
2 Reviews
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Loathsome trash
19 June 2009
Loathsome is the only word I can use to describe this aberration to an already weak series of films.

At best the Sleepaway Camp series has always been something of a guilty pleasure amongst horror film fans. This iteration not only undermines the silly B-movie cheese that fans have come to expect from the series but it also manages to create an incredibly unlikable cast of losers that you can't cheer for or care about.

Fan's of eighties slasher films should note that the gore here is weak at best. There is no nudity and the cast is made up of unlikable miscreants. The plot (if you can even call it that) leads to a completely out of left field ending that adds up to a miserable filmgoing experience all around.

Ignore this one like it never happened and you'll be better off.
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A Beautiful Failure
23 November 2008
Repo The Genetic Opera is an extremely ambitious undertaking. I can honestly say that after the screening I attended, I noticed that the audience was divided into a love it or hate it mentality. Myself, well... I loved the look and hated the film. I certainly have a deep appreciation for what the filmmakers tried to do here but the film itself is poorly casted, unnecessarily gory and has characterizations that are entirely unsympathetic.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a terrible movie by any means.

It looks great and the story is actually quite unique but the incredibly weak songs and laughable sing-talking sank this one for me by the 20 minute mark.

That is Repo's biggest problem.

The songs are just not memorable. When you walk out of most musicals you tend to find yourself humming your favourite tunes. The music here is poor at best, the lyrics are laughable and the whole thing begins to feel more like an ambitious high school musical as opposed to the successor of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

It was a valiant effort, but I can't help but believe that the subject matter might have worked better as a straight up horror film.

Some may call me a hater and that's fine... While you're busy checking your gut for spare organs I'll be more than happy to do the Time Warp Again. A 5 out of 10.
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