
23 Reviews
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The Fountain (2006)
A bridge over troubled water.
6 March 2023
Again 😏 It's one of those films you must watch for yourself. No need to check genuine reviews of film lovers or "professional" reviews of semi intellectuals who are getting paid to write in a column style maximum-5-sentences-allowed sort of analysis over a production where they, even while they get paid for it, clearly have no clue and no interest about the essence of stories or other fictional works.

"The Fountain" is an amazingly deep film brought in the only way possible. Captivating, romantic, heartbreak with in the background the religious believes if there is life.... after someone died.

The scenery and transitions from present to past to what might come, fit the mental struggle humans suffer in many cases. Or, what's our purpose and why.

An truly amazing film where you forget its acting you look at, garnished with beautiful sceneries.

A tiny gift for the creative and dreamy parts of your brain.

Well, if you understand the essence of story telling in this way. If you do, you might find that this is merely a bridge over troubled water to help you out of the well paid blurry but non interesting professional reviews to the side of where you can sit, relax and enjoy a nice journey, with a cuppa and some munchies, to an open end, religiously spoken ofcourse, at peace. 😉

Enjoy the film...
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Safer at Home (2021)
20 February 2023
I can't wait for the sequel. Like "Safer At Home 2".

Only to make sure I remember the first one and therefore avoid the temptation to watch it. These kind of recordings are not films! Films are stories told by using stories, the use of actor's and the will to live while watching.

There was no horror. There was no Science Fiction. There was no romance. There was no thriller.

And the only drama was me watching it. I have nothing with the found footage concept or anything that is remotely linked to it. This one is linked to it. It doesn't matter if you call it "Zoom", or "TikTok" or whatever. There is no reason at all to torture viewers with such rubbish. I want to know why this kind of productions get a green light to pollute my view and insult my story absorbing and therefore creative dream part of my brain.

Warning!!! Don't watch it. Or suffer the wrath of lost time you can't get back anymore.

Note: The only interesting scene was the the police officer shooting and killing someone for no reason at all. That did ring bells with reality.

But over a lenghty recording those 30 seconds produced no added value to this .. I don't know.. What was it actually? 🤷‍♂️
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Here Awhile (2019)
You know when a story, book or performance is good?
12 January 2023
Its when you don't have to think, argue or analyse them.

Its when you don't think in actors, acting, reflection etc.

Its like a book you can indulge in.

A good story, book or film, should invite you to become part of it. It shouldn't make you think about actors you recognize from other films. A film fails if an actor or actress makes you think about another film. And although it's a personal thing and therefore for everyone different, its how you feel the story and are able to become part of it. As a listener, viewer and yeah, for some even identifying yourself with characters.

So don't get upset by reviewers, professional or not, but just enjoy this film as a book. The kind of which you actually don't want to read the last page. Only because the story will be over and done with.

That should explain my 10/10.. 🙂
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1 December 2022
A remarkable good film about domestic violence and the journey of a victim.

Intriguing because its a film balancing between an ancient native culture with its old habits, and the "new" free western world with all its modern comfort. The acting is sublime. It pictures the two cultural dimensions perfectly. The story line is good and I am amazed that the world is more interested in commercial films in a language they understand than in films from a totally different background, culture, country, language and actors.

Open up! And discover an amazing world called films....

The main character is a well known and much talented Mongolian photo model and actress. Funny enough down to earth, taking her fame in Mongolia in consideration. But beside of that, this multi talented actress is exactly what this story needed. I love films where you can indulge in the story rather than continuously being reminded about this actor from that movie or that actress from that movie.

Pity that these kind of films are broadcasted usually on times that half the world is asleep.. like a Tuesday night at 02.15 or so. Ridiculous!

Worth watching!
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The Admiral (2015)
If you are unaware of the historical importance for the world, it might come as a surprise.
27 October 2022
It's a good film. Historical true. Good acting and amazing sea battles.

Seen some weird reviews from.people who clearly have no clue about the Dutch culture and even less about Calvinism and being straight forward.

It's a good lesson and a welcome addition to sometimes very colourful historical events abroad.

The "Admiral", as he is depicted and known in the Netherlands, is a hero of the nation.

Male no mistake. This small country fought England, France and Spain in practically the same centuries.... for decades.

The film depict the ruling over the world by this small country, where as nowadays the old V. O. C. Has the same monetary value as Microsoft, Amazon, Apple together.

"The Admiral" is simply one to watch. Maybe not easy since the film is subtitled, but subtitling is normal in the Netherlands where even the news is proper subtitled if foreigners are at word.

It's also a chance to fill in gaps in your history lessons. Or at least do some more research.

After all... In England they still think that England won Waterloo pmsl. Never mind the Austrians who send Napoleon's troops back to Paris where they belonged. And Wellington was only hired to organise the Napoleonic wars. It was not his troops who won. So this film definitely shows you history (dramatised) from two point of views and is a cinematographic gem...
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The Turning (2020)
Again :( time wasted!
21 July 2020
Nice idea, good actors, no end. Does it ever stop?
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22 years later. And it still knocks you out.
19 January 2020
Film reviews are irrelevant. Perception is key. Meet Joe Black is a meet on its own. If you are not into romantic tear jerkers, watch this film and find out that your human and have the ability to change your mind. I speak from experience. The story: Simple and easy to understand. The director made a simple life event into a magical experience. Love and death go hand in hand in a mixture of sublime acting, awesome sceneries, superb dialogues, nerve touching details and result in a romantic drama where the happy ending does not cover the sadness and emotions and leaves you choked till the last over the rainbow tune ends. After 40 years of watching thousands of films, this film still is my number 1 film in my top 100 films where all one hundred share the first place. Brad Pitt, Sir Anthony Hopkins (brilliant classical composer btw) and the gorgeous Claire Forlany showed of their qualities. Same for all the other participants in thisepic story about how life will go on. Perception. ... but from my pov their best acting ever. I have seen it at least once every 2 years. If it will be your first time, settle for it. If you are still young, and think you become a film addict, be aware! You will get drawn in this film for decades to come. Enjoy this experience. And let it knock you out as well ☺
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Good to watch.
16 August 2019
Entertaining film. Stunning effects, and good acting. Balanced family drama, so not too much. Didn't expect this much since its linked to the first godzilla. Unlink it and it's a fantastic film.
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London has tripped
23 May 2016
Tripped over itself. When Olympus fell the public was served with the o'l fashion "Good US Guy vs. Other Always Bad Guy".

Where Olympus actually gave you the feeling that it could happen, the London one was what you could expect. The acting is all right. Obvious. Good actors that did the job. Unfortunately the story was, also obvious, horrible.

Why is it, that from a decent US film a UK version needs to be filmed that usually result in footage only appreciated by Brits. The "British Copy" (a.k.a. the BritCop) full of top British content like the best secret service (MI5), the best special forces (SAS), the best Luther, the best James Bond, and the best of everything from the center of the universe.

Films with Rambo-like heroes is an American patent. One against the whole world. America against the whole world. I know they have the feeling that the whole world is always against them. Its a psychological issue. A matter of insecurity. Britain doesn't have that kind of culture. In England they know the whole world is having a laugh about them. That's why British humour usually does fine in the cinema.

The film didn't make sense because of the above. A boring subtraction, a miserable copy where the acting was OK. But that was it. Sorry
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A museum piece should stay in the museum. You don't alter and create new bits in it.
18 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If something ends, it means it doesn't go further. Sometimes it's better not to restart something that actually ended. Simply, because it can't go any further.

I watched the first Star Wars as a teen and was sold at first sight. I loved every follow up but have to say that the last one didn't meet my expectations. Still I was happy to have all six DVD's and at least once a year I watch them throwing me back decades and in my own fantasy world. Sure, you like Star Wars, or you don't.

Then there was an awakening. Star Wars VII came out, and straight away I was skeptic. Star Wars ended. My story, my fantasy, my best of the world science fiction film had a closure and I was in peace with it. Like any good book, you fear the last page. When it you read it, it stops... It's over. sniff.

And then it restarted. Pity. All of a sudden my favorite characters were old and had kids who are naughty. The empire came back disguised as an evil nation of Panem in which a sort of giant President Snow who looks like Lord Voldemort represents the Dark Side. Yoda's grand daughter found Luke's saber and gave it to a Katniss look-a-like who was continuously followed by an orange football. Once in a while this poor girl was transferred into Harry Potter scenes, but that might be just a mistake because part of the film was made in Britain and they probably mixed up the studio's.

The characters spoke too much English but that's because its a British film. It's always a pity if a film is transformed in a British story because in England films always have to have an English touch. That is probably why British films don't do as well as other big film countries like the US, China, France, Japan, South American countries, and Scandinavian and southern European movies. Star Wars is not English. period.

Technically the film was OK, but I have seen better ones. I missed 30 years of story. The scenes were partly a catch up from old times and partly new invented story's created for a future (younger) public. The power and strength from the characters Yoda, Darth Vader, Anakin, Luke, Obi Wan and the other Jedi's, Leia, Han, Chewy, and even C3PO and R2D2, could not be transferred in VII.

It's a weak story that tries to connect with a very powerful history but unfortunately breaks down straight after the opening crawl. Bad acting and a no sense story line. Even the bad copy of Darth Vader is pathetic.

Sorry, I know that the big critics actually found it a box office product. Unfortunately they didn't pay me for a review that would benefit the budget. Iam just a viewer who can honestly say that its a flop.

If you want to watch and expect the Star Wars feeling you will be disappointed. Its a sad side step with too much British (£31,6 million) funded glory moments.

It just doesn't have the effect of the original first six.

I watched it and felt a boys dream sinking in the abyss. The story did end. Well before this number VII. SNIFF
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8 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I agree. They should have gone for the urban legend story. It was all a bit predictable. Never the less the acting actually made it worth watching it. The scenery was fine, but the story itself was a bit confusing. I usually don't spoil, but in this case I put some questions/notes down that might be a tiny bit spoiling. Its just that I hope the director of this film will take in account what ordinary film lovers think.

I didn't get the legend to murdered woman line. I think the legend was not needed. Gave it a weird twist that didn't fit. Its a revenge film. So why were the teens killed that had nothing to do with it. I did get the possession part, but killing the girl and her brother didn't make any sense. I think if a ghost goes ballistic, they all should die. But that's me. The part in the middle where the woman was raped (was she actually raped?) was chaotic with a bit too much unrecognizable and blurry scenes. It didn't clear anything up and only the producer and actors probably knew what was going on, because they had the script. I didn't. So I had no clue what was going on.

Anyway, end good all good. Not the kind of film I would watch again. As I said, the acting was above average with a couple of nice scenes that could have been different so the logic would kick in.

I gave it a 5. It wasn't horrifically scary, but the acting was fine and the scenery was good. I've seen worse.

Please learn from it.
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The Messenger (I) (2015)
Too slow for me.
29 March 2016
Have to say that the acting in general was good. Unfortunately, even for a drama, it was too long winded. Some dialogs were ridiculously unreal. Even someone with a twisted mind wouldn't act like that. Too much attention seeking from someone with basically a burden.

Too much drama will kill a film. Again, I have to say its a British film. Like most British films they are produced for a market. The British market. Story's where the viewer is expected to go deep is actually a Spanish or South American specialty. Or even better, Asian country's.

The story itself is good. It doesn't matter if it is a "I see Dead People" film. There are thousands of films in all genres that have something from another film, or even the first in that genre.

Its just not my thing. As far as I am concerned you should leave these kind of films to Hollywood, or other specialists in drama.

How ever, if you like British drama's, just have a look at this one. For every genre there is a market.

I just happen to be on the wrong market with The Messenger.
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Just brilliant as usual.
27 March 2016
"The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual's own reason and critical analysis." (Dalai Lama)

A film is a film. You've got a story, characters, and a scenery. Music to go with it and voilà.. You've got a picture. Of course you can criticize till you weight an ounce, but that's not what a film is about.

Inglorious Bastards is perfect. Amazing actors, good scenery, and I happen to like the dialogs. It doesn't matter where the characters come from, but they have been put down perfect. The dialects, expressions and other characteristics are sensational. The Tarantino style music from old French chansons to the Good, Bad and Ugly western sound. For me it all blends into a film I can't stop watching. The chapters, details of the scenes, the acting, the different angles from which all the acting comes together to a perfect finish. You just have to see it for yourself.

Colonel Hans Landa. Christoph Waltz. Was he really just passing by when they were shooting a scene or so? How fortunate were they, when he walked there and was asked to play this role?

Waltz was the topping on a delicious cake. I've seen and liked him in other films, but in this one he is the red wire through the film. Utter brilliance.

Thanks again Mr Tarantino.
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Don't Blink (2014)
I didn't get it.
20 March 2016
Its simple. If you like story's that goes nowhere "Don't Blink" is perfect for you. Me, myself, like to see a plot. A good and sensible line with a good ending that makes sense.

Don't Blink doesn't have that. The scenery is good and the acting is above average but it goes wrong if a character says "let's leave" and off course another(somehow dominant) person says: "No, let's just stay. It's gonna be all right". I mean, come on? really? Anyway. For me it would have been nice to get an idea of what is wrong there. And while I am writing this I am still puzzled with the thought: "What did Travis Oates wanted to show me".

So, I gave it a 5/10 for the scenery and sometimes good acting. The story is interesting but had no plot. Its a moderate thriller with some mystery in it, but again; since there is no explanation or reason given for the mysterious events it made it pretty worthless for me. Solemnly based on the lack of explanation I would give it 2/10.

I still don't get it.

PS: Mentioning Stephen King in this film is a bit like Travis Oates knew these kind of reviews would coming. Mr King can write these kind of story's because he can. Not everybody is called Stephen King.
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Good and solid film.
18 March 2016
I've learned not to rely too much on reviews. Most reviews/critics are based on a personal view. Your own opinion reflected in the way you experience a film. "Where The devil Hides" is such a film. Me? I only recognized one actor in it and unfortunately for me I couldn't get rid of the feeling that I was looking at an actor. Where all the other actors and actresses were characters in a story, that was a bit of a let down.

I found it a good solid thriller. The Amish community is a community one could say is a bit weird, basically because we (assuming your non- Amish) do not live the Amish life style. They are not 24/7 on TV. So coming with a thriller in such community leaves enough space for imagination.

Good story, good acting and a surprising end. Just the way you want it. I found it better then what the description tells you. If you speak of the devil, you find most fear in people who believe in God. This thriller's ingredients: Suspense, murder, mystery, and the other side.

Worth an 8 since I didn't sat on the edge of the seat. But it kept me captivated.

I loved it...
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Girl House (2014)
Wow, actually a very good film
17 March 2016
Seen some reviews and noticed the ratings. As far as I am concerned, they don't do justice to this film. Is it a cheap-teen-slash-B-film? Don't think so. Good story, good acting, good end.

Iam not going to spoil anything, but feel that I have to do bring balance in some other weird reviews, realizing that everyone is entitled to his own opinion.

The killer does have a very clear motive and background. You can see that in the very beginning of the film. The killer his job is not a weird job, and his hobby at home is not weird. His knowledge is not far fetched, and basically he would be the perfect real live profile of a serial killer.

Don't expect a cheap and bloody slash film. The film is very well balanced as a thriller with some very bloody moments. But nothing overdone here like. It's easy to get into the film with the intentions of the GirlHouse being very clear. Nothing disguised, but clearly not a porn film. The love/romantic bits in it are genuine. The violence and bloody moments are well proportioned. No exceeding and long winding screaming. No wrong doors with no where to hide scenes that every human being would avoid. The "scary" scenes are well timed. Not too long and not too short. Just enough to keep your attention. All escapes, whether they succeed or not, are perfectly acted. No unnatural behavior in this.

Finally a slash film we enjoyed. Lots of tension, lots of gorgeous woman, an environment in which half the world can find (him)self. A film you can identify with. A film that is realistic enough.

Definitely worth an 8.
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Jeruzalem (2015)
Such a shame
16 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have to give it a 2. The film started good with actually good acting, nice scenery and interesting story line. Yeah, it was a bit slow, but it gave you the chance to get into it. Unfortunately after 60 minutes it goes wrong. The moment the attack starts. Again, it goes wrong when it comes to human nature. Normal human behavior. Even with Google glasses on no one runs backwards in panic. You don't ride a bicycle while watching your feet. If you know your surrounded by meat eaters and you see your friend changing in one of them, pretty quick as well, you don't try to feel sorry and try to comfort them. You run! Your scared, terrified! You don't scream and keep running against walls in the dark. Survival instinct kicks in. You'll shoot your friend and get the hell out of there. you might be loud, but you don't scream like an actor or actress in a bad found footage film. And that's how it ends(sigh)Like a found footage film. shaky cam, dark scenery, screaming people acting totally irrational. The last couple of minutes were surprising and actually a welcome end. Unfortunately the boyfriend runs on the field not looking back, and it takes way too long before he gives his girlfriend attention. Wouldn't you run together towards the light, not letting each other go and feel the relief of escaping a horrible adventure like an explosion? Would that not be the perfect moment to realize that your girlfriend somehow changes? I gave it a 2. Just because the first half was fine, but hey... let's face it. A film like a football match always goes to the end. pity.. PAZ brothers please, if you read this and would like your films to create human emotion, don't hesitate to contact me. Human behavior in these kind of films is not fiction. Its based on logic. Take that in consideration and your film would be awesome. :)
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Ratter (2015)
I hate films with no end.
14 March 2016
Potentially a good film spoiled by having no end.

I have seen thousands of films the last 35 years, but it seems that today film makers are less and less bothered about a good ending. The acting was OK in it, actually deserves a 7, the location looked OK, another 7, The story line and subject was fine, 7 again, but I guess the film maker had no money left over for a normal ending. And that makes it worth a 1. You wouldn't by a car without engine, or a house without a roof, would you? Even an empty bread bag would not pass a till.

I couldn't have cared if she would survived, got killed, turned into a privacy activist or what ever, but pls pls pls, give films an ending.

As from 2010, the difference in a good film or a bad film seems to focus on the end of the story. Imagine: The Green Mile without the end scene between two older people, The sixth sense without explaining at the end that the guy actually was dead all the film long, The Hunger Games missing part 4? That's what the "ratter" is about. Quick and cheap productions without an end... Thanks.
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Solace (II) (2015)
Must see. Anthony Hopkins as usual: Brilliant.
24 February 2016
Every top actor has that special character that makes him a top actor. I know that we all have our favourites, but in my top 10 there is absolutely Sir Anthony Hopkins.

It doesn't matter if he plays in Zorro, Joe Black or any other. Mr Hopkins (by the way a gifted composer of classical music as well) manage to make a film an adventure where you forget the actors and only see the characters in a story. That's when a film for me is a success. Farrell, Morgan and Cornish added up to this film in a genre that I always appreciate.

I am not going to spoil anything. Watch the film and let it drag you into an exciting, full of action, a bit sad, and mysterious story. From the beginning to end a good story with still a lot of surprising elements in it.

For me a 10. But I have to say that I am a great fan of Mr Hopkins.
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Red State (2011)
Defo an unexpected wow factor
26 January 2016
OK, I am a Tarantino fan. I didn't expect anything of this film. Never even heard of. Thought I was going to see a horror film. How ever: Its brilliant. Good Story, good cast and excellent screen shots. The dialoques were amazing. So without expectations the film caught me instantly. 5 minutes at the most. Mr Smith might be a bit of a controversial filmmaker. But he ticked our boxes here like. I am not going to spoil anything.

Just watch it. If you like films like I do (And I am not interested in goof's, famous names etc.) you will have a pleasant time...

have fun
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You can feel this story.
25 January 2016
Everybody experiences a film different. Some like to watch known actors, some like scenery, and others just like a certain genre. For me a film is good if I can forget all that made the film, and when I can connect with the characters and the story. And in this case... I could feel this film! Sadness, anger, judgment, miss understanding and understanding all of it.

So what about the film? Iam not going to spoil it. I've known the real story about Sylvia Likens, and tho it's not 100% the same, this film is a must watch, if you into these events. We read a lot about these events in the newspaper (Fritzl and others) but seeing it, makes a difference.

As a film 100% emotional. good actors, and the story line? Well. you might wanna watch a good revenge film after this (Spit On Your Grave or so). Just to get rid of your emotions and possible anger.
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The Wicked (2013 Video)
23 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
What was that about? And why doesn't IMDb have the vote-option 0? I am keen to watch a whole movie, just to make sure that I can give an honest opinion.

I watched the whole film...

OK, so I have to say summit about this film. It doesn't matter what the budget is. But I think a film can only be called a film if it is one. Its not even a B-movie. Sorry. Girl gone/no mention about it in film/Wicked witch comes and go's/magic light at the end of the tunnel/ end of the film.

Cast must have been paid minimum wages. I mean.... seriously????
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Another Me (2013)
9 January 2016
A good story that went horribly wrong. The concept is interesting with good actors. Unfortunately the production is a let down. The scenes are too long to stay focused. Its clearly a drama and as a drama it does very well. I do not get the thrill bit in it. And was there for mislead when it comes to genres.

For me ghost stories come in on a scale from 1 to 10: 1 for romantic and 10 for scary. As far as I am concerned it was a 2 based on some "ghostly" scenes.

I still rate the film overall a 4, only because the actors are amazing.

If you like a ghostly story with a somehow sad end, its probably a must see. If your looking for a Ghost story with a capital G starting on the scale as a number 6, Try to find another one :)
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