
22 Reviews
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Air (I) (2023)
It's no Godfather, but it's not the worst movie ever made.
27 November 2023
I agree that the movie was very "meh," but I still enjoyed it (while making holiday cards).

As Isaac Asimov famously said," There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

In other words, "Don't believe everything you think."

I just find it amusing how many people make assumptions, and are so certain of themselves, yet their criticism has no basis in reality

"First, the storyline is very good though I don't trust its honesty based on Hollywood's track record of distorting so-called true stories." "but much of it doesn't appear to be factual " Here is some advice for all the wannabe film critics out there: When a film is billed "based on true events," that means...take it with a grain of salt. Filmmakers use a lot of artistic license; they are accorded leeway in his or her interpretation of something and is not held strictly accountable for accuracy. It's not a documentary.

Show me ONE, just ONE movie "based on true events" that is 100% accurate. They do not exist.

This is for all the cry babies who object to the fact that Jordan did not appear in the film...which, by the way, the cry babies could have looked up, but no, they wanted to complain.

"MJ is a legend, he's such a god you can't show his likeness, you might be Charlie Hebdo'd." In the midst of promoting the film, Ben Affleck has given an interview to the Hollywood Reporter, where he explained the conscious and excellent decision for the star not to appear in the film.

"When you become much more than a hero, an athlete or even an icon, you start to be an idea to people. You touch them and you start to represent hope, excellence and greatness. You are unique," he began.

"There was no way I was going to ask the public to believe that someone other than Michael Jordan was Michael Jordan. It was a deliberate choice. I thought he was too majestic for anyone to imitate. Jordan is too big," he continued.

One guy said: "However, the film neglects to tell us that Vaccaro soon left Nike to work for Adidas." Actually he was fired by Nike in 1991 - six years after the release of Air Jordans - but moved on to work for Adidas and then for Reebok. He and Strasser and Moore all went to Adidas, where they forged that company's floundering basketball program into Nike's biggest competitor.

This is for all the cry babies who complained about the Jordans' "greed." No, the Jordan family was not greedy. That scene was pure fiction. In reality, Deloris never insisted on Jordan getting a cut of the profits from his shoe, but she was instrumental in pushing Michael to pick Nike's offer over other, more prestigious sneaker deals.

Mrs. Jordan heads several charities. In 1989, Mrs. Jordan and her son co-founded the Michael Jordan Foundation to raise money for disadvantaged children. Not only was she the President of the foundation, but she also began the Michael Jordan Education Club that encouraged students to improve their grades and attendance. Soooo greedy, huh?

Michael Jordan did not receive the red Mercedes 380SL he insisted on from all three interested parties. Instead, Vaccaro pulled out two toy cars and started rolling them on the conference table.

"Yet big corporations can make 'movies' like this to inject their brand into the brains of people." "Objectionable propoganda (sic) for Nike and Jordan, and Ben Affleck should be ashamed of himself." "This film was made by Nike, for Nike and to increase Nike's sales. "

Nope. Ben Affleck did not seek Nike's approval for 'Air' - only Michael Jordan's. "It's not a history of Nike," Affleck said of his new film. "There's interviews and books about that."
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Paris, Texas (1984)
Let's Do The Math
9 January 2023
Paris, Texas is a masterful and beautiful movie. Without a doubt it's one of the greatest movies of the 80's if not of all-time. Wings of Desire and The American Friend, both by Wim Wenders, are two of my favorite movies.

How could it not be great? Screenplay by Wim Wenders, Sam Shepard, L. M. Kit Carson. Music by Ry Cooder.

But let's do the math: Nastassja Kinski was 23 when the film was made (but apparently her character is supposed to be a few years older). Stanton was 58.

"I knew these people," Travis begins, in one of the great monologues of movie history. "These two people. They were in love with each other. The girl was very young, about 17 or 18, I guess. And the guy was quite a bit older. He was kind of raggedy and wild. And she was very beautiful, you know?"

Quite a bit older? Thirty-six years is MORE than "quite a bit older". And while I am more than willing to suspend disbelief, that is a leap I cannot make. A beautiful 18-year-old falls in love with a raggedy man 36 years her senior? I don't buy it. Maybe if they were members of a fundamentalist sect...and she was coerced...otherwise, no way.
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The Staircase: Red in Tooth and Claw (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
Seemingly ludicrous?
3 June 2022
I am not saying that Kathleen was attacked by an owl. Owl attacks on humans are not common; however, the fact of the matter is that barred owls are known for their aggressive and territorial behavior, and they can be quite dangerous, especially during the mating season. Barred owls are one of the most stealth owls and most usual places when attacking humans are head, hands, and face. Females are even more dangerous than males, as their protecting instincts are high.

What I am saying is that it doesn't matter what you "believe." The comments by people with absolutely no knowledge of owl behavior, or can't be bothered to google, who think their ignorance is just as good as someone else's knowledge are irrelevant.

Newsweek, 1/12/18. In the past few weeks, owls have attacked humans or pets in Atlanta on at least three separate occasions. The large birds have reportedly swooped down, leaving their victims with varying degrees of wounds, WSB-TV reports.

CTV News, February 17, 2021. Providence Bay family dealing with rogue owl attacks.

"I was sitting exactly here, by myself, Greg and the dogs were inside the house," said Anderson McFarlane. "All of the sudden I got hit between the eyes and everything went black and while everything was black, all I kept thinking was 'who hit me with the baseball bat?'" Anderson McFarlane called for help, bloodied and bruised. Six days later you can still see the marks left over both her eyes.

It wasn't until the following day that they learned who the likely culprit was as what appeared to be a 5-pound female Great-Horned owl flew into the dining room window.
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Loudermilk (2017–2020)
Made It Through Season One
28 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And that was enough. I am more than willing to suspend disbelief, but I have to draw the line somewhere.

Claire's mom NOT sending her daughter to rehab, but INSISTING that she live with Loudermilk, the waitress that Loudermilk's father had sex with ONE TIME, gets pregnant, Loudermilk's best friend marries Loudermilk's ex-wife, Loudermilk has NO IDEA Ben relapsed, he has no idea that Allison moved out, he doesn't know the real reason his wife left him. C'mon!

I will say Ron Livingston is great, as are many of the other cast members, and there are some funny lines; ("Sorry, Mr. Manson") however, the actors who play Allison and Memphis are truly awful.

However, it's pretty predictable and filled with every cliched Hollywood trope that there is. Nothing we've haven't seen a million times. (Allison and Loudermilk get it on? And then he ghosts her? YOU DON'T SAY!)

And how does Loudermilk pay the rent on that big gorgeous apartment? I live in Seattle, that apartment would be way out of his budget. As far as I know polishing floors is not a high-paying job.

I am guessing that top review was written by Farrelly's mommy or maybe his publicist.
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Loudermilk: Father of the Year (2017)
Season 1, Episode 7
If it were me...
27 February 2022
I would have killed the old man. The guy was a real a&&hole.

Ron Livingson gets to make a bunch of nice speeches, but otherwise this is just standard dramedy fare. Predictable and filled with as many cliched tropes you cn through a stick at.

Most of the performances are quite good EXCEPT for the woman who plays Allison. She's very bland. Serviceable, but nothing special.
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Red Oaks (2014–2017)
I came for Paul Reiser, I left because the show stinks
22 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love Paul Reiser, but I could not get past Episode 4 of Season 2. And even that was a stretch. Some of the performances (Nash) were great, but the woman who played Skye was absolutely AWFUL (as was her character) and there was ZERO chemistry between the two leads.

It stinks on so many levels, many of which are commented upon here...caricature, stereotypes (the brilliant but unambitious nonconformist; poor little rich girl; vulgarians with money). Predictable (I saw plot points coming a driving range away). Shallow.

It's all been said and done before...but much better.

But here's my point. I am sick to death of self-loathing East Coast Jewish men who are resentful about growing up in the "phony" suburbs (never mind the fact that their poverty-stricken grandparents who left Eastern Europe to escape pogroms, scrimped and saved and work long hours so their families could have a better life), pissed because their parents wanted them to be successful instead of following their "artistic dreams," and mad as hell - STILL- they were circumcised. These guys are in their 50's and they are still whining about the raw deal they got being raised with money in the suburbs. Oh, you poor things. Listen, I grew up with these people. I know them well. My brother is one of them. All I can say is "Grow up and be a mensch already." GEVALT!

(I know I'm shouting. I like to shout.) <---- Name that tune...great 80's song.
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I've Had It Up To HERE!!
5 February 2022
I am done watching movies where the male lead is old enough to be the female lead's father.


What would be the harm in having age-appropriate couples? Well, Vicky Krieps spends a good deal of the film exposing her gorgeous legs. Obviously, it was a requirement. I guess they couldn't find an age-appropriate actor whose legs were that nice looking.
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Predictable slop
21 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the most predictable movies I have ever seen. Granted I am old and have seen thousands of movies in my life, but this was one of the stinkiest. If you didn't figure it all out in the first five minutes, you're a little slow on the uptake. For example, as soon as the female lead says she's unable to have children YOU KNOW she's gonna have a baby. As soon as the youngest daughter prays to god that her daddy and the female lead will fall in love...BAM, that's exactly what happens.

I wouldn't call it religious propaganda, however. As an atheist I didn't mind the religious aspect at all. (Maybe it had something to do the fact that the family was Greek Orthodox. I have no idea.) There was no Bible thumping, no hellfire, no brimstone. No preaching, no evil and good. Just love. It was kinda sweet.fabulous screenplays

If you love movies, great acting, fabulous screenplays, unpredictable plots...don't see this movie.
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Paper Man (2009)
Great cast
14 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
But otherwise it is pretentious drivel. The main character is a stupid man child, his wife is inexplicably long-suffering, Why does she put up with his crap? One improbable situation after another. He's a grown ass man with an imaginary friend!!! He's married to a vascular surgeon. Did he really think it was a good idea to throw a party for the town's teens at his friends' place?

He rides a bike built for a 10-year-old boy. He has a relationship with a teenaged girl who is, BTW, ten times more mature than him, and apparently his only friend. She, too, has an imaginary friend.
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Mother! (2017)
Male fulfillment fantasy
18 March 2021
Why do so many filmmakers insist on having a 20-year difference between husband and wife? Male fantasy fulfillment.
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Cats (2019)
What's Not To Love?
2 March 2021
If you are not tripping your brains out before you watch this movie, you WILL feel like you are tripping as soon as it starts. SINGING!! DANCING!!! ACTORS MUGGING FOR THE CAMERA!!. And, of course, lots of tush. Lighten up,'s fun. However, I recommend that you ingest an edible about 45 minutes before watching. Honestly, I had idea what was going on, but I loved it. I mean, Idris Elba? Hell, yeah!

Slightly off-topic: On August 30, 1993, Paul Newman surprised Letterman from the audience by standing up and asking, "Hey! Where the hell are the singing cats?" on the first taping of Late Show.
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LGBTQ movie from the Hallmark Channel
9 February 2021
After School Special for those who have been living under a rock for the last 50 years. Way too much hugging and learning. No loose ends, everything is tied up in a nice, neat bow. All dysfunction disappears over night.
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Help me out here
21 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, there's been a brothel operating in the town for DECADES and no one has ever thought to notify the authorities? It's a tiny town and no one knows where Gorski lives? Gimme a break. Absurd.
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Are You Here (2013)
Here we go again
14 August 2020
What is with men in Hollywood? God forbid a man should be married to a woman close to his own age. Not only is Angela, the stepmother, more than young enough to have been Ben's father's daughter, she is younger than Ben's son and daughter. Obviously this male fantasy has been around for decades. It's ridiculous and sad.
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Virginia (2010)
YOU do the math
11 August 2020
We are supposed to believe that Virginia started the affair with Richard when she was 24 and he was 44 and it's been going on for 16 years? Hollywood BS.
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Male fantasy BS
14 May 2020
Why is Hollywood so obsessed with having a 20-year difference between romantic leads? Spade born on July 22, 1964; Lapkus was born on September 6, 1985. I for one am sick of watching movies that are a fulfillment of middle aged men's fantasies. OK, I'm a bloated 55-year-old man-child, but somehow women young enough to be my daughter want me. Whatever. FEH!
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Jen Kirkman: Just Keep Livin? (2017 TV Special)
I love her but
11 November 2019
I love her but it sounds like she's got a laugh track going on .Maybe it's just me.
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Lovely, Still (2008)
Twist? There IS No Twist.
9 November 2019
People keep talking about a "twist ending," but It was obvious to me within the first 20 minutes what was going on. Having said that: The actors were all marvelous. Martin Landau is (RIP) a national treasure. I did find the story maudlin, but that's just me. It's not a bad movie, but it most certainly is not a great movie.
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I love this film
4 November 2019
Five-star cast, brilliant writing, beautiful scenery and costumes. As Stefan would say, "This film has it all." I should add that I love Richard Dreyfuss. It's obvious that Stoppard is a Laurel & Hardy fan.
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Masterminds (2015)
17 October 2019
Seriously, guys, this movie is unwatchable. It's cartoonish and goes for the easy laugh. I would not waste your time. I watch a lot of movies and this one is a dismal failure. And I love McKInnon, Wiig, Sudekis, Galifianakis, all very talented, funny people. Don't say I didn't warn you.
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The Last Laugh (I) (2019)
15 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Please. Either Chase and Dreyfuss need money or they just don't want to stop working. No one can convince me that Andie McDowell's character would even look once at Chevy Chase's character...mostly because he's boring and insufferable. It's drek, don't bother.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
If You Want To Enjoy This Movie...
30 September 2018
Make sure you take mushrooms or smoke a lot of potent weed beforehand, because I can assure you, this picture is not watchable without them. Discounting all the inconsistencies, plot holes, complete lack of common sense, it is still a terrible movie.
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