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Prey (I) (2022)
About Time, Been waiting for this type of Prequel
5 August 2022
All in all not a bad prequel, kk, granted, It's not your typical action packed futuristic Sci-Fi movie like the other predator type.

However, we knew the Alien Predators had been visiting Earth for 1000's of years and to see a Predator movie prior "The Predator" movie itself was a nice change and it's something I've wanted to see from the first movie.

The only criticism I have is that of the Visual effects of the predator itself,... I found them lacking.

The cloaking technology was sub-par and the helmet the predator wore just didn't hit the spot for me.

Apart from those two criticisms, I enjoyed the movie.
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The End Of Thor?
11 July 2022
What the hell was this?...

This felt like the ending of Thor has we know him, Now he's seems more like an empty puppet from a late Night, sad, pathetic comedy script?

Thanks for ruining Thor (Taika Waititi), you've turned Thor into a Joke with childlike comedy banter.

It's going to take a lot to reshape Thor back into the Hero we all knew him for, though i know i can't take anymore of this Comedy BS.
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Not the Full Truth, though still Chilling over what's to come!
4 July 2022
A great documentary about china's ambition's driving It's Authoritarian mindset west. Though I was somewhat disappointed when the real truth was just coming out, the program ended.

There's a whole lot more going on under the surface than what's shown here and although your welcome to think of me as paranoid, I'd dig a little deeper prior to criticizing.
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You'll Feel like a Victim Watching this!!!
2 July 2022
Lacking in Dialogue, Energy and everything else that is supposed to make a movie great!

Two friends had fallen asleep while watching this and I give up watching after 40 minutes,... I came away feeling like I'd been the Victim of a torture chamber experiment!
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Gina Carano Is Back!
30 June 2022
Since watching 1883 and Yellowstone I find myself gravitating towards Westerns of late while really enjoying them also.

I found this Western enjoyable to watch while watching a strong female lead kicking ass, Plus, It's really nice seeing Gina Carano back on our screens after the Woke Culture tried to destroy her.

Hoping to see much more of Gina Carano in the future.
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No Woke, but Justin Falls plays the Victim card to often
25 June 2022
Great show, can't wait for season 2, although I really hope Justin Falls stops playing the victim all the time as it's beginning to get on my nerves.

She's always upset at something or always feeling she's hard done by and that everything revolves around her feelings alone.

I can't help feel she's a constant reminder of the Victimhood Culture.
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It's UFO/UAP Documentaries that give the Subject
22 June 2022
This type of Documentary doesn't do the UFO/UAP topic any favours and It's why people call anyone of claims to believe in Alien craft Fools.

Some of the topics brought up in this documentary may or may not be real, however, its there vocabulary and how they try to explain It that muddies the whole UFO/UAP topic.

If you want real up-to date information then wait for Avi Loeb of Harvard University and the initial testing of the new sensor suit being developed for the Galileo-Project,... Initial testing according to Avi Loeb should hopefully be completed around the end of August.
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The First (2018)
I Feel like I was Conned into Watching this Tripe!
28 April 2022
An everyday mundane Drama focused on a Dad and his Daughter,.. Blast-Off is the Last Episode, lol.

If there's a Season 2, I'm hoping it'll become a more exciting Adventure, but until then this Show is NO, from me!
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Emotional Woke Bullshit!
20 March 2022
The first two season was great and then the WOKE agenda infiltrated the show and in turn ruined this show on an epic level.

With all the division going on in the world with the Far Left and their WOKE agenda, throwing their views in our faces while cancelling anyone who gives a opposing opinion as soured my taste towards this show.

And bringing Stacey Abrams into the show was the last straw for me, a final punch in the face from the radical anti cop, woke agenda!... Seasons 3,4 have been Scrubbed from my Servers, thanks for trashing Starfleet and Star Trek!

Plus, half of these people should never have been chosen to be in Starfleet, their emotional wreaks and very Un-Starfleet in everyway, apart from PIKE and Saru who are Starfleet trough and trough!
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War breaks out, Out Comes the Propaganda Machine!
3 March 2022
I have to wonder how many more War Movies will Russia release in the coming months, Just as a real war breaks out and Russia Invades the Ukraine!

I tried to watch this movie, but 30 mins in, I felt repulsed for even trying to watch it, as I couldn't help but feel this was Propaganda to help boost the Russian peoples will for Invasion of Ukraine!
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A British Perspective on Democratic Propaganda!
27 January 2022
I live in the UK and I have been watching American Politics for the last 10-Years. I've seen how the Democrats have change and how they have divided America by pitting Democrats, BLM against Republicans with Conservative and centrist, left, Right values.

I have to say, this is a one sided view of what happened that day, without the full facts of what really happened as there yet to come to light, but how can the truth be unveiled when you have Democrats withholding and hiding documents and their reasons for their actions?

This is your typical Democrat Propaganda, spreading hate in the hope it'll continue to divide the US.

Your All Americans and Russia, China, Iran are watching you destroy each other, and this Frelling scares me!... American is supposed to be the Beacon of Democracy, Liberty & Freedom for the world.

All we see across the pond is It's either Democrat or Republican, Black or White, Win or Lose,... you've turned your political system into a sport and its begun to tear America apart from within the Institutions that are supposed to protect ALL American people.

I fear your Enemies are and will take advantage and Biden clearly doesn't see the reality for what it is!
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Pretty Awesome South Korean Sci-Fi
17 January 2022
What a surprise, a pretty descent Sci-Fi series minus the some of the lines Gong Yoo who played Han Yoon-jae was given, some of his lines came across as a WTH did he just say moment, maybe a translation thing?

Other than that, I'm really hoping for a second season!
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The Woke Resurrections
22 December 2021
A Very badly made movie full of Woke nonsense with bad acting and all thanks to the Wachowski family for ruining an awesome story as they did great work with the trilogy and Jupiter Ascending was the best Movie this family ever made,... Was hoping for either a prequel or a sequel to Jupiter Ascending?

Some nice scenes and effects, although i do like Jessica Henwick who adds some great acting to the movie.

I can't really find anything else to say about this release, other than, the Wachowski family should have never been allowed to have made it.
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The Face of TDS
20 November 2021
This show is the pits, Clearly no Objectivity and Biased to the Core.

All this Hack does is show how intolerant she is to others with deferring opinions and this is one of the Faces that have Divided America!

I'm not an American and I have a unique perspective watching from outside of the US,... The Left are destroying their own country fighting amongst themselves while their real enemies, Iran, China are readying for a fight!
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In the Earth (2021)
What The Earth - Did I Just Watch?
19 November 2021
Yet another Boring movie about a Pandemic virus making its rounds,... this movie was so slow and boring i found myself wanting to nod-off.

Scientists, Forest, Strobe lighting and not much more.
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A Must Watch Documentary
15 September 2021
I always knew people took fish from the Coral Reefs as see them in homes, offices, often. However, This Documentary was an real eye opener to how these people collect the fish and the damage they do to Coral Reefs.

We are only just learning that our Sea life communicate just as we do with sounds and behaviour and some even have emotions which can clearly been seen in the connections they have with their families.

This is an ongoing problem we have to solve before its too late.
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Shame She Can't Live by your Own Words
13 September 2021
Loved the music as I always have done growing up and remember her press conference speech. Madonna made us all understand she stood for Free Speech, Freedom of Thought,... What Happened?

Madonna's free speech allowed her to threaten the White House, yet she can't stand when others use that same Freedom.
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Directors & Writers never learn!!!
31 August 2021
Why does every Asteroid movie coming for Earth have missiles, Beam weapons fired directly at it?

Wouldn't it be best to use the Asteroids Speed and trajectory to our advantage? Hitting an Asteroid from a distance rather than impacting It, and then Slightly behind and to one side would have a better chance of nudging an Asteroid onto another trajectory.

Research, Research and understand the Physics of orbital mechanics prior to producing your movies,... Take note of the TV Show, The Expanse, which get a lot of it right.
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Classic Sci-Fi
21 July 2021
Flight to Mars is a Classic Sci-Fi and not bad for the day, Worth watching.

Although ignore the Mars version of Teletubbies!
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Sensationalized Propaganda
6 July 2021
It's a shame that Reality was very different and this comes across as Sensationalized Propaganda!

No one cared whether the the brave firemen died in those days, in fact, they knew what would happen to them but ordered them to their deaths,... It was do your Duty to the motherland or be branded a coward.

The whole operation was run by ignorant unintelligent individuals with ignorance beyond belief.
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Stand by You (2021 TV Special)
Came across as Political Activism than Entertainment
26 June 2021
I quite like Miley Cyrus songs and although I agree with Equality and inclusivity and progressive development of society, this show had far too much Woke, PC, Culture injected into it.

The show came across more like Political Activism than Entertainment!!
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Doors (I) (2021)
A Dis-Credit to the Sci-Fi Genre
25 March 2021
No wounder a lot of people are putt-off Sci-Fi movies/genre, Its with releases such as this one. As long as new commers are subjected to Low-Budget, Terrible props and Badly Written Scripts such as this titles contains, then Sci-Fi will always be judge harshly. Watch The Expanse, Star Trek and the likes if you would like an introduction to the Sci-Fi World.
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This Documentary is Sickning to the Core!
8 March 2021
I found this Documentary very Sickning and Distressing and that we continue to allow our wildlife to suffer as they do.

You'll find some commenters Dismissing this documentary as garbage, Unscientific and Unrealistic,... How Neive and Unworldly this world really is is just has Shoocking to me and no wounder our Oceans are as they are.

When was the last time you visited the Ocean?

I know everytime I've visited the Ocean, there is Plastic everywhere and its commonsense to conclude that our wildlife will and Do mistakenly eat some of this plastic believing it to be food,...

Some of these animals are then caught and processed into the Human food chain.

We Need to Change no Matter you view on this Documentary!
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Prime Example of Cancel Culture
7 March 2021
A awesome edition to Star Wars and one that I was really loving to watch,... Until the Cancel Culture yet again ruined an awesome edition to Star Wars by cancelling Gina Carano!

Why these companies listen to the loudest voices is beyond me, how many really cancelled their subscription?

Thanks for the let down!
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Why would a Geologist/Engineer be Armed?
4 March 2021
As much as I'd like this to be true, why would a Geologist go to work Armed down a desert mine/shaft?

What was he thinking of bumping into some Graboids or something?... if so, a sidearm wouldn't

Why wouldn't he show the massive scar where this Alien Death Ray (Giggles) Opened him up like a fish?

Its guys like this that give the Alien hypostasis a bad name and why many don't take the Alien topic seriously!
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