
3 Reviews
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Me Before You (2016)
I loved it and hated it
27 June 2020
Me Before You tells the story of Lou Clark and Will Traynor. Lou has just gotten laid off from her job in a local coffee shop and is looking for a new job. She finds one as a caretaker for a disabled man, Will, at a local castle. Will has next to no movement or feeling from roughly the chest down after an accident that affected his spinal column and is rude, cynical and dismissive. Slowly Clark's slightly crazy nature and view on life melts Will's cynical heart and after a trip they are well and truly in love. I will stop my description of the plot here for fear of spoiling how it all ends, but I understand why it went the way it did and I wish I didn't and it didn't. It touches on something I have personal experience with and I believe that is why it affected me as it did. Even so I figure people can puzzle out what happens (it's not THAT surprising) by me saying that, but at least I'm not saying anything outright. I wholeheartedly recommend this movie, both Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin play their parts both convincingly and beautifully and the story feels very much believable. As with any good romantic film you will need tissues before the credits roll (otherwise you have a heart of stone in my opinion).

8 out of 10, I selfishly took away 1 star because it didn't end the way I wanted hehe :)
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Counterpart (2017–2019)
For fans of low-key sci-fi and the Spy genre
4 February 2018
This series has some very commonplace elements to it that we've all seen before. A mysterious clandestine organisation. A parallell world with doppelgangers of every person on earth. Covert operations where the only people that mostly know what's going on are the show's characters.

I disagree with some of the other reviews here in that resulting mix is bad, however. The music is very fitting and atmospheric. The existential aspects raised when people are faced with themselves (if this had/hadn't happend, would this be me?) are interesting if not exactly new in this sort of setting. The acting feels solid across the board for me, with JK Simmons doing both versions of Howard being the high point. I've seen a lot of comparisons to Fringe, but I think the general feel of the two means it isn't a good one. They share the parallell world aspect, but Fringe was so much more action oriented. Fringe was good, but this is great as well, it just isn't as in your face - This is Sci-Fi, let's show the viewer some crazy shit from another world - as Fringe often was.

Like I said in the title - it's low-key sci-fi. Obviously belongs in the genre, but doesn't hit you over the head with the fact, with people getting shot by lasers, dissolved into goo or turned into monsters constantly. That part pf this review should carry the disclaimer that at the time of writing only 2 episodes are available on the streamingservice I used to view it. Ie they might have such things later on. Thus far though it just strikes me as an enjoyable Noir twist on the classic parallell world plot with a spythriller mixed in. The pacing is slow, but for a show like this one it should be in my opinion. If you're turned off by a lack of action and lengthy bits of dialogue to set the tone for the storytelling, then this isn't the show for you.

If it isn't obvious already, I liked it a lot myself and will most definitely keep watching. The 8/10 isn't due to complaints, it's quite simply that it does not rank as high as my top 3.

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Far Cry (2008)
Not a horrible movie
19 April 2011
I'm going to make this short as I don't know much about how to properly review a movie. Seeing how the director behind this movie is Uwe Boll which, as a lot of you probably know, isn't a very well liked guy I'm guessing that a lot of people gave this a 1 on principle alone, some of them even without having seen it imagine. Bearing this in mind and having just seen it I can say that while it's far from the best movie I've seen it isn't horrible. I'd say not worth buying but renting this for a lazy Sunday or something isn't wasted money. The dialogue could be better and there's not much in the way of character development or anything but it has solid action through and through. Final verdict 5.5/10 - Worth Watching.
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