
6 Reviews
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Nothing can compare to the original but this is a great follow up!
17 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is full of nostalgia without being a straight up copy of the original however it does follow a few similar plot points.

This movie does retain a Christmas feel and I feel that if I watch it every year with the original I will grow to appreciate it it even more.

The only thing I think is missing is Melinda Dillion as the mother. Julie Hagerty is too bubbly to play the mom and is a little distracting as mother Parker but she handles the role as well as anyone could but Melinda Dillion would have make the movie almost perfect.

A lot of the original cast returns and the story is thought out well. I really think they nailed Ralphie and his current life ambitions.

Some critics hate this movie. I suggest you ignore them. This is how a good sequel is done!
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Darth Vader is the only good thing about this show.
17 June 2022
The storyline creates continuity issues with the original trilogy.

The third sister is a horribly written character and the actress is terrible. It has absolutely nothing to do with race. She just can't act.

There is too much wrong with this series and Disney has really done a lot of damage to the Star Wars universe.
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A forgettable movie with bad plot
14 June 2022
Eddie Murphy should have never made this movie. The plot is predictable, dumb and takes away from the original. I didn't laugh or even chuckle a single time. He should have just made a spin off movie about the barber shop.

I am going to forget this movie exists and you should too.
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Dirty Work (1998)
R.I.P Norm Macdonald
16 September 2021
This movie is dumb. Don't get me wrong. The plot and premise are awful but this movie is amazingly funny. Norm Macdonald delivers a great performance only he could. His comedy is sometimes too edgy for some but he believed nothing was off limits and he never backed down! I thought he was an amazing comedian someone the likes of George Carlin. You'll be missed Norm. Rest in piece!
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Glass (2019)
Don't listen to critics. See it now.
21 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
M. Night Shyamalan Does a fantastic job joining split and unbreakable and then tying up the movies. The ending sucks because it had to be that way. Since the ip's are owned by 2 separate studios, it is a miracle this movie was made. There was no way it could go on.

Act 1 does a great job bringing the characters together. We also get some character development.

Act 2 puts the plot in motion and shows Mr. Glass has a master plan to show the world who they are.

Act 3 brings the story to its end. It also ties up loose ends from both unbreakable and split. Spoiler alert..

The way David dies is my only real issue with the ending. I wish his death could have been more heroic.

Over all not quite as good as unbreakable but every bit as good as split. A glorious end to the series.

See those 2 movies and then see glass. It's what real life would be like if people like those existed. Maybe they do and it's covered up like in the movie!
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
Intrigues the imagination without spandex.
25 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First off the series did suffer from some bad writing and plot holes that never got filled. However So did Starwars.

I love the series as a whole. Bad writing, plot holes and all. Once you realize that many popular movies, and TV series suffer from some bad writing and plot holes and just look past them as most of us do, then you can enjoy a Series like Heroes.

What if you woke up one day and discovered you had super powers? That line was enough to peak my curiosity in the show when it premiered.

Season one focuses on ordinary people discovering they now have amazing abilities. The struggle to come to grips with those abilities. Some trying to use the new found powers to better themselves and help others. Some using that power for evil. The season leads up to a point of Good VS Evil.

Season 2 was short and rushed due to the writers strike, and while the story did have some plot holes, I still enjoyed season 2.

Season 3 and 4 struggles to find the right balance for all the characters on the show. Some lived, some died. In the end when you watch the series, you will find yourself tied to the fate of the characters you have come to care about. Watch the series and understand that you are going to have moments when things do not feel well written. Things will seem out of place. They will tie up loose ends in ways that may not make logical sense.

I still love the series, and cant wait for the 2015 reborn mini series. This show, to me; is what I would envision the world really would be like if people started discovering super powers.

Watch it, and judge for yourself!
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