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Baby Reindeer (2024)
I don't think any TV show has ripped the fallacy of a 'perfect victim' to shreds better than this
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I binged this in one sitting, it is gripping from start to finish. I saw reviews saying it was a tough watch, but I didn't find it as tough as others said. It was indeed uncomfortable at times, but having knowledge of how survivors of sexual assault act, I think I was better prepared than most.

Which brings me to the point of why this was such a good series. Survivors of sexual assault are not 'perfect victims'. No-one is a perfect victim/survivor like the media and the court system would have us all believe. Most survivors have a past that includes drugs, drinking too much, a fight or two, or something else. This is how perpetrators get off charges in court - the defence finds a typical human flaw/mistake in the survivors past and manipulates that mistake to have the court and media believe it was deserved, or they lied. Another tactic is to claim they exaggerated because they went back to their abuser time and time again. The reality of course, is that trauma impacts how the brain processes and makes sense of events. In sexual assault or domestic abuse, in order to make sense of the incident, survivors often return so that they can tell themselves if they chose to return, they are not victims. They can even convince themselves they consented, or it was their fault. Others convince themselves it didn't happen. This can be a way to protect themselves mentally, however it ends up with a cycle of self-destruct. They rarely act in a logical manner. Most importantly, other abusers can spot survivors a mile away, and this results in them being targets of multiple abusers in their lifetime.

Baby Reindeer shows this pattern in such a raw and unapologetic way. I cannot commend Richard Gadd enough for being so honest about it. When his stalker 'Martha' meets him, he has already been sexually assaulted, and is dealing with the mental load of that. She clearly had a routine of testing out her next targets by pretending to cry and see how people react. 'Donny' (Richard) reacts in a way that only a survivor would - he kept feeling sorry for her and falling for her manipulations until he finally cracks and tries to set her up. Of course, this was her plan all along, and she records him and uses it to get the police of her back. This is a classic narcissist tactic. Domestic abusers do the same - they push and push and push, and when the survivor snaps, they record them, call the police, and then claim to be the victim themselves.

Many reviews and social media posts have discussed how Donny is self-absorbed and stupid for going back to the guy who sexually assaulted him, and for contacting his stalker. Such people have clearly led a life in which they have had no experience of being targeted by a stalker or a rapist (or knowing someone who has), and their lack of understanding and compassion is not only disappointing, but ill-informed. I hope they live out the rest of their lives without experiencing it first-hand, but I will say, if you have no experience in such matters, keep the judgements to yourself and read the wealth of research conducted on this subject in the fields of Criminology and Psychology. 'Donny' is not atypical in his actions - and probably would have gone for help sooner had there not been so much stigma and incorrect judgments about such abuse in society (the same stigma being perpetrated by those complaining about his behaviour and saying he was stupid). The self-destructive behaviour and self-loathing that comes with sexual assault cannot be underestimated, and people need to have more compassion and stop perpetuating the 'perfect victim' myth. Society as a whole needs to work harder at reducing the stigma and preconceptions they have of survivors actions while they try and make sense of their trauma.
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Brilliant! What you'd get if Blackadder III, Red Dwarf and The Mighty Boost merged...
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show is what the world needs right now. It is what you'd get if the comedy genius of Blackadder III, Red Dwarf and The Mighty Boost merged. It has a bit of Monty-Python-esq humour in there too.

It is witty, clever, and I haven't liked a comedy this much in years. There are multiple one-liners and lots of witty comments that sometimes come so fast that I had to rewind as I was laughing so loud I missed the successive jokes.

Noel Fielding is exactly as you expect - sarcastic, likeable, genius wit, and Greg Davies with his classic insults (my favourite was his character calling Turpin/Fielding a 'foppy tit'). Haha.

The character Tommy Silversides played by Connor Swindells was brilliant. His character has Richard Naylor all over it - he reminds me of the character Ace Rimmer in Red Dwarf - I was almost expecting him to say 'smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast' at one point. The whole series felt like a warm, nostalgic, comedy hug.

I hope this isn't a one-off series and that that it goes on for many more seasons. It is absolutely brilliant and highly recommend it to all.

Those saying it isn't funny simply don't get British banter/humour/wit, so ignore them. If you like British comedy, this is for you.
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Disrespectful, inaccurate and full of childish jibes at the British
16 March 2024
I waited until all the episodes were out to binge watch it, and I was really disappointed. The Memphis Belle did a much better job of telling this story. The stereotypical British characters- weak, posh etc are inaccurate and really disrespectful. The RAF dropped over a million bombs and lost over 55,000 crew. They understood precision and targeted bombing unlike the Masters of the Air series insinuates, and did so at night, which is actually harder to do, since they couldn't see landmarks. They were brave and excellent men - mostly working-class and young, not posh toffs as portrayed by this series. The posh lot were not the people fighting and losing their lives. The 100th joined the bombing raids 4 years into the war, by which point the RAF had already worked out the best MO for the raids. The reality is more of the 100th would have survived if their commanders weren't so arrogant and actually listened to the British who had been at it for 4 years. There is no excuse for inaccuracies and stereotypes in 2024 - especially not in a series about a historical event where stereotypes ended up with the death of 6 million Jews. Poor taste. And as if that wasn't enough - my grandparents who lived through the war told me stories of the Brits and Yanks getting on well, dancing and drinking together, and forming a true brotherhood. They weren't having a macho competition - that's all be fabricated for modern nationalist reasons. Most yanks were extremely frightened when they joined the war - they had not had the years of war experience the Brits had at that point, and the Brits took them under their wing and supported them. Really annoyed this series is just a portrayal of Spielberg's personal biases which have no basis in fact. I'm glad my Grandad isn't alive to see this - it would have really upset him as it was not his experience or anyone else's for that matter. The World Wars are a huge part of Britain's national identity. Every family alive today has an ancestor who fought in those wars and died. It is beyond disrespectful and completely inaccurate to portray our families as cowards or idiots who didn't know that they were doing. Historical facts do not back up Spielberg's invented version of events. I honest think needs to publicly apologise for this disrespectful portrayal.
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Deadliest Catch (2005– )
Can't get enough of this show
7 March 2024
I cannot get enough of Deadliest Catch. I have been addicted since day one, and I'm still addicted 19 seasons later. It doesn't matter that the format doesn't change, and all they do is fish (mostly) the same waters, facing similar issues to the season before - it is still the best reality show on TV. One would think we'd get bored of watching people fish crab the same way, on the same boats for 19 years... but it is not boring. The people are fascinating. Jake Anderson, Sig & Mandy Hansen, Johnathan Hillstrand - they are a joy to watch. Genuinely hard working, normal people, who do a really dangerous job, and I hope they never stop filming them. I will happy watch for another 19 years.
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The Marvels (2023)
Do not let Nina DaCosta near Marvel ever again
17 February 2024
Disney - Do not let Nina DaCosta near any Marvel movie ever again. In fact, don't let her near any movie ever again. This is clearly not a gift of hers. This movie was terrible. The writing was awful, the character development non existent, the jokes were not funny. I could almost hear Samuel L Jackson cringe through the screen. The only saving grace was the special effects, but even then, one star because the rest was awful. The acting was awful other than Brie Larson and Zawe Ashton and Samuel L Jackson. The rest should not have been in a Marvel movie. Should have let the team who wrote Shang Chi to write this. The worst Marvel movie of all time, and one of the worst movies in general. Just terrible. So disappointing Disney let this happen.
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Lots of loose ends but still a gripping watch from Episode 2 onwards
15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I started this series with trepidation, as Aussie TV shows are mostly awful and generally depressing, badly acted, and too serious. Occasionally they are brilliant (Underbelly, Wentworth) and this series falls into the brilliant category. It starts off slow, and typically Aussie - in a depressing setting with drunk bogans... I honestly thought - oh not again. Will this be horrible like Beautiful Kate or Animal Kingdom (original movie with Heath Ledger - not the American TV show adaption) with no happy ending and hours of torturous unnecessary depressing scenarios where not much happens in terms of plot, but what does happen makes you wonder why anyone would make something like this and then call it entertainment? Well the answer is yes, and no - but thankfully, mostly no. It is a bit Animal Kingdom-esq, but what makes real entertainment rather than depression inducing trauma is the great acting and the well-timed humour. Aussie TV shows and movies rarely understand the importance of humour (again the exceptions being Underbelly and Wentworth). Boy Swallows Universe is also one of the exceptions, as they get the balance right.

Most of the plot line is confusing for a long time, and you can't work out if the strange happenings are going to take you into a supernatural/sci-fi show or something else. By the time you realise this is written from a traumatised child's perspective and the imagined happenings are actually how Eli has managed to cope with his childhood trauma (which is genius), there are still too many loose ends. There are parts of it that make absolutely NO sense and are left unanswered. The person on the end of the red phone for example is presumably meant to signify Eli internally trying to make sense of what he should do, but it isn't clear for a long time that is what is happening. Towards the end, Eli is in hospital and you see the villain Tytus Broz walking past a ringing red phone which is on a trolley in presumably the same hospital, where he picks up a scalpel off a tray and walks through a door. Eli then wakes up - it is clearly a dream, but why is the red phone there and why is it ringing? The red phone until this point is only ever been for Eli and his brother Gus to make sense of their trauma and is always situated in the basement or their step fathers house - why is it in the hospital hall near Tytus? That scene would have been better if the phone was ringing in the basement, and then another scene where he is dreaming Tytus is on his way to kill him. Putting the two together makes no sense to me. There is also no explanation of why Gus thinks he can predict the future or what the significance of his blue wren predictions are. Once you realise the TV show was about trauma, the predictions don't fit in and aren't explained. Did Eli invent Gus' predictions, and if so - why? Did Gus actually have predictions or were the predictions just Gus displaying paranoia due to trauma and catastrophising? Or could he really see the future? Whatever was the case, it wasn't explained. Lastly - when Gus gives a huge chunk of money away it makes absolutely no sense. Why didn't he buy the house they wanted anyway, or renovate their father's house which clearly needed it. I haven't read the book, so I suspect these might all be answered in that, so I shall read it to find out.

Despite these issues, the show is amusing where it needs to be, the acting is great, and I still really enjoyed it and recommend people watch.
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Trigger Point (2022– )
Not realistic, obvious who the killer is, but I still enjoyed it immensely
15 January 2024
This TV series was not realistic, and it was pretty obvious who the killer was from about episode 2, but I still enjoyed it immensely. It held my attention, and despite it being quite ridiculous in terms of how the police would deal with bomb threats, how they dismantle bombs etc, it was still a lot of fun. Great acting, and although I find Vicky McClure's character in Line of Duty annoying (and mistakenly thought I disliked her as an actor) I found her excellent in this show, so I stand corrected. I find her annoying no more! She was excellent. The only criticism I have is that when men write for women they always have them panicking and being emotional in times of crisis, but they never show male characters doing the same. Stop it! Women do not fall apart at the first sign of stress, and while her character wasn't quite as meltdowny as other female characters I've seen, there were moments when I thought - oh FFS... she's the head of her team in the bomb squad - she wouldn't be like this. Nonetheless, I hear there will be a season 2 so I'm happy about that. Often first seasons can be a bit clunky, so I'm going to continue to watch future seasons. Worth watching, despite its flaws.
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21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is THE best Christmas music TV special of all time. Usually they are totally cringeworthy, awkward, and odd. Not this one! Hannah Waddingham is an outstanding singer and entertainer, bringing on her friends and colleagues from her decades of entertaining on the West End and Broadway, along with the Gay Men's Choir, English National Opera Chorus, the cast of Ted Lasso, Game of Thrones, and more. Honestly - this is the best Christmas music show out there. Feel all Christmassy and warm and fussy inside from watching. She is a national treasure and I have no idea why she hasn't been on our TVs for the past 20 years. At least we have her now. Thank you to whoever produced this. Can we have this every year, please!
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The Young Offenders (2018– )
Brilliant banter - Loved it
14 December 2023
I love this show SO much. I came across this after watching Brassic (another brilliant show of the same genre), and I can't get enough of it. Absolutely hilarious, and although set in Ireland, it will resonate with British people (especially northern Brits who have Irish ancestry) as the working class culture is pretty much the same. Its funny, feel good, has excellent characters and reminds you of your school years if you grew up in a working-class area. The character of the local 'nutter' Billy Murphy is brilliantly written and acted - every small village or town has one of these blokes within it and it is so well done. I hope they keep doing more series - can't fault it.
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Moon Knight (2022)
The best Marvel TV Show by far
14 December 2023
I put on Moon Knight as I generally love Marvel comics and shows, and figured - why not. Well, I was surprised at just how good this show was. I was expecting it to be good, but it was REALLY good. The character development and choice of actors was perfect, the comedy, the Ancient Egypt history, it was jam packed full of fabulousness and I could not get enough. Moon Knight has got to be Marvel/Disney's most underrated show, and definitely its best. There is nothing bad to say about it - if you haven't watched it, then do, and I cannot wait for more seasons! I really hope they don't cancel it like so many other brilliant Marvel shows (never going to get over them cancelling The Punisher, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage). The lack of discussions on this show seems to be entirely down to the lack of marketing of which I saw none other than in the Disney app itself. It deserves more attention.
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North Shore (2023– )
The Australian actors are painful & the writing is awful
23 August 2023
The Australian actors make the actors on Home & Away and Neighbours seem like the best actors on the planet - that's how bad it is. The British actors are good, but you can feel the cringe they are going through by working with these E grade actors. The script writing is terrible - soap level at best. I felt terrible for John Bradley and Joanne Froggatt having to try and make the best of the awful script and the cheesy acting by the Australians. Could have been great and ended up being mediocre at best. Loads of cliches. I think British actors need to seriously consider whether it's worth tarnishing their careers by acting in Australian dramas unless it's Underbelly or Wentworth quality writing and acting. I've given it 5 starts out of respect for the British actors who are undoubtedly embarrassed.
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Wasn't prepared for how traumatic it would be!
7 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Guardians of the Galaxy - a group of misfits who are wholesome, kind, imperfect and therefore wonderful. However this movie is going to give kids the same level of trauma that Never Ending Story, Dumbo, Watership Down, Bambi, etc etc gave Gen X. Absolutely brutal animal cruelty scenes (for some reason it's easier to cope with villains who only target humans) and it had me balling my eyes out at certain points (poor Rocket and his friends). While it ends up mostly okay, I'm never watching it again as long as I live. Triggered all sorts of childhood movie PTSD - not sure it needed to be that harsh and traumatising to be honest!
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Brassic (2019– )
Gets better with every season
3 August 2023
Brassic is one of the best shows I've seen in a long time, and it gets better with each season. Joe Gilgun is not only a brilliant actor, but also a wonderful person in real life, which makes this series even more sweet to watch. He represents a lot of neurodivergent people battling with their own brains, yet are really wonderful, loyal people at their core. The characters are loveable rogues and remind me a lot of my mates and I'm sure many other people's mates if you're from the North of England. Faced with the continuing bleakness of forgotten towns that politicians would like to pretend don't exist, people turn to wheeling and dealing to get by, and this series captures that brilliantly. Every rural town in the North has a plethora of characters not too dissimilar to the cast of Brassic and it makes it even more likeable. I don't think I've enjoyed a comedy series this much since Red Dwarf. Please keep making more!
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Shonda Rhimes does it again!
19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, Shonda, you wowed us again! Even though I love the Bridgerton series, I was surprised at how great Queen Charlotte was. It was the perfect combination of drama, character development, flashes to the past and back to the present. It showed how challenging mental health can be for people who have family suffering - especially when there is so much love between those involved. The childlike happiness and strong loving relationship between Charlotte and George III was a delight to watch and the final episode had me in tears and that is a rarity for me!

The only thing I can find fault with is the Brimsley and Reynolds story arc. I absolutely loved it, and *that* solo dance scene had me heartbroken but I do wish they had explained what happened to Reynolds. I can see the idea was to get us to make up our own minds, but I think I would have preferred to be told... other than that - I loved it and can't wait for the next season of Bridgerton! I hope Shonda does a Greys Anatomy and gives us 19 seasons of stories and spin offs from the Bridgerton crew!
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Outer Banks (2020– )
Surprisingly brilliant
19 June 2023
I don't know why I loved this so much, but I really did! I was always a fan of lost treasure stories and Outer Banks brings together Indiana Jones, Treasure Island, Revenge, The Goonies, and Assassins Creed into one really addictive show. Regarding the character John B - I am not sure if it is the actors portrayal of the character, or how he's written, but I can't see everyone loving him as much as they do. He's fickle, single minded and not very likeable, yet his friends rally around him like he's a superior being. Not sure the writers have explained why very well... annoying as he is, I still wanted more.

That said, the character Sarah Cameron is too whingy - she feels like a female character written by a man using alllll the cliches available, including damsel in distress, over emotional etc. Please do better in future seasons.

The character of JJ is a delight - what excellent casting and and excellent character as is Kiara and Pope. JJ's life is nothing but trauma, and yet he is the most lovely, caring person who battles with relapsing into past behaviours as a trauma response, or cutting loose. Brilliant.

I think Cleo is a bit of a nothing character - not really a fan, but she isn't going to stop me watching.

Looking forward to season 4 - season 3 ended on such an exciting cliff hanger! Cannot wait.
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Extraordinary (2023– )
Absolutely brilliant!
19 June 2023
No-one does comedy as good as us Brits and this show is hilarious. The actors are brilliant, the music even better, the direction, writing and set all brilliant with laugh out loud jokes and likeable and relatable characters. The premise of it is so hideous and yet, when you are watching it - totally believable! Has Misfits/Shameless/Sex Education vibes about it and I could not get enough of it. The only reason I didn't give it a ten is because I wished they had done more episodes. It's one of those shows that if there were 20 episodes in a season it still wouldn't be enough - but it is the British way to only do short seasons. Anyway, a MUST watch and I am hoping there are many more seasons to come.
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Ten Pound Poms (2023– )
Idealised story with lots of inaccuracies
18 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Idealised story with lots of inaccuracies! While this story was enjoyable, there were so many inaccuracies. Married women in Aus weren't allowed to work until 1966, yet Annie who is married, works in a department store... the sexism of Australians is still off the charts to this day, and this series portrayed them as more progressive than they are even now! While by this point English people would have been less racist than the Australians, I can't imagine a black baby being born out of wedlock being given back to the mother so easily. Australia was stealing black kids from their parents until the late 60s - I am not convinced that an engagement would stop this kid being taken away.
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The Days (2023)
Very addictive - watch in Japanese with subtitles
8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode was shot much like a soap, but equally as addictive. An absolute masterpiece in terms of the set and depictions of explosions etc. The creators, I presume from watching this, are detail oriented. They clearly didn't want to miss anything out, from the setting down of a telephone into its socket, to conversations that aren't that interesting but they felt needed to be shown for authenticity. And while at times I was thinking - they could have skipped that bit, I also appreciated the effort in the attention to detail. It was shocking to see how reluctant certain people were to tell the Prime Minister how bad things really were. Clearly, the film was trying to highlight the impact that cultural norms, mores and hierarchy had in the disaster, and watching this as a westerner was infuriating. The lack of workers willing to risk being exposed to a higher dose of radiation for a short time to stop the meltdown was frustrating. I know we, as westerners are led to believe if this had happened in the USA for example, a hero would have risked their life to save everyone- but I do think that probably would have happened knowing what we know about the USA and the selfless acts of firefighters in terrorist attacks etc. Maybe I'm being too critical. Easy to say when I'm not in that situation of course. That said, I couldn't help but think if the PM had alerted the USA earlier (who were apparently not far away on an aircraft carrier) and asked for help much more could have been done. I had no idea how much faffing around and linear solutions were executed to the end before the next solution idea was started! Easy to say all this from an armchair with hindsight, but there was so much incompetency that I did not expect from the Japanese considering how technologically advanced they are as a culture. Equally frustrating was learning the fact the generators were only 10 metres above sea level, and yet the company had been warned to improve matters 10 years earlier. This shows why profit focused corporations should never be allowed to operate nuclear facilities and the industry needs to be highly regulated and inspected by government. I do think that if these plants had been government owned or properly regulated the improvements would have been done and the sea defences completed. Also worth noting - there is a scene where two workers are stuck in a room when the tsunami hits and can't get out. It was so realistic and traumatising to watch - the actors should be commended. Brilliant acting!
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Powerful and brilliant
9 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really great movie and story. The cast are outstanding from start to finish, and Tom Felton was utterly brilliant as his character. I did a lot of googling while watching this, and am beyond disgusted at Churchill's decision to exile Seretse permanently. British children should be taught this story in school - we are led to believe Churchill was someone to look up to, but in reality his stints as Prime Minister show he was a ruthless man with very little care for anyone if it didn't suit his agenda. While it is obviously not uncommon for politicians to lie to get into power, using the reversal of Mr Khama's exile as an election tactic is the lowest of the low.

A must watch for all.
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Wellmania (2023)
Terrible acting, humour is off
3 April 2023
I don't understand why people are giving this good reviews - it was awful. I love Celeste but she is not a good actor - it was high school level acting at best. Also the humour is really dated and unintelligent e.g jokes about adult kids living at home bickering like children. There were also gender stereotypes - Celeste's on screen Mum is in the kitchen asking what they want for dinner like it's 1980. Celeste's character is a scatty woman who can't organise her life. It really was embarrassing to watch - I cringed through the first episode and didn't make it onto any others, and definitely not going back to it. Honestly, if this is the best comedy that Australia has to offer then I think it's time to give up comedy. Awful.
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Instant Dream Home (2022– )
Would be better if there was less screaming
24 February 2023
I love renovation shows and this particular one has clearly come about due to producers trying to make renovations as exciting as possible - by doing the renovations in 12 hours. It's very American - lots of jumping around and unnecessary screaming, fake outrage / fake excitement. That said it's still a good watch as Danielle Brooks is adorable, even if she is singing or yelling 24/7.

The bit that let's it down is they helped on most occasions Christian church people (I think the majority were people who ran churches) with millions of slobby, messy kids. None of them are going to look after their houses judging by the filth they lived in first.

Would have liked to have seen people other than the majority Christian church owning people be the recipients. I'm pretty sure disabled and those who have financial issues due to the pandemic and economic downturn are more worthy recipients than these church owners with huge houses who just don't have time to renovate...
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Black Snow (2022– )
Other than Travis Fimmel - bad acting
7 January 2023
Travis Fimmel is always going to be fantastic but everyone else can't act well enough to even be on neighbours. Utterly awful! It's like they are reading off a script right in front of them. Considering Australia has produced some of the world's best actors, the casting in this show is atrocious. The characters also very stereotypically Aussie - I really wish that writers would get past writing characters that are poor, stupid, and bogan and stop trying to be arty and mysterious- Australian writers are not very good at it. It's infuriating. The music and background in the first couple of episodes was bloody awful - amateur hour. I honestly don't know what favours Travis Fimmel owed which led him to be in this show, but he really needs to go back to the UK and act in stuff worthy of his talents - as stuff like this is going to end his career.
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Wish I could give it 0 stars
16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a documentary by two people who have unimaginable privilege and have no understanding of the real world. A complete whinge-fest from whinging about living in a palace built by Christopher Wren because the door frames were too low, to whinging about King Charles (who walked Meghan down the aisle and linked arms with her mother on their wedding day to ensure she wasn't too overwhelmed), to claiming William 'screamed' at Harry in front of the Queen. Please. It seems Harry has adopted the American culture of telling everyone your feelings about everything. Gross. Harry has no self-awareness - he admitted to telling the press his brother was bullying him, and then got upset when the palace denied it. Erm, this whole documentary is meant to be about how the press treated you badly, yet here you are using the press to publish stories about your brother . Eyeroll! Meghan claims the palace never refuted stories about her when they did. On numerous occasions, and they never normally do that! She actually was treated better than Fergie or Di. Harry is so "in" the firm he doesn't understand the British public aren't the media. We read it for gossip, but we don't believe it. British people actually loved them both, and were (and still are) annoyed at their exit - and more annoyed at this petty whinging and throwing the Royal Family under the bus. Is this the Kardashians? Ugh! Please let this be the end of them on this. A pair of delusional, privileged whingers. I think I speak for most people when I say I'd let the Daily Mail call me whatever they want for millions of pounds in salary, a castle to live in, with jobs that consist of cutting ribbons and speeches! Get over yourselves!
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Irreverent (2022)
Proving Australian TV is rarely funny
11 December 2022
This movie consists of Aussie humour that is stuck in 1980 and has the intelligence of an 8 year old boy... I guess Australians will find this funny but the rest of the world will just think it's the height of cringe. Cliches, really awful attempts at jokes that miss 99.9% of the time, and loads of cheesy church stuff that's supposed to be funny but isn't. As well as all that, the actors are crap other than Colin Donnell, Tegan Stimson and. Ed Oxenbould. The rest are shockingly bad, and is just really embarrassing to watch. It's keeping the stereotype of Australia as a blokey culture who are a bunch of idiot bogans - whether true or not, it's just not funny.
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The Dropout (2022)
18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously it is difficult to understand why people went along with Elizabeth Holmes or even liked her for that matter. If Amanda Sigfried played her correctly, she was weird, awkward, over rehearsed and strange. Perhaps this is why people thought she knew what she was doing? Anyway, as far as the as the TV story goes, it was very well done. You are watching with disbelief and intrigue, but also horror. Stephen Fry did an outstanding job of playing Ian Gibbons. It is an absolute tragedy what she did to that man! I hope her guilty verdict is upheld and she spends 20 years in prison. The people whose lives she destroyed deserve justice.
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