
31 Reviews
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12 February 2022
I slogged through four chapters of this and then discovered there are 13 total. No way can I manage to get through nine more episodes of this boring, pointless story. Who the hell cares whether some rich people get conned? They can afford it.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
C'mon Julian, get it together!
8 February 2022
I love Downton Abbey so much that during shut down I binged it for a second and third time. I'm also a huge fan of Christine Baranski, so I was really looking forward to this new series. I haven't been happy with it and after the second episode I realized why. There are few endearing characters like there are in Downton Abbey, and Christine Baranski plays a relentlessly cruel, obnoxious snob, displaying almost none of the delicious wit that she usually shows. The other characters are poorly fleshed out so far. All this is the fault of the writer; I don't know what he was thinking beyond laurel-resting. I'm going to give it a few more chances, but if something doesn't improve it will never make it to season two, at least for me.
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Missing Mom (2016)
Could be so good.
4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It is almost impossible for me to believe that this was made by a professional filmmaker who has been nominated for numerous awards. This film is so amateurish! I don't mind that it was filmed mostly on cell phones (apparently) and has poor sound and picture quality. There was no film crew, it's just two guys recording their experience. What makes it amateurish is the phone conversations that should have been severely edited, the terrible "music," endless scenes driving from place to place, etc. I FFd through much of it. Then after an hour of that, we only get 20 minutes with their mother! It should have been the opposite. I suspect the problem was that he was simply too close to the material to have much objectivity when he put the film together. I can forgive him for that but it could have been so much better. I wish them all well in their new life together.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Fantastic, don't miss it!
11 November 2021
Absolutely outstanding mini series with plot twists all over the place. I'm halfway through season one and am devastated that there will only be three seasons because I could watch it forever!
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American Rust (2021–2024)
27 October 2021
When the most interesting thing about a program is the environment around the characters, you're in trouble. Not living in the rust belt, I've been given an opportunity to see what the past 20 or 30 years have done to the residents of the affected areas. Depressing to say the least. This is one of those mini series that could have been done in four episodes instead of eight. It is needlessly dragged out, and good actors are given too little to do. I'll see it through to the end but I can't much recommend it.
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Love on the Spectrum (2019–2021)
It's Cool to be Kind
10 October 2021
This program is a lesson in how reality TV does not have to be cruel. I've been binging Married at First Sight and the thing I hate most about it is that the participants are set up to be publicly humiliated as much as possible just to increase ratings. You don't see that on this show; everyone is treated with respect. I hope they bring a third season!
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Angry, White and American (2017 TV Movie)
Oh dear...
31 August 2021
I was hoping to find something that would help me understand the mindset of the people in the film, but instead I got an angry man who just wanted to argue with them. I don't blame him for wanting to argue with them, but that's not what I and most other viewers wanted to see. I couldn't watch the whole thing.
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26 August 2021
A dreadful film starring a talented actress. Given this and the even more dreadful (and pointless) The Hustle, I'd say this woman needs a new manager.
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25 August 2021
When I glanced at the promo picture I thought this was a remake of the fantastic The Usual Suspects. If you've ever seen The Hustle, you know what a hideous idea that would be. But this little Aussie gem, now available on Hulu, is a lot of fun. It bounces around like crazy with lots of twists and turns. Recommended!
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My Unorthodox Life (2021– )
An obnoxious woman with a worthy goal
20 July 2021
For those who condemn her for attacking an entire group, watch the documentary One of Us, also on Netflix. You'll have a better understanding of what she left and why she doesn't want her son to be sucked into that way of life. I think she's going about convincing him in the wrong way, but maybe, hopefully, by the end of the series I'll be proven wrong. I agree with her that fundamentalism in any religion is a huge problem. We see it with American right wing Christians, Myanmar Buddhists, Middle Eastern Muslim Al-Qaeda, etc.; they're all putrid peas in the same rotten pod. I fast forwarded through all the fashion world junk. Other than a few brief scenes it was irrelevant.
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Atypical (2017–2021)
The flip side of Shelton
11 July 2021
The Big Bang Theory showed autism in a humorous light, only occasionally delving into the serious problems it can cause. This show reveals what it's like to live inside the condition, for both the individual and the people around him. It's wonderfully written and acted and every episode is better than the last. Very highly recommended, especially for people like me who don't know much about ASD.
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Everybody Loves Raymond: Just a Formality (2003)
Season 7, Episode 14
One of the all-time great TV proposals!
25 May 2021
Robert finally proposes to Amy and you don't need to know any more than that. If you have not seen this episode and you want to watch it play out, do NOT read the other reviews before watching it! The invitation and wedding episodes are terrific too.
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6 April 2021
The one bright spot in this generally junky movie was Aliesha Allen's singing. I was very disappointed to see that she is no longer making films.
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Be true to yourself
30 March 2021
I stumbled upon this while searching for any mildly raunchy Danny DeVito comedy, and with the bonuses of Holly Hunter and Queen Latifah I couldn't resist a film I'd never heard of. I found it absolutely riveting from beginning to end. I don't know if straight men can appreciate it, although if you are one and don't, perhaps it's time to examine your life, or at least your approach to life. Most women over 40 will see themselves, and it's a great cautionary tale for young women just entering adulthood.
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
Reserving (most) judgment
26 March 2021
I've been a big fan of Mayim Bialik since her spectacular debut in Beaches. Through the years she's not always chosen vehicles well, probably because producers don't know what to do with a very talented woman who doesn't look like a model. I watch Leslie Jordan in anything, and I like Swoosie Kurtz, although I can't look at her hideously lifted face nowadays. But this show. I tried twice to get through the pilot and couldn't; however a review which mentioned the fourth wall narrative slows down after chapter 1 allowed me to get through the episode. I'll watch a few more with my fingers crossed!
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American Housewife: Graduation (2020)
Season 5, Episode 1
Yes there's a new Anna Kat
25 March 2021
I understand why everyone's upset, but after only one episode it's more than a little unfair to say she ruins the show. Besides, she's a 12-year-old kid, give her a break! There are so many other problems with the show, such as continually weaker writing; if it fails it won't be the new girl's fault.
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Desperate Housewives (2004–2012)
A mixed bag
13 March 2021
During the Covid lockdown I've binged watched several shows and am now working my way through this. I'm halfway through S2 and I have mixed feelings. I can see where this would be fun when watching one episode per week, but several in a row makes it tiresome. IMO The best parts of the show are the occasional characters who flip in and out of the storylines; Mrs. Huber, the pharmacist, Susan's mother and fiancé--they all add interest and then, sadly, disappear. I do want to make special note of Cody Kasch, who plays Zack. He makes his character both creepy and sympathetic, something very few actors can do. He is one to watch.
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Shameless (2011–2021)
21 February 2021
I have loved this show for 10 years, but season 11 sucks! I don't even know what to say about it. Apparently the writers think the show is over because all they can do is compile scenes from previous episodes. There have been a couple of eps that were really interesting and moved the story along, but that's all. Shame on the writers for letting down their loyal fans.
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Frasier: Goodnight, Seattle: Part 2 (2004)
Season 11, Episode 24
Was I the only one who was confused?
12 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The whole time Fraser was trying to decide on whether to take the job in San Francisco, I kept wondering why he didn't look for one in Chicago to be with Charlotte. Then at the very end of this episode, which I found very enjoyable overall, we learn that he's visiting Chicago. I didn't understand that. It's unlikely Charlotte would move to SF after reestablishing her business in Chicago. What's more, if he were really serious about Charlotte he would discuss the whole situation with her before accepting the new job. That part of the episode didn't ring true to me, which is why I downgraded it to an 8.
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Bundle of Joy (1956)
Dreadful remake of the witty original
23 December 2020
No matter how much you may love Debbie Reynolds, skip this pointless dreck that she probably always wished she hadn't made. Instead, watch and enjoy the original, Bundle of Joy.
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27 October 2020
I've never understood Gravey's appeal and never liked a performance of his. I'm a big Lombard fan but I don't even like her in this one. I'm sorry I watched it.
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Why Him? (2016)
Why bother indeed!
6 September 2020
The writers took a tired, formulaic script and tried to jazz it up with scene after scene of outrageous behavior and incidents. All that did was make the film even more tiresome. Two terrific actors, Cranston and Mullally, could not rescue this dreck. When I learned Jonah Hill was one of the writers I was even more disappointed! I do agree with one reviewer who said Griffin Gluck was good; I think he has a real future.
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4 August 2020
Not a great film but a lot of fun to watch. I appreciate being able to see something from someplace other than Hollywood. I thought the two actresses were terrific, and what is up with their fabulous fashions? I haven't seen anything like that in the states!
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Show People (1928)
Lots of fun!
30 July 2020
Although I love old movies, I'm not a big fan of silents, but this is one of my favorites. It's part of TCM's regular roster.Marion Davies was a terrifically talented comedian and it's a shame she left films so early.
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Another useless remake, BUT!
28 July 2020
I generally avoid remakes of good films so I can't compare this to very many, but it's the worst one I've seen since the Cohen brothers' wretched redo of the divine original Ladykillers. BUT, if you can make it to the end, all the way through the credits, you will be rewarded with one of the best gags since Mary pomaded her hair! As for the Heartbreak Kid, do yourself a favor and watch the hilarious original starring Cybill Shepherd and Charles Grodin.
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