
53 Reviews
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Toy Story 3 (2010)
best toy trilogy
26 June 2010
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this movie toy story 3 showcases an all star cast with an excellent plot with great intrigue dialoge, character development. the plot unfolds so clear throughout the film and the characters carry on from the previous titles really well i have to say its one of those films thats u will never forget. Tom Hanks voice in it brought a peaceful calm nature to woodie as well as the other cowgirl and several other characters in the film. The avid studio work for this film must have been a large undertaking but still good nonetheless I slightly teared up at the end as the heartfelt moment as they experienced their upbringing and watching andy part with his fellow toys.
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Speed Racer (2008)
did it make the first lap
20 May 2008
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this movie from what I heard did not even make the first lap. Is all I got to say and the fact is does not showcase the main actors talent what so ever. As well as the lovely Christina Richi; does not showcase her talent well either. As well the entire movie looks like a cheap bleach X trip that would not even be worth it if you mixed red bull with it. Do not take your family to see this film. Save yourselves the money get a TV, or take them to Narnia. This film is not what I expected, does not showcase the superior film talent of the Wasabi or whatever brothers. The matrix was their thing and thats it. Find a better place to see this movie like the land of torrent.
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Great movie
20 May 2008
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this movie I have to say was better then I expected, I was expecting this to be a flop out in Compare to the first Narnia, but this movie really did well. The catch is unless you are a 10 year old kid, you will not enjoy this film as much when. Compared to an adult that watches it. From what I have heard this film does not stay that close to the book. The way the potter films did. Now the potter films stayed very close to the narration of the books. Now back to Narnia. Narnia was a well thought out film with good consumes, imagery, light plot, and battle scenes. Barely any violence. be like if GTA, became, nickelodeon theft audio I dunno, or Lizzie Maguire GTA who knows, what would Hilary duff do to people in that game sing them to deaf. get it deaf anyways. One aspect of this film that i really enjoy is the religious symbolism, and clear spiritual aspects of an after life, and world beyond this is what got me the most. And the fact the little girl kept her hope, and faith in Ashlan in spite. of the circumstances. overall good film, if you want Ur kids to be distracted for the evening. put away the nickel bottle, and take them to Narnia.
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Well made 3rd movie another ending at the end
2 June 2007
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This new pirates film is well made, with a pretty good plot, not as good as the first one plot wise but still does not fail to satisfy. the sound quality in the film is very very high I have so say being a sonic hobbyist such as myself I have to say this movie fits the bill well. In terms of special effects etc. it was well done and polished. not as much action as I expected, and calypso wasn't that impressive when her essence was released, but I guess they ran out of money or something who knows. The romance parts of the film stay strong between the two couples, will ends up getting married in the end to ms. easy on the eyes swan. Although he cursed, you get a special thing at the end of the movie. 10 years later. you'l see. I hope they stretch this out. I figure why not I want to see johnny depp act like an idiot again
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in my opinion its funnier then roxbury
2 April 2007
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this movie blades of glory when compared to other movies is pretty funny certainly has more of a developed storyline then the movie 300, well it was 0 by the end since they all got slaughtered bu errors. Then u have to look at the fact this story seems to come up short then other movies. Even lizzie mguire had a stronger storyline, but hey who can complain I mean its will farrel cant go wrong with that. I like the scene when he is on the treadmill and he began to sing the song by that black eyed peas group. my humps, he does it really well. I like his fake passion for ice skating really makes a twist on it. so for sure this is a good movie to see and a winner at the box office for sure.
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300 (2006)
this movie is well done
21 March 2007
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this movie i have to say is well done but not really that good in terms of storyline because of the fact that there is no storyline just guts and glory for 1 hour and 52 minutes. every guy longs for war and battle its built into them, but too much of a good thing will kill you and this is it I have to say it just doesn't make sense ot me these kind of things. I will for sure see this movie eventually when I get a chance. Or when it comes to the cheaper theatre. This movie is not for children and definitely not a date movie unless your wife loves the movie saw or sin city. The graphics etc. are well strung together. so go see this movie its one of a kind.
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TMNT (2007)
looks great, this movie
21 March 2007
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this TMNT movie a movie that is based on a series I enjoyed as a teenager. Probably won't be as good as transformers, but still looks impressive and well strung together. probably wont win any large awards but the recreation of this series is sound. Makes sense since the series and idea of the TMNT sort of died after the cartoon series and lame movies. So for a movie like I will be seeing this for sure because I am an old fan of these green bustards but hey good for kids this movie. popcorn popping movie I am sure manson could take his kids to see this movie. this movie looks interesting. Take the kids to it definitely
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Wild Hogs (2007)
not bad but not that great
8 March 2007
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this film wild hogs looks OK in my opinion really brings these kind of elements together in terms of the tepestry of actors that come in to bring it in this piece. But at the end leaves the viewer in a stump sort of place because he doesn't know whether he wants to be groused out by the flesh hogs or impressed by the acting skill level of the movie. The storyline doesn't sound that strong and this is not anything I would want my kids to go and see. So not really worth the monye in my opinion go and see Christina richies new flick at least she and samuel can draw a bigger crowd and a thick story with some rope laced around it. so that is that is all I have to say
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good film for familiez
26 February 2007
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this film looks pretty good well made plot and storyline unfolds well great for the family to come and see. This fantasy film has a good message in it, about teamwork, not to be bullied and such. They did an interview of the actors etc on TV. It was interesting to see it and the little critters as well. Insects is all I have to say seem to be a distraction especially to me in this movie. The Computer graphics are really well thought out in this film as well as the actor and actress. They picked a good bunch of people to make this movie so get the popcorn and take your kids to go and see this movie. its based off a children's book. pretty unique film I have to say
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Ghost Rider (2007)
plot is not really there unless u a fan of the comics
23 February 2007
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this nicolas cage fun quest is something that he can truly enjoy plying this role because he read the comic books as a child, for me I think the story line is not strong in the story similar not to startship troopers but more so like that of ultraviolet. Shady plot means weak characters means lame ending. But if you are a fan of the comic books and a fan of nicholas cage. or Eva mendes then this film is for you, but possibly not worth the trip to the movies, Alpha dog is good or babel. Check the Oscars this weekend to see some new movies. the flaming head and the chain isapparelty what is the only good elements of the movies besides it being based on a popular comic book.
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the next borat with a badge
23 February 2007
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the next borat with a badge this TV show when it was originally started. Was quite funny and witty in its own respect, way more cleaner then borat. and less hostile towards people groups. what I meant by the borat reference is that this film is going to be as funny as borat, but not as morally, bad. but still there are scenes in this film that would not be good for younger viewers take your kids to go see troy or thunder birds figure things out that way. Alpha dog now thats a film. You can catch this TV show on spike TV, the movie is well put together I like it when the cop cars crash together in the parking lot scene of the cop station it is a really smart way to do it.
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Alpha Dog (2006)
Excellent movie
20 February 2007
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this movie called alpha Dog I found quite interesting and quite a convincing plot. In regards to this Jesse James character that was involved with this underground drug stuff. Justin Timberlake to my surprise did an excellent job in the movie in terms of his acting role, even teared up towards the sight of duck taping the boy. I am not sure what the main boy's name is, but he sure experienced some party life and girls before he died. Some of the homes I am quite fond of. They are well made houses. Justin's character's house was a really good choice to shoot those scenes. The wide angel shot from the Xbox 360 and the TV. Towards the garden really shows how the house fits these kind of scenes. So good storylie, good truth in it, good actors.; Kind of violent and vile language nothing to take your kids to.
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Epic Movie (2007)
epic movie review
28 January 2007
this movie looks like it is trying to steal the thunder of scary movie 4 and other movies that has hit the market. This reminds me of a bad plot of date movie. Even I think some of the cast from that date movie made it into this movie except Alyson. I do like the spoof on superman getting the bullet in his eye that is kind of backwards play on things, but really this film lacks any originality and reminds me of an MTV made movie or one of those things you see at the MTV video movie awards you know. Even the JT matrix spoof has a better plot then this one. By the way that was a good skit that MTV did of that you should go check that out instead of this movie. This movie is a DVD rental for sure
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Smokin' Aces (2006)
Smoking aces review
28 January 2007
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based on my view of the trailer several times I have come to the conclusion I will for sure see this movie because of its solid plot and a great cast of characters. One actor I believe is from Vancouver actually or at least got his career started here who knows. the story is based around this Israel character and people around him just wanting to kill him because of information he knows. Probably has to do with mafia or something underground, which makes sense to the hit men trying to put him out of commission. Maybe he was a runner, messenger or hit-man himself. The question is how well will this movie hit people, I think it will hit well, but wont hit the Oscar bored anytime soon.
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Blood and Chocolate review
28 January 2007
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This film Blood and Chocolate looks interesting with director that has worked with underworld and other creepy sci-fi films I would expect nothing better then this, but I am not sure whether the plot is good or bad. One will have to see the movie to find out I have not sat down to see this film yet, but based on the trailer I have drawn some conclusions. That this film is a definitely 6 out of 10, and that it will not be a box office hit. But for sure it will make some millions in the box office because of the crowds of people out there that were into the Covenent and such movies. So if you are into this kind of semi-horror movies, then this film might just be your cup of tea.
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Borat (2006)
Make Benefit Professionale film
16 November 2006
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this movie was well produced and well put together I have to say. Although some of the political humours and satire may not be acceptable by all audiences. I am still impressed by its artistic integrity and honesty. Reminds of Brokeback mountain and my review on that which is a respectable film in my opinion. The cultural learnings in this film are quite interesting and in depth. Connected to the plot of the story of this journalist learning about America. Cultural understandings one might say and bring it out into the world that his character lives in. In my opinion this is when the Satire begins. I am not surprised at the ratings being high for this movie I mean we live in a country that rates Family Guy is good for babysitting our children.
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The Island (2005)
excellent movie
23 October 2006
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this movie called the Island I quite enjoyed has a lot of depth and a beautiful women in it what more do you need. Well the state of the art car and boat doesn't do too bad in the film either. The Plot is well development with ideas that are crossing in terms of Total Recall and 80's Sci-Fi Movies. Although this film I have to say does not show the originality like a film like the Fifth Element or Blade Runner. I have to say this film was excellent to watch with good story. So for any Science Fiction fan this is a must movie to see alongside your date or lack there of. This is a suitable movie for mature audiences but for people that are younger especially younger children this film might be a bit too graphic.
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Queen Esther story
20 October 2006
this movie is excellent and the story is strong. The Plot is well written and movie is well played out. From what I can tell there is a not bad cast involved with the movie enough to distract you and teach you something in the process. This story is straight out of the Bible so definitely its good for families. The backdrop and background look very interesting and well thought out. Since the film has to reflect the entirety and context of the story. I am sure like the film Gladiator I am sure they went out of their way to do this movie. I personally like in terms of movies from this time is the movie Troy starring Brad Pitt. Yeh the dude looks a bit funny but I still enjoyed that movie Inspite of his fake acting.
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this movie looks interesting
18 October 2006
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this movie looks interesting the flags of our fathers, but from what I can tell is based in one of the world wars with America involved except that it is apparently not that good considering this is like only the second time I have heard about this film. One reviewer said about this film that it was crude. Well based on this I have to say this film doesn't have much to it at all to have someone call it crude. I am not the biggest fan of war movies unless they are science fiction or Lord of the Rings type. So you are going to get a limited review from me today. Personally this this to me does not compare with Saving Private Ryan now that is a movie. Or the Band of Brothers series that is good old fashion war with good plot.
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The Grudge 2 (2006)
interesting movie
10 October 2006
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this movie called Grudge 2 looks really interesting probably as fearful and scary as the first one. I saw the first one a while back and was really entertained. As as freaked out at the same time. This movie for sure is not for younger audiences so don't think you can take your kids to go see it and get away with it. They will come out scared, but yourself if you want to go with a bunch of friends. This is a great film to go and see. In terms of Horror the idea is more of an Asian Horror like film based off the Ju-an series that came out years ago. So I hope you have yourself a fun time and see this movie. The lead actress Geller does a professional job in this movie alongside some new faces.
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The Departed (2006)
interesting film
5 October 2006
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this film looks interesting starring Matt Damon and Leonardo Dicaprio. The plot looks strong combined with a talented cast of characters really build a fantastic story revolved around this head crime boss played by Jack Nicholson. I am no sure of the full story I just know this much. Looks like there is good enough humour in this story to get your attention. The development of the characters should be good as well as the storyline. I wonder what were the quirks on this movie were. Especially when they were on set I am wondering what were the funny things that happened. The director I have to say this film seems like his best effort to date. So I will have to check out this movie.
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Open Season (2006)
30 September 2006
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this movie looks really interesting with its different elements in it of a group of animals. That are having a ball; I heard a lot of things about this movie being good, but you will have to go to the theatre and see this for yourself. There is bear in this movie unless I am wrong, which feeds into the plot of the film. There are a lot of other animals in it as well that have celebrity voices so take this into account when you hear the characters. Just like the voices you hear in the movie Curious George, same kind of concept. This is an excellent family film by far and something that even Lizzie Maguire and her friends can enjoy.
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This movie looks funny
30 September 2006
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this movie looks funny with Ben Stiller in it and a whole cast of characters. I believe this movie will be really big in the theatres, but I guess we will see depending on what happens you know. I have always enjoyed Ben Stiller movies they have a certain originality to then. Authenticity like Adam Sandler movies, with exception to his Mystery Men movie considering that it was a complete flop. The elements in this movie look well considered and ready to please. To bring it all together in the end that makes sense I believe. I wonder about the plot whether it will be well thought out or make sense. We will have to see when you guys go and see this film.
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The Fountain (2006)
deep movie
26 September 2006
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this movie starring Mr. High Jackmen and his theatrics is quite unique. As it talks about this fountain that gives Immortality to whomever that finds it. Then there is a romance in the film that is tied in with the plot which is a good element to the overall plot. I am wondering why Mr. Jackmen has chosen this kind of a role. Quite different from his roles in Xmen or on stage. I would love to see this movie if I had the chance to. Unfortunately It hasn't opened up in Canada. Here in Vancouver we don't get a lot of Indie Films opening up. Or films with small release like this Fountain movie. So by all means go out and see this movie. I personally will when it comes out on DVD.
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23 September 2006
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This movie has Scarlett in it I have to for sure to a review on this one. I like her role in the Island. So Yeh this movie is about an actress being murdered and the cops finding out. It is set around the time of the 1940's in Los Angeles of course. The tapestry of characters in this movie look pretty unique. This was a famous murder case that happened years ago. So I wouldn't mind seeing this movie. Especially with the backdrop of the 1940's I mean those times rocked. I am assuming this movie has violent and such scenes. So its not a family film to give you the head start on that one. So get yourselves ready and enjoy this movie. Hope my review helps.
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