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Rare "gripping" quality "Lewis" story.
5 June 2024
I've enjoyed watching the "Lewis" series. But this stellar story made me think that there just aren't enough stellar stories of this one's quality.

The convicted murderer being released from prison early has been done before on the British detective mysteries many times. Formula is almost a can't miss for a strong story. And this one didn't disappoint. Tension between Lewis and Hathaway was intriguing. Hathaway a couple of times went below the belt questioning Lewis' original investigation standards then the nerve to ask why he didn't go with Lizzy to pick up her husband.

A plot hole were the 999 phone calls. The 3 from 13 years ago were conveniently never played for the viewer to hear. The officer Travis call was played appearing to be modified by the caller. Never any talk of comparing the first three calls to the final call in present time. Oddly no using computer technology to compare the 999 calls to the female possible accomplice suspect's voices in the case. If that was done the case would have been solved in 15 minutes of airtime.

Hathaway was at his most arrogant which was a plus to an already episode on a strong roll throughout. Now that the series is winding down it made me think how many cases has Hathaway actually solved on his own where Lewis is dead wrong? One or two? With the series titled "Lewis" so it's to be expected.

Superb casting of unlikable supporting characters most being quite strange. Alec Newman as Graham Lawrie nailed the creepy role in a outstanding acting performance. Lizzie's husband Joe Dixon as Tony Maddox was quite impressively believable in his "Woe is me... I don't know what to do... I'm a coward" tearful blubbering interrogation scene.

Solid viewing that was hard not to watch straight through it was so intense.
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Judy Justice: Shotgun Tale Backfires (2024)
Season 3, Episode 57
Bizarre renters.
2 June 2024
Comes off as a crazily written fictional story. But apparently these aren't actors but actual people renting the house. Original (laundry list of mental problems) 12-year renter has never held a job or been motivated to get disability. But, how has he been able to pay his rent for over a decade? Then, he meets an online friend who strangely ponies up for his new buddies rent bill. Judge Judy oddly never delved into the motivation for the new friend being so generous.

Both defendants had deer in headlights stoic blank looks on their faces throughout the episode. Their strategy seemed to be to deny everything and play the victim angle to the hilt. Police get the original phone call wrong? Got the police report wrong? And of course the phone with proof is magically lost?

I'm sure there's more to the plaintiff that wasn't told. But the defendants are a strange group indeed.
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Inspector Lewis: The Lions of Nemea: Part 2 (2014)
Season 8, Episode 4
Who's the boss?
1 June 2024
Lewis ()Kevin Whately returns to his old position with no explanation. Apparently Hathaway (Laurence Fox) is sort of an equal that now he awkwardly refers to Lewis as "Robbie" not the usual "Sir" hinting at equals.

First half was dry but decent viewing to see what would play out. The revealing of clues cultivating possible villains was the episode's highlight. Then, it was all downhill. Rehashing theories over drinks seemed to be time killers.

Odd Hathaway creepy fascination with stunning Andrea Lowe as Philippa Garwood. Nothing comes out of it or told what's going on with the two.

A plodding episode with twists and turns that are mildly intriguing. The ending villain confession was way too melodramatic. Probably not the worst Lewis episode but close.
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One of season 3's better cases.
28 May 2024
Quite a very interesting case. The stunning defendant definitely felt she was being harassed. She handled the whole situation quite poorly though. She said there was marijuana stench in her home when she came back from work due to the plaintiff smoking it just outside her open window. Why not just keep your windows closed especially when you're at work? She definitely was too quick on the trigger to call the police. Getting involved in a domestic argument that's none of your business was a bad decision. Her city possibly could have an anonymous crime hotline she could have used. But to actually give your name on a complaint as the one calling could open up a can of worms of revenge by the accused like it did here.

The plaintiff though he won the case came off quite bad. To be spitting and giving the finger to a single woman quite younger than him was very classless. It'd be very creepy to have this guy as my pharmacist.
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Judy Justice: Gun Brandishing Brother (2024)
Season 3, Episode 50
Look like three angels in the courtroom.
25 May 2024
"Judy Justice' has hit a rough patch in season 3. Only sporadically now are there interesting cases like this one where the plaintiffs are somewhat articulate. Lots of dragged out boring cases with bland litigants.

Two brothers who obviously hate each other with a passion. Judy dropped the ball or it was edited out why these two despise each other so much. Obvious question would have been do they both have the same mother and father? Also, what started this violent war between the two brothers?

All three definitely went for sympathy playing the victim card. You'd never know how violent all three could be by their demeanor in the courtroom. There wasn't any post case Judge chambers discussion between Judge Judy and Sarah Rose. Their analysis of the three litigants would have been quite interesting.
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Judy Justice: Weed, Wheels, and Wisecracks (2024)
Season 3, Episode 47
Not seeing all the good qualities JJ's talking about.
19 May 2024
24-year-old man playing the wise guy smart Alec is something someone his age doing in court comes off silly. Especially a grown man not living on his own freeloading off his parents now grandmother. Also, having a poor work history.

Instead of playing the wise guy in court he should have thought his case out and had a strategy. He admits to making payments to the father killing his case. Next time he gets arrested he won't have his father to bail him out. And I'm sure if the mother wants to the father will not allow it.

Judge Judy again praises misfit litigants rattling off positive qualities of the defendant. Hard to see the positive qualities she was talking about from what we saw in the courtroom.
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10* for how bizarre it was.
19 May 2024
Not really complex enough to drag outp for two parts. Again Judge Judy praised the litigants for how much common sense and intelligent they were while telling a bizarre tale of drugs, and alcohol use on their employer's business trip. Three people spoke. The plaintiff, the well put together defendant, and the defendant's father. When the story progressed more and more it got stranger and stranger.

The plaintiff had extremely dirty hands for even bringing a case to court in the first place. The defendant played the victim card but she continued to have a personal relationship with the plaintiff long after the date of the accused incident.

The corporate employer has to be shaking their heads that these two were in management positions. Oddly interesting case that was uneven from beginning to end. Even Sarah Rose in the Judge's chambers saying the dirty hands plaintiff could of possibly been compensated for false accusations didn't make a lot of sense.
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Inspector Lewis: Entry Wounds: Part 2 (2014)
Season 8, Episode 2
Felt odd at first.
17 May 2024
When I started watching that Lewis was easily talked into returning to work I thought this is silly. Then, seemingly he'd return to work the actual day he was asked. Both would never happen in reality. Especially a man in a new romance and enjoying his retirement.

But, the writers pulled if off and created excellent tension between Lewis and Hathaway. Tension between main characters is something the series lacked up until now. The story was well written and a fun exercise to follow alll that was going on. And there was a lot going on.

Not enough screentime for Dr Laura (Clare Holman). The amount of dead victims dropping like flies was a bit much. Not really a believable motive for the villain.

Overall strong story that makes me eager to see the next one to see how the main characters are dealing with all the changes.
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Judy Justice: Labradoodle Litigation (2024)
Season 3, Episode 44
Two horrendous episodes in a row.
17 May 2024
Somewhat morbidly interesting how the litigants live their lives the last two episodes. Everyone plays the victim card that they were dealt from a crooked deck of cards. The labradoodle plaintiffs never gave a proper explanation why they didn't get their puppy vaccinated at the proper time. Though they did something extremely negligent and uncaring for the dog Judge Judy complimented both for appearing to have a lot of common sense. Which is an absolutely ridiculous statement by Judge Judy.

The previous episode Sarah Rose actually went as far as to say the shady Reverend could have been excused for not paying his late tolls for socioeconomic reasons.

I'd skip this episode and the previous one being big time wasters.
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Inspector Lewis: Intelligent Design: Part 2 (2013)
Season 7, Episode 6
Miranda Raison was superb.
9 May 2024
Episodes broken up into two parts is slightly annoying. This episode showcased some very interesting looks at Lewis and Hathaway's changes and growth as "coppers" and more so people.

First part high rating is a no-brainer how a great view it was putting the pieces together. The second part still strong was slightly flat with a bit too predictable ending narrowing down who the villains were.

Stunning Miranda Raison as Stella Drew was certainly the highlight not only with her beauty but a very strong acting performance. Definitely hinting at changes coming up in the series. I had to peak forward like I'm sure many viewers to the next episode summary to see if Hathaway is still part of the series.
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Judy Justice: Rims, Barter, and Betrayal (2024)
Season 3, Episode 38
No money? Get rims!
6 May 2024
Litigants seemingly lacking much sense. Defendant lacking funds, living week to week, in-between jobs to even consider car rim upgrades as Judge Judy pointed out is ludicrous. Top it off the single mother plaintiff getting involved with her friend's car rim financing doesn't speak too highly of her priorities.

The amateur car mechanic defendant actually did a lot of work on the plaintiff's car. But if the car work was a barter why did he accept payment for his labor?

To be silly enough to get involved in such nonsense then even dumber that there is no written contract to protect yourself from just exactly what happened.

A dragged out case should've taken five minutes to decide. Mildly interesting aspect how bizarrely car happy the litigants were. Pretty Sarah Rose is sorely missed with a bland replacement.
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Judy Justice: Corgi Custody (2024)
Season 3, Episode 35
Zombie like litigants.
3 May 2024
Plaintiff Sears was slightly more animated. But the defendant was so bland I was waiting for the bailiff to check her for a pulse. I got the impression they were ex military. Yes or no Judge must have been used three fourths as their responsees. Both strange litigants never showed the slightest of emotion giving their snooze fest side of the story.

Substitute court clerk and bailiff were the first that I can remember. The bailiff plays such a minor role that it doesn't really matter who the bailiff is. But Sarah Rose's keen observations are sorely missed highlighted by a hopefully temporary bland replacement.
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Two and a Half Men: Big Flappy Bastards (2003)
Season 1, Episode 2
Glad it didn't go down the sappy path.
2 May 2024
The pivotal point for me was when Charlie went out on the patio to explain his situation to Jake that it was private and wasn't shown to the viewer. When Charlie went out to the patio I'm thinking oh no not the "life lesson' crutch that so many sitcoms use. Good news is they stuck to strictly comedy.

Highlights were the flock of seagulls in the house which was quite a funny surprise. Also, the sprinkler water perfectly timed between speaking hitting Jon Cryer in the face was well done. The relationship with the mother is a plus to the show.

Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer's comical bad full toupees are a little distracting.
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Two and a Half Men: Pilot (2003)
Season 1, Episode 1
Decent for a pilot.
1 May 2024
Looking for series to watch all the way through. I remember watching episodes here and there at or near its original run. This episode successfully motivates me to go forward watching more episodes of the series. That's a plus. I'm a big classic TV especially sitcoms fan. So it's got to be a quality show for me to even give it any attention. Hopefully they'll be funny episodes coming up to hook me in.

Great chemistry among the main characters. It'll be interesting how the writers will work with what appears to be a winning formula. All the casting of supporting characters seems excellent.

Hopefully the bevy of beauties continue.
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Inspector Lewis: The Ramblin' Boy: Part 2 (2013)
Season 7, Episode 4
Seems like this has been done before.
30 April 2024
"A Touch of Frost" or possibly another classic British detective mystery I'm fairly certain had done something similar to this. Even though the deja vu watching was still enjoyable. Strong casting of unique characters. The story was riveting all the way through. The ending villains reveal with laying out the dastardly deeds timeline flowed nicely.

Stunning Lucy Speed as Louise Cornish caught my eye. Shame she had such a a minor role. Tom Brooke as creepy undertaker Brian Miller was perfectly cast playing a zombie like stereotype. Hathaway's (borderline ridiculous conveniently in Croatia) replacement was only ok mostly due to such a minor role. Really didn't get to see what the actor can offer.

Kevin Whately (with a bad full toupee) and Dr Laura finally show some affection. Overall a strong two part episode.
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Has to be more to the story.
29 April 2024
Heard of poor judgment pedestrians cutting in front of a car getting hit by the front of a car. But not running into the side of a car actually hitting the car not the car hitting the pedestrian. What's telltale is despite defendant Keegan doing something incredibly stupid he's still extremely cocky and arrogant.

Judge Judy addressed the possibility of this being a TikTok dare. But she didn't go far enough of how bizarrely stupid the participants are to be this gullible to be led to do something so dangerous.

The true victim here is lovely plaintiff Miss Allen who had to experience such unnecessary trauma from the idiot defendant's actions.
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Screwball litigants.
28 April 2024
"Judy Justice" case seekers struck gold with the four litigants in the two interesting and entertaining cases. First case the BBW plaintiff wanted exorbitant value for an old broken down scooter. The wacky defendant was shown taunting her riding the scooter in small circles. Both don't do trailer park resident's stereotypes any favors.

The second case the plaintiff gives a transient worker $2,800 to be taken out of his checks for a security deposit on a rental apartment. Very bizarre indeed. People just don't hand out money to people they barely know like this. Of course the defendant shortly quits the job after receiving the what he says was a gift while trying to make himself the obligatory victim.
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Judy Justice: Florida Heartbreak (2024)
Season 3, Episode 31
What was Mario thinking?
26 April 2024
Defendant Diedre Ann Weiser masterfully played Plaintiff Mario Curiale for the world's biggest sucker. The 25-year age difference in the relationship was a hint at something was not right. Reminds me of the "King of Queens" character Arthur Spooner played by Jerry Stiller contemplating a relationship with a younger woman at his old age. He says to himself "It'll never work... or could it"?

Defendant Diedre Ann Weiser doesn't fit the bill just being average looking of the type of woman who could pull this off. She has definitely got a talent for having men support her financially.

Mario for a businessman was definitely ill-prepared not having itemized receipts for the items in question he was seeking reimbursements for.
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Well written (2 part) episode after 2 bad ones.
23 April 2024
This episode clicked on all cylinders right.up to a good but not great ending. The villain(s) became obvious a bit too early. But, all in all a very enjoyable fast paced story with excellent twists and turns, and unique characters. The red herring classified government experiment was masterfully woven in to throw the viewer off.

Little problem that Sanjeev Bhaskar as Kanan Dutta would subject his wobbly minded basket case wife Lesley Vickerage as Katherine Dutta to a traumatic personal beliefs attack at "The Institute" by egghead wackos.

Stunning Tuppence Middleton as Vicki Walmsley was a highlight who lit up the screen. The Hathaway neck injury playing a part in the climax was brilliant.

Good news the series still can rock after some mediocre attempts.
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Inspector Lewis: The Indelible Stain (2012)
Season 6, Episode 4
Painfully boring, plodding episode.
13 April 2024
The highlight was a surprise appearance of American actor David Soul as Paul Yelland. David Calder as Andrew Lipton gave a decent performance until it hit a brick wall with a less then satisfying story ending.

Two very bad episodes in a row now. Woke political correctness appears to made it's way iinto Lewis. Feels like an order for a politically correct script was placed and this was it. Paired with a weak story was a recipe for boring viewing.

The subplot of Lewis' aching tooth has been used before and better by British detective mysteries. Lewis' mysterious relationship with Dr. Laura got some clarity. Lewis can't pull the trigger.

A near time waster. Hopefully the series hasn't jumped the shark.
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Judy Justice: Locked Up and Left Hanging (2024)
Season 3, Episode 21
Bottom of the barrel case.
12 April 2024
A dreadful case to try to stretch out for a full episode. Playing the pitiful victim plaintiff Julie Wyatt excuses her shoplifting because it was for Thanksgiving. Even with all the food charities available. Totally unlikable defendant John Moore goes into full blown deceit mode throughout the episode.

I'd imagine the case was picked to put Moore on display for his dishonesty, contradictions, and unwavering shiftiness. But the episode was overkill of Moore's annoying stand-up like act.

As Judge Judy implied there's a lot more to these two than was revealed. Of dubious character Moore being the choice by Wyatt to look after her affairs makes her highly suspect. A time waster episode.
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Two interesting cases
11 April 2024
Judge Judy talks about she doesn't monitor her direct deposits weekly. I would think not when you're a multi-millionaire and you have a lot of funds to fall back on. I'd have to believe most workers with any sense who work irregular hours keep count of their hours weekly. Are well aware of their hourly rate. Then make sure that their direct deposit and online pay stub jive with the actual hours they worked. Not saying here but non union outfits are notorious for wage theft with hours worked cheating workers out of wages..

The golf cart case apparently had no video of the incident. Judge Judy's grocery cart and golf cart comparison are incommensurable. In home settings there is no uniformed designated place for golf carts in a golf cart community. Unlike a grocery store parking lot cart corral. Curious what the amount of alcohol that was consumed during the golf viewing party?
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Judy Justice: Bullet-Riddled Betrayal (2024)
Season 3, Episode 16
Hard to get to the truth.
5 April 2024
Judge Judy was especially cantankerous with all the litigants. She didn't appear to believe anything anymore said. At times literally laughing at testimony. Judge Judy here and in the past will make a definitive judgement call on a part of testimony that could go either way. Here the first pink haired plaintiff saying the defendant took her car after telling him no. Judge Judy gave no reason for not believing her only that he's driven the car previously.

The second case made no sense at all. The plaintiff's car being totalled being tied in to the defendant was never explained. Only that the pink haired now defendant had vandalized it.

Odd cases but still better than other current court shows. It's not even close. Sarah Rose adds a lot with her chambers post case analysis.
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The Twilight Zone: The Lateness of the Hour (1960)
Season 2, Episode 8
Inger Stevens showcase.
1 April 2024
Absolutely sensational performance by beautiful Inger Stevens. Fun seeing her tone down her Swedish accent. Actually sounded very believable with an American accent. The whole episode was fun from beginning to the surprising hilarious ending. I'd seen the episode years ago but honestly couldn't remember how it ended. And I'm sure like me every one who couldn't remember the ending thought "oh yes, that's it" when the ending was revealed.

Good to see John Hoyt as Dr Loren. Always has a creepy but likeable vibe to his acting. I particularly remember his work from a few highly memorable appearances in "Leave it to Beaver". Also good to see veteran classic TV actors Jason Johnson, and Tom Palmer who who were on "The Andy Griffith Show".

Little problem with Jana only now seeing a scrapbook or how a programmed robot could even be rebellious. The series' temporary drop in video quality has little or no impact on viewing enjoyment. Though, just minor flaws to an outstanding fun episode.
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Judy Justice: Piglet Wars (2024)
Season 3, Episode 11
JJ agitated from the get-go.
30 March 2024
The highlight of the episode was stunning plaintiff Karen Garlick. Judge Judy didn't seem to like her throughout. There were hints JJ isn't a fan of pigs as house pets. Defendant Ashley Settimii (who had 2 of 3 pigs bought die) wasn't spared the Judge's ire. Both were constantly scolded for the mildests of rubbing the Judge the wrong way.

Surprising highly educated veteran business woman pretty plaintiff Karen Garlick didn't have a basic written contract for transaction clarity and protection.

Entertaining case with intelligent litigants especially after the previous 2 part stinker with 2 litigants that were way too out there.
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