
32 Reviews
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I cannot belive how delightful this movie was
12 July 2022
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I wanted very badly to make fun of this movie and call it corny, but frankly it was absolutely delightful. Perhaps it was because of limitations in film making at the time but i like how he learned the animals languages instead of having them just speak English. Overall the songs were catchy the cinematography was that great 1960's style and it was an overall feel good movie i enjoyed. Even though the ending of him flying the Moth the moon was a little cheesy.
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Boys Town (1938)
Wonderful bio pick
14 February 2021
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Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rourke were both pretty incredible in this movie. I really didn't know anything about the history boys down to this definitely works is a great history lesson. There are movies that works only for history lessons and don't offer much for entertainment value, this is not one of them. The movie is funny enough the performances are strong enough and there is enough character development (especially Mickey Rourke ) that while you are learning history you are also thoroughly entertained.
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True story
2 February 2021
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There were some great performances obviously Al Pacino was great so was Chris standing but also john cazale as sal... to be honest as far as a bank Robin movie goes this was a lot more political and a lot more relevant for 2021 that I had anticipated. For instance there was a lot about transgender and gay experiences... But additionally there was a lot of economically involved and well specifically the scene where Al Pacino is being interviewed on the news and makes the point about his inability to get a decent job and how he could survive on any wages that aren't union... I was of course surprised and delighted how the crowd took his side. Largely this was due to him calling out attica A reference to a prison riot in which people were killed I don't know a lot about it we'll have to research that more. My other big take away was how this took place in 1974 grand in about 50 years ago, when he got pizza for themselves and all the hostages there were 10 people and they showed up with three large pizzas... Granted later we found out that he didn't eat any of the pizza, however in 2021 America if you were to order pizza for 10 people under no circumstances would you show up with three large pizzas... That's 24 slices of pizza for 10 people just one work in modern America especially any circumstance where are the people haven't eaten in a long time (just an observation I made ) Just made for a better story. Overall worth a watch possibly worth watch again in 20 years
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Delightful enough
26 January 2021
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Errol is excellent as Robin Hood. The picture, well I'm sure digitally remastered, looked amazing for 1938. There really isn't much to say I've read books and seen other movies about Robin Hood. Overall it's just a delightful movie good to watch at time or two... the action sequences I couldn't even imagine how exciting that would've been in 1938. The acting was pretty good. By today's standards a little campy but still worth a watch. It almost felt like a live action Disney movie. Which I know this movie was from 1938 but I've seen other movies from the era and they don't all feel like that. Which is why I feel despite the age justified in saying it's almost like a live action Disney movie.
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Ivanhoe (1952)
I should listen to the book
19 January 2021
I've never actually listen to the book. So it's difficult with a film like this to fully 100% judge is quality as an adaptation having never read the original book. That being said Elizabeth Taylor is of course a delight. The 1950s especially the early 1950 were a time when the average American household didn't even own a TV to my understanding, so battle sequences like this scene on the big screen would've been amazing. Overall worth a watch one time. I did spend the first 20 minutes to the film trying to figure out who is who but that's common among on things like this especially when you haven't read the book.
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The Hustler (1961)
Pretty good movie
12 January 2021
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Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason are the runaway stars of this film. I really don't know anything about the world of competitive pool so it was very informative. The thing I found that was a little weird at first was how they have these marathon pool sessions and even if you beat somebody safe for 20 straight hours if they come back and win everything in the last five hours that you still lose the game. Can't imagine football or baseball work in the same way but alas it is explained in the movie why it works like that. Really this movie tried to tackle a lot of different very heavy themes and does a good enough job doing it. Competitive pool, gambling addiction, alcohol Addiction, suicide, the obsession that comes with the need to be the best at something. It does a decent enough job tackling these heavy issues with very good performances from the leads so worth a watch one time
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Single guy perspectives
5 January 2021
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Not a bad movie... made me feel like dating hasn't changed since the 70's... this felt like tinder the movie in the 70's a little bit
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31 December 2020
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It was a very good movie. The thing that surprised me the most was that even though it's a movie bio pic it contained a lot more history than other movie bio pics I've seen. It was almost more of a movie about the plight of fruit picker is during the great depression then it was a music bio pic about Mr. Guthrie. By the way good story well acted well written overall worth a watch
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Good enjoy
24 December 2020
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It was a fine enough movie. The main actress that plays Maria is a poor man's Audrey Hepburn that's for sure. It got a little bit darker in places than I had anticipated but I guess it's not a comedy it does say it's a drama. Good reminder for all of us to shoot your shot and not to wait too long because life can have unexpected changes
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Selma (2014)
Very educational
23 December 2020
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It's a good movie everybody should be required to watch it one time while studying American history. Definitely more for educational purposes than for entertainment value
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The Alamo (1960)
My first John Wayne movie
23 December 2020
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First first John Wayne movie. It was a little long but overall I found this to be a good movie to watch one time as a history lesson of the Alan's
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Not a huge fan I'm too dumb
23 December 2020
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I wasn't a huge fan of the movie though it was A little informative. I came to the conclusion that people of my intelligence level will never fully appreciate this movie. I am way too dumb to understand all the intricacies plot subplots and characters involved, yet a little too smart to appreciate the movie so only for hunting down bin laden. I found myself often thinking who are they talking about again or what's happening again and then by the time I got caught up I was lost.
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The Pianist (2002)
Extremely good
23 December 2020
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This is an extremely good movie Adrien Brody is of course outstanding. The cinematography is also very good. I happen to watch it during quarantine so it put my own troubles very much so in perspective. Pretty easy to be on lockdown with plenty Of food and entertainment versus a lockdown that he went on hiding from the Nazis
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9 November 2020
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The movie does feel a little bit corny. But at the end of the day I found it surprisingly delightful. I will save vis-à-vis the ending that had it not been shot in a froufrou musical sort of way it would've been a little bit creepy. However except the movie for what it is a fun musical from the 50s and don't look at it with critical 2020 political eyes and overall I had a good time.
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15 September 2020
This is a remake some day I'll have to go back and watch the original... it was surprisingly exciting and fun to watch... I can imagine in 1950 in not only a pre internet world but a pre television world (at least they weren't ubiquitous at the time) this would have been quite an adventure and felt like a safari... heck I really enjoyed it and it's 2020 I can't imagine how much fun it would have been seeing it for the first time on the big screen in 1950.
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Norma Rae (1979)
Labor Day movie
8 September 2020
I really didn't realize that there were Labor Day movies out there but this one is it. If you're wanting to celebrate Labor Day here's your movie.
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If you get around to it
24 August 2020
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This was a pretty decent movie. And I can understand how it was certainly important for its era as an LGBTQ movie. But I have read a review by Roger Ebert that said I can't tell you what this movie is about because as soon as I start to tell you what the movie is about it's about something else so just go watch it. I think that gives a pretty Accurate description about how I felt all the acting was of course great and as always I enjoyed forest Whitaker
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Shelley winters was excellent
12 August 2020
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Obviously I love Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery was excellent as well... but the movie is stolen by Shelley Winters... the subtlety she plays her desperation Both in the doctors office and on the boat where she is trying to convince him to stay with her and marry her was a be of the best I've seen... FYI I knew while watching the scene of him renting the boat he wasn't going to get away with it...
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Not good
4 August 2020
First off this movie just gave me an eerie dark feeling but not in a good way. It was clearly about family drama about three sisters that had difficulty getting along and then one of the sisters is dying so they all three come back together. They're clearly from a very wealthy family I'm on the turn of the 20th century. However the movie didn't give enough background for anything to make sense everything seemed convoluted and Weird. I'm not entirely sure why it won best cinematography maybe because of the contrast of red were a big deal in 1973? Overall this movie gave me the feel that it may have been a wonderful book that had an absolutely god awful movie adaptation. I hated it I will never ever ever watch it again. However if I find the story is a book assuming the book is absolutely 100% glowing reviews and isn't that long I will maybe maybe check it out
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Funny Girl (1968)
Surprisingly Exceptional
26 July 2020
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I honestly thought I was going to hate this film or rather I thought it was going to be a boring 2 1/2 hours that I had to force myself through. Turns out it was actually pretty great. The music was fun I recognized a couple of the songs that I had no idea had their origin of this film (the one from Robin Williams is Mrs. Doubtfire), and "People". Barbra Streisand was an absolute delight and they did a pretty good job tackling addiction issues and financial issues with gambling and other stuff.
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Tess (1979)
I need to read the book
19 July 2020
At the time I had seen the movie I hadn't read the book. It's very rare to see a movie that's two hours and 50 minutes long and feel like it needs to be longer. However my Takeaway was that this was a very good movie that probably would be better served as a mini series. Lo and behold it is a miniseries done by the BBC. One thing I can't tell Is that The movie deserves the credit or is it the book that deserves the credit for being a great story discussing many themes from love to betrayal to disappointment. I'll have a better understanding after I read the book but I suspect the movie is very good adaptation of it with solid acting and directing and made the story flow very easily in a fairly timely manner.
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The Reader (2008)
Questioning morality
16 July 2020
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This movie does a really good job of making you question individual motor versus group morality. If looked at in a vacuum obviously Kate Winslet does not play a great character. She is a Nazi she hooks up with a teenage boy has a full grown woman she doesn't let the people out when there is a fire. However the film does a good job explaining how she is just an individual caught up in the circumstance. Based on the fact that she can't read she gets a job where she can get a job and then joins the party because there are opportunities and more jobs and then follows orders. She is essentially alone in her life so she takes romance where she can get it. All things that are certainly relatable to a common person. Clearly she did show remorse based on her actions in the end. So the film will definitely let you draw your own conclusions But it's a good basis For questioning evil actions even if you had survival or your own interest at heart and honestly didn't know you were doing bad at the time. Great performances across-the-board
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It's fine
7 June 2020
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It was fine... super long... a solid hour of build up about breaking the sound barrier that was likely unnecessary... never figured out what the firefly things were that John Glenn saw... and I must have completely missed the symbolism with the Aborigines ....'also never figured out If Gus caused the blow out of the capsule or not, part of the movie let us to believe his coins he was going to sell/giveaway may have caused it but that remained inconclusive... Overall it was about an hour longer than it needed to be and it was fine not a bad movie, but I think a lot of the accomplishments for it had to do with it's visually Production. Which I can appreciate it did look very good especially for a film made in 1983. Watch it once it will certainly not be something you watch on a regular basis also a young Dennis Quaid very unattractive.
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Solid film
30 May 2020
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The movie is fairly solid. It's a mystery I typically don't go for mysteries. However there is a lot in this film. Certainly a new take on the world war two movie. There was a lot of self racism that I certainly cannot identify with and I'm not qualified to speak on. A lot of traditional racism. The particular scene that stuck out to me is when the sergeant is talking to CJ and CJ is behind bars. Plot wise essentially the sergeant set CJ up to put him behind bars because he was embarrassed that CJ represented his race. It's stuck out is extremely well acted emotional well written and to me the best scene in the movie. The ending of course surprised me but it is definitely worth a watch.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Unique and amazing
28 May 2020
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I guess I'm not entirely sure where to start. For starters this film was amazing. It was unlike anything I've ever seen before. Other than the beginning in the end essentially shot all in one room. Phenomenal acting phenomenal plot development. You start the film suspecting the kid is guilty, But and the film with reasonable doubt actually frankly and the film knowing he's not. Some of the acting in the monologues are top notch. It's frankly just a unique concept on a very interesting topic that everyone finds interesting. My only complaint is when the final juror changes his mind he rips up a picture and it's not fully clear why he changes his mind or the significance the picture played... other than that each individual jourer unique each individual jourer finds their own reason to change positions and it's just fun to watch unfold throughout the 96 minutes.
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