4 Reviews
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Suicide Squad (2016)
(The Sequel Slasher) CRIMINALLY Underrated
5 August 2016
Suicide Squad is the latest DC Movie and lets just say that the DC crew have not been doing so well with the Critics lately. With BVS being beaten down by critics and fans alike. Suicide Squad the the DCCU's last chance to secure the cinematic universe and In my opinion it succeeded. Sure it has a lot of flaws like the great but odd soundtrack with seemed to play songs left and right. Also some pieces of rather cringy dialogue with a less than stellar villain and her throwaway brother. That was It, I enjoyed everything else, If you're looking for a good harley quinn, deadshot, killer croc e.t.c, It's all here. If you want to see a grounded, life changing, emotional experience of a movie, what the hell are you doing coming to a movie called Suicide Squad, geez. Not to sound defencive but I feel the critics are hard on this movie because they don't get it and they don't understand it, because it really wasn't made for them. Now a movie should try to appeal to everyone but the critics are giving it crap because they're focusing too much on the downfalls that I mentioned before, I mean go see the film, make up your own mind. In my opinion, Its got some hiccups but also some real strong points which makes this a damn of an entertaining movie. If you've ever seen the movie Commando, you'll know both movies don't care what a film should be and focus all their energy on entertaining the audience. Shouldn't that be enough
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The Cinema Snob (2007– )
(The Sequel Slasher) F*ck Lights Camera Jackson, This is The Critic of our time
21 April 2016
I have a you-tube channel where I review bad, terrible movies in my cozy chair. This channel would not exist If it were not for Brad Jones. I've been a movie fan all my life but years ago, I thought if a movie wasn't Kubricky, it wasn't worth watching. After I saw the Snob, I watch Blacula, I spit on your grave, three the hard way, Caligula, Cannibal Holocaust, Sleepaway Camp. While most of those aren't good, It was a good lesson to learn and his snobby attitude and jokes make my day. He inspired me even today and I watch all his stuff, Hooker with a heart of Gold, LLoyd, Midnight Screenings and The Cinema Snob movie. Plus he introduced me to David a.r white
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The Trust (2016)
(The Sequel Slasher) Nicholas Cage is back and he's full Vampire's Kiss mode
17 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this movie and I quite enjoyed it, A dark comedy with Nicholas Cage involving drugs. This sounded like Bad lieutenant 2. I was impressed but was shocked to find the bad reception it was getting on IMDb. 5.5 isn't fair, and why, because of THE ENDING. The ending was fine, it worked for the movie. People have been giving this movie a 1 star or 2 stars because they didn't like the ending, BULLCRAP. Nicholas Cage has had a hard time with the critics in the past few years, cut him some slack. The movie was well made, well acted, well written so I don't see the big problem. If you haven't seen it, watch it, look past the ending and enjoy it
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( The Sequel Slasher ) The Resurrection and Death of Alien
17 April 2016
Alien Resurrection was made to revive the alien series after the disappointment that was Alien 3. Fans of the Series HATE that movie but I'm a fan and I feel Alien 3 is very underrated and deserves a second glance ( like that David A.R White Film ) In spite of this, Alien Resurrection was made. A good cast, a good director, a good writer. WHAT THE F*** HAPPENED. I remember when I first saw this years ago and all I could think was, "That was the rape of one of the best movie series ever" This movie destroys me every time, silly, stupid and just plain bad. This movie deserves to be destroyed by a Xenomorph. Even Alien Vs Predator Requiem is better, MY GOD. For more, see my youtube review which should be up by the time you read this.....
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