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My favorite horror movie of all time!
20 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Bride of Frankenstein (or more like Frankenstein part 2) is a direct sequel of Frankenstein by James Whale from 1932. I consider this sequel much better than the original because it successfully captures all the spirit and all the poetry of the novel by Mary Shelley by giving a huge psychological development to the monster (masterfully performed by Boris Karloff). In the first movie the monster was just a cold-blood murderous criminal. In this sequel he learns a lot from the world, life and people (he also learns to speak). It faithfully follows the events of the novel (almost); after being a friend with a blind fiddler (and after discovering how much is good to be loved), the monster turns back to his creator to force him to create a female mate for him (just like in the novel). In the novel Frankenstein never creates a mate for his creature but in the movie he does. Frankenstein successfully gives life to a woman but she quickly hates and escape from her male mate. After her rejectal the monster is resigned and decides to commit a suicide by destroying the laboratory with a huge explosion. Unforgettable are his words when his mate escapes form him "She hates me, like everyone" and before he destroys the lab "We do belong to the death". For the first time I felt sorry for the monster.

Final verdict 10/10 (masterpiece) Bride of Frankenstein is my favorite horror movie and people should watch it at least once in a lifetime.
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Turbo Kid (2015)
Charming but also silly and stereotyped!
9 July 2019
I was so impressed to see how much popularity this movie has got from 2015 to 2019. So I decided to watch it. Turbo Kid is very ispired to classic movies, video games and TV cartoons from the 80s. The movie looks like a mix of "Mad Max" and "The Fist of the North Star" anime. A 13 years old kid finds a high-tech suit and decide to use it to fight crime and an evil tyrant that turns people into...water. Cultural references apart I found the movie silly and stereotyped. The story is thin and full of clichés, the characters are stereotyped and some scenes are unintentionally funny. The splatter and gory scenes are good, perhaps they are the best part of the movie. Apple is an annoying character (to me) and Frederick looks like a clone of Indiana Jones (or some cowboy performed by Clint Eastwood or John Wayne). The performances are overall ok to me. There are some memorable scenes. I think the movie would be perfect for kids if it weren't for the gory and gruesome scenes, and it would be perfect for adults if it wasn't for its silly story and characters.

Final verdict 5.5/10 (Meh..) Turbo Kid is charming but its brutal violence and its silliness make it hard to reccomend.
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Strange Hill High (2013–2014)
An obscure and underrated gem!
26 June 2019
Unlike many other nowdays cartoon like "Uncle Grandpa", "Breadwinners", "Teen Titans Go!" or "The Amazing World of Gumball", Strange Hill High shines for its clever humor and likeable characters. It's such a shame to me to see how it was poorly followed by viewers (it got between 100.000-300.000 viewers for each episode) and it ended after two seasons. It tells the misadventures of a group of puppets inside their big school. While the concept may not sound original the writing team did an amazing job to give us fresh stories (one of the team also worked for "The Simpsons"). Not all the episodes are funny or memorable, some episodes are trashy (like one were a human coach comes out of a big plant), some others are clichè and in one episode there was a character (Templeton's cousin) that was an annoying and offensive french stereotype. Like I said before, the show has clever humor and very funny jokes that successfully resembles the british humor. I think this is one of the few shows which really do have british humor and not other british cartoons like "The Amazing World of Gumball" where you see a huge pink rabbit dancing and singing on the roof wearing only his briefs (that's not british humor in my opinion). It's such a shame it ended so soon because I always wanted to see Mitch's father: Tony Turner.

Final score 7/10 (Good!) Strange Hill High is a show that deserves much more popularity and success than it got (in my opinion).
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Gravity Falls (2012–2016)
Very overrated... but good!
10 May 2019
I was so impressed to see how many people loved and prised this show that I decided to watch it. I watched all the episodes and it was kinda disappointing to me. I'm not saying the show is bad, it's actually good to me but I found some things I didn't like. First of all, the episodes; the episodes are good (the first ones from season 1 and the last ones from season 2) but most of them are just like fillers. They absolutely don't add anything to the story wahtsoever. There's also an episode which seems a rip-off of the movie "Free Willy" but dull and predictable.

Then we have the characters; Stanley and Ford Pines are great characters (perhaps Stanley's characterization is a bit too strong for a kid's cartoon) but Mabel and Dipper aren't. I don't know if they are archetype or just the stereotype of a dummy hero. Dipper is a forgettable character. Mabel tries to be a funny Dipper's sidekick but turns to be just annoying. Soos is the typical silly guy which tries to give silly laughs to viewers but sometimes turns to be way too silly to be funny. Bill Cipher is a good villain but sometimes he's pathetic. I think the show would be much better to me if it was more focused on Stan and Ford Pines. They are the best characters to me. Every episodes has a hidden message in the credits but unfortunately they are meaningless like "Next up Footbot 2: the revenge!".

Final score 7/10 (Good) Gravity Falls is a good show but is not a masterpiece to me.
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Hook (1991)
James Matthew Barrie would hate this movie!
8 May 2019
I know there are many people in the world who actually love this movie but let me explain (in my humbly opinion) why I don't. Looks like Spielberg screamed "I'm a wannabe!" to the entire world with this movie. He tries to imitate the famous writer Matthew Barrie and his worldwide famous novel "The adventures of Peter Pan". In this movie Spielberg gives to Peter Pan the role of a grow up busy lawyer and a mediocre family man, one of the most distant characters from Peter Pan's soul that completely destroys him. The Peter Pan of this movie is absolutely pathethic. The movie also fails to reiterate the concepts from the novel "The adventures of Peter Pan" which were a hymn to innocence and childishness. It's more a hymn to procreation. The movie is also heavy to follow, unlike the novel, and the powerful cast (Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, Bob Hoskins) can't save this movie from mediocrity. Also 142 minutes are way too much for a family flick.

Final score 5/10 (mediocre) Hook (1991) simply spits on Matthew James Barrie's "The adventures of Peter Pan".
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I liked it!
5 November 2018
I'm a fan of the ghostbusters and I couldn't not watch this reboot. People may hate me for this but... I enjoyed this movie. I'm so impressed to see how many people strongly hated it. In my humbly opinion, the movie successfully recreates the magic, the fun and also the atmosphere of the original back in 1984. The choice to replace the main male protagonist with female ones sounded controversial to me but I was surprised to see how the four female protagonists standed up well eith their good performances and humor. Only 2 things I hated in this movie: 1-Chris Hemsworth's character's Kevin Beckman (he's way too dumb. Only few of his jokes are funny). 2- The too many references to the original movie (even the story can be too familiar with the first movie). The visuals are very interesting but not as spooky as the original movie, and the action sequences are very well directed. The humor is solid but sometimes is fleeble. Many jokes and gags are funny and family-friendly, othe jokes are weak, dirt and some other even sexist. Personally I wouldn't disagree a sequel.

Final verdict 7/10 (Good)!

Ghostbusters 2016 may not be as funny, as witty or as spooky as the original, but it's a fun and enjoyable movie and I can personally reccomend to everyone!
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The Amazing World of Gumball: The Dress (2011)
Season 1, Episode 6
Very very silly!
27 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: this review contains spoilers! The dress is the silliest cartoon episode I've ever seen in my life. Here's the story: Gumball runs out of clean clothes so he decides to wear his mom's bride dress. At school everyone, and I mean everyone, mistake Gumball with a new girl in town (even Darwin which falls in love) despite Gumball is perfectly recognizable with that dress (and no one wonders where Gumball is). I mean what's with the support/minor characters? I know they look creepy but in this episode they are also very r******d! The ending is terrible and the whole episode is very unfunny!

Final score 2/10 (terrible) For me the episode "the dress" is a straight example about how not to make a cartoon.
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Very unoriginal... but not terrible!
10 August 2018
Chicken Little has good animations but doesn't have a memorable story or characters. Story is very clichè, it tells a story of a smart but troublemaking chicken boy attempting to stop an alien invasion. While the story is clichè it could evolve in a good and memorable tale, but the terrible ending made the story sound like a big joke. Probably Chicken Little isn't a movie, just a big joke. Despite its flaws I won't be too harsh with this movie. Yes the story is bad and the casting is flawed, but it has some funny moments, a pleasant narration and the character "Fish Out the Water" is a cool, and funny, little guy (just like Kenny form South Park). The movie has also an old, but appreciable, soundtrack.

Final verdict 5/10 (mediocre). Chicken Little is actually the worst Pixar movie but not the worst animated movie. Personally I've seen much worse animated movies. If you want to give this movie a go, then I reccomend to watch it without too many expectetion.
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Ten minutes of... nothing!
19 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: this review contains spoilers and strong language! Even in season 6 "The Amazing World of Gumball" never ceases to disappoint me. This episode is absolutely pointless, there's no character development at all. Also there's no "Trasformation" at all. The episode title is so misleading that reminds me the episode "The return of Slade" from "Teen Titans Go!". For ten minutes we see Gumball telling, and repeating, a story over and over and over again (in different ways but it's still the same f*****g story) to convince Penny's family to get out of their shells. After ten minutes, (that's right, ten f*****g minutes) Penny's family refuses to take off their shells (remember the episode "The Shell" when Penny destroyed her shell for no reason at all?) and Gumball goes away. That's it.

Final verdict 3/10 (bad). I can't wait to see this show getting finally cancelled! "The Transformation" isn't an episode, it's a joke!
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A forced and disappointing movie sequel!
12 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: this review contains some spoilers!

Re-Animator is a classic. One of the best horror movie ever made and one of my favorite horror movies. I liked the first one so much that I decided to watch the sequel, and it was... kinda disappointing (in my opinion). The story seems a rip off of Frankenstein and betrays the continuity of the first movie. We see Dr. West trying to resurrect Dan's girlfriend Meg (while she apparently survived in the first movie) but he also has to deal with Dr. Hill's head once more (while Dr. Hill's head got completly destroyed in the first movie). The visual effects are still amazing (the flying Dr. Hill's head is the best), but the story doesn't stands up pretty well, some scenes are confusing and the ending sequence is terrible (while the first movie had a beautiful ending sequence). Overall "Bride of Re-Animator" is just like it's predecessor but it's less funny, less clever and less interesting. I'd prefer keep the story away form my continuity map. With some more effort with the story the movie could turn into a good sequel (in my opinion). P.S. Bruce Abbott doesn't look good with long hair.

Fina verdict 5/10 (mediocre) Bride of Re-Animator has amazingly creepy and gory visuals but it doesn't add anything new to the genre.
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The birth of a legend and a touching story of friendship!
6 July 2018
"The disaster artist" isn't just a tribute to the worst movie of all time "The Room" but it is also an informative movie about filmaking and friendship. James Franco's performance is amazing, he performs Tommy Wiseau in such perfect way (both appearance and attitude). The movie has also a lot of funny moments and they all happened for real. In this movie, Tommy Wiseau is portrayed as a crazy inept actor (and director and writer) way too proud of himself which hardly tries to realize his dream to become a prestigious and beloved actor. The story of friendship between Tommy and Greg becomes also very touching, especially in the end. It's quite impossible watching this movie without smiling or crying. I think you don't have to watch the movie "The Room" in order to enjoy this piece of art.

Final score 7.3/10 (good). "The disaster artist" tells the birth of a legend and a touching story of friendship. If you watched "The Room" then watch this movie immediately. You won't regret it.
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Incredible Crew (I) (2012–2013)
Cartoon Network bomb!
6 July 2018
Man...this show is bad. It's painfully bad! I mean it; writers, actors, producers... none of these guys took some efforts while creating this garbage. The stories are ridicolous, the humor painfully unfunny, the acting is extremely poor and the direction is awkward. If "The amazing world of Gumball" would be a live action show it would be this one. Avoid at all costs!

Final score 1/10 (abysmal). Don't watch this show, don't watch this show, don't watch this show...
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Bambi II (2006 Video)
Almost pointless!
6 July 2018
Banbi 2 isn't the adaptation of the novel "Bambi's children" by Felix Salten (and that's a huge letdown for me) and doesn't tell the subplots which the first movie hadn't while the book did. The production value is amazing and very faithful to the first movie, some visuals are very suggestive too, but the story is so thin, so underhelming that won't give you a reason to keep watch the movie. I don't know if the writers created this movie to redeem Bambi's father (careless and almost absent in the first movie) but I think they failed. Even at the end of the movie Bambi's father still looks like a careless and non-paternal dad.

Final verdict 5/10 (mediocre) Unless you are deer lovers or die hard Disney's fans, you'll find Bambi 2 a skippable and forgettable movie.
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A B-Movie with some good ideas!
29 June 2018
I want to be honest with this one. I was attracted by the movie's concept (it's a sort a romantic drama with some sci-fi horror features). "The brain that wouldn't die" (or "The head that wouldn't die"?) tells the story of a brilliant mad doctor which desperately tries to save his girlfriend's life after she looses her head during a car incident. The doctor keeps his girlfirend's head alive witha bizzare machine and starts his quest to find a new body for her. But his girlfriend doesn't want to allow him to do so since the doctor has to kill a girl in ordre to acquire a new body for her. The first 30 minutes are good, I mean, the script stands up pretty well then it becomes trashy. After 30 minutes the movie becomes ridicolous, awkwardly directed and unintentionally funny. It's such a shame since the movie could turn in a really good one. It's a missed opportunity. Thankfully there's another movie "Eyes without a face" which shares some of "The brain that wouldn't die" good elements but without the trash. I think this movie deserves a remake or a second chance because I'm sure it has the potential for a great horror.

Final verdict 5/10 (mediocre)

The concept was good, some elements were good, the first 30 minutes are good. "The brain that wouldn't die" is a missed opportunity. I think you have to watch it without too many expectations in order to enjoy it.
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Re-Animator (1985)
Scary, gory, funny and surprisingly clever!
22 June 2018
Re-Animator is easily one of my favorite horror movies. It's like "Ghostbusters" with zombie-like creatures, but with a lot of blood and scariness (definitively not a movie for kids). Some visual effects are cheesey (like the cat resurrection) but the writing is incredibly clever. Personally, I don't feel to considere Re-Animator a B-Horror movie. B-Horror movie do usually have bad visual effects, an incredibly boring script and a lame story (like Troll 2). I'm happy to see the movie didn't get forgotten and it is still known nowadays.

Final verdict 7/10 (good). Despite some flaws, Re-Animator is a good horror-flick. It successfully captures all the charm of the movies of the 80s. You should not miss it.
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Clichè and forgettable!
19 June 2018
I have not much to say about this movie. Tad the lost explorer is a very clichè and unoriginal movie. It apes every single adventure movie (mostly Indiana Jones). The story is boring and forgettable. The main protagonist (Tad) is pathetic, goofy and forgettable (his sidekick, Sara is a good Lara Croft clone). Graphic is ok (but some texture are very ugly, just like the jaguar scene), the movie has some very interesting visuals, but there are just few of them. The movie is occasionaly violent and the ending is predictable. Overall the movie isn't terrible, just mediocre and forgettable. Spain tries to ape Disney Pixar but it has a lot to learn. By the way, I'm not going to watch the sequel.

Final score 5/10 (mediocre). If you want to enjoy "Tad the lost explorer" I strongly reccomend to watch it without too many expectations.
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The Amazing World of Gumball: The Date (2011)
Season 1, Episode 27
Dumb... just dumb!
10 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode isn't harmfull and the story isn't particoulary silly, is just dumb and unoriginal (and unfunny). In this episode we can se the main protagonist attemping to date with his crush Penny. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Gumball, a cat, has a crush with... a peanut? Never in my life I've anything more stupid than this. I mean, why the hell Gumball's girlfriend is a freaking peanut? I mean it makes no freakin' sense. Gumball's parents are animals (they are cat and a rabbit), Gumball's grandparents are animals (cat and dog and rabbit and rat), so why Bocquelet decided to make Gumball fall in love with a peanut (which it's supposed top be food or seeds)? It would be funny if Gumball was supposed to be a squirrel or an elephant, I would understand his crush, but since he's a cat and cats don't like peanuts, his crush sounds way too awkward and unfitting. Penny, moreover, 1-Doesn't look like a peanut (she looks more like a coconut). 2- Doesn't look like a girl (she's ugly, then why Gumball loves her? Wait, unshelled she looks way worse!). 3- She can't be a peanut since she has a pair of antlers. You may ask "Is she a deer in a peanut shell? Well, the answer is no, in fact unshelled Penny is a freakin' nightmare. If Penny was supposed to be a deer/reindeer everything would make much more sense and the whole show would be much more enjoyable to watch. In this episode Gumball goes to see Penny in her house believing to have a date with her but is for her pet funereal instead. Gumball finds Penny's pet (a tarantula) inside a toilet. As Gumball tries to catch him, the tarantula quickly attacks the blue cat. Gumball goes to the hospital, almost dead by the poison of the spider and Richard says the most unfunny and unfitting thing I ever heard in a cartoon. The episode ends with Penny bringing her pet to the hospital because she thinks he has to apologize with the blue cat. Needless to say the tarantula attacks Gumball again as soon he sees him (I mean, how stupid Penny is?).

Final score: 4/10

"The Date" inaugurates one of the worst love story, and one of the worst cartoon couples, in history of cartoons.
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The Amazing World of Gumball: The Ghost (2011)
Season 1, Episode 12
13 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: this review contains spoilers! Some episodes of "The Amazing World of Gumball" don't have a plot (like "The Prank" "The lazy" "The DVD"...) and they absolutely make no sense whatsoever when do have one. Like in this one (I dare you to find a sense). Here's the story: Karrie the ghost seems to have a crush for Gumball. But Gumball doesn't like her. So he rejects Karrie's love and she punishes him by possesing his body and make him eat a lot of food. What the hell is wrong with the writers of this show? I mean, does this story make a sense to you? I surely don't! But wait, there's more. In the end Darwin seeks a way to get rid of Karrie (Oh, by the way, she's going to be Darwin's girlfriend during season 5). How? By making Gumball's breath smell bad by making him drink a potion with a ton of rotten stuff (???) and, (guess what....) it doesn't work since Karrie is a ghost and she can't smell anything! Oh my God, this show is so stupid, stupid stupid stupid... Why it is so popular? Why people loves it? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

Final verdict 2/10

Absolutely don't watch this episode.
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The Amazing World of Gumball: The Prank (2011)
Season 1, Episode 14
Make it stop!!!
26 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: this review contains spoilers! This episode is so bad I didn't even finish to watch it. I think it's no use talking about the plot. Why? This episode has no story at all! You just watch Gumball and Darwin making a lot of stupid and atrociously unfunny pranks to their father Richard. The humor in this episode just establish the bottom of the barrel. Not only the episdode is unfunny but it's jokes are a mere insult to my intelligence (and yours as well). The scene where Richard dances on the roof wearing just a pair of briefs is so atrociously unfunny that it hurted me. There are also a lot more like when Richard tries to make Darwin and Gumball wear a pair of tiny shoes with some beans and sauce inside. To assure them is not a prank Richard decides to wear the tiny shoes. Despite he has huge feet the shoes incredibly fit in well to him, but he gets his feet dirt. Richard is simply the worst cartoon character ever. He's an unfunny version of Homer Simpson (or Peter Griffin), more he tries to be funny and less he gets. I just hate him so much. Also is amazing to see how hard the episodes tries to make you laugh by throwing any kind of humor or joke and none of them works, really none of them (also amazing is how incredibly high the IMDb score is). Only a guy with a really low I.Q. may enjoy this episode. Other people should stay away at all costs.

Final verdict 1/10

Please Bocquelet, pretty please, stop....writing.....cartoons.
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Stunning visuals, weak story!
18 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: this review contains many spoilers!

I was so excited to watch this movie after reading the many many very positive reviews but I felt disappointed after doing that. Visually the movie is a masterpiece but I think the unoriginal story and plot holes ruined it. The story seems Dragon Quest IV, there's a boy (a little bard who plays an old guitar-like instrument) which must destroy a monster (his uncle) by collecting the pieces of a legendary armor (sword, armor and a helmet). He travels through the world with the help of his mother (incarnated inside a body of a monkey) and a weird looking scarab-human warrior (he's his dad but, trust me, it took me few seconds to figure out it was his father). So they found the magic sword stuck inside a huge living monster head (but if the sword is so powerful then why it's stuck inside a monster head and the monster doesn't die?). They found the armor under the sea (just how did it get down there?) and the helmet which was widely exposed, you won't believe this... outside Kubo's village (so the legendary helmet was in Kubo's village all the time and no one noticed that?). Meanwhile Kubo's mom and dad die while protecting him from the two evil sisters and Kubo faces his evil uncle in the final battle. In the end Kubo defeats his uncle by playing his guitar with a string of his mom hair, a string of his hair and the string of his father's bow. So the journey in search of the legendary artifacts was...completely pointless (he could play the guitar with the strings way before and his mom and dad would be still alive). Kubo's uncle turns into a nice guy (I don't know how) and the movie ends.

Final score 7/10.

Kubo and the two string is a good movie. It has stunning visuals, great graphics, memorable characters and good dialogues but it would be a true masterpiece if wasn't for its unoriginal story and plot holes. Overall the movie is a bit overrated but I can recommend it to everyone.
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Uncle Grandpa (2010–2017)
It's occasionally funny!
10 March 2017
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Warning: this review may contain spoilers!

What can I say about this cartoon?'s boring, boring and... boring. Uncle Grandpa (second worst name for a main cartoon character after "Gumball") shows how Cartoon Network is careless on what airing. Looks like it can air everyone's cartoon at least this cartoon has a bit of style. It doesn't matter if the show has terrible characters, feeble humor or bad messages; Cartoon Network will air it anyway. The show is about the adventures of an old man (with a juvenile attitude) with scary powers. He can split his body in various pieces (eeeww!). He has a scary talking (and annoying) pouch and he lives in a recreational vehicle with a talking piece of pizza (Pizza Steve) a dinosaur (Gus) and a tiger made out of paper who farts rainbows (!?). The characters are unfunny and the episodes are uninteresting (some of them don't make any sense). Looks like the writing was made with no efforts. Just nothing funny or interesting happens in any episode (sometimes the episodes are interrupted with random animated segments). The humor is feeble and sometimes very awkward (see Uncle Grandpa diving with his farts). The jokes are atrocious and Pizza Steve is so unfunny he makes me wanna break my TV screen. I only appreciated Gus, I liked his personality. But there's not enough stuff to save this show from its mediocrity.

Final score 3/10.

Uncle Grandpa is one of the weirdest and laziest cartoons I ever seen. I don't know why it won an Emmy!
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The Amazing World of Gumball: The DVD (2011)
Season 1, Episode 1
A bad beginning!
15 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
  • Warning: this review contains spoilers! -

I'm not kidding if I say "The amazing world of Gumball" starts with one of the worst opening dialogue I ever heard in a kid's cartoon (and this is one of the many problems of this show). It may be fine if the show was supposed to be for adults (as it was supposed to be in the first place) but it's rated TV-Y7 and it is completely inappropriate. I mean, what kind of messages this episode is trying to convey? Screw up your mom when she gives you a proper order? And wait, there's another bad message at the end of the episode which is much worse. The episode starts with Gumball (simply the worst name for a cat and for a main protagonist) screwing up his mom Nicole (she looks like his older brother or his father than his mom, even her chinese rip-off version from "Miracle star" has more femininity than her, and she always dressed like a Japanese high-school girl) to bring back a DVD to the DVD store. So Gumball finds Darwin using the DVD as pizza cutter (it's the first joke of the cartoon and it is completely unfunny) and clumsily destroys it. What happens next it's just too dull to describe. There's a chasing scene which is entertaining but forced. The chasing scene also gives us the opportunity to see some of the (many) weird- looking support/minor characters this show has. As the creator said, all the support/minor characters (except the Watterson) are rejected characters from ads (and this is not the movie "Foodfight!" but it has many elements in common) and we don't know why he chose so. I think ads characters must stay in ads because they have different settings. The episode ends, you won't believe this, with Nicole running away from paying a fine. So here we have the lesson number two for our kids: never pay the fines, just run away.

Gumball's first episode shows all its shortcomings. The jokes are atrocious, characters are atrocious, the story is super silly and horribly written (and it blows out my a** to see it was written by three guys. Really three guys put together to write this 10 min. long cartoon). Its contents are not beneficial and the good animations won't save the day. The main protagonists are annoying. Gumball's and Darwin's attitude is so goofy and juvenile that will never give you a laugh or a smile. I hope this show will get canceled after season 6 and and Bocquelet will find something else to do (I hope he won't make cartoons anymore). Also, if you ever get the DVD of this cartoon don't put it inside a DVD player. Smash it with a hammer and throw it in the dumpster where it should stay.

Final verdict 3/10. This was the first episode. Other 200 are waiting. Ladies and gentlemen, the torture just begun.
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The Amazing World of Gumball: The Picnic (2011)
Season 1, Episode 20
Unfunny and annoying!
8 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Warning! This review contains spoilers!

"The picnic" was the very first episode of "The amazing world of Gumball" I ever saw. I saw a lot of advertisements about this cartoon on "Cartoon Network" channel, so I thought "Damn, this cartoon must be good!". I saw an episode "The picnic" and it was......horrible. Unlike "The laziest", "The picnic" had a solid concept. It is not new or particularly brilliant but it works. They could make a funny and enjoyable episode but Ben "overrated" Bocquelet and his many writers wasted this good occasion. The episode starts with Gumball and Darwin getting lost during a trip with their classmates. So they try to find a way to turn back to their group . What happens next it's just too unfunny and annoying to explain(they try to orientate thyself by staring at the sun and after some seconds their eyes are burning - not funny). Instead to find a way back, Gumball and Darwin start to quarrel for no good reason (in this cartoon many things do happen for no apparent reason). I almost threw my remote control against my TV screen for the annoyance. Meanwhile their classmates do not seem to give a damn about Gumball and Darwin are lost, not even their teacher Miss Simian. They take the whole episode to find again their classmates and, as soon they do it, they start to quarrel again. Meanwhile, their School bus goes away leaving Gumball and Darwin behind. I wish I could give this episode just 1 but Banana Joe's line made me laugh (and I hate him).

Final verdict 2/10.

"I peeled myself!"
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The Amazing World of Gumball: The Laziest (2011)
Season 1, Episode 11
Deadly boring!
31 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Warning! This review contains major spoilers!

Boring, boring, boring. It's simply one of the worst cartoon episodes I ever seen in my entire life. Where to start? Let's start from the concept: Gumball and Darwin challenge their father into a "lazy contest".

Wow, just wow. The concept sounds really boring and the episode, trust me, is even worse. I mean, seriously, couldn't the (many) writers have a better idea? I already said that there are 4-5 writers behind each episode of this show (8 in season 4) and that's what you get? Other shows like "Adventure Time" and "Regular Show" have a much better writing and there are less writers, 2-3 for "Adventure time" and 3 for "Regular show" (sometimes there are 4).

So the episode starts with Gumball and Darwin accepting the challenge and they spend the first half of the episode doing.....guess what? Exactly....absolutely nothing. In the first part of the episode almost nothing happens. They just sit on the couch and watch real commercials on TV drinking and eating some stuff. After Gumball and Darwin drink some soda a "sugar rush" song begins to play inside Gumball's body. Then we have one of the many "what the h..." scenes of the series. The scene suddenly swap inside Gumball's body. The transaction is so sloppy that seems someone changed channel. After the pointless "Sugar rush" scene, the two kids go to Mr. Larry to ask his help to defeat their father. As Richard said, Mr Larry is the laziest guy in the world. A guy which spends most of his time working in stores as a clerk is the laziest guy? I'm confused, something doesn't return. That's a huge plot hole. The guy refuses to help the two kids and it starts a long and very annoying sequence where Gumball and Dariwn force the poor guy to teach them his secret. This is a part which allows you to understand how unfunny and annoying Gumball and Darwin are. At the end they follow him to his home, they offer him a drink and Larry turns into a cube (what the h...?), Gumball and Darwin thank Mr. Larry (for what?) and they turn back home. They defeat their father (I don't know how) and they start a very-horrible "Victory ballet" (worse than the Johnny Depp's one in "Alice in Wonderland") but their mother punish them for their laziness.

Final verdict 1/10.

A very boring, confusing, unfunny (except for one scene), not- enjoyable and pointless cartoon episode.
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Silly, weird and outrageously overrated.
7 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: this review contains spoilers.

I hate this cartoon. I admit, it has an amazing production value and some good animations, but "The amazing world of Gumball" (Tawog) is a fine example of "great graphics don't make a great cartoon" just like from a great graphics you can't always get a great video game. I'm amazed to see how many people actually loved this piece of garbage and how many prises it got. They put this cartoon along with "Regular Show" and "Adventure Time" but this is a huge mistake (in my opinion). Now I'll give you my reasons why this cartoon sucks and why it shouldn't exists.

First of all the intro: it sucks. It's messy, confusing as hell and annoying, it makes me wanna throw up every time. The music is annoying, repetitive and poorly catchy. It reminds me the "Saria's song" and the "Epona's song" from "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time" and it always ends with an annoying sound of a flute.

The characters are the worst; they seem to be stereotypes of stereotypes (especially Richard Watterson). The show has a blue cat named Gumball (he's the only one in the family to have such ridiculous name, imagine if you could name your child "Cheese" or "Biscuit") as protagonist. He's blue because, as the creator said, no one saw a blue cat in a cartoon (or maybe he never saw Tom from "Tom & Jerry", Doraemon or Oggy). He's always followed by his "brother" Darwin, an evolved goldfish. These guys are supposed to be funny but, trust me, they aren't. They are so goofy and silly. Their attitude reminds me of the Jar Jar Binks from "Star Wars" (and that says a lot) and sometimes they act strangely in some situations (Rigby and Mordecai are much better than these two dorks). They are one of the few anthropomorphic animals in Elmore because all the other support/minor characters are anthropomorphic items or food. The are some other characters which I have no idea what the heck they are supposed to be (like Tobias Wilson) and they look creepy, so creepy that can be easily be every child's worst nightmare. Just like the main characters, even these support/minor character are annoying and unfunny. They just put everything and that's trivial. Some Characters (like Steve) are completely inappropriate for a kid's show (he's smoke from marijuana and he acts and talks like an addict).

The writing is the worst: it total lacks of originality, consistency and inventive. Some episodes (like "The laziest") have one of the worst concepts ever seen in a cartoon. There are 4-5 (8 in season 4) writers behind each episode and what you get is a boring cartoon. It's not boring because nothing happens, conversely, it happens everything. In each episodes happen so many random and unfocused things that will confuse and bore you. You'll always wait for the episode's end and though each episode is 10-11 minutes long it seems an eternity. The cartoon is too silly to be funny, too weird to be enjoyable. Some episodes are uninspired and some ideas plagiarized from other cartoons, and this is the work of 4-8 writers put together (that's incredible). Dialogues are the worst; looks like the writers wrote one of the worst dialogues that you'll ever hear in a kid's cartoon. Some dialogues completely make no sense, it looks like the characters are raving. Some dialogues hide potentially morally-harmful messages which are completely not suitable for kids. You just have to hear the very first dialogue from the first episode "The DVD" to realize how bad the dialogues are.

Humor: it's the worst. It's feeble, juvenile, silly and way too nonsense that makes the cartoon unfunny most of the time. Sometimes, the nonsense-easy-cheesy-slapstick-juvenile humor is so unfunny to be an insult to my intelligence. They are very few funny moments. I mean, it is possible that 8 writers can't find something funny? Even a kid can find Tawog's humor offensive and unfunny. I don't know how this show reached the fourth season. Fourtanely the fifth will be the last one, then we'll never hear about this cartoon and its creator anymore.

Final verdict: 3 out 10

If you're up for a funny and enjoyable cartoon please watch "Regular Show" and avoid this one. The Amazing world of Gumball is a poorly planned, horribly written and juvenile cartoon. It must be compared with "Uncle Grandpa" and, like this one, it must be forgotten.
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