19 Reviews
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Eventually, they did it right
19 December 2023
A Brave New world, set before the original series and what a joy to watch.

To fully understand where the series begins, you need to (unfortunately) watch a few episodes of "Discovery", mainly to get a bit of depth into Captain Pike and Spocks story arcs otherwise you may be left with a few "eh what?" moments.

Yes, the ship set pieces are way advance compared to the original series but we'll ignore that (and the fact the OS was made in the 60's).

CGI/FX are top notch, adding to and not being a distraction to each story.

Acting is top notch and you can see that everyone involved is having a blast playing their characters which again, shows onscreen.

And we're back to a new story per episode instead of the series being one, long story. Yes, there's an story arc playing in the background through the series though its not In your Face.

Story focus per episode isn't just limited to the Captain so characters are all having a moment to shine and get fleshed out.

I guess for me, the biggest complaint is how short each series is which is a massive disappointment (and loss of 1 star). Maybe budget restraints?

Anyway, Trek fans will love this series and for those New ones, it's easy to follow.

So far, we're 2 seasons in and here's hoping for at least quadruple that amount and more episodes per season please.

I've not gone into any of the stories as I don't want to ruin the fun for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

Big thumbs up to the Actors/Actresses, Directors, editing, visual FX team, the sound score team, writers and everyone else involved.
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Daft humour and plenty of eye rolls and pops!!!
18 September 2023
Really didn't expect much from this and was expecting another "Walking dead".. How wrong I was.

Very tongue and cheek humour (as it should be), complete with stereo typical characters, the "face palm" moments, and a mix of good acting along with some where the director must have been on a break!

Yep, it's honestly that bad in places yet it's actually a very entertaining series.

Need to switch off completely for an hour? Then watch this.

Think on the the lines of "Return of the Living Dead". Those that love Zombie flicks will know what I mean.

And on a side note, great Makeup and splatter effects..

6/10 though I'm a fan of this genre.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
For Season 3 only - A fitting end
21 April 2023
So the first two seasons were okay. The 3rd season though, is, like most series, where they've found their footing.

And then it was over.

A fitting end to the TNG crew? For me, yes. For others? Well, that's your choice.

And potentially a new Star Trek series with the ending?

Overall (and this is for me), I found the last series a must watch. Definitely a Cinema style, big budget look and feel. Good acting and all involved seemed genuinely pleased reviving and playing old characters.

And you really do want to watch this on a bigger screen (50" at least), with a decent sound setup.

I watched one episode on a friends 32" with just the tv speakers and the difference was very noticeable (and not in a good way!)

Please note - my rating is for Season 3 ONLY and not the previous seasons.
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Willow (2022–2023)
Trying to like it but got bored half an hour in!
6 December 2022
Let's look at what is right:

Gorgeous scenery, costume set pieces, well choreographed fight scenes and Seamless CGI.

And that's it!

The story feels rushed, the accents and dialogue are horrendous. The young characters have "brats" written all over them and for myself, I just don't care about them! I didn't even bother pausing the first episode when I had to leave the room for 5 minutes and it felt like I hadn't missed anything important.

It seems the "powers that be" are hell bent on trying to please everyone and as such, it's just a mess and misses the premise on how to tell a good story.

If you haven't watched the original film, then watch it and you'll understand what other reviewers are talking about.

I'll come back to this series at some point in the future and attempt to continue watching it though it may be another series that ends up being unwatchable!

4/10 and I feel that's being quite generous.
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The Animatrix (2003)
The first 4 shorts are required viewing to understand the sequels
22 November 2022
This series of short animations should have been publicised much more than it was before they released the main sequel.

The first 4 shorts are essential viewing and should be watch in order of 2, 3, 4 and then 1.

The rest, whilst not bad, are just fillers and can quite easily be skipped.

Story 2 and 3 are about how the war began and ended. Story 4 is about a character from the 2nd film and helps explain his arc.

Story 1 is really the start of the 2nd film and explains a lot of the story arc from the first act.

So we get lots of different animation styles per story which you'll either love or hate. The soundtrack is very slow, sombre and of course, electronic but works very well with each story.

Even now, years later, it's surprising how many have watched the main trilogy but didn't even know these shorts existed.

If you're a fan of the Matrix, they're a must watch. And as already stated, the first four are required viewing before watching the main sequels.

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Not a bad ending to the trilogy
22 November 2022
So here we are at the end. Story continues straight from where the second ended and as they were filmed together, their styles are identical.

As with the 2nd film, there's a lot of unnecessary padding which can be skipped without losing the focus on the main plot.

With that in mind, they could have had a lot more focus on the machine city as for me personally, there were 4 elements to the film :

1. Big battle in Zion 2. Zero one sequence 3. Final punch-up 4. Finale

The film does well in completing character story arcs. Unfortunately, it's just three main characters we really care about so film time could have been used more wisely maybe?

Overall though, a fairly satisfying conclusion to the trilogy and does make up for the weaker 2nd film. Yes, there are some pretty glaring plot holes but then if they did it all by the book, the film would only be 10 minutes long!

A good yarn, some morality questions thrown in there but will always struggle to top the original film.
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Not as good as the first yet still good.
22 November 2022
Okay, so we all know the plot now so no need to go there.

What a lot of people (me included) didn't realise at the time was there was a lot of film footage included in a video game that was released before this film.

If you do a search, all of the clips can be found online.

Once you've seen them, this second installment makes a lot more sense.

Also, there is the "Animatrix" which also clears up some character arcs and dialogue. The first 4 shorts help in explaining certain points during this film.

This is essential viewing before watching this film and whilst a novel idea at the time, really hurt the film when it was released as people weren't made aware of this.

Out of the original trilogy, this is definitely the weakest entry. You can skip through large chunks of the film and it doesn't affect the main story.

I expect somewhere out there, someone has probably edited this and the next one into one film, minus all the padding.

Good action sequences, CGI looks a bit outdated now but not distracting and overall, not a bad story.
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The Matrix (1999)
Are you a red or blue pill?
21 November 2022
So somehow, I missed the original release and watched it one evening as a mate had it DVD and let me borrow it!

First time I watched this, didn't have a clue as to what was going on (though that may also be down to the copious amounts of alcohol cosumed before hand!).

All I remembered was the fantastic fight scenes and the crazy "Bullet time".

My second viewing, I completely missed the point though watched in awe with a few "uh?" moments throw in.

It wasn't until I watched it a third time I "Got" what the film was about.

I don't need to explain the storyline as there's enough reviews here which do.

Though a sci-fi film, it's a rare gem of getting the balance just right and really giving you something to think about when you've finished watching.

9 out of 10 only because I skip through parts which don't really add anything to the story.

Biased? Of course. But then Sci-Fi and Fantasy films are what I enjoy watching.
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Black Adam (2022)
An ok film which is a one time watch.
21 November 2022
Oh dear. Yet another origin story which has totally missed the mark!

It starts off okay. Thinking "Hmm, interesting premise" and then things go down hill before we've even left the first act.

Here's the problem - we gain more insight about Teth Adam in the last act of the film. The classic "Bait and switch" which doesn't work on a not well know DCU character.

This film would have worked so much better having it set in the past. Heck, there's plenty of material there to do a well told story!

Instead, it's set in a place the majority of people will never have heard of, with tech that seems way out of place and characters that aren't properly developed.

Another big issue, and glaring hole, is why has no superhero been to the country in 20 odd years to help?? Yeah, bit of a big "Doodoo" there!!

And again, when they do "Eventually" arrive, we're given 2nd tier heroes, with zero development, throw in a "Game of Thrones" moment, and that's about it.

They live? They die? Meh, who cares!

Acting? Overall good.

Editing? Hmm.

CGI? Sorry but whilst good in some scenes, laughable in others which totally breaks what little mood is there. Sometimes it's like watching a video game cut sequence which is not good!

Directing? Okay I guess. Slow in places and way too much "slo-mo" and dumb camera angle shots.

A film for kids? Err, not with bodies exploding!

A one time watch but you have to wonder how the DCU keep getting things so wrong!?

I want to see the DCU do well yet they keep botching things up. We know they can do it right, we expect the odd misfire but not this many!

You decide though...
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It's okay but not a 1 or 10 star show
26 August 2022
First Episode was okay. Bit slow as we're doing the back story.

Some amusing scenes, some not so.

Second episode? Similar to the first. Slow to get going then just as things start to look up, it's over!

Episodes are way too short, though it looks like content seems to be an issue here. 15 minutes could easily be scrubbed from the first 2 episodes, increasing the pace and keeping the story on track.

Biggest disappointment is the CGI. Way below par for Marvel and really off putting as the Main character is going to be spending the bulk of the series in CGI mode!

Problem is the lighting, facial movements, certain body movements and just way too sharp so doesn't look remotely realistic.

Even with this fixed, I'd still only give it an extra star.

2 in and 5 stars as it stands.
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Okay but something off
23 December 2021
Let's get through the problems first:

It just doesn't feel like a Matrix film. Seems lacking in those subtle audio effects that you associate with a film and the colour score is way too vivid & the same throughout the whole film. Just doesn't seem right!

Next, the original premise at the start is good and gets you thinking. Then in a split second, it's ruined and you're rushed into act 2.

I'm guessing the film was heavily edited as Smith is there, then he's not, then he appears again with no real reasoning and then vanishes again. And finally appears again, just to disappear for a final time. No real explanation as to why he's even there!

So the war is over but they're still running & hiding from the sentinels!! Eh?!?

Poor editing? Or just glaring plot holes?

On the plus, great action sequences and the effects are top notch as always.

And instead of "Bullet Time", I'm guessing we're calling it "Stop Time"?

Acting wise, top marks for the actors who seem to really enjoy their roles and it does show.

Potential for another film with the ending..

Again, I'm very "Hmm" at the moment.. Think it needs a second watch at some point and then an update to this review.
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The Evil Dead (1981)
The film that started the franchise
25 November 2021
I first got a glimpse of this film back when I was in my early teens and it terrified me! I watched the first 10 minutes and then ran from the room!

Fast forward to the second film and I decided to try and watch it again.

What a difference a few years make. The dark humor, the pace, the over indulgence of syrup blood and limbs flying about.

Whilst the effects haven't aged that well, the film is still highly enjoyable and shows what can be done on a shoe string budget.

There is one disturbing scene (even now) that makes me still wince but for those who still haven't seen it, I won't spoil the fun.

I've rated it an 8 more on the nostalgia and for it being the first (and only) horror film I wasn't able to sit and watch from start to finish first time round.

In todays world of hack n slash, cgi full and "shock" value culture, it would probably only garnish a 5/10.

But if you love horror films and this one has slipped under your radar, grab some popcorn and enjoy the low budget delights.

Groovy baby.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
Fantastic hidden gem of a comedy series
20 November 2021
I came across this show by accident on Netflix as I usually stay away from Cop shows as they just don't interest me.

This show though is along the lines of HIMYM and scrubs.

Some fantastic storylines, humour bordering on toilet yet with so many laugh out loud moments and actors who portray their characters so well - I ended up binge watching the first 7 series over a week!

The characters are very Stereo-typical however the actors seem to embrace this making for some extremely silly moments. Okay, lots of silly moments.

I don't think it would work as well if not for such fantastic actors and this really does show with their interactions and some amazing show writers.

Like scrubs, it doesn't need a laughter track and that again, just shows the confidence of the whole crew.

So a big thumbs up to everyone involved for all your excellent work.
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A film for a new generation
20 November 2021
Okay, this is a film primarily for the youngsters but also enjoyable to watch for adults.

Unfortunately, these "so called" top reviewers who mark it down have completely missed the point!

You need to watch the first two films first though as this is a true sequel. And don't expect sophistication - this isn't what this film is about.

Yes, it has a few issues but compared to the reboot it is 1000 times better.

And what a lovely tribute to the late, great Harold Ramis.

Take the kids, go watch it and judge for yourself.

I for one, thoroughly enjoyed it and here's hoping they make some more.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Problems even after 3 seasons!
11 May 2021
Why oh why is every damn episode about Burnham? If she was a likeable character then fair enough but - and let's be honest - she shouldn't even be on board a starship, let alone a ranking officer!

Saru is a likeable character, Tilly is.. well.. Tilly.

And the rest of the bridge crew?

Umm.. unlike, TOS, TNG, Voyager and Enterprise where people could name the majority of the bridge crew after the 1st season, with Discovery, I haven't a clue!

And this is after 3 seasons!! That alone says it all!!

The Art work, CGI/FX are absolutely stunning but the characters are just so hollow.

With the exception of Saru, the rest could all be replaced and I doubt anyone would notice the difference.

This is down to just poor scripts. Get rid of the current writers and get some in who know how to create characters and stories that we want to invest our time in.

And CBS should put someone in charge of the project who at least cares about the franchise.

The only real notable characters were Orca, Georgia, Pike, Spock and Saru.

That really does say it all...

One more season maybe to turn things around?

Let's hope they don't screw up the Georgia series or Pikes return in the Enterprise...

*Update for Season 4*

Okay, I see now why Netflix let this go. 1 star for the FX, 1 for the camera work & sound.

And that's it.

Season 4, well, I struggled to watch the 1st episode. The characters are written so bad & cliqued that I'm giving an extra star just for the actors who had to perform the drivel of a script.

Stark Trek this is not. Weak characters who burst into tears (or look like they're about to) & lets be brutally honest, half of them shouldn't even be in a Starfleet uniform.

You know what, just read the other poor reviews as they've gone more into depth about what is/has destroyed this series.

I've lost all interest and won't be wasting my time watching any more episodes.

Season 4 rating : 3/10.
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Potential is there
10 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A good first season but with some major flaws that need sorting out.

First up, the original 6 members back story was an absolute joy, ruined though because it was told via flashbacks!

A Better thought process and the whole sequence could have been devoted to 3 or 4 episodes but this leads to problem 2..

The current day and next gen supers all come across as spoilt, arrogant, selfish, spoon in mouth horrid characters. Yes, some die. And no, I couldn't give a rats.

And why are there so many? Makes zero sense especially after the backstory of the original 6 is told!

Present day Super villains are everywhere as well!!

Some sloppy writing there and not thought out. The pointless sex scenes which serve zero purpose, drug scenes which seem to lead to a story arc yet No Arc!!

Pointless and comes across as trying to glorify snorting and makes you detest the Next gen supers even more! The apartment scene with the landlord says it all..

Remove a lot of the junk and you'd have saved on an episode and bumpt the overall pace up a notch.

End twist was fun so will be interesting to see what direction that takes them.

Please though, concentrate on the original 6 or it'll be another series down the pan.

7/10 for the first season as even with its glaring faults, it does has a lot of promise.
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A surprisingly good film
22 October 2017
Though the film is confusing to begin one (and reason for losing 1 rating) when you get into it, it's a very good film.

The beginning should explain more and give a short back story to the who's and why's. Because of the lack of, you find you'll spend the first 20 minutes head scratching and wondering what the hell is going on instead of enjoying the film.

This will also put a lot of people off and no doubt has translated into such a low score.

Here's hoping they do a directors cut and sort that issue out as this is definitely a film with sequels written all over it.

Without ruining the film for anyone who hasn't yet seen it, if you enjoy sci-fi, along with a bit of romance, a lot of action and a few morals thrown in, you will enjoy this film.

Acting, editing and directing are all top notch. Visually stunning though a few cgi moments does ruin the moment during a few scenes.

Definitely deserves a second viewing (think The Matrix or Highlander and the "uh?" factor when you first saw them)
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Amazing series.. Season 2 must be made
8 August 2016
Noir 80's feel for the whole series combined with some amazing storytelling and script. Great acting, directing and some pretty cool set pieces.

The atmosphere was there, and it seems that all the actors actually enjoyed taking part which made the whole series flow much better.

The best way to describe it without ruining anything for those that haven't seen it is.. Well, throw in a bit of old school 80's horror, add a dash of Alien with a sprinkling of Nightmare on Elm Street. Stir in bit of poltergeist and lightly finish off with a touch of The Goonies.

It's one of those gems of a series that you will enjoy.. Heck, even my mother who's in her late 60s loved it.

My only complaint? It could have easily been fleshed out to more episodes and more time spent on the missing boy (those who have seen it will know what I mean) and for that reason only, it loses a point. Otherwise a sure fire 10/10.

Even so, Everyone who took part should be proud and take a deserved bow.

Here's hoping for season 2...
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Poor remake
23 July 2016
Disappointed is an understatement. Whilst the acting is okay, the writing is poor, jokes substandard and the CGI is cringe worthy! And as for the ending.. Well, sexist and an insult to viewers is being polite.

Movie takes too long to get going then when it eventually does, it's rushed. Poor editing, poor script, poor directing, pretty much poor everything.

I don't give a hoot who the 4 main leads are (male, female, alien) - There just seemed to be no chemistry between them in this film.

As they say in the film.. "who you gonna call?"

Not this lot

This film is a prime example of How NOT to make a remake.
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