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Alone Australia: Episode #1.1 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Fairly good.
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad second series.

If it isn't tough enough being thrown into this situation, then imagine being told by the production that hunting with a bow is fine, you just can't do it at night time! Don't worry about that though, we will let you smash the heads in of wild animals with shovels and sticks while it's dark! Pretty ludicrous really.

Another gripe is the fishing. The water holds trout and eels. Guess what? If they catch an eel then they have to return it. Ludicrous!

I preferred series one. I thought the two finalists were good and saw it out well. This is pretty much the same again.. not bad.
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The 8 Show (2024– )
Not great.
27 May 2024
This promised so much but delivered so little.

It was pretty interesting early on when you weren't sure where it was going. It's a spin on the class divide. Those at the top get richer while those at the bottom do all the work with little reward.

I'm still a sucker for trying these Korean shows. I've seen a couple I've enjoyed so far and a few I didn't like. No different to any other country though.

Watching a dubbed show is hard to tell how well the cast acted. We are listening to the voiceover actor while watching the 'real' actor.

That's enough filler to meet my quota nearly. Not great but not terrible.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
22 May 2024
The Fall Guy was a classic eighties TV show. Great entertainment on a Saturday afternoon/evening and a memorable theme tune. This Hollywood blockbuster with some big talent on show has failed miserably in my opinion.

I had to switch it off after an hour. It had done nothing to tempt me to continue watching it in that time. It's a cheesy love story to put it simply. Catered to the age range of the certificate, twelve year olds.

The last Ryan Gosling film I enjoyed was Fracture. Since then he's been in the boring La La Land and played Ken in Barbie. Surprisingly films that were liked by the 'luvvies' but hated by the Average Joe. I'd like to see him play a few more adult roles for an adult audience.

I watched this for free at home. I still felt like I didn't get my moneys worth!
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Kin (2021– )
Pretty good.
22 May 2024
I've binge watched both seasons recently. It's good without being exceptional. Season one is a slow burn with a few good scenes and a half decent story. Season two is better with Francis Magee playing Bren Kinsella. He was totally convincing as the head of the family and stole every scene he was in. Mean, ruthless and as nasty as they come. Definitely a character that you will love to hate.

I wasn't too convinced by the characters of Aiden Gillen and Emmett J Scanlon. Considering they were supposed to be from a major crime family they were pretty much wet saps. I blame the writers there rather than the actors themselves. Other members of the family played their roles well. Claire Dunne (who I'd never heard of before) was probably the other standout performance.
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The Glory (2022– )
6 March 2024
Before I watch anything I always pop on here and read some reviews. I'm not a huge fan of dubbed shows but I've seen some good ones recently so I thought I'd see what people were saying. I must say I feel slightly duped so far. I am only four episodes into it. It probably will get better, but all these ten out of ten ratings got my hopes up. I haven't seen anything yet to warrant tens.

It's pretty dull actually, it's just about holding my attention because in the back of my mind I'm sure (thanks to all the tens) it's going to kick in soon and revenge will be served. None has happened yet.

I'm also finding it difficult keeping up with names. These triple barrelled ones are almost impossible for Westerners to get a grip of. If it's being dubbed into English then it would be easier to change their names too. I know Dave, Steve, Sarah or Tracey wouldn't fit the characters but it would be easier putting a face to a name. At some stages I'm even struggling to put a face to a face!

I will stick with it and hopefully it will grab me soon.

A quick update. I've finished it, it was terribly slow and boring. 16 episodes of hardly anything happening whatsoever. Do not waste your time watching it. 4/10.
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Wanted (2016–2018)
Worth a watch.
23 February 2024
I've just finished episode one, season three. If you suspend belief then this show is a good watch. If you try picking holes in it and wonder why they did that, then it will drive you crazy. Just go along for the ride and enjoy story.

It's a kind of Australian Thelma and Louise. Two women get caught up in a crime while waiting at a bus stop. They end up in the boot of a car kidnapped, then go on the run!

The two characters are chalk and cheese. It works well, they form a friendship over time and almost like being fugitives!

Each season is six episodes long. Thankfully nothing is stretched out, if anything some things are done and dusted very quickly. All in all it's a decent watch.

A quick edit now I've finished it. I feel as though I'm glad it ended when it did. It was getting a bit repetitive. It was same story for each season just with different scenery and different characters.
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17 February 2024
A good watch for all the wrong reasons. A love triangle goes drastically wrong. Firstly I think I watch too many TV shows and too many crime documentaries, because I guessed exactly how all of this would unfold, almost to the minute details. That didn't take anything away from the film though.

Man goes on date with woman. He then dates another woman. Woman becomes scorned and unleashes hell on said man. That's pretty much a short, brief summary.

You do find yourself asking questions. Why couldn't the police get to the bottom of it much quicker? We all know how easy it is for law enforcement to track people, or ISP addresses. I feel it should never have got to the stage it did do.

Overall a good watch though for true crime fans. Give it a try.
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15 February 2024
Watchable. It just did enough for me to be mildly entertained, nothing more. I was never in the position where I just had to watch the next episode.

The dubbing was really good. From a personal perspective though I'd like to see fluent (in English) Swedish actors do the dubbing. It would feel much more natural having their own accent. It's hard to tell how well the actors actually performed with some strong regional British accents dubbed over the top.

Anyway, this was nothing groundbreaking, the ending wasn't really any big reveal to make it feel like it was all worth your time. Stick it on if you've nothing else to watch. If you can find something else then go with that first.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Too slow.
13 February 2024
This is a story I was unaware of. It's basically a tale of heartbreak and tragedy that one family went through. As a film it's slow and not very entertaining. I can appreciate some good acting performances by all involved, but it wasn't enough for me to enjoy the film. I'd rather watch a documentary on the subject or read the Wikipedia page.

Wrestling isn't very popular outside of the US. Men prancing around in Lycra making choreographed moves just doesn't do it for most people. As wrestling is the main part of the story there was just too much of it. There's wasn't even any good moves made.

Give it a miss unless you are diehard Von Erich fans, or you love any kind of wrestling film. This Brit wished he hadn't bothered!
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11 February 2024
I've just stumbled across this on Netflix. The premise is right up my street and so far it hasn't disappointed.

The first episode is reasonably slow, but they're setting the scene. After that it's fast paced and entertaining. Loads of twists and makes you want to watch the next one straight away.

There definitely seems to be a snowball effect on here regarding the reviews. A few mentioned poor acting, then everyone who disliked it jumped on the bandwagon and said exactly the same in their reviews.

There's nothing wrong with the acting to me. I'd actually like to see Devon Sawa in more stuff. He's playing his part just fine.

I've five more to go. If they are as good as the first five then I will be happy.

I certainly recommend it. It's a shame there's only one season.
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Why all the tens?
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really struggling to enjoy this. I was going to give up after the second episode but it ended on such a cliffhanger that I had to watch the third one. I was soon getting bored again and not sure whether to carry on or not.

I feel slightly duped by the 'star cast'. Simon Baker and Bryan Brown have had about ten minutes air time so far between them. Unfortunately they would all be playing second fiddle to the young lad anyway. He's playing his part superbly. Definitely a star of the future.

I'm a British man, maybe I can't look back with such nostalgia as our Aussie friends, but by the end of episode three I'm in two minds whether to carry on or not.
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The Traitors (2023– )
26 January 2024
I've been a huge fan of The Traitors since it first aired on British television just over a year ago.

I've watched a few countries rendition of this and I'm finding the American versions the least entertaining. There are 'famous reality show' contestants in it who people outside of America have never heard of. Most of them shouting over each over, trying to get their voice heard, and hoping for as much air time as they can get. It all feels elaborately staged, hammed up, and extremely fake. They even try and con the viewer into us believing they actually sleep at the castle. They don't, they are sent to a B&B each night!

It's worth a watch if you're fan. It's my least favourite out of all the countries I've have watched (UK, NZ, AUS and Canada).
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17 January 2024
This isn't a ten out of ten show. It's telling a story of a huge miscarriage of justice. One that it seems many people were unaware of somehow. It was regularly on local news.

I think peoples hearts are ruling their heads. They've seen all the good the show has done into bringing this story to the publics attention on a mass scale, and are rating it so high because of that.

It was a good show. It was fairly slow paced, but this storyline wasn't going to be anything but that. Toby Jones gives yet another brilliant performance. The rest of the cast played their part really well. Go and give it watch. Don't let the ten ratings get your hopes up too much.
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Berlin (2023– )
Not great.
15 January 2024
This was pretty poor compared with Money Heist. I certainly wouldn't be recommending it to anyone.

The premise for the heist was reasonable, unfortunately that was wrapped up quickly and we still had half a season to go. It was then hugely padded out for four more episodes with nothing of note really happening.

If anything put it on in the background. It's not worth sitting down and watching intensely. The bits you miss won't be important and you won't care anyway.

Die hard Money Heist fans will struggle to like it.

If you're reading this and somehow Money Heist has escaped you, go and watch that instead. It's far better.
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Reacher: ATM (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Good fun.
12 January 2024
The books are a very easy read, the TV show follows the same formula. That's good enough for me.

I wasn't really a fan of this book so I was disappointed when I found out season two was based on it. I'm seven episodes in now with the finale next week. I'm obviously enjoying it because I'm disappointed when the episode finishes and we have to wait another week for the next one. How archaic is that!? Let us have them all in one go next time.

Alan Ritchson is really growing into the role. I'm sure he's even bigger this season. I do prefer Reacher as a lone wolf, getting to know people along his way and running into trouble at each destination. I suppose this storyline gave them a chance to tell a backstory of his army life instead of his childhood like season one.

Most fans of the book are going to enjoy it for what it is, easy viewing. I'm surprised to see some fans aren't happy with the adaptation. You pretty much get what it says on the tin. It isn't English Literature brought to the silver screen.
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Love & Death (2023)
Too slow.
10 January 2024
This is a real slow burn. Too slow in fact. It spends far too much time setting the scene, the first three episodes could easily be condensed into one episode.

This isn't a story I was aware of. Woman kills her lovers wife, nothing we haven't seen before. It may be a true story but it's not the most entertaining one. At least with fiction things can be ramped up a bit.

I can appreciate the performance by Olsen was a good one, but it wasn't enough to save this.

I'm surprised by all the high ratings. I suppose one man's junk is another man's treasure.

This is basically a six hour film that could've been done in half the time. Watch it as background telly is my best suggestion.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Fairly good.
4 January 2024
I've read most of Harlan's books. They're always a good read and full of twists. Thankfully I couldn't remember the twists in this one.

I'd rated this a six early on. I was finding it pretty dull to start with, then it always ended on a decent cliffhanger to keep you watching.

I'm still undecided on Michelle Keegan in the main role. She played it well, but I can't take her seriously as a 'grown up'. She almost appears too young to play the role.

All in all it's worth a watch though. The lead policeman was brilliant and his rookie soon grows on you. I felt there were a few unanswered questions, but not enough for it to be annoying.

I think I'd like to see the next adaptation set in the US, where they really belong.
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Not Going Out: Wilfred (2023)
Season 13, Episode 8
27 December 2023
Not Going Out is one of my favourite sitcoms. I've watched them all numerous times. Unfortunately the standard is getting worse and worse, it's almost agonising watching it decline so much.

This was their hundredth episode (IMDB actually has it 102 episodes made?) and they decided to invite an old chap from a local nursing home round for Christmas dinner. He was pretty rude from the outset so it looked promising early on. Three or four minutes later and there was a calamity. Obviously Lee didn't take the obvious option to get out of this situation, so we end up watching thirty minutes of farce. There was a few good gags, but not enough for me to find the episode anywhere near good.

I'm pretty sure I laughed more watching the Christmas edition of The 1% Club.

All avid fans will watch it regardless. There's no chance I'd miss a new episode, but I'm fairly sure before I watch it that it won't live up to its past high standards.
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Pretty good.
10 December 2023
I'm going to start off by saying that I usually avoid films that have the word 'apocalypse' anywhere in its synopsis.

With such a great cast of Roberts, Hawke, and the magnificent Ali, I had to give this a go though.

I wasn't disappointed. At a run time of 140 minutes I was never bored, even if nothing much was happening on screen it kept my attention.

The score was great. It really nailed the suspense we were seeing, or the intrigue that was building in front of us.

I did find the ending disappointing. As a viewer I want to be spoon fed a satisfying conclusion. I'd like it to be wrapped up nicely with a bow on top so that there's no confusion on my part. I think I understood the ending that was portrayed, but there did seem to be more questions than answers.

All in all a pretty good film.
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After the Party (2023– )
Slow and fairly dull.
5 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This sounded like a good story to be made into a TV show. Unfortunately, for me, it didn't deliver.

Set in New Zealand (I think!) a wife accuses her husband of molesting their teenage daughters friend. For some reason I presumed this friend would be a female. It wasn't it was a 16y/o boy.

Having just watched it I can't even remember the two lead characters names. The actors who played them though were very good. I'm aware of Peter Mullen from Ozark. He's a great actor.

This was predictable and had been done many times before. As a viewer we knew from the first moment that the wife would be right and her husband did in fact molest this child.

The ending was a bit of a whimper (I've watched six episodes and presume it has finished?). All very tame and nothing really surprising.

Not as good as the British or US dramas. It kept me mildly entertained but was nothing to write home about.
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Shetland: Episode #4.6 (2018)
Season 4, Episode 6
A hidden gem.
11 November 2023
I've just watched the first four seasons and I'm really enjoying it. I've been aware of Shetland since it first aired but I always thought it would be a bit tame for my liking. I was wrong. While it isn't an edge-of-your-seat all action show, it's nicely paced with likeable characters.

I was disappointed when season three started and it wasn't a two episode story like the previous ones. I got over that though by the end of season four. This was a great season. The standout performance was from Stephen Walters, what an underused actor he is. I've seen him in a few things over the years and he's always impressed me with the way he takes on a character.

This is a great show and I'm looking forward to binge watching the rest of them. If like me you thought this wouldn't be for you then give it a try. You might be as surprised as I was.
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Beckham (2023)
Great first episode.
13 October 2023
I've only watched one episode so far and it was really good. David Beckham is only a few years older than me so I grew up watching him, supporting him and admiring him as a player.

I must say I was disappointed to see how much he craved money and attention at such a young age though. He comes across as a real wet blanket. Travelling hours by car just to see Victoria for a few minutes. Chartering two seater planes to grab an hour or so with her. A lovesick puppy springs to mind.

They've done extremely well as a couple. Built a huge brand and reaped the rewards financially. Their main goal has been achieved.

I look forward to watching the rest of it soon.
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Justified (2010–2015)
Watchable? Just. If I edit this review again....
20 September 2023
I was put off watching this for years as I thought it was a western. It may be in the western category but it's no John Wayne rip-off.

Timothy Olyphant plays US Marshall Raylan Givens. He's sent back to his home town after shooting a Miami bad guy, even though it was a Justified shooting.

He's well known in his home town. He has an ex wife there and an old friend/foe by the name of Boyd Crowder. Boyd is played brilliantly by Walton Goggins (even though I couldn't stand his character in the first season). He's the local hoodlum who you love to hate but can't help admire.

I've watched the first four seasons and typically Amazon Prime are making it rental only in two days time.

If you've been put off watching it like me then go and stick it on. It's good.
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Retribution (I) (2023)
19 September 2023
If you haven't got any fresh paint to watch dry then give this a go!

This was like a poor man's Speed and Phone Booth, only they were good films, this isn't.

Liam Neeson gets into a car with his children. After a while a phone rings and a mysterious caller tells him there's a bomb under his seat which will detonate if he gets up. A cat and mouse chase then starts. It sounds good but unfortunately it isn't.

I guessed the twist at the earliest possible opportunity. That's never a good sign when the big reveal is announced and you're anything but surprised.

Liam's had a good career and made some memorable films. Taken was brilliant when that was first released and made him a surprise action star. He's never really matched that film since though in this genre.

Give it a go if you can watch it for free. Don't bother paying for it like some poor souls have done.,
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Who is Erin Carter?
1 September 2023
She's a badass, that's who she is!

I ignored this for a few days because I thought this was another dubbed Netflix series which seems to be flooding the place lately.

I'm glad I gave it a go though, it was good. Erin Carter gets caught up in a Spanish supermarket robbery. After a tussle with one of the perpetrators he recognises her as 'Kate'.

As the title suggests we then see who Erin Carter really is.

There's nothing groundbreaking here, we've seen other series with similar plots but this ran smoothly, was never really boring and kept the audience guessing.

It's seven episodes with a running time of around fifty minutes per episode.

A solid seven out of ten from me.
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