
21 Reviews
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CODA (2021)
Feels good BEST PICTURE since Forrest Gump
31 March 2022
Well, at first I kinda underestimated CODA. The title itself, really? Also the fact that it is only on streaming platform doesn't help either. No known cast, wow, that was like a three-strikes.

But then I grow to love the characters as they are real people with disabilities. The story is simple and hands down to the Academy for choosing something normal rather than their usual freakish favorites like Parasite or snore-fest NOMAD. Well done, Director, cast of CODA.
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Morbius (2022)
Sub-par, another anti-hero disappointment from Jared Letto
30 March 2022
Jared Letto has failed me again with his attempts in playing anti heroes like Joker and Morbius. Well, to be fair, this time it isn't his fault. This movie lacked in storyline, character development and formidable villain. I can tell who the villain was gonna be just few minutes into the movie. The final fight was underwhelming and just a lazy set-up for sequel.
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The Aeronauts (2019)
Simply Awesome...
16 July 2021
Ignore the hateful reviews, so the gender's hero was tweaked, but AGAIN, this film was a fiction which partially based ona true story. Acting were superb. Felicity and Freddy are two of the best British thespians recently... I don't like GRAVITY which was a garbage despite stunning view, but this one is a WINNER.
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Tenet (2020)
I have an IQ of 153 yet I felt dumb watching this movie....
12 June 2021
Nolan movies are hits and misses for me. I like the Batman Trilogy and Interstellar but I despised Dunkirk and Inceptions as they were MAJOR DRAGs. Tenet is a middle ground here although it also makes me rethink my intelligence. Seems like Nolan is the IT man of Hollywood and can't do no wrong. I just can't imagine what happened if other lesser known directors made movies like his. Save your money people and rewatch Back to the Futures Trilogy again.. made more sense.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
It's a TEN. That's it.. Nuff said. H8TERs be gone..
4 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
GoT is a Masterpiece that makes Lord of the Rings look like a fantasy movie from Dr Seuss. I unapologetically rated this series a 10 even when some people demanded last season remake because it didn't suit their taste. The thing is, GOT is so unpredictable therefore Dany's falling into madness in the last season was actually Targaryen business as usual (Mad King, anybody?). I liked it when she torched the city like a mad god (or rather like the god from the Old Testament who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in a similar fashion) from above. Finally when Jon got to hug Dany, I somehow knew instead of Jack and Rose's Titanic moment, Jon was gonna show his undying love to Dany in a much more unique way. This is a PURE CINEMATIC GOLD at its best or call it POETIC justice if you will.

Rather than Season 8 remake, I'd rather see they make prequels or perhaps sequels. Can't get me enough of Thrones...
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Money Heist (2017– )
Best TV shows along with Breaking Bad...
25 May 2020
Best La Puta Madre.. that's all I can say.. make me wanna give a slap in my face for snoring during Mrs. Martinez's Spanish in my high school year. Professor and Berlin were the best characters in the show but other supporting casts are just terrific.. Spain at its best... Viva Espana..
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For the love of God, please remake this movie (and the following 2 sequels)..
24 April 2020
No, I AM NOT a random Trekkie blasting Star Wars franchise, rather I am a die-hard Star Wars fan. First time I watched this movie, apparently I wasn't that smart. I thought it was good enough and worthy of SW franchise. Move forward 20 years later, however, when I tried (albeit cautiously) to re-watch this movie, I found this movie was really UNBEARABLE and UNWATCHABLE at the same time. Watching this had been my cross to bear. I was never the one who walked out of movie no matter how bad it was but thank goodness this time I could just pause the streaming and come back the following days. It took me about 7 days and a pink eye to finish this movie finally.

Plot was too thin. No background whatsoever about Naboo let alone Anakin's father whom he might inherit his uusually high midi-cholorian presumably. Jar Jar was everybody's perennial opposite of acquired taste. He as worse as the screen time progressed. He was so legendary that everybody who ruined something would be refered to as Jar Jar of SW (yeah that included you, Jar Jar Abrams).

I would petition the studio to withdraw this un-intellectual property and give refunds to people who bought DVDs or soft copies and later REMAKE the prequels in its entirety. No future generations should endure the agony of watching Schmantom Menace...
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An assault to the eyes
10 February 2020
I am a big fan of Donnie Yuen and to some extent, Teresa Mo and Wong Jing. Fresh from IP Man 4 role,Donnie hit a new fresh low in acting imho. It is like seeing Tom Hanks going from Forrest Gump to acting in one of the Scary Movies franchise (well, thank god he didn't). Donnie, I hope you would find redemption in near future. I had to leave the theater after 40 minutes, I wished I would've done that five minutes into the movie.
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6 Underground (2019)
Sore for the eyes...
16 December 2019
I could only last 8 minutes.. Chase scenes are sloppy as there are too many sporadic slow-mo action.. Too cheesy.. 20 years ago maybe but DEFINITELY not NOW.
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Knives Out (2019)
Excellent movie, but ONE thing bothered me....
10 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well acted, scripted... fun for all the mystery lovers out there. However I had ONE issue that came to mind, a while after I returned home from the movie. I would've given it a perfect 10 otherwise.

After the injection incident, Harlan carefully plotted an elaborate exit strategy for Marta which would take him at least 10 minutes to explain. He would've died within that time frame if the medical explanation held true. BUT he didn't die... should he wait another while before ending his own life? He would've realized everything was FINE with him afterall. But then again, the movie wouldn't have been made. My bad...
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Dunkirk (2017)
Great Disillusion... Complete Snorefest...
9 November 2019
Ok, the consensus is if it was Nolan's then it has to be Gold.


I am not a critic, but I am a fervent movie lover. I love Nolan in Batman Trilogy, Interstellar but I TRULY hated Interception and of course this movie. On a positive note, this movie is a CURE to INSOMNIA.
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Gemini Man (2019)
Save yourself $10. Go see Joker again.
12 October 2019
Watch the trailer and that summed up everything. Nothing new, Special effect that we have seen in other movies. Will is so going under.
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Godzilla (2014)
Combo of Mediocre acting (yes you, Aaron Taylor Johnson), Weak Script, Bad CGI.
13 September 2019
Clearly the studio made a HUGE mistake by casting the always weak Taylor Johnson. That dude can barely act. His unbelievable expression just ruined the movie in its entirety. This, in addition to weak script, uninspired performances by other actor like Olsen, Watanabe and extremely short Godzilla screen time had just cost me 2 hours of my life.
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Johnson for PRESIDENT.
31 July 2019
I watched this movie because of Dwayne Johnson. He is charming as always but the weak script and dialogue pretty much ruined the movie. Shaw had a chance of redemption from his bad boy antique in the early franchise but it is not sufficiently believable. The female character (which happened to be Shaw's sister) was created just as a glue to stick Hobbs and Shaw together (presumably there would be future sequels). I dozed off toward the end of movie despite some action playing out. If you want a no-brainer action flick then this is DEFINITELY for you, Otherwise, stick with Big Bang Binge on Netflix just like myself.
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Hey Disney, this is how you ACTUALLY improves a sequel...
15 May 2019
Ok, I'm still bitter with Avengers: End Game but this movie is making a point on how sequel should be made. I won't even try to spoil the movie cause the trailer has spoken for itself what you will expect.

Real adrenaline rush, nothing held back and totally no absurd Time Travel...
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A sore in the eyes is an understatement
3 May 2019
I was really excited when I read about this movie and how well the review was... until I watched it on Netflix. The plot despite absurd was the highlight of the movie at best. The wooden actings and lack of character development were embarrassment to the modern cinema. Special effects were good only in some part, the other part resorted to cheap making.

2 hours in my life I wouldn't get back.
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Thanks to endgame, random fat guys with beer bellies can be Thor at comic con and it'll be okay...
24 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First, I am a HUGE Infinity Wars fan.. I even collected expansive statues re-enacting the epic battle in my shelves (after winning infinity style war with my wife of course).

As predicted, the Director made the end sappy enough for some to shed tears. I was shedding tears myself on the account I would never make the insane amount of money the actors (main casts) did. The first two hour was a total drag, it was as if the Director owes 3 hours to the audience or maybe in a more sinister manner they believe epic movie should run at least 3 hours (Hence... 3 hours 1 minute including credits).

My major concern was the TIME TRAVELING plot which disregarded paradoxical continuity. Again, I am not a hater. I just found it highly inefficient if not plain stupid to have the remaining Avengers to go back in different TIMEs and PLACEs to collect each individual stone (the SOUL stone requires SACRIFICE!... duh). Would it be easier if they just went BACK in TIME (along with Captain Marvel this time) to the planet where Iron Man & friends battled Thanos and stripped him off the gauntlet which was already full of stones? If they did this, there wouldn't be any needs of casualty. Vision would be spared. Scarlet witch wouldn't need to be as traumatic then.

Well, TIME HEIST damage has been done, but AGAIN: 1. Why didn't the future Nebula died instantly when she killed her PAST self? Violation for the Grandpa Paradox. Or, as it turned out, JC wasn't the only one to get resurrected afterall.

2. Why on earth did Iron Man have to conjure the gauntlet onto himself while risking DEATH? Why can't he instead put the gauntlet on Captain Marvel or HULK (who did it once and survived) or Thor and let them SNAP the hell of it? They were sorta IMMORTALS member of the Avengers with strength that most likely will withstand the impact anyway. But no, Stark had to get the end credit.

3. What made the snapping of the Gauntlet by the Hero result in different way from Tanos? What if when Iron Man flicked it, the result was also the annihilation of half the population? Too risky a think. I liked War Machine's idea of going back in time and strangled baby Thanos instead.

4. Finally, LOKI should've been brought to LIFE as the TIME TRAVELling thing would cancel out the event in which LOKI was killed by Thanos. I felt like this was an anticlimax to the flawless Infinity Wars... sorry Stan. If you want a better time traveling movie, go see "Back to the future" or even "Hot-tub time machine".. and "Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure"
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
Feel good movie...
13 April 2019
I am unashamedly Sandler biggest fan. If you were here to rate this movie so low then you were all here for the wrong reason. Why did you watch this movie at the first place? If you want an Oscar movies, you are so out of place. But, this is better than most Oscar movies (at least for me personally). This was a feel good movie that helps you in time of trouble. Sandler should be knighted for bringing so much joy to us movie audiences.
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
Judge me, I don't care. We need more Sandler's & Cos movies like this.
14 March 2019
Great one-liner thorughout the movie, it was like stand-up comics delivery. Always feel affection for the entire cast, Sandler, James, Rock, Spades and yes.. even Schneider. Can't wait for Grown Ups 3!
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You don't need to watch this movie before Avengers End Game.
9 March 2019
I had high hope for this movie. Girl power. Checked. Tight suit. Checked. Kick-ass fire spitting hands. Checked. But that was all. The script is super weak. Supporting characters are disappointing at best. I was expecting Sam L. Jackson to kick some serious aliens' asses for the first Marvel movie that put him on the major spotlight. I had hoped Jude Law would redeem himself after the last disaster with unwatchable Fantastic Beast movie but he also failed spectacularly.

In short, behold: This is the definite weakest link in the Marvel Universe. This would make Aquaman an Oscar worthy picture.
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I was getting DUMBLEDORED by this movie.
15 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok they got me. I am a sucker for all Harry Potter films (and toys)... but to say this movie was terrible is a serious understatement. I felt asleep twice in the movie which is proven to be a cure for my insomnia. The book to movie adaptation is too far stretched. As far as I recalled the book is like an encyclopedia of magical creatures but the movie adaptation is so complex as to involving Grindewald and Dumbledore's "it's complicated" relations and freaky Credence constantly (and angrily) looking for his true identity. It's like adapting Hansel and Gretel and linking them to the chain of events that resulted in World War I.

Jude Law is the only good thing in the movie. Depp is like recycling his previous roles as Sweeney Todd/ the vampire in the bomb movie or any other roles where he wore a make-up (ok pretty much all of his movies). Ezra Miller and Eddie Redmayne never belonged in the series at the first place. Save your money muggles..
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