
43 Reviews
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Actually Decent Compared to the Other Live-Action Remakes
29 April 2023
One of my all-time favorite movies is The Green Knight (2021) by David Lowery. His deep philosophical take on Arthurian Legends and his compelling symbolic capture of the Hero's Journey has always been very close to my heart. Now, this is going to be a very quick review because while I liked a lot of things out of Peter Pan & Wendy, I might compare it to The Green Knight (2021) for I find that movie to be far superior. I'll begin by saying that I thought this movie was pretty solid and quite enjoyable.

I'll go ahead and list what I liked about it: first of all, this movie looks much better and more compelling than pretty much all of the Disney live-action remakes. Unlike those movies, David Lowery actually put effort into making this movie come alive and tried to be creative through his directorial style. Jude Law is excellent as Captain Hook, and in many ways, he pretty much carried this movie on his back. I also really liked how Lowery changed most of Captain Hook's backstory, and he tried and succeeded at making this version of Hook more sympathetic compared to his other versions.

The music was also quite enjoyable to hear, though I find the soundtrack in The Green Knight (2021) to be far more memorable and satisfying. The music in that film had more of a symbolic and interesting approach for its Arthurian setting. All the kid actors, especially Peter Pan and Wendy, really gave it their all. David Lowery sure knows how to make both old and newer actors feel dynamic and complex while he puts them as these characters. The characters themselves are quite enjoyable, and I was quite surprised to see how lively and creative Lowery made all the pirate characters.

And... that is where my praise ends. The movie looks and sounds spectacular, and while taking some liberties, it still manages to be way better than all the Disney live-action remakes. This is now where I give y'all some of the more major problems and how The Green Knight is better at tackling such themes and nature than this film. Most of the time, we see that Peter Pan and Captain Hook were once best friends who became bitter enemies. This was a change that I applaud the director for changing as it makes them very deep characters compared to what we've seen from the other live-action Disney stuff.

What The Green Knight (2021) does way better is how Sir Gawain's journey of proving himself as a knight and his becoming ready to finish the game with the Green Knight proves that he is more than a man who keeps his word. We see how he grows, how he overcomes his problems, and how he finds his inner-knight to throw everything away to prove that he is ready to finish the game. With Peter Pan in this film, we don't really get how this all happened in the first place, we are just told that it happened, and we are told to just roll with it. Every other problem with this movie lies with the fact that I've seen some of these concepts done much better in David Lowery's other films, yet I still admire how both his directorial style and charm save this film.

Peter Pan & Wendy is nowhere near the disaster that the audience is saying that it is. It's simply a movie that links with Lowery's style of how he takes characters and symbolizes all of them. His philosophical approach to Captain Hook, Wendy, and Peter Pan may not resonate with younger audiences, but I understand the approach and why he decided to tackle them in this way. In many masterful ways, this movie is The Green Knight (2021) for younger audiences, but the majority of the flaws I've noticed here is simply seen in way better movies that he's done such as A Ghost Story (2017). But what this truly accomplishes in my opinion is being a million times better than any of the garbage remakes Disney has put out and what they are about to put out later.

It's not my favorite movie from David Lowery, but I still found it to be a pretty solid adventure with some fairy dust added to the mix. 👌🏽
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Cruella (2021)
Not Too Bad
30 May 2021
I truly have no idea why this movie was made. I really don't know who thought to themselves, "We need an origin story about a popular villain and let the viewer have sympathy for the character." It's an idea that works well with the Joker, because it's implied in the comics that the Joker did something in his origin that made him what he is now. It's pretty dumb to give a character like Cruella an origin story because it's never mentioned nor explained about what kind of life that character lived. Now that I got that off my chest, what did I think about the movie?

Well... it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. In fact, it's pretty solid. It's nowhere near as bad or as awful as the live action remakes. In fact, I can totally see why people seem to love this movie and give credit. But it's not as great as that freaking high audience score on Rotten Tomatoes would tell you.

It has a decent script, good cinematography, good visuals, surprisingly great voice acting by Emma Stone, the soundtrack is fine, and the editing fits in this kind of movie.

Overall, Cruella wasn't too bad. It's not anything I love, yet I don't hate this movie like I thought I would. I thought it would be much worse than Maleficent and the Disney remakes, yet it's not a travesty of a movie like Mulan. It's just not anything I would watch again nor bother to pay $30 extra just to see a brand new movie (which is dumb, because a new movie by HBO Max and Netflix is FREE).

So yeah... it's not great, but it's not horrible.
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Resident Evil Village (2021 Video Game)
The Very First Contender for 2021 GOTY is Here!
7 May 2021
I'm going to go ahead and say that Resident Evil is one of my favorite game franchises out there and the remakes, while not perfect, were definitely a joy to play through. The Resident Evil movies are awful and ruined the image of the franchise for most people. Resident Evil VII and Resident Evil 2 Remake tried and succeeded at bringing the franchise's core elements to a massive and wider audience. And now we have Resident Evil Village, a game that not only allowed me to view this series with another eye, but allowed me to come and realize that this series has truly redeemed itself.

Resident Evil Village combines elements from Resident Evil VII and Resident Evil 4, and they have done a magnificently great job. The storytelling in this game is horrifying and reminded me a lot of The Haunting of Hill House and Bly Manor. The gameplay is addictive and feels easy for both old fans and newer fans. The atmosphere is definitely horror-filled and immersive. The voice acting is really good; it's like watching a new horror show that isn't cringe-worthy and lifeless. The music is satisfying to listen to, and it's one of the best soundtracks I've heard from this franchise.

It feels original and the replay-value is high with this game. Resident Evil Village is definitely a huge contender for 2021 Game of the Year. A lot of Resident Evil content over the years made it to the Game Awards. That alone makes me happy for the future of this franchise and what the future has in store for future horror games. This game is awesome and certainly worth your time and money!
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
How to Make a Video Game Movie
10 April 2021
This is literally how you do a video game franchise justice. I knew this movie would be amazing judging from the trailers and I was amazed by everything! Mortal Kombat is one of my favorite franchises in existence and I'm very surprised at how good this movie is. Hiroyuki Sanada IS Scorpion, hands down! A fantastic adaptation of the games with a decent story, great cinematography, good, yet noticeable CGI, amazing voice acting, a great soundtrack, and good editing.

This right here is the secret recipe of how much respect you can have for a game franchise and be such a fun ride from start to finish. WOW, Warner Bros has been on a roll with these newer movies. First, we had Zack Snyder's Justice League, Godzilla vs Kong, and now this great film. Definitely check this movie out on HBO Max!
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Glorious Insanity!
27 March 2021
This is definitely better than Godzilla: King of the Monsters, I'll say that right away! That movie is all spectacle and mayhem, but the storytelling in that movie kinda keeps it away from being the Godzilla film I wanted to love. I still adore Godzilla (2014) and I thought it was a great movie overall. Godzilla vs Kong was definitely the Monsterverse film that I wanted to see since the beginning!

The storytelling in this film is interesting enough to keep me intrigued whenever Godzilla and King Kong are mentioned. I loved how well they treated Kong in Skull Island and I think that movie is brilliant in nearly every aspect. Not excellent writing in this movie, but the writing is good enough to keep me from being bored. The human aspects are still kind of an issue here, but they're not as bland and uninteresting as they were in King of the Monsters. They're actually good characters!

The action in this movie is absolutely jaw-dropping! As a fan of both Godzilla and Kong, I guarantee you're gonna love everything about the action in this film. The music is great, the CGI looks like a recent PS5 cutscene, and it's very insane from start to finish. I'm very glad to hear most people like this film and I'm pretty glad to hear first reviews for this film are very positive. Meaning that this may be the Kaiju movie American and Japanese fans are dreaming about!

Give this movie a try. Godzilla fans and King Kong fans are definitely in for a treat!
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Dota: Dragon's Blood (2021–2022)
Probably the closest we'll ever get to a Fire and Blood Anime!
25 March 2021
For some who don't know, Fire and Blood is a prequel to the Song of Ice and Fire series written by George R. R. Martin. House of the Dragon is the name of the new Game of Thrones show that will be on HBO sometime this year or next year. Anyway, DOTA: Dragon's Blood is not only an incredible anime, it's the anime that 3D animated abortion, Dragon's Dogma, wanted itself to be. It's also not only that, it will remind fans of Castlevania because of its tone and atmosphere that show shares! It's definitely an intriguing anime. It starts off awesome and ends on an awesome note. The story is a gripping narrative that I really want to see more of in future anime. The soundtrack is great, the voice acting is good, and the animations are breathtaking to look at. This anime is definitely my cup of tea. It reminds me a lot of Fire and Blood mostly because of how much it references humans being aligned with dragons and how familiar humans are to those dragons. If you're looking for a great anime to start off Spring 2021, this is definitely an anime for you. Excellent storytelling, excellent animations, excellent voice acting, and excellent music. This is yet another must-see anime on Netflix!
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Tom and Jerry (II) (2021)
There's nothing special about this.
27 February 2021
This movie is Yogi Bear (2010) and The Smurfs live action remakes all over again. It's literally the most boring concept being done over and over again. As a Tom & Jerry fan, there's nothing really that much to like about this movie other than Tom & Jerry themselves. A really good thing about this film is that they don't talk. Thankfully, it's not offensively bad and it's not shockingly bad. It's bad in a very, VERY boring way. The old cartoons had heart, had soul, had emotions, and all of them leave a special place inside me because of how nostalgic they are. There's nothing nostalgic about this movie. It's just them cashing in on the series name, it doesn't look appealing, and I'll definitely need to drink a huge cup of coffee because of how much it puts me to sleep. If you're a Tom & Jerry fan, avoid this one!
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Vikings did one thing correct that Game of Thrones did not.
4 January 2021
The Ending!

Vikings is easily one of the greatest shows I've ever seen. I'll go out my way and call it a television masterpiece. In fact, I truly believe this show to be a show that should be known and viewed by anyone who wants a good show to watch. People love comparing this show to Game of Thrones in terms of scope and storytelling. Call me basic, but I still love Game of Thrones, despite the last two seasons of that show.

The difference here is that the ending to Game of Thrones ended way too quickly and the fast-paced execution of the final season held it back from being the finale I wanted to like. Season 8 of GoT wasn't any good, but I didn't hate it. I still think it's one of the greatest shows to ever exist and a show that carries a special place in my heart. However, there isn't a season in Vikings that I didn't love. I LOVED every single season in Vikings.

It has been such a fun, fantastic ride that I had with this show. This show has stuck to me in ways that will take more than a review to put in contacts with. Vikings has everything I ever wanted in a show revolving around the Viking setting and what makes a fantastic tv show: lovable MCs, epic battle sequences, amazing cinematography, stunning visuals, a great cast, and an astonishing soundtrack from Einar Selvik. Game of Thrones has those elements as well, but only in the first six seasons. Vikings has these elements and it NEVER lost that momentum!

The story of Ragnar Lothbrok is easily one of the greatest pieces of fiction ever put on television. I love the character, the raids that he led, and the continuation of his saga with his sons. Bjorn Ironside is the strongest of all of his brothers and Ivar the Boneless is definitely the most intelligent and most interesting out of every son of Ragnar. The way they are all presented and the way they expand the story is something that can never be matched. The other viking characters are great, as well.

I know I might be called out on this, but Vikings will always be a show I will look back to when it comes to talking about great shows. It is an S-tier show all freaking day if you ask me. I know there might be a show out there that you might like more than Vikings and do kindly let me know if there is a show out there that will make me cry at the end. I did cry to the ending of Game of Thrones... but not in a good way. I was sad at the ending of that show, because the writing in its last two seasons was so bad that I felt empty inside at what happened to every character and all the prophecies meant nothing now.

I have grown so attached to every character in Vikings and felt heartbroken at whatever fate they encountered. With that being said, there are a few things Vikings did better than Game of Thrones (the major one being the ending) and there were a few things GoT did better than Vikings. I love both of these shows and both of them are shows I hold dear inside of me. Vikings is a modern masterpiece, but it's not perfect nor flawless. There is no such thing as a flawless show (sorry, Breaking Bad fans), but there are shows out there that will always be in my brain and shows that will never leave my heart... and that honor belongs to this show.

Please, watch this fantastic show if you haven't done so. It's absolutely incredible!
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You Won't Find Any Good Writing In This Movie.
16 December 2020
Yeah, this movie is really dumb. But good lord, I can't recommend it enough. It is really unapologetically edgy at times, yet it does kinda capture the nature of the games to a certain degree. I found the modern setting to be lacking, since machine guns were not part of the style of Monster Hunter. From a subjective perspective, it's pretty good and it's a solid popcorn film for Monster Hunter fans.

There is nothing good about the writing. The writing in this movie is so bad, that it moves literally all over the place and lots of stuff are introduced and you won't even know why they bothered. All the characters in this movie are likable, but they do the stupidest things and bring their team down to a laughable degree. Milla Jovovich's character switches personalities for some reason. She isn't afraid of gigantic monsters, yet she is literal plot armor when it comes to saving her crew. From a narrative perspective, it's hilariously bad.

To sum it all up, Monster Hunter is a dumb movie with a lot of things to like from the games and plenty of action for fans of the games to enjoy. If that's all you really came for... well, this is the movie for you.
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Cyberpunk 2077 (2020 Video Game)
It's a fantastic game, however...
14 December 2020
So far, Cyberpunk 2077 is lots of fun and one of the most immersive games I've played in a while. So far, I'm deeply addicted with the game's story, the gameplay is great, the sound design is awesome, the music is perfect, and the voice acting is superb. However, the bugs and glitches do hold it back from being the gaming masterpiece that a lot of people were expecting from a game company like CD Projekt Red. Today, they are ushering a whole library of updates coming for both PC and consoles!
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Fatman (2020)
The Movie That Pretty Much Explains Why Die Hard is a Christmas Movie
3 December 2020
This movie has all the laughs and giggles you can expect from an action-comedy movie about Christmas. Mel Gibson is not your average evil Santa you see in other Christmas movies. Instead of sitting down and worrying about how kids are naughty, this Santa brings matters into his own hands and starts a war he might or might not win. It has loads of action, plenty of comedy, and excellent voice acting from Mel Gibson. Fatman may not be one of the Christmas movies you should show your kids, but it is up there in being a Christmas movie I'll rewatch for the pleasure of it!
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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (2020 Video Game)
One of the Greatest Assassin's Creed Games Ever!
10 November 2020
I've been excited for this game for a long, LONG time. This might shock you, but I really liked Origins and Odyssey. I didn't love those two games, but I can see why both of them won critical acclaim and why they went into the Game Awards for game of the year. Again, I enjoyed those games, but I don't love them. Assassin's Creed Valhalla is simply amazing and exactly what I've been looking for in this new direction they're taking this series.

If you don't like RPGs, you probably won't like this game. If you don't like upgrading your character and grinding your weapons to become stronger, you probably won't like this game. If you're like me, someone who's been a fan of this franchise since Black Flag, then this is the type of game that will definitely win you over like it won me over. Assassin's Creed Valhalla is one of the greatest games in the entire franchise. I would go out my way and call it one of my favorite games of 2020.

Valhalla makes you feel like a viking, but you can upgrade your character to play like an assassin. Stealth is back and better than I imagined. No, it's not the best kind of stealth and it's not just go up to somebody and assassinate him all the time. Blending in with people? Now that's what I'm talking about, and that's what was lacking from the past two games... and it looks really good.

The storytelling is amazing. The gameplay and combat are great. The visuals are great on both the PS4/PS5 and the Xbox One/Xbox Series X. The voice acting is awesome (Come on... it's Cnut from The Last Kingdom playing Eivor? Who would say no?!). The music is masterful. The sound design is awesome. This game is just so awesome!

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is definitely a game I recommend to every AC fan and RPG fans. It's one of the best games I've ever played in 2020, it's truly amazing. Even though, in my opinion, the Ezio games are so much better, Valhalla has enough elements to allow you to enjoy it. I wholeheartedly recommend gamers this game to play and enjoy it. 10/10. Amazing game!
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Another Ridley Scott Masterpiece!
2 October 2020
This is one of HBO Max's first exclusives and wow... what a fantastic show. Ridley Scott has proved to me that he is one of the greatest Sci-Fi creators in existence. The way he blends Horror and Sci-Fi together is always one that can never be matched. The storytelling in Raised by Wolves reminds me of his Alien prequels, which I honestly really enjoyed unlike most people. I'd wager that if you know the plot to Prometheus, then you kinda already know the plot to this show.

Easily a contender for the best show of 2020 and will go down as one of Ridley Scott's greatest creations. Also, Travis Fimmel is in this show. If you loved him in Vikings, you'll LOVE him in Raised by Wolves. I know some people are only getting HBO Max to watch the Snyder Cut of Justice League, but I got HBO Max not only for the Snyder Cut. I got it to watch incredible shows like the one I just saw. Definitely check this show out!
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Mulan (2020)
They Tried. I'll Give Them That.
4 September 2020
I'm glad this isn't some shot-for-shot remake like 2019's The Lion King. I'm glad they actually stuck with the Ballad of Mulan story rather than it be a remake of the animated movie. I'm glad that most of this movie's budget went around the way the land of ancient China should be presented. The music is great, the cinematography is beautiful, the visuals are incredible, the acting is solid, the editing and sound effects are good... and that's pretty much it.

I'm giving this movie a 7/10 because it's better than most of the other Disney remakes (with Beauty and the Beast being the one that I happened to REALLY like), and because there is a lot to like about it. The only thing not great about this movie is the writing and the way some things are executed. I wish they spent more time developing the characters and used more of that time to develop the villain. The villain in the cartoon movie was so well-crafted and well-written, but the villain in the remake feels like there's a whole lot missing from him.

It's a solid, mildly entertaining movie overall and definitely better than that garbage Artemis Fowl movie!
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Better Than Dark Phoenix!
28 August 2020
I had so much fun watching this movie! It's even better than I thought it would be. Maisie Williams is a megastar! Anya Taylor-Joy nailed it as Magik. Pretty much the entire cast is the absolute best thing about this movie. Josh Boone proves that he has read the comics and decided to make this film through the eyes of a huge X-Men fan. It's a great film, a hundred times better than Dark Phoenix, and I would rank it as one of the BEST X-Men movies out there!
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27 August 2020
I'm so glad they made a sequel. Thank God it's not some soulless, emotionless remake that Hollywood nowadays has a big habit of doing. Alex Winter is awesome once again as Bill and Keanu Reeves is still amazing as Ted. Bill & Ted Face the Music is one of those movies that you might wanna try out since theaters are reopening (around my area, of course). If you liked the other Bill & Ted movies, then this movie will not disappoint. Since it's my first time in a while going back to the movie theaters, this one is definitely worth a watch, especially Tenet!
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
A really BAD Rick and Morty rip-off!
7 August 2020
I never liked these new Star Trek shows, at all. Picard and Discovery proved to me that they don't care about Star Trek anymore. Star Trek and Star Wars have become such tainted brands at this point, and they're now just in it for the money. They don't listen to you, they don't care about you! The animation here is really Rick and Morty-ish, but not in a good way. I don't care about any of the characters.

I don't care about the settings and I don't care about the chemistry, it's so stupid. Star Wars and Star Trek are already dead at this point. Oh, and the writing is bad too.
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Cursed (2020)
This is DEFINITELY my Cup of Tea!
17 July 2020
This show is based on a graphic novel by Frank Miller and Thomas Weeler. I LOVE Frank Miller, he is like Zack Snyder of comics and graphic novels. The show is pretty much an adaptation of the graphic novel, and so far it is REALLY GOOD! It starts off really interesting and ends really interesting. As someone who is a huge fan of Arthurian legends, this is certainly a show I recommend to fantasy fans and King Arthur fans.

There is only one major gripe I have with the show so far and that's Arthur himself. He's not as good as the guy from Guy Ritchie's King Arthur. But, that's the only thing I have about it that's a complaint. Everything else is compelling, intriguing, interesting, and vivid. I love pretty much every aspect of this Arthurian show.

I love the colorful vibrant visuals. I love the main character. I love the scope. I love the eeriness of its earlier episodes. I love the acting. I love the music. I love the cinematography. I love the sound design. I love the plot, and I love the design of Excalibur.

The only thing not great about this show is the casting of Arthur, it'll take sometime to get used to. However, if you love Arthurian legends, dark fantasy, colorful vivid stuff, and if you overall want a great show to watch on Netflix, then I highly recommend this show!
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Hamilton (2020)
Best Disney+ Movie, so far!
5 July 2020
Probably one of my all-time favorite movies of 2020 and might just be the BEST movie based on a broadway show. We NEED more movies like this and people should learn from the people who made this movie how to properly adapt something from broadway instead of turn it into a living nightmare like Cats. If you have Disney+, literally go and check this one out!
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Better than the old Mortal Kombat movies!
14 April 2020
The first MK movie is the campy, fun, entertaining video game movie that some fans will enjoy. The second MK movie is absolute garbage which ruined any chance of us getting a good adaptation of any video game (no, the latest Sonic movie doesn't count because that one was actually pretty good, so was Pokémon: Detective Pikachu).

However, this latest movie based on the first MK game, not the ninth, is simply amazing. It's THE MK movie that fans have been dreaming of. It's the movie that fits into everything that makes a proper video game movie:

1. The Story was really good. 2. The Animations are lively and very DC-ish. 3. The Fight scenes were epic and intense. 4. Patrick Seitz killed it as Scorpion. 5. The music score fits into all the action scenes. 6. It stayed extremely true to the source material.

The movie itself is definitely worth watching. I loved every minute of it and this is coming from someone who has played Mortal Kombat for years. If you're a longtime fan of Mortal Kombat, then this movie is the biggest cherry on top of the Sundae of any video game movie out there. Sonic the Hedgehog proved that movie adaptions of video games can be really, REALLY good and I'm seeing a bright future for these types of movies.
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A great and awesome take on the fairy tale genre!
30 January 2020
I literally want to see more movies like this. Good ole' fashion dark fantasy, fantasy/horror, thriller/fantasy just the way I like it! The story of Hansel and Gretel has always been one of my all-time favorites, and it's so breathtaking to watch. I love the characters, their motivations, the way the story is told, and the way things are executed. Awesome visuals, great soundtrack, great editing, good acting, great cinematography, and a great twisted narrative.

Anyone who's into Dark Fantasy and Gritty Fairy Tales should definitely check this one out!
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Vikings: Death and the Serpent (2020)
Season 6, Episode 6
Goodbye Lagertha.
10 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Now you can join Ragnar Lothbrok in Valhalla and be with him forever. You became what might just be the second best character to ever be on this show. I'll never forget the awesomeness and the greatness you brought to everyone that was in this show. And that farewell speech that Bjorn gave to her... just... so... full of emotion! May you dine forever with Odin, wife of Ragnar Lothbrok!!
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The Grudge (2019)
Who asked for this?!
3 January 2020
Why was this made? Why did they think it was a good idea to remake this? Why does it take the plot of the original film and throw it out the window? Why does it look like an uninspired, totally predictable, and an overall sorry excuse of a horror film?! It's 2020, people! A new decade is already here... STOP REMAKING STUFF THAT DOESN'T NEED TO BE REMADE!!

So get this: it's a remake of the film that is a remake of the Japanese Horror film: Ju-On: The Grudge (fantastic movie, BTW) and they took that and made it into one of the most predictable stupid films ever. And it's already 2020, and I thought unnecessary remakes were outlawed (they should be). I don't even see who is the target audience of this film, and I don't see who will watch this film a second time.

Weak Storyline, Bad Cinematography, and Unnecessary Jump Scares makes this film not worth your money. What a complete disaster! TERRIBLE film!!
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
From IT: Chapter Two now... THIS Movie!!
31 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The tragedy of the Torrance family is one of the most beloved horror stories ever told. The Shining is one of Stephen King's biggest hits and Stanley Kubrick's adaptation has beguiled viewers for decades. But these two versions of the story have always been seen as very different sides of the same coin, as Kubrick's film deviates majorly from King's novel. That's what made the prospect of adapting Doctor Sleep, King's 2013 sequel to The Shining, so tricky - how do you stay true to one without betraying the other? It turns out, you get Mike Flanagan (The Haunting of Hill House, Ouija: Origin of Evil), a modern master of ghost stories; combined with a great cast, and a whole heap of cool psychic set-pieces, and it just works. Most of Doctor Sleep delights with the new material it brings to this chapter of Torrance family history - its only real moments of weakness come when overindulging in Kubrick's vision of the story.

After a prologue dealing with the direct aftermath of The Shining, Doctor Sleep picks up with an adult Dan Torrance (Ewan McGregor), an alcoholic drifter who uses booze to dull both his horrific memories and his powers. We see flashes of his life back when he was drinking, but the story quickly moves on to follow a years-sober Dan, using his shine in a limited way to help hospice patients pass on peacefully to the after-life. Early on in his journey to sobriety, Dan becomes aware of Abra Stone (Kyleigh Curran), a young girl who shines even more powerfully than him. Dan's not the only one to notice this talent, though: The True Knot, a cult of quasi-immortal hunters that feed on people who shine, pick up on Abra's power as well. The story, which spans decades and focuses on multiple characters, is a total departure from The Shining's claustrophobic setting. That narrative breathing room gives Doctor Sleep a lot of opportunities to do its own thing and when it's forging its own path, the movie rarely falters.

Doctor Sleep is one of the scariest Stephen King adaptations in years, thanks in large part to the formidable True Knot. In contrast to The Shining's villain, which despite working through Jack was really the Overlook Hotel itself, Doctor Sleep benefits and stands apart by having physical antagonists with more concrete goals and methods for Dan and Abra to battle. And it is clear that they will do anything to win, brutally murdering children in the film's most hard-to-watch scenes. One of these minor characters is actually played by a surprisingly high-profile child actor, his presence distracting until he's tasked with believably screaming his way through a very R-rated death.

Writer/director Mike Flanagan's eye for bringing metaphysicality to life on film has long been one of his greatest assets and it serves him well again here. Doctor Sleep doesn't quite approach the singular sense of unreality in Kubrick's film, but Flanagan's methods of visually communicating what the Shining is and how it can work through its various hosts provide a source of constant unease and danger. The twists and turns Flanagan mines out of that power both deepen our understanding of what it means to shine and keep the film interesting throughout its considerable 2 hours and 33 minutes.

Through its lofty scenes of psychic warfare and intense character beats, Doctor Sleep is anchored by a wealth of strong performances. Ewan McGregor's Dan Torrance is a heartbreakingly damaged man, torn between helping Abra fight the True Knot and keeping the ghosts of his past locked away. The weight of Dan's trauma is especially easy to sympathize with here because we know exactly how horrific those ghosts are. Kyliegh Curran holds her own as gifted teen Abra, at her most effective in her confrontations with the True Knot, when she's tasked with flipping between scared kid and supernatural warrior in the blink of a creepy, milky eye. The standout of the cast is Rebecca Ferguson's villain, Rose the Hat. As the leader of the True Knot, Ferguson imbues Rose with a malice and ferocity that make her a terrifying foe. In her best moments, Ferguson rivals the unhinged madness Jack Nicholson brought to Jack Torrance.

It's when Doctor Sleep drifts away from evocation to straight-up recreation that Flanagan starts to overplay his hand. To be clear, not all of Doctor Sleep's Shining love goes amiss. Scenes in which shot composition, edits, and sound cues are reused feel like rewarding nods to Kubrick's Shining. Even Carl Lumbly's brief appearance as Dick Hallorann ends up being effective, with Lumbly giving us just enough Scatman Crothers to make this feel like the kindly Hallorann we know without feeling like a full-on impersonation. The same can't be said about Alex Essoe's Wendy Torrance. Essoe doesn't quite pull off the physical or vocal qualities of Shelley Duvall's iconic performance, so visions of her ordeal at the Overlook, itself staggeringly recreated, have a bizarre quality of documentary re-enactment.

Yes, The Overlook has a part to play here, and again, it's a mixed bag. The artistry of these scenes is undeniable, with the sets painstakingly recreating Kubrick's Overlook, and often being similarly photographed too. But the scenes which take place at the hotel suffer from some egregious moments of incongruity, like when a character not present for The Shining's events witnesses an iconic scare from that film with bemusement rather than horror. That dissonance continues when one of the Overlook's familiar minions appears in a scene that alternately serves an important thematic function while also being one of Doctor Sleep's least successful recreations of the past. While it goes a little overboard, Doctor Sleep's third act does deserve credit for how it reconciles King's novel and Kubrick's film. It's clear throughout that Flanagan has an equal respect for both versions, evident in his clever repurposing of beats from King's Shining that Kubrick changed.

When it's focusing on the new things it brings to the table, Doctor Sleep is consistently terrifying, visually impressive, and soulful in equal measure. Though it may get a little heavy-handed and tonally confused in its reverence for Stanley Kubrick's Shining in the homestretch, the vast majority of the film succeeds in using the Torrance family's pain to tell a story of coming to terms with the past. No matter which version of The Shining you prefer, fans of both will be finding things to enjoy about Doctor Sleep forever. And ever. And ever. And ever.
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A Satisfyingly Brutal Finale!
18 September 2019
Rambo: Last Blood is the last movie of the Rambo franchise and O MY GOD it's amazing. It's the Logan (2017) of the Rambo Series and I was very impressed with everything about this Movie. The best film in the Rambo franchise since First Blood, the curiously titled Rambo: Last Blood injects the heart back into the legendary action franchise, before ripping it out with an awe-inspiring avalanche of violence that re-establishes Sylvester Stallone as an action hero with equal. If on screen kills are an art, that what Last Blood delivers is a masterpiece. A deluge of bloody ferocious brutality, delivered with trademark Sly snarl and thankfully shaky-cam free, the violence of Last Blood more than matches the recent output from other one-man army movies.

Suitably excessive in execution and wince inducing in its means, it's the kind of action filmmaking that hardcore fans would especially appreciate. Much like the Creed films, Rambo: Last Blood successfully replicates the heart and spirit of how its franchise operates at the best level. John J. Rambo is back, and the cinematic killing floor is his domain.
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