
3 Reviews
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Desolasi (2016)
A simple film but full of lessons
12 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Desolation movies are among the films that I am interested, because of the special effects or CGI. Well, the film is 2/3 of it using CGI. Big claps to Syafiq Yusof. CGI in this film really bad-ass. While many are comparing this film to film outside, I can taste our CGI increased. CGI part I liked most in this film, part KL empty. Nobody there.

For me this film is quite direct, where appropriate for the audience that does not want to think and wait to be fed. Because this film does not leave the question hanging issues to think about. They all answered in this film. Among the questions that could stick in my head;

"Why are leaves green?" The question raised by Aiman (played Syamsul Yusof) when in schools.

"Dad, why did God not give everyone living happy, everyone rich?" Aiman questions to his father (played Jalaluddin Hassan) as a child.

These questions may be asked or been asked. In this film depicts these questions can not be answered by those who are more mature and struck with a cane the boy asked. Here we can see how those who ate more salt can not lose his ego because there are no answers to rebuke the questioner.

In this film, I got two big issues tried to show in this film. First, 'Anton Babinski syndrome'. Information about Anton Babinski syndrome came to me through Desolation. Second, the 'problem'. Being only human like questioning. In this film, Aiman always questioned about the difficulties in its path.

Aiman's character built enough to bring him to the desolation. For me, the character bit ripped off. Aiman as a symbol for us all, think will be the outcome of the tests that came. I have heard of 'how bad you are, do not left the prayers'. That's the quote that comes to me when watching this film.

Desolation film can be categorized religion film. Aiman always in distress, though he care of her sick mother. Looks like he made goodness, but I see that he take care of his mother without sincerity. After that, he was rude with his father because of his hatred since childhood. Every time his father asked, "Did you done your prayer or not?", Aiman will avoid to answer the question. From there, we can know that the message this film want to conveyed.

For example, half of the building, between Aiman with Zahid (played Pekin Ibrahim). Zahid told that clutter passed by Aiman is a test, but responses Aiman, "You do not have to tell me, everyone out there knows that!". This scene made me think about the 'alter ego'.

In addition, the dialogue Aiman with Maya (played Bella Dally) very interesting. When Aiman fun to be in desolation, He had a fight with Maya because Maya wants to get out from realm of imagination that is contrary to the nature of imagination Aiman who think that is heaven.

Aiman questioned, "What is the evidence that we are not in heaven?".

Maya replied, "If this is heaven, this conflict will not happen!".

Then, Aiman questioned again about Maya's situation, "You're 10 years old stuck down here, why do you still pray prayers while you're not granted"

Maya lashed, "We are praying for something or because God is worthy of worship?"

Finally, this film is a great impact. The lesson are appropriate for all levels of society to watched. Sometimes we used to complain of hardships. It makes us forget that we are being tested.

There is one paragraph is really interesting to digest. "Formerly, when I was able to see, I do not see the meaning of life is. Now, God blinded my eyes for me to see what I didn't saw when I was not blind."

In terms of character, there is little part that I got interrupted. That part of Aiman get blind. For me, doing blind character quite difficult. Eyes of the blind can be opened some eyes or saw white eye only or closed. But, the choice made in this blind of Aiman's eyes is open. Blind eyes open, I think, eye pupil should focus at one point only. I mean, stay motionless. However, Aiman's blind eye in this film, do not make me believe because a bit wild. Zahid's character also, when he sat on the bench with Aiman, I saw him a bit off- character because of suddenly his disability gone while sitting. The father character, rather mumbling in the car with Zahid after make a police report.

Anyway congratulations to all parties that involved to succeed this film Desolation. Another movie take on my own charts. Not wasting the money that I pay to watch. I give this movie a whole 8/10. There is more that can be improved.
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A film that is a bit heavy to be watched if fatigue.
6 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
'Hanyut' is a film that is a bit heavy to be watched if fatigue. The beginning of this movie almost makes me sleep tiredly because I am not among those who had an interest in history. But this film is a film that awaited by public.

Starting from buying a ticket, I could see a lot more empty seats. Indeed, the Malaysian film lukewarm. Many prefer to watch foreign films. For me, the Malaysian film is getting better.

In view of this, I can feel that this film is not a comprehensive history. The setting is only used in those days, 18++ years. The issues raised was the issue of family and love.

Through this film, I can feel how you feel forced into marriage and children born trapped amid bickering parents. A mother who wants her child according to the local way of life and a father who wanted his son to follow a more luxurious way of life such as English.

In terms of dialogue thrown, I was a bit confused by the word used substitute yourself. Are intentional or overlooked. Sometimes they substitute themselves for using the word 'mereka semua' sometimes use 'diorang'. I was confused because of the time whether it already exists.

Next, in terms of acting, I love acting by Sofia Jane. Acting as a mother who has a pain in her left an impression. Just as with the other actors.

Scenes died bodies, who said that it remains Daim, indeed I can speculate that it is not the body of Daim. I just can not quite sure that dead bodies, who used to replace it.

The entire story, I can give 8/10. Congratulations to the production. Maybe I'm tired after an overnight shooting. That's why I feel this film is quite heavy for me to receive. Anyway, let's support the Malaysian film. Go watch in theaters while still within the showtime.
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Munafik (2016)
This movies make me cry
15 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, well done to those involved in the making of this film. Congratulations, you have made me go watch a Malaysia movie at Cinema again.

For me, Munafik is a film that has produced very good.

Starting from the script. dialogue in the script makes me amazed. Its like I'm reading academic books because it has lesson and for me it's not a waste of words. Issues raised in the script also makes me think like this "Its true as well, I never thought that thing as well" '"Ha ah, sometimes I also want to ask that thing." One of dialogue that make me think like that is "Why Allah sometimes use the 'I' and sometimes use 'we' in His words. As a direct grant and I accept it as the correct answer is "Allah uses 'we' to mean 'Allah and His greatness'. Another, the script reprimand the Malays of foul nature of existence such as envy and continue with "shame or embarrassment Malay or Muslims? Which is more important?". Such as archery equipment to the liver. Not forgetting the 'was-was' issue infused in this film. Because little doubt that facilitate the devil astray.

The story line of this film makes Munafik passed with quite fast tempo. I mean, I did not get bored with the story. Frankly, the are spoiler in this story. But I reject the edge of things. If I ever thought I would question how he show such hypocrisy. So I put myself as an audience that does not know anything of this story. I wonder who the real hypocrites? If we follow the story, starting with the Shah - gravedigger (if not mistaken), go to Mother, go to Maria, go to Pak Imam and Ustaz Adam placed all round the issue or allow I think they are hypocrite. At the end of the story, the plot twist.

The characters in this film made me accept his character, especially the character of Mary supported by Nabila Huda. Different character appears clearly. Its delivery possessed character did not like the habit of screaming so much like I saw before and I did not understand what was being said.

Adam's character supported by Syamsul Yusof also able to make me excited. Especially when she cried while she dreams and see his wife in scene him when the accident. I do not see scene before the tears down to tears down was cut scene. Both of these characters managed to bring it up to my emotions.

For dialogue delivered, I'm a little troubled by some characters. Monotonous. Intentional or didn't noticed? But disgrace was closed by concern of other elements. Dialogue also thrown with clear pronunciation. I mean, when Arabic used. Perhaps the actor learn and understand the meaning of the term and 'makraj' in its Malay language first. 'Ruqyah' verses and verses are read clearly without the fade- out of the mouth reading mute.

Two things I respect most in this film is the actor genitalia care and limit body contact. For me all the actors genitalia maintained even when she was possessed. Matted hair does not need to look like a ghost. I also like the contact level even in a state of fear, Maria does not hug Ustaz Adam rather. If other movies (not all films) if we fear we must hug someone close to us. I hope people see what Syamsul want to convey.

Finally, I can watch that the Malaysian film directors keep these two things. Thanks Syamsul. You made me cry to watch this movie. The prayer part in time of termination of this movie literally made my fragile heart pray along with you.
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