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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Strong beginning weak ending
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry maybe 6 is too harsh could be a 7. The first season was great, second starts to become a bit slow but it was alright. I really expected in season 3 some fireworks. Like an epic battle between satu and Diana, now that they both learned some new stuff. Or epic battle against Peter Knox, I was indeed hoping that Sarah would take the lead on that. Even with Benjamin, something more epic. But it was all just a bit rushed. I thought that ysabeau might fight with what's his face for killing her husband. I just think the third season could have been much more. They introduced the additional characters such as Marcus family, etc... but it was all just slightly touched upon. I even would have appreciated an epic battle between Benjamin and baldwin for saving and supporting his brother.... Finally. Congregation stuff was fine, they did invest in a special effect three to make her point. All the rest was awesome, great cinematography, acting character development.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Poorly executed
31 March 2024
Season 3 I watched in 1,5 speed. To many dumb decisions. They needed the family to be stupid to move on in the story. No brainpower was used to even come up with a smart plot. Such a great concept . The idea of keys and the different purposes is brilliant. Lazy writing or lack of creativity to tell this story. The first and second was not THAT bad and I could have lived with the ending. The third season I just screamed at the screen. I wanted to give up at a certain point but well , I pulled through. I cannot stress enough how disappointed I am with this show, it really could have been awesome.
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Saltburn (2023)
I mean.....
15 January 2024
Its not great; its not bad. Fairly predictable first 30 min in. I mean... good solid story. Nothing out of the box or to complex, i found it a pretty straight forward. Good acting, bit weird over the top at times, but once it got weird over the top, I found that it didn't contribute anything of value to the story. Boarderline misleading maybe at times, because you could have interpreted the weird and over the top as him trying to be in control and spin from there. But in the end it didnt matter. I liked the ending, because I would DEFINATELY have done the same thing! I just started laughing when I saw that. Maybe a bit more of the cunning could have been highlighted. He claimed he was working, which was great, but maybe a bit more in dept there. However, you get the point when they touch upon certain things. Good acting all around and very liberating filming style.
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Elemental (2023)
daddy issues
26 August 2023
You can go again all over the place with this story. Telling kids to stand up for themselves. Telling parents to let go of their kids and let them live their lives. And you can explore the whole inter-elemental attraction of two opposites coming together. I think for me I related too much to this story and I actually wished that my parents could have seen this. Im all grown up now, so the damage has already been done in my case. I was completely engaged in the storytelling from beginning till end. No shockers, or high expectations or anything like that. It was well told and ofcourse lovely animations. I will personally not watch this again, as it hits very close to home. No real negative points. I maybe thought that there might be something more behind the hole in the wall, or the leaks or bad guys or something. But no, that was not the point of this movie. It's probably up there with Inside Out, although I find this more on the nose of reality so to speak. Inside Out still had fantasy in the middle, for me (save her personality)
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Cobweb (2023)
Not scary, I laughed at the end
26 August 2023
Well, I first want to start with the ending of this movie. I'm not sure how I feel about if. First reaction was ' is that it', but then I thought, maybe this ending ois better than the usual, cops are called in or the main character and someone else walk away from the scene arm in arm. Maybe this is ending keeps it interesting and open. That said, the first 40 min was as expected. They didn't give too much background in the how what why when. Only that a girl dissappeared some tme ago. Im guessing that I was suppose to to discover together with Peter what was going on, but it was pretty clear where things were going. I was pretty sure that the girl was lying, the parents are just nuts and he had is all wrong. ' Because if he was right the movie would be even more boring'. So there had to be a twist and my guesses where correct. I laughed my head off when those 4 boys entered the house wanting to 'teach them a lesson'. I said to myself, yes byebye boys. I think Lizzy was a perfect amount of crazy. I appreciated her acting more than Starr, which seemed sometimes a bit off and forced. But it felt like they didnt had a lot to go on with either. I didn't like the character of Coleman, but that's just me. Stupid teacher calls back to the house, I was thinking really? She wants to help but didnt know how for the first half and she was scared stiff. I know propbably no valid points for not liking her character. She was just like....there. Waiting for the right moment to come back into the picture because ofcourse she had to be the saviour as there were no other characters around. I liked that the movie was overall grimly lit, like this dark glow with not a lot of color. I will probably forget this movie in a week.
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It was actually ok
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Admittedly I was doing something else while watching this movie, but it didn't seem that bad from the pieces that I saw. I had to many 'oh?' Moments to give it lower than 6. I didn't expect the triple crosses and I actually liked the, for once, to the point killing and not giving to cents at the end of it all. I actually laughed at the end of this movie, because she killed them all or had them killed , and for me the ending meant that she got the money after spending some time in prison and she couldn't care less because she would be rich once she got out. I didn't pay too much attention to the acting performance. I honestly thought that it would be something like, the whole town takes revenge on that guy for loosing their money, then I thought oh no she is going to make it look like her neighbour was the intended victim and get away with murder that way, but nope turns out it went completely differently. Everyone wanted a piece of it, they are all dead now. It was refreshingly not trying to be complicated or smart.
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Black Adam (2022)
It started with an itch
15 August 2023
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I have put off watching this movie and now that I've seen it I was right. Trying hard to be funny but for me they were all misses. All the characters were highly annoying. I couldn't relate to any of them. In fairness not even with Adam. The thing is I don't know if the comic is anything like this, because if it is then I have nothing really to complain about. The justice society went directly in the defense and against black Adam, Brosnan sees the future but nothing really interesting happens with that just his final' battle and his epic speech. They have so called documents in hand but they didn't even know the real story. 1.30 hours in, demon man comes along and we have another action scene where the justice society breaks down half the city. 1.50 battle Adam devil and I must say the splitting in half was indeed awesome. Good effects , good fight scenes and stuff. But still a forgettable movie for me.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Could have been more
14 August 2023
Your standard story, lots of power that someone wants to steal from someone else. It started out great, first 20 min was full of action and mystery. Then for me it went flat. I did not read up or watched the trailer for this. Went in blank. The jokes did not land. The action scenes were ok, fights and special effects were ok but not great. The why of Parker was not strong enough. The backstory and his anger could have been deeper. I think they didn't explore the kings well enough for you to form an opinion on them. Is Parker right or not. Felt a little rushed at times to make time for the action scenes. I did had to laugh when she had to drop down and hit the roof so many times of the Locker to reach the latch, but it wasn't meant to be funny. And maybe the landline thing gave me a slight chuckle. It had nice potential though, the idea of the cards was good. For such a 'standard ' story, the execution should be much better than what they delivered. Or just do a John Wick style, with 100% on stunts and the story is not that important.
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M3GAN (2022)
Nothing more, nothing less
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What to say, a straight forward, no surprises movie. If you just want to switch off your brain or have something on the background, this is perfect. You don't have to pay attention, I was busy doing something else and whenever I zoned out an payed attention again, I could still follow.

Your story is robot gone evil ain't it. I went in neutral, haven't seen any trailers or whatever. I was hoping for something new or surprising but no. They stict with the basic formula: Something terrible happened, smart person makes something out of this world intelligent and learning by itself and adapting, smart person does not think about consequences at all and thinks they can control it, smart person is wrong and machine tries to take over, machine kills people, machine dies in the end. I thought it would emphasize much more on the "megan is trying to protect Cady therefore starting killing people" but it went more on her evolving and I'm guessing that killing was deemed necessary.

I really laughed though when Gemma was explaining the product and said "So parents can focus on the things that matter". Emphasizing her lack of understanding the real world and people with kids and thinking that she knows best what they want or need. It actually made me flash to my own life where I'm surrounded by people making decisions on things they have no clue about. So that was funny.

It all looked good. They kept the robot like features of Megan as real as possible. I haven't had a look at how they made the movie, so I cannot comment on that. In general the movie looked great. Acting was okay. Dialogue I didn't pay too much attention to.
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Could have been smart
11 March 2023
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It was hard to follow at first. Then they where in Italy, then they where in the US. They didn't really explain what was happing and why things where happening. I thought it might come later in the story, why the killings, why kids or young women and not men? The context of the last client was also not reveiled, 'we are simply killing kids, because....we need to for the ritual....that will do something". First 2 kids for the new client(?) where for him personally? Because something big was coming, to then... help the client? I still don't know what the client wanted. They met up in Italy for some reason, then he confirmed when he was apparently back in the States that muti could go ahead. The 2 killings that followed had nothing to do with it, then the client requested a specific killing. I still don't know why. During the investigation they touched upon the reason might be election of some sort, but never confirmed or explained. Then they ended up in a warehouse owned by the client to somehow link him to the story. Why didnt they use his home basement? Everyone assumed it to be in one of the properties he owned and conveniently he only owned 1 building near water. I dont think it was established either that this rich guy deals in buidings. Ritual that we have already seen, so nothing new, was taking place and within 5 min the girl was saved. Not sure what the build up was for 'something big'. They cleverly started with Morgan freeman and him asking the question, what kind of culture would seem insane to you, but perfectly normal in other cultures. We dont see him for the next 35 min. Near the end they announce that Mackles knew the dark muti from meetings in Italy... how that fits in I'm not sure. Does that mean, as Mackles is a white muti, he gave away some stuff and created the dark muti? That is why he went alone to kill him, in order to send the body parts as he explained to the detective that that is a 'real' apology? I think the movie is trying to be smart, but it is not.
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The Offering (2022)
Only for the ending
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Nearing the end of the movie, I said to myself... if evil wins, im giving this a 6. For me it has been some time that ive seen evil win for a change. I would have rated this 1 star to be frank if at the end, they over came and lived happily ever after. That twist was ok for me in todays options of movies. You can perfectly follow this movie, whilest doing something else. The story could have been stronger in my opinion, maybe heavier on the 'taker of childeren', really scare the crap out of the wife and trying to get her unborn kid. They made the decision to give the demon a goat appearance, while this was suppose to be a female demon. 53 min in and still nothing mind blowing or spectacular happening. Chayim gave it all away early on in the movie, which makes the movie even more boring, because there was no research into what was going on. Arthurs character was also very dull, things just happened to him and only when he went by coincidence to the house he stumbled upon information that would help him understand his situation. So my point is, if not for the ending, this is a boring movie....
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Baby Ruby (2022)
and that's why I don't want kids
5 March 2023
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Not heard of this movie, came across it by accident. For me it wasnt as bad. It kept me hesitant until near end, if she was right or just crazy. I didnt read anything before hand nor watched a trailer, thats what maybe kept in interesting for me. Now that ive seen it, its basically a story about postpartum psychosis and how it affects the mother who gets it. Honestly if this is it, i'm even more put off having a baby after seeing this. I didn't think that it would make for an interesting subject for a movie, but seeing it from the mom's perspective, I got carried away in her crazy. Some moments where confirming that there was a conspiracy and then it took another twist. Probably if we could have seen the other side, so from the other characters, how they saw her... would have even given a fuller ending, but the again... its alright how they decided to end this. Being a woman, I actually saw my friend in this as well. Not as far as hallucinating, but definitely lack of sleep and how it affects the mind and relationship with others.
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Sharing Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
An ok story but missing something
16 November 2022
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Not going into the whole terrible acting bit, it was to be expected and all an all within expectations. I rather want to reflect on everything else. The store wasn't really that spectacular I feel. I've seen other stores in other movies, that the christmas spirit just came through the screen, it was that well shot on camera. Here it was more of a meh feeling. I think they could have done a better job making the store look more chiristmasy or festive. I had trouble believing that her dad had a 40 year old lease, or he just looks very well for his age! I understand what they were going for, but I think an older looking father would have helped with that whole effect. Storywise it fell a bit flat in the middle to get things going. Him being in the store "to get to know the store and how special it is", no real transition or link really. This whole thing had nothing to do with the store I feel, he was just in love with her. However, its better than some other Christmas movies I've seen and was fun to watch.
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Best of the worst possibility?
12 November 2022
There is now a minimum requirement of 600 characters to leave a review. So I will try. I actually watched this until 25 min into the movie then I started doing other stuff including cooking in the background. I immediately thought of RLM and how they go through 3 of these movies actually watching them. It's was interesting to see a level lower than a lifetime or hallmark Christmas movie. Quality wise in video and audio is very low. Story wise, I really was distracted after 25 min. I understand what it wanted, Jesus even made an appearance. But for me it just wasnt that engaging and I lost interest fairly quickly. I also switched it off before the end and the movie is only 60 min, and went for something else.
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What were they thinking
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty straight forward story: woman dies, as an angel comes back to fix some thing before she can move on. BUT SHE DOESN'T MOVE ON DOES SHE! No even worse after everything we went through throughout the whole movie, she just comes back too.....live a better life? Again a movie where the writers... wrote this with a crate a whiskey. Let's call the movie "GET her wings " but then at the end a 'twist' ... not dead! Even the message/moral of the story is all over the place. I dont even get it anymore. Technically as we went back in time to undo her dead, didn't we then undo all the work to get that other couple together? If it wasn't for the last 5 min of the movie it would have been a normal b- Christmas movie.
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We Need A Little Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
Needs more Christmas
27 October 2022
I cannot believe that I'm saying this but for me there was too little Christmas in here. The story is actually ok, but it could have been so much more. The acting was off, especially from creepy neighbour lady. At certain points, her acting was freaking me out. This could have easily gone over to a horror movie where neighbour lady gains the trust of the boy and got rid of the mom because she misses having a kid in her life or whatever. The christmas theme was for me not enough to bring the whole thing together. This could have easily been for thanksgiving, or any other 'special day' where she would have liked to have her grandson there and surprise surprise he made it!
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Within expectations
26 October 2022
For me this was well within expectations. Fixing a couples marriage problems, using Christmas to help them out by giving them things to do. It's a hallmark Christmas movie, so bad acting is to be expected. However she didn't annoy me that much as other hallmark actresses do by either overperforming or just having an irritating character. Location was great with Christmas overload, also within expectations.

As for the storyline, yes well, no real value in the side stories such as parents or the romance between artist lady and waiter. Nothing to get really excited about and of course very predictable. No expectations needed for me. On a last note, this one was less annoying than some other hallmark's.
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Ghost Whisperer (2005–2010)
Lots of: Cleavage and crying
18 October 2022
Just switch off your brain and be entertained. Enjoy the cleavages, exeptional fashion choises, ghosts, supernatural etc...Don't think about logic, how, what why. I am impressed with the waterworks. For me it was at times a bit over the top, but then again, don't ask any questions. It was supportable until season 4 then it went down even faster. Some moments, had great build up, but for me didn't deliver in the action. Loved how older actors were also acting out their teen self in high-school. Pushing it a little bit.

HOWEVER, It is a shame that they didn't get the chance to write an ending. I always wondered why networks can't anticipate in advance and give the writers a 1-2 episodes to close the story. Seems stupid to pull the plug and leave stories and even the 5000 people who did enjoy it, hanging.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
I am hesitant to watch season 4
15 August 2022
I was thinking today, what to watch? And I remembered that season 4 came out of stranger things and I just kept procrastinating to watch it. When I thought about it, I remember season 1 really well the upside down, her powers the kids etc..., but 2 and 3, I don't really remember what happened. Something with a shopping mall , an underground lab? And giant monsters. I don't remember the character evaluations who did what, why, when. And I just thought, I can't be bothered to watch it all again. But if I start 4 and I don't get it, I won't enjoy it maybe as much as I could have. I hope season 4 won't be that forgetful.
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Space Cop (2016 Video)
What if they got blockbuster budget?
15 August 2022
I'm am actually amazed with the work that they did and realising this type of quality. It could have been much worse as seen in best of the worst. There were minor beauty hiccups such as the stings showing around 1:21 in the movie. But other than that an overall well made movie with their budget. I also had a look to their "behind the scenes" and again, I'm impressed. I only have it a six because I didn't laugh as much as expected? Don't get me wrong, there were some cleaver stupid jokes in their, but it missed for me the sparkle. I'm not really judging the acting because it falls within expectations. It was good enough for this movie. Although well put together with the fighting, the effects, screen shots, sound etc....it still missed that element to bring it home. If they could pull this off with a tiny budget, I really do wonder if they had more budget and manpower, what they could achieve. But then again, seeing this, sure money would probably open more doors, but this was pretty good visually.
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Outlander: All Debts Paid (2017)
Season 3, Episode 3
I hate claire
5 August 2022
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I had to write something. Simply put, I really hate Claire. And poor Frank.... Didn't get to live a full life because of his values. I felt it coming that something might happen, seeing previous épisodes. But the predictability is ok for me in this case.
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I'm pretty neutral on this one
2 August 2022
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It's not great, it's not that awful either compared to despicable me 3 and the minions. I didn't laugh as much and the minions language felt.... Off? In the Minions it was much better I feel. A bit all over the place as well maybe? Splitting otto and the three for them to learn Kung-fu? Ok.... The power of the jade stone could have been more I feel. I think stealing from his idols is a good simple storyline and the fake death at the end also great ending. After watching the movie it left me emotionless. If I don't watch it again, it's a pretty forgettable movie. Entertaining if you have nothing else.
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Outlander: Untimely Resurrection (2016)
Season 2, Episode 5
Claire is working on my nerves
24 July 2022
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She wants to 'save' Frank, but change the faith of the jacobites. The series started that she was back in 1948 with no sympathy at all for her husband Frank, not even after a few weeks. She knows the mentality of the time, but still insists in risky business. I'm binge watching the whole thing as well. I'm liking all the other characters but Claire is just.... Really annoying. She has 2 men that for some reason are prepared to do anything for this woman.
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Abandoned (III) (2022)
25 June 2022
I'm probably again to stupid for this movie. It left me with more questions at the ending than half way. Very slow, and when it did move forward it was all over the place.
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A lesser hart movie
25 June 2022
Simply put, just a lesser comedy than expected. A so so storyline, boring dialogue, boring scenes. Expected more laughs, not punchlines from hart's previous shows. Story could have been good if not so poorly executed. Harrelson delivered what he could as did hart, butter whole thing just didn't come together.
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