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Never mind the Michael Caine version .... what about the bgook
14 March 2022
Bears very little resemblance to the book, with some strange melding from Funeral in Berlin. Sixties trendy camera angles aren't going to save it. Transfer the writers to the W. O. O. C. (P) laundry service with immediate effect.
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Caveman (1981)
Wonderful send up humour
28 October 2021
I first saw this film when I was at sea. We had a film show once a week using a 16mm projector (Merchant Navy.) We'd had a particularly hard day due to bad weather so everyone was feeling a bit stressed out.

It was exactly the right humour for the occasion. Not only a bit of a send up of previous films, but lots of great jokes built in which we all had to show the film again to get them all.

It's completely daft Monty Python type humour and we were hurting from laughing at the end of it. I give it a rating of 10 for pulling us out of a bad day on the job.

I haven't seen it since, and I can't think why....
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Read the book.
12 September 2020
This film was more about 60's trendiness than ever it was about the book. Michael Caine, by then a Harry Palmer veteran, does well, and Oscar Homolka laps up the character of Colonel Stok. But other than that, the story is utterly silly, and is a pale shadow of Len Deighton's novel.

My advice, read the books. In the film order: The Ipcress File, Funeral in Berlin and Billion Dollar Brain. I only wish they'd been made by someone who appreciated the cold cynical style of the books. They would have been classics.
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Bosch (2014–2021)
Superb all round.
7 December 2019
I stumbled across this purely by chance on Amazon Prime. I was immediately hooked. Great writing, especially of dialogue, and performances all round. I think we all like an honest cop, but who goes off the reservation when it suits him.

I know one thing, if I lived in Bosch's house I would never go to bed because of that stunning view of the city.
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World on Fire (2019–2023)
Bad writers
14 October 2019
From the first three episodes I judge this to be an East Enders version of World War Two. Pity, it's a good cast, let down by bad writers. Did they actually look up the history of World War Two ?
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Really quite dark.
24 April 2018
To be honest I was never a 'true' fan of the Star Wars genre. Don't get me wrong , I watched them all (even ... the second three ... NAFF or what ?) But the reason I say this is that they were never truly 'hard' science fiction, more like Flash Gordon ... might I even go to far as to say kid's science fiction ! But they were always well made, and I watched them all.

This film however crossed another line. It is actually a really a dark film, not so much kid's stuff at all. In this film there is a streak of 'Alien' and even of 'Blade Runner.' It doesn't present warfare as a struggle where the guys in white hats do away the guys in black hats. It shows that there must be sacrifice in any struggle ... good or bad.

It is a dark movie ... but it's beautifully honest, and for me, the best Star Wars movie I've seen so far.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Short and sweet
15 April 2016
To be honest, I've always thought the Zombie genre was a bit daft. My favourite versions of this were 'Shaun of the Dead' (a send up) and '28 Days Later,' a grim but realistic version of the zombie phenomena. But in the main I never really bought into the concept. It isn't that I don't like post-apocalyptic stories, I've been a fan of those since 'The Day of the Triffids' written way back in the fifties. (And I can't help but think this series draws on that book.) But I have to say having been pretty much strong armed into watching this series, I got hooked. The character development is first class, by both actors and writers. The tension and sense of desperation is palpable. And, it always keeps surprising me! Something a lot of TV series fail to do. I can't fault it. So I've finally cracked and given it a 10.
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Madame Curie (1943)
Showing the human side a great scientist
18 August 2015
What can I say. She was a giant of science. The only person to win two Nobel Prizes in different science subjects (physics and chemistry.) But for all that this film made me cry a little bit (ruffy tuffy biker ex sea-farers don't cry, although they might leak a bit from the eyes, my excuse and I'm sticking to it.) Showed the long arduous task of scientific exploration and I have to say, Hollywood were at their best when making films like this. And being honest rather than sensational.

Even if you have no interest in science, the human story alone is worth seeing. But the more you know about Marie Curie the more you realise how incredible she was, and how she had to fight against incredible discrimination against her purely on the basis of her gender. Makes you realise how stupid that such feelings really are.
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Babylon 5: Mind War (1994)
Season 1, Episode 6
The making of the show
14 November 2013
Up until this episode the fact is it had all been a bit silly. Not the concept .... that was really quite good, but some of the story lines and scripting was a bit ... well ... childish. But this episode ... wow ... took two great concepts, the psi corps, and some alien life form so advanced we were little more than ants ... well that's great sci-fi. For me this was the making of this series, and although it could never escape it's cliché-ed scripting, it now had a quality that made it worth watching, and the Sinclair and Shadow War made for a good story. B5 became quality Sci-Fi, and I can think of no greater acknowledgement from my point of view ... (to follow Uncle Albert's lead.)
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Ultimately satisfying.
7 October 2011
I've always liked this film. The style, the simplicity, the cast and definitely the music. I remember seeing it at the cinema, during the era of James Bond, Matt Helm and Flint, and it was like a breath of fresh air.

The simplicity of the plot is actually its strength, as Alec Guinness puts it, two armies facing off in the fog, not sure where each other is ... not some criminal mastermind with an insane plot to take over the world.

George Segal, always good as the detached professional, calmly going about the job without showing too much enthusiasm. Alec Guinness, a young George Smiley, before Smiley became war weary. Max Von Sydow, come on ... one of the best baddies in the game. Santa Berger .. beautiful, seductive, and ultimately a betrayer first class.

It has a sort of Third Man air about it, transferred to the murky world of spying in a newly rejuvenated Berlin, still not that far away from it's Nazi past. The music is as strong and yet melancholy as it needs to be.

It's a good film, slow, methodical and ultimately satisfying.
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ER: Love's Labor Lost (1995)
Season 1, Episode 19
First Class TV
4 February 2011
They've started a re-run of the ER series here in the UK, and although I watched them all originally, I've been sucked into the ER atmosphere yet again. Just as enjoyable the best part of 20 years on, the one scary thing being how much younger the original characters look.

I'm looking forward to seeing this episode again. Not only did ER blow every other medical drama completely out of the water, but I would say this episode was some of the best television drama I have ever seen. You simply cannot tear your eyes away from the scenes involving Anthony Edwards and the 'night from hell' he has to go through. Spellbinding and tragic, deeply moving.

From writing, performing, directing, in every facet of the ER series, the only way to describe it is 'First Class' in every department, and this episode the jewel in the crown.
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Terrific and funny western.
19 June 2007
The best thing about this film is the humour, and the sharp dialogue. With this cast just about every scene is enjoyable, but the scenes between Burt Lancaster and Ossie Davies literally crackle. (Ossie Davies practically makes this picture his own, no mean feat with a cast of this quality). Telly Salvalas makes a really great baddie, and Shelley Winters is the perfect counter to him. The script has an edge like a razor, and despite being very funny, has some serious reflections on everything from greed to race. If you haven't seen it yet, you are in for a treat. From start to final minute, a cracking good picture. Even if you are not a western fan, I recommend this film. It's the great characters and dialogue that make it stand out.
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