
10 Reviews
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Murder Mystery
15 June 2019
Staring along side Adam Sandler, Jeniffer Aniston in Murder Mystery a married couple travelling to Europe on a budget when they meet a rich random stranger who invites them to come stay on his yacht. A murder takes place and they find themselves as the prime suspects while trying to find the real killer and prove their innocence.

Set in Monaco while the Formula 1 race is on was nice to see as this sport is not very often seen in movies. However with Mclaren winning the race, one wonders how much they would have had to pay for that as this would never happen in real life.

This movie shouldn't come as a surprise that it's not a good film. It's a Sandler movie. It's not particularly funny nor is this a movie you would want to watch again and again. It's very forgettable and with a Sandler movie by now you should know what your getting.

However there is something to like about this movie weather or not your in the Sandman club and your a fan of Adam Sandler or you like the fact that it's this duo with Aniston again (Just go with it) albeit I think it would have been better with Drew Barrymore. It is a easy watch that doesn't take it self seriously. It's just fun. Obviously it could have been better perhaps with some addition of some comedy. Too harsh maybe 6/10
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Win It All (2017)
Win it all $$$ Review
16 May 2017
Jake Johnson (Let's be cops) stars as Eddie a guy who's down on his luck and addicted to gambling while trying to get his life back on track. Eddie soon gets into trouble after losing money he's supposed to be looking after as a favour. In debt and out of time, needing the money back can he 'win it all"? Co-staring is Jo Lo Truglio ( Brooklyn nine-nine).

Win it all, to me is just a low budget version of The Gambler staring Mark Wahlberg. Which I would say the latter is the better watch. Only just...

This Netflix Original film is average at best and just has no real depth to the film, a real lack of direction. Having said all of that the acting in this film is good and I felt there was good chemistry. One or two nice moments in the film but in the end you left feeling like maybe I've just wasted my time. Very forgettable. Review 5/10
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Dr. Strange Review
30 October 2016
Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Stephen Strange I thought was a casting error because as much I like Cumberbatch as an actor and his resume speaks for itself. I just couldn't see him as the hero type in the Marvel Universe. I was wrong, his performance as Dr. Strange is perfect.

Cumberbatch plays an egotistic neurosurgeon, highly talented and well respected in his field. Finds him self unable to continue with his career after a horrific accident. He goes in search of unconventional treatment where he discovers the world is not all that it appears to be and learns how to harness these new found skills. Co-staring alongside Cumberbatch are Chiwetel Ejiofor, Tilda Swinton and Rachel Mcadams. All of whom you can not fault in there performance, no weak link.

With so many superhero movies to date, another origin story I thought was sure to disappoint. Except it didn't, it was very intriguing and had a good flow to the film a pleasant surprise. I think not knowing an awful lot about this Marvel character made for a more enjoyable experience. As far as origin movies go, this could be considered one of the best. The strangeness and complexity makes this a must see. Review 8/10
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The Do-Over (2016)
The Do-Over has Adam Sandler back to his best.
27 May 2016
One of the best movies Adam Sandler has done in years, truly back to his best. Co-staring along side David Spade, play two guys who fake there own deaths to escape there awful lives, only to find out the guys who's identity they have taken are in a lot of trouble.

This Netflix original movie is hilarious and a return to form for Sandler, who last played a character similar to this way back in the nighties in a movie called Bulletproof. I think this movie could have benefited from a cinema release. Funny and crude but it also tackles a sensitive theme in a humorous way.

This fast paced action comedy is far from Sandler's usual family friendly tone. It's rated R for a reason! Not everyone will find this movie as funny as i did but this is a must watch even for non-Sandler fans. Review 7/10
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Netflix original film Special Correspondents review
29 April 2016
Special Correspondents a new film written, directed and starring Ricky Gervais. The film however not so special. Eric Bana co-stars as a know it all, hot-shot news reporter along side Gervais, a technician who get caught up in a web of lies in order to keep their jobs.

The film keeps you mildly entertained throughout, the main characters for one reason or another are very likable. Even with Gervais playing the same character he always plays in all his films. The film isn't great especially with a storyline that is somewhat unrealistic and side characters with below average IQ's. Despite this the movie draws you in with it's comedy and chemistry between Bana and Gervais. Review 5/10
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Batman vs Superman: The Review - I wanted to love this movie
30 March 2016
I have mixed emotions about Batman vs Superman. Ultimately it's a let-down, but it sure has moments where it's amazing. It's starts where Man of Steel left off, but from Bruce Wayne's perspective (Ben Affleck) running around feeling helpless while he watches Superman destroy the city, whilst of course trying to safe it. Sets up the film nicely, as we now have a Bruce Wayne needing to come up with a way to take on superman. As Bruce and a majority of people now see superman as a threat rather than a hero.

Ben Affleck's performance as an older Batman is brilliant and we finally see he has invested a lot into the high-tech Bat-Cave. Something we really didn't see in Nolan's Batman films. Henry Cavill is again, solid as Superman. Even Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor was quite good, albeit very similar to Heath Ledger's joker. However this movie lacks emotion, has a poor plot and doesn't do it's job of setting up the up-coming Justice League. I feel over a third of the movie was wasted, nothing happens. I would have liked some information on Wonder Women (Gal Gadot), as she has a reasonable amount of screen time and are told nothing about her character. There is too much repetition with Superman, having to save Louis Lane over and over and over again. When we finally see BvS, it's exactly what we want. Great action scenes which DON'T disappoint.

If you go into this movie, with the highest of expectations like i did, your feel let down. I couldn't wait for BvS, I tried to love this movie. Overall it could have been better,but it's still enjoyable enough and worth watching. Review 6/10
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Hail, Caesar! (2016)
A Cohn brothers film!
25 March 2016
Hail Caesar, I would say is clearly not a movie for everyone. I'm not sure who the demographic audience is. The Cohn brothers have always had a unique way of telling their story in films. Although, when done in the right way, it can be a good thing as some of there movies are quite clever. However I don't think this is one of them.

A great cast, with the likes of Josh Brolin, Scarlett Johansson, George Clooney, Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum among others. Would lead you to think, this movie could be something special. Instead we are left bored through parts of this movie.

Set in the 1950's, Josh Brolin plays Eddie Mannix, a Hollywood problem solver, who keeps the studio's stars in-line and keeps everything ticking over. Without Brolin's outstanding performance, this movie would have been awful. So much charisma and charm makes you continue watching, and although one or two funny moments in the movie. You are left ultimately disappointed. Review 6/10
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Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool, not great but highly enjoyable
24 March 2016
Deadpool is a slightly different take on the superhero genre. Is he a good guy? Perhaps questionable. He is self aware he's in a movie but no-one else is. Something I simply didn't understand the reasoning behind. It took me by surprise, it was something different but I did think it made the movie unique. The storyline is simple but it does a nice job telling you the origin of story, by switching between the current action and he moment he becomes Deadpool. I find most origin stories are often very long winded and you start to lose interest, this simply isn't the case.

Ryan Reynolds is perfect for this role. Which to me comes as a big surprise after seeing his last effort as Deadpool in (X-men Origins Wolverine) not to mention his performance in (Green Lantern) which I think we can all agree, were awful. So maybe superhero movies are not in his repertoire, so needless to say I didn't have high expectations . However you can't fault his performance. I think he did a great job and just don't think this movie would have been as likable without him.

This superhero/dark comedy isn't really for children. It's not a great movie and perhaps slightly overkill with the try-hard jokes. However the movie makes fun of itself throughout and there is something very likable about this film. Review 7/10
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The Town (2010)
Outstanding, Great film
20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Affleck hit a home run with this film! Writing, directing and staring! Ben Affleck is the most improved actor of all time and it shows here. Great performance! The Town is very similar to the movie Heat (De Niro/Pacino) but it holds it's own. A great cast and great performances from Jeremy Renner, Rebecca Hall, Jon Hamm and of course Affleck, put this film in a class of it's own.

Set in Charlestown, a suburb of Boston, we find out in the opening scene that it's the bank robbery capital of the world. Not sure if this is true or not? However it sets up the kind of place Charlestown is. Consistent though-out you are always intrigued as to what's going to unfold next, from the bank robberies, to the love interest and the finale shootout outside Fenway park.

This is a very entertaining film from start to finish, very good action-packed movie. Review 9/10
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The Prince (I) (2014)
One of the worst films i've seen
20 March 2016
I don't know where to begin with this movie, "awful" is too nice a word to say about this. Now I wasn't expecting this movie to be good, but at least bearable.

We are tricked into thinking this is a Bruce Willis film. The cover will tell you, he's lead with an all star cast, including John Cusack. We also see 50 cent in this movie, albeit for 10 seconds. This is not the case. Our lead/hero is Jason Patrick, I see now why we had to be tricked. Patrick hasn't made a good film in his entire career. Willis is hardly in this film, Cusack even less and blink and you'll miss him, 50 Cent.

We know Bruce Willis will do just about anything for a pay-check, and we fall for it, time and time again because of our love for die hard. I'm shocked to see John Cusack in this awful movie, as he is usually more selective with his films.

The main problem with this film, no-one is believable with their performances. With the exception of Jessica Lowdes, who although had too much screen time for a character with little importance, gave us something to like about this film, (not just her looks). Too many cliché's, poor acting, poor storyline.

This movie is a joke. A movie no-one will remember. Review 2/10
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