
12 Reviews
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Innocence (I) (2013)
Atmospheric throughout
8 May 2016
I enjoyed this film immensely. I had no preconceived ideas about it at all, which is usually the best way to approach a movie. Just pop Netflix on, sit back and be either disgusted, surprised or intrigued. For me, I am pleased to say, it was the last one. This film was very well done indeed and everyone had worked very hard to achieve this result. A blockbuster it wasn't, by any means, but I wasn't expecting one. The film was slow-paced, but that isn't always a bad thing. The subject matter of dark goings-on in a private girls' school did not call for a frenetic free-for-all. Even the young lead star moved very slowly through the story as though she were walking through treacle but it was a lovely performance. Indeed, all the cast was first class, apart from the father who came across as an unfeeling wimp. Maybe he was meant to play it that way. Whatever, he was outshone by the ladies, who treated us to some very welcome eye candy. I found the photography and lighting to be stunningly executed on nearly every shot. The suspense was sustained very well too. The special effects were very laudable considering the budget. Well done and thanks everyone and my good wishes in your future endeavours.
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A Sumptuously Packaged Treat
26 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Amelie) centres around a nerdish young boy (Kyle Catlett) who lives in the wilds of Montana. The natural wonders that surround him leave him largely unimpressed; he has other things on his mind, namely a compelling urge to invent a perpetual motion machine. This idea first surfaced at a lecture where a professor informed him that this was the holy grail for science. Eventually he comes up with a convincing answer to this problem and despite his tender years, convinces the Smithsonian Institution to look at his invention. To their surprise (and his) they realise that the boy wonder has done it. He has invented a machine which will rotate, not quite forever, but at least for 400 years. But this is a troubled young genius. He has to suffer the setbacks of his unusual family. His mother (Helen Bonham Carter) is a scientist whose speciality is bugs (the insect type) and with which she is totally obsessed. His father (Callum Keith Rennie) is the antithesis of his talented son, a man's man dressed as a cowboy, surly and unresponsive to his son's ingenuity. He is, in short, a boor. Furthermore, he appears to blame the boy for his favourite son's death in a shooting accident. The boy's final setback is his teenage sister (Niamh Wilson) who bristles with frustration for having to live in this desolate spot. Despite all this, he hops aboard a freight train bound for Washington, home of the Smithsonian, to give a speech re his amazing machine. Jeunet instills in this film an evident love for the story and great reverence for the spectacular setting and it shines through in every frame. The photography and production values have been created with great care and attention to detail, the slow travelling shot through his father's study is very beguiling. The one thing that puzzles me is why an intelligent woman like his mother would marry a wannabe, monosyllabic cowboy. Opposites attract? Possible I suppose. A rewarding watch.
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Damage (1992)
Stylish but harrowing
18 April 2016
This film grabs you on several emotional levels and maintains a consistent power to enthral throughout, not a mean achievement in this material and superficial age. The depiction of a ruthlessly predatory female is perfectly rendered by the female lead Juliette Brinoche. Who would think that so much scheming energy could be contained in this pint-sized woman? When her shattering and shocking early life is revealed, then we realise where these searing and ultimately destructive forces originated. One almost feels sorry for Jeremy Irons, the unfortunate man who falls for her in a hopeless tangle of wayward emotions. Then our sympathy quickly evaporates when we realise what a total idiot he is. From then on we fervently hope that the two utterly selfish protagonists are hell bent on their richly deserved demise. We are not disappointed in this respect, but the journey through the course of their torrid affair is not an easy one for the viewer. Satisfied we may be that their just deserts come to fruit, but not before we undergo a roller-coaster ride of emotional intensity rarely seen in modern cinema. It is a fascinating peep into the world of the rich and powerful with their bland acceptance of their fortunate place in society and blinkered assumption that their destiny is somehow richly deserved, predestined even. How cheered we are when events occur that can not only shake them to their self-satisfied core, but also totally destroy them. So although this wonderful film is often an unsettling experience, it has a strong feel-good factor at its heart.
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Predictable yet Watcable
29 March 2016
So, an obscenely wealthy,outrageously self-obsessed and thoroughly unlikeable guy who drives a ridiculously expensive, ugly and faintly laughable RV across a bleak desert in search of "big game" engages a young and impoverished guide to point him in the direction of his intended prey. Shockingly early in the movie and before we have really assimilated this premise, something happens which follows standard dramatic lines, i.e., a change occurs. This has the result of causing some hastily cobbled together and panic-stricken plan changes by the protagonists. The relationship between the two dramatically changes, and for the worse. The "big game" now becomes the young man, who is chased across the scorching desert by the detestable millionaire. But Mr Nasty doesn't want to shoot the young man, that would implicate him, instead, he stalks him relentlessly with the aim of waiting for his natural death under the glare of the sun. Predictably, because he has an intimate knowledge of the desert landscape, the young guide outwits the hunter at every turn, which leads to some entertaining situations. All in all, a worthwhile watch, if a little slow. Some nice photography, the heat is almost palpable. Best seen on a big screen.
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Audrey Rose (1977)
Audrey Rose...
13 March 2016
...but unfortunately this film never did rise from its sorry mishmash of poor direction, acting and editing. I would recommend you give this one a miss and do something more interesting like inserting a sharp pencil into your eyeball. Whatever it is that makes a dreary movie, this one had it in spades. There was an air of desperation from the cast, especially Hopkins, who looked like an exasperated actor who was tired of the director's insistence on yet another retake. There was an air throughout of a consensus among the cast that this was maybe a bad idea, but hey, we're stuck with it. The stark contrast between such movies as The Omen is only too plain to see. This fails on all counts and to top that we have this wretched girl wailing and screaming in far too many long and wearing scenes. I watched this at home so I could at least mute her. Robert was very wise to show one of these horrible scenes through a window so we only saw her mouthing her ear-splitting racket. The courtroom scene was dire and why would the Indian guru type character appear in full tribal costume? Wouldn't a suit have been more appropriate for this occasion? This film laboured the plot and was boring throughout.
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Labor Day (2013)
A very good movie
9 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Although this film is in many ways excellent both from acting and cinematography, it relies quite heavily on a few improbabilities that initially do not distract from your enjoyment. In retrospect however you can't help thinking, woah how did that happen? An escaped ex-con accosts a woman and gently but firmly persuades her and her young son to conceal them in her home, to which she agrees, though somewhat reluctantly. Unlikely? Of course it is, but this is a story after all. We are expected to believe that her loneliness and depression override her common sense. Possible, I suppose, I am no psychologist. Gradually the pair begin a relationship. Turns out this guy although an ex-con, is a real nice guy, does helpful jobs around the house, becomes a father figure to her little boy and even shines in bed. He is, in fact the man of her dreams. Of course, the law eventually catches up with him after various peripheral characters, plus an infuriatingly nosey cop, put two and two together. Result: Mister Nice Guy is banged up for another long stretch in the pen. The final rather unlikely situation: The woman waits for an eternity for his sentence to end and they are reunited in a sentimental final scene. And guess what? He is even more handsome and rugged-looking than he was before, despite being many years older. So, yes a very good and involving film, despite these minor cracks, rather than holes, in the plot.
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A satisfying western
4 March 2016
The most controversial scene in this movie concerns the taking by Clint Eastwood of a "lady" and now referred to by many posters as a rape. These people should first of all consider the context, i.e. the "wild west" in the 19th century. This was not an epoch or location noted for gentility and good manners. Indeed, such attributes would have been ridiculed in a rough mining town such as this. Anyone being raised here would be influenced from a young age by ongoing situations and the general mores of the town. Let's not mince words here, this girl was a slut. Her initial approach to Clint was notable for its lack of finesse, but this girl knew no other way to approach a man. She had learnt from observation that this was the way to achieve her ends. This same approach, in a more modified form can even be seen today in some quarters. Rape? I don't think so. Her dubious character was accurately drawn. There is a strong and ironic comedic overtone to this movie and is very welcome considering some of the violence depicted. Never have so many craven cowards been assembled in one place. Of course, the movie is dated, but now takes its place as a classic of the genre. A great watch if you are in the mood for a simple plot which is brimming over with malice and satisfying revenge themes. Thank goodness Clint didn't ride off into the sunset followed by the departing unsatisfied wife who had simultaneously loaded up her buggy as Clint left town. That would have been unforgivably corny. On another note I thought the buildings in the outdoor set were unconvincing in some respects. The timber was too smooth and modern looking. Also the windows were obviously plate glass (not invented) and too sparklingly. clean considering the dusty street. And modern building materials could be seen, especially round the backs of the set.
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26 February 2016
As an exercise in portraying the low life of London, this film does not offer much that is new and features an array of stock "underworld" characters that, because we have no experience (most of us anyway) of knowing such people, we have to accept that "this is what it must be like". On the other hand it is all very well done and because it is not a documentary but a cinematic entertainment, then that mission has been accomplished pretty well. The production values are good and the direction and editing preserve a dark and menacing mood throughout. The two main standout features of this film that are possibly different from most movies of this genre are (1) the graphic and clinical descriptions of male rape and (2) the surprisingly attractive notion of living a nomadic life in a van, a small space that is currently receiving much media attention here in the UK, being promoted as a desirable and proper thing to do.
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Suspension of Disbelief
22 February 2016
Should be the title of this film, because nearly all of the plot revolves around concepts the likelihood of which ever happening is extremely remote. Having said that, viewed as a piece of fairly conventional movie-making I think the film does succeed. It has suspense, tension, good cinematography and a decent cast. Paul Walker as the main protagonist, is to be congratulated on maintaining the same grim, clenched-jaw expression throughout most of the story. Let's face it, the point of any movie is to entertain, which this one does and it also keeps you guessing, so to expect every film to be believable is not a reasonable expectation. Even so, in this case we are asked to accept rather too many plot holes than is humanly possible I am afraid. Anyway, it was a pleasant enough affair, not too taxing on the brain and the pace, although slow, served to remind us that we do not always crave a frenetic, adrenalin-fuelled smorgasbord of car-chases, sex and mind-blowing special effects. Not always.
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Coherence (2013)
Unique entertainment.
21 February 2016
This film is very different that's for sure. It's so different that it is quite hard to classify and I would say, falls into the realm of experimental or ground-breaking stuff. It is almost like watching a stage play in that the main action takes place in one room during a temporary blackout as a comet moves slowly across the sky. A group of friends at a party inanely chattering, also discuss the celestial object overhead and the possibility of it invoking odd and paranormal events, which eventually do happen. This film relies heavily on incessant dialogue, hence its allusion to a stage play. This dialogue is beautifully handled and totally convincing. There are no awkward silences in this movie! I do wonder how many takes were done to achieve the seamless flow of chatter that flowed between the extremely talented cast. OK, much of the plot was fairly inscrutable, but did we care? No, because our immersion was total as we, as well as the cast, wondered what the hell was going on. Their emotions were our emotions all the way through. A brilliant effort by everyone.
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Man from Reno (2014)
Good Beginning
21 February 2016
This movie has a very promising start. A veteran sheriff squints through his windscreen as he drives down a mist-shrouded road. Suddenly, he strikes a pedestrian hard who collides with the windscreen and rolls off. Then he struggles to his feet and runs away. The film then descends into a confusing mêlée of American and Asian characters, subtitles and a strange and often baffling plot involving exotic pets and various unbelievable situations. For instance, would an attractive young lady really open her hotel door to admit an evil-looking character to use her phone, simply because he was of the same race as her, therefore presumably trustworthy? The acting can only be described as sluggish and underplayed to a torpor-inducing point. It was very consistent but not in a good way. By the way, could anyone explain why in a couple of scenes the (admittedly very decorative) female lead was shown toying with a cut-throat razor? My main gripe, though is that this movie is too slow and complex to really work well.
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Evidence of Blood (1998 TV Movie)
A Gem
20 February 2016
This is a small band of reviewers who have had the good fortune to experience this minor gem of a movie. I wasn't aware that this film was made for TV, so that was the first surprise. Further surprises followed as the film proceeded to develop into an absorbing and convincing melodrama. I can only agree with the other reviewers that this film scored very highly on most of the requirements of great entertainment. The acting was thoughtful, measured and very convincing. Was this because the actors were not "stars"? I would say absolutely so, because faces that are new to one do not distract from the thrust of the story, thus enhancing the sense of reality. The female lead, for me, managed to create one of the most erotic portrayals I have ever seen. She managed to smoulder without any apparent effort. Guess she's just a naturally sexy lady.
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