
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Bedeviled (2016)
Why did I watch this
21 April 2018
Why did I watch this? Oh yeah, because i hate myself and my time. Initially i just had this on for some background noise while I finished some homework and quickly wished I watched something else instead. For starters, who the hell clicks a suspicious link sent from a dead girls number? No one in the 21st century that's for damn sure. Second, no one talks the way these characters talk. Especially the black dude, no one talks like that in real life ever. My final complaint: why would you continue using an app that talks back to you and knows all your info, and can control your house? I would've called the pastor so fast "Hey I've got a demon in my phone help please" Seriously don't waste your time. Between random sex scenes that go on for quite some time (aren't these kids supposed to be like 16? Yikes.) and mediocre acting, it just aint worth your time .
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I don't know what I expected
21 April 2018
I honestly don't know what I expected. The trailer looked awful, the reviews were awful, and yet I still watched it .For starters, this movie relies entirely too much on jumpscares. Jesus Christ, it seemed like every 5 minutes you were spooked with obnoxiously loud noises, a glitched face, or the demon witch girl's face . The plot was interesting but it just turns into any other "horror" film that has anything to do with social media. This whole situation probably could've been avoided if Laura walked up to Marina and told her "Hey you need to chill out, we can't hang if you're going to text me 40 times in a minute." Boom problem solved, no suicide, and no deaths of everyone you love and no stupid ending.
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