
55 Reviews
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Supernova (II) (2020)
Acting masterclass by Tucci and Frith
3 May 2024

WOW !!

WOW !!!

A beautiful story of love and loss within the provided theatre of the acting masterclass Tucci and Frith give. It's not easy to act. Seriously stunning performances. At the time of writing this was discovered on Netflix (Apr 2024). The score is for the performances alone. Great supporting cast.

Watch this. Now.

Charting the relationship between a couple as heartbreaking dementia slowly strikes, intersects, affects, and strives to drive a wedge between the so much in love duo. Be absolutely sure you have. BIG BIG box of tissues to hand. Dare you to keep a dry eye. Go on..
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Constellation (2024)
Original, realistic, engaging, finely woven, thought provoking quality series. Sci-fi at its best.
9 April 2024
It is always astounding when someone watches one episode of anything and is able to write a review; well, a review of one episode which is both pointless and dumb beyond comprehension.

If you do not have an attention span, nor are unable to stop playing with your phone for an hour you will hate this because you will absolutely have no idea what is going on.

This is a clever, thought provoking real sci-fi series that must have your full attention. In two episodes, I won't say which, are concise and easy to understand explanations of the science behind the premise, if you are unfamiliar with it, that makes it all make sense. The cat is a stroke of genius.

Original, realistic, engaging, finely woven, thought provoking quality series. Sci-fi at its best.
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Fast X (2023)
Great film. What did you expect...!
5 January 2024
What I can't understand about the bad reviews here is how is this film any worse than the preceding ones? Or better? What was actually "good" about 9...or 8.

I thoroughly enjoyed this piece of utterly entertaining absolute tosh of the highest order with a plot somewhere but who really cares bout that. It was no different to the previous films, except for no garage scene where both acting and dialogue plumbed new abyss depths of awfulness - something "fans" don't notice which has got to give you an idea if where they come from, car chases, car explosions, girl fight, and all the exact same tropes as found in the first film which have always been in every film.

If you enjoyed 8 and 9 you'll enjoy this. Two hours flew by.

Mission Impossible, James Bond et al of similar ilk are all "rubbish" films but are entertaining ones.

Have fun, watch this one.
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The Winter King (2023– )
Enjoyable historical romp
2 January 2024
Why do some people suffer so. It's a mix of fiction with a bit of history thrown in. Of course it's not realistic, of course it's inaccurate, and most importantly of course it isn't faithful to the book because TV is NOT a book. TV and film NEVER stick to the book. You know this. You know you're going to be upset so why torture yourself.

Would a fifth century person say "gotta minute". Of course they would. How really daft to suggest otherwise.

How can you possibly write a review after one episode. What do first episodes do. Yes, they introduce characters plot and story so not much happens whilst all this goes on.

The dialogue can be simplistic at times, just as it was in The Last Kingdom. I have enjoyed this series, despite not having read the books for self-flagellation, for the romp it displays through this time. The story moved along nicely, the acting fine although the editing and production can jar occasionally where it can't seem to make up its mind what it wants to do. I look forward to the next series.
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Brilliant homage
6 November 2023
I guess this is the film Kenneth Branagh always wanted to make.

No spoiler that someone dies and Hercule Poirot solves the murder. A pretty standard whodunnit.

Giving this a score is very difficult as the plot is pretty standard, well executed and excellently performed.

If you are a cinema fan from German Expressionism through to Film Noir. From the masterpieces of "M", "Citizen Kane" and "The Third Man".

The film is soaked in homage to these styles, expertly done, I bet the cinematography and lighting crews had field days actually putting into practice all that hard stylistic study. This film is a real treat for any fan. Far too many shots make you drool over the sheer quality of composition, lighting, angle...

Having come to the end of this I have decided to give this a 9 for the homage of excellent quality to styles of the past. The standard plot et al is probably worth a 6.5.

You like old B&W films? You will LOVE this. Drown in its class. I shall certainly be watching multiple times.
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Bodies (2023)
Original, astounding story
25 October 2023
Before I get onto anything else let's make one thing very clear.


Do not play, look at or fiddle with any electronic device, or anything else, or talk will not follow the story. You will not follow the characters. You WILL miss context and relevance and nuance e.g. Why the time travel guy is a VITAL part of the story. Just watch and listen. Sometimes it's just one sentence that explains a lot.

Some reviews mention political nonsense and these reviews only revel the authors overt bigotry because they DIDN'T PAY ATTENTION.

Having got that out of the way what about this series.


Just astounding. Brilliant. Original. Great performances. Lots of threads to piece together that fit like a jigsaw puzzle that slowly reveals itself.

It's about time travel, no spoiler here, and how it affects different ages. The time travel nude man is the key to these ages.
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65 (2023)
1 October 2023
Erm...well...erm... If you are bored, and by bored I mean you have already chewed off your foot and are trying decide which other part of your anatomy you will dentally engage with, this film will lesson your feelings of loss, disappointment and general malaise by a good millisecond or two.

The entertainment fulfils its promise by rolling out virtually every cliché this genre has to offer in an attempt to bulk out the running time. Links between these clichés are, well, just boring. What happened then (I assume that you have just awoke from a well deserved power nap) will not help. This redefines the whole concept of suspend belief, or rather suspend disbelief.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
Score reduced from solid 8 to 5
1 September 2023
The third, and final, series has now finished.

That Netflix cancelled the series enabling only the ultimate series had led to rather a confused, hurried and disjointed pattern as they try to conclude the story in only 6 short episodes. An 8 or a 10 part final series could have really made those storylines mesh better and introduce more coherency.

Why do I not like the last series? I have reduced my score to a 5 whereas 1 & 2 are a solid 8.

Well...strange unresolved and newly introduced giant plot black holes. I'll try to do this without spoilers but it will give you something to look out for...possibly.

With the final premise we have: Why did that physical change happen to Thor in 1&2?

Why were new diagnoses introduced in 3 which were not mentioned previously but upon which the conclusion now tries to support itself?

Why were those people at Thor's house?

Did Thor really kill the Jutul character?

Why did the bad guys suddenly decide to change and be the good guys?

What happened to Jormungandr? Given the police it did exist, possibly.

And why, why, why, why

If you don't mind the giant holes please watch it as it's very different to a host of stuff available.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Great slow burner 8 1/2
26 August 2023
It is always a surprise, although this diversion of wasting my time is becoming somewhat tiresome, that dreadful reviews can be given after only watching 1, 2 or 3 episodes when there are 10 to get through. Not only does that usually mean no attention was paid during those few episodes (I bet nobody with one of these scores ever noticed the connections. Phones and no attention span are such killers) but that they don't really know what's going on and why.

So to the chase mes braves. This is a series for grown ups. Ideal for those that read books, can follow a story and pay attention. It is excellent. Cleverly put together as the intertwining stories merge to the subject of what an alien invasion would actually be like. No giant space ships, no lasers, no bangs, whoops and delusion.

It burns slowly but gradually with greater brightness.

Want something different? Try this!
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You MUST watch this.
18 July 2023
Wow, wow and more wow.

You watch Timothy Spall in something and go...what a good performance...and then you watch this. Wow! It has award stamped all over it.

Anne Reid, who I think is one of the UK's much underrated actresses, shines like a supernova in her portrayal of Anne.

Éanna Hardwicke? Yes, I know. I haven't heard of him either. Wherever he's been hiding then this superb creepy, manipulating, hazy devil's portrayal is absolutely top notch and you should be seeing more of him no doubt.

The remainder of the cast put in fabulous performances in this four part excellently written and paced "true story".

You MUST watch this. This makes the Licence Fee top value.
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Another Stephen Knight masterpiece
1 May 2023
One of the great mysteries of today is why pedantic masochists who have read the book then watch a series decry a series whine pitifully because "it is not in the book", it's not like the book" it's not...not...not...not....

My how they must have REALLY hated Stephen Knights's Christmas Carol.

I loved this version and applaud the great performances. Like "A Christmas Carol" a very dark retelling of the story which is well crafted; from the apparent crooked business of some characters to the delightful twist of their good hearts. The despair of the unrequited love and the slow revelation of self.

Fools who decry it whilst not even bothering to watch a whole episode do not deserve such quality programming and should retreat to their beloved book versions to avoid such disappointment at their own attention span.

Great series. Watch it.
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Most enjoyable
13 April 2023
Why do people who have read the book ever bother to view a film they know from the outset they will hate because - insert whiny voice- "it's not like the book". Why not save yourself the agony.

As a counterpoint I have read the book, and thought this adaptation was most enjoyable. You can't really describe anything without spoilers. Ut it bowls along with a great sense of humour -mfor some of which paying attention is rewarded.

If you haven't read the books give them a go as there are seven in the series and explore the idea in greater details. This will be good should get round to making a sequel.
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A classy Gothic thriller
13 January 2023
A top class Gothic thriller beautifully crafted, and shot, with atmosphere a plenty as the story slowly unfolds. If attention span is not your thing you will hate it as concentration is required - likely forming the low scores.

Christian Bale is magnificent and Harry Melling is starting to come into his own as he gets better and better as an actor. These are supported by a top drawer cast to weave this tale.

The scene near the end between Bale and Melling is an acting masterclass - stunning.

The story unfolds at a good pace against a rather grim and miserable backdrop of winter which loads the film up with huge atmosphere.
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The Father (I) (2020)
stunning performances
19 April 2022
Stunning performances by Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Coleman.

An unusual film about dementia which may, or not, confuse you as you go along until you realise what is happening.

An original point of view superbly crafted.

A must see.
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Barbarians (2021)
12 April 2022
I watch things like this so you don't have to.

Complete drivel.

I implore you to use 1 hour and 30 minutes of your time to so something useful; paint drying, an oak tree growing.

I have given this three stars only because I have seen films even worse than this mish mash.
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Dodger (2022– )
Great children's series
10 April 2022
What voters and some reviewers do not understand is that this is a CHILDREN'S series made for CBBC. It appears that the CBBC logo onscreen isn't enough. It really does make you wonder.

This a well conceived and well written series using a smattering of top drawer actors. It's strewn with humour, fantastic characterisation and the absurd.

Remember it is for children, and enjoy it for what it is.
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The Quiet One (2017)
Low budget gem
9 April 2022
Stumbled across this on Amazon Prime.

This is a low budget (very low budget) gem of a film telling a simple story very well. The sound can be a bit hit and miss at times - low budget remember - but nicely paced.

It's short and gets on with telling the story with no,pointless padding.
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The Long Goodbye (I) (2020)
Great short with a strong message
28 March 2022
It is a shame that allegory is wasted on so many people - IT'S NOT MEANT TO BE REAL!

The words are easy to understand if you pay attention.

A great short that gets its TRUE message over very well. You may have experienced this message, or must know those who have, or may be one for whom the message is aimed.

Riz Ahmed gives a deeply felt depth.
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A great film noir style
19 March 2022
Why should you watch this film... Directed by a master is one. Great performance by Bradley Walsh. Stunning performance by Cate Blanchett - like a shark eyeing up its prey.

Truly outstanding cinematography. I was for forced to rewind occasionally to see that shot again.

Then, at the end...the connection to Amberson Carnival is a typical GDT nod to past masters.

A most enjoyable film that rewards paying attention and marvelling at the cinematography to fully immerse yourself.
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The Last Bus (2021)
Classy film making
18 February 2022
A story about a bus journey. Just fantastic film making, and an outstandingly magnificent performance by Timothy Spall.

Nothing happens. Just this journey interspersed with flashbacks as to why he is making it.

You may need tissues handy.
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Boiling Point (I) (2021)
A solid 9
8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An amazing insight into a restaurant where the wheels are coming off; from an inept manager to the chef trying to cope with his family pressures.

Shot as a handheld documentary this production sings with the outrageously superb performances and gritty relism.

There are the usual restaurant nightmares of the exceptionally rude diner to those who think they should afforded special treatment because they are dicks.

The ill diner was a bit too long and WTF was no epipen present. That aside this is a highly entertaining, gripping drama.
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The Girl Before (2021– )
A many layered thriller
26 December 2021
Attention span needed.

This slow burning thriller is excellent. Layer upon layer upon layer is slowly revealed. These layers keep the story moving nicely adding further complexity and, of course, the first episode sets everything up.

Well worth watching.
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Fabulous film
20 December 2021
You have never seen anything like this before. Great performances, especially the gem by Michael Sheen. True quality.

If you can't follow a plot nor have an attention span you will hate this film. If you have both just watch it and enjoy the roller coaster ride.

Soooooooo origininal.
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Landscapers (2021– )
Wow!! Wow!! Wow! A triumph.
10 December 2021
It is unlikely that you have seen anything as original, imaginative, and insightful as this in a long while.

Gobsmackingly outstanding performances by Coleman and Thewlis. Directing that shouts TALENT EXTRAORDINAIRE.

Watch this without prejudice.
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Hellbound (2021– )
Great social commentary
25 November 2021
The first episode, as in everything, tends to be slow as characters are introduced, but... This requires an attention span and once given and applying critical thinking you can easily see that this is a searing black satire on the state of the world, the power of the internet, people's disinterest in the suffering of others as shown when a man when being torn apart everyone is more interested in filming the event on their phone.

Some characterisation is a bit flat but that's not the end of the world for this series.

A compelling, thoughtful series that deserves a watch.

It does make you wonder if this based around the Orange Peril no longer in office. Vigilante groups whipped up by the internet....
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