
18 Reviews
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Victim was a bum
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't condone murder but I don't feel for the victim in this case. He was a cad. He tells his pregnant wife he's leaving her for another woman. He tells her she can support the baby and that he won't be able to provide much money; despite being a police chief. I'm guessing he couldn't provide much money because he was spending it all on his girlfriend.

She never should have murdered him but taken him for all the money he had in child support. Probably his girlfriend would have left him; him not having money to spend on her. He would have also had to pay alimony.

The problem with this show is that the husband is portrayed as a victim.
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Baby Boom (1987)
Suspend belief for this movie
22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like Diane Keaton. She is one of my favorite actresses but the movie is one of the most contrived watches I've ever seen. It isn't logical and worse yet it puts a person down if they don't want a child in their life. The movie insults your intelligence.

I have to include spoilers to give examples.

1. Someone cannot just give you a baby like that. It would have to go through child services and i believe you would have to be checked out before you could become a foster person.

2. Humor is predictable baby humor that you would expect and to make it work a smart business woman has to all of a sudden become the three stooges. She can't figure out how to diaper a baby or feed it. If she was from another planet then it might have some believably.

3. Despite being a smart business woman she buys a farm without checking it out over the phone. Most states require home inspections unless bought as is. No one in their right mind would buy a home like that; let alone a smart business woman.

4. She produces massive amounts of apple sauce yet her kitchen is spotless; no dirty dishes in sight when she's cooking. Barrels of apples are picked in one day.

I get that they are trying to show that she can start her own business and make it work on her terms but to accomplish what she did in the movie would take more work than what she did in the firm.

If you like Diane Keaton and don't care about the quality of the movie then this is the movie for you.
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Nikita (2010–2013)
Good Idea badly written
4 April 2023
Nikita was a good idea and the actors are top notch. The general plot ideas are good but badly researched and written. The actors ability to make their characters come alive and seem realistic saves the show enough to make you want to come back and watch.

They needed a much better set of writers to make the detail of the plots the slightest bit believable. They clearly needed a better set of technical advisors.

As the show goes on and the seasons progress the shows reduce to Nikita fighting a large group of special ops and always overpowering them (even 100s of them) Nikita wins every time due to the writing. Most of the technical stuff can be debunked by a novice in communications.
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Kids yelling "jump" ought to be charged.
7 August 2022
This is an excellent story but that's all I'm saying. Those kids yelling"jump" ought to be put in jail.

Also physical violence against a woman is improperly condoned in this episode. The woman even states that she deserved it.

This is worth your time.
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The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: The Magic Shop (1964)
Season 2, Episode 13
Predictable ending but good storytelling
12 July 2022
This doesn't really have a good plot twist at the end but it does have some twists and turns in the story that make it interesting and worth your time watching.

Think of it as a carnival ride through a haunted house.
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Pleasantville (1998)
What's the point of the movie?
9 April 2022
You can take any TV show (made up of clips) and do the same exact satire. Is the movie commenting that values portrayed on TV are worthless? I believe this sentence makes the review over 150 characters.
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Finally a movie about real people
22 February 2022
One of the best movies ever made. People experiencing real feelings and acting like real people. Not going to say anymore or it will ruin the plot. This is not a canned formulaic plot and definitely worth watching.
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Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Murder Me Twice (1958)
Season 4, Episode 9
Not a good Hitchcock episode and not up to the usual quality
2 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers

I was very disappointed in Hitchcock because it was very easy to prove the lady was lying about being hypnotized. It was given away at the beginning of the episode. The psychiatrist had said that the subject would only be able to feel his touch and hear her voice. He told her that they were both alone while under hypnosis. She would not be aware of any other people in the room. How would she know the stab-bee was there if she thought it was just her and the psychiatrist? Also if the spirit thought she was in 1819 how would she know about the pruning shears on the table or where the stab-bee was? I was fully expecting the DA to reveal a lot of things but no real gotchas like in his other episodes.
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Project Blue Book (2019–2020)
Science Fiction not documentary.
14 March 2021
This show claims it is based on real facts but it is not a documentary. As long as one fact is true then they honor their disclaimer. Each show takes one tiny fact and builds a soap opera science fiction plot around it. No originality in any show. Go back go the science fiction movies in the 1950s and you've got most of the plots. I laughed me head off at most of the shows.

Someday I wish they would do a documentary on the UFO declassified info someday and do reenactments like they do in the FBI files. This show is not that
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Skip Ahead to the last 15 monutes of the movie to see "Sophie's Choice"
24 October 2020
Most of the movie has nothing to do with "Sophie's Choice" , fallout or events leading up to it. The parts of the movie involving "Sophie's Choice" occupy about 5 minutes of the movie, so if you are only interested in that aspect skip to the last 20 minutes of the movie and watch it. You won't miss any plot details leading to the choice. Then go back to the movie and start from the beginning. The movie has no point whatsoever. Meryl Streep clearly did not research her role very well and basically read the lines in the script. The other characters were adequate.
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St. Elsewhere: Rites of Passage (1987)
Season 5, Episode 19
Poorly researched
14 May 2020
A murderer would never be released because he said he was a Christian after a few years. Totally ridiculous Writers did no research at all when writing these episodes. Would've helped to get some technical experts.
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The View (1997– )
Incompetent people giving incompetent uninformed opinions
26 March 2020
I would give this show a zero, but you can't. This is a show where celebrities yell and scream their opinions (usually anti republican) without any supporting facts. In a lot of cases they are contrary to facts that have already been introduced.

These people have no skill set giving them any expertise in the area that they are discussing. They are using their celebrity status in place of expertise and a lot of people are duped into believing they know what they are talking about.
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JAG: True Callings (1999)
Season 5, Episode 3
This episode was heavily contrived
7 November 2019
The subplot where Harm pushes an aircraft to friendly territory I give a 10/10.

The subplot where the soldier smuggles a girl on board I give a 1/10. The writers of the story want the viewers to believe the soldier was a hero for doing this. Did they forget the episode on the Tiger cruise where a girl pretending to be pregnant came on board with friends and killed several people? This soldier should have been charged with several serious crime. Badly researched and poor writing for this part. This would not happen in rel life.
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Charlie's Angels: Love Boat Angels (1979)
Season 4, Episode 1
Should be title "Love boat Angels Accomplices to Theft"
12 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I started out liking Charlie's Angels but this episode is morally wrong. Apparently if the angels think that when someone steals something from you for a noble cause and you hire them to recover it, they help the thief steal it if it's for a moral cause. Chris falls in love with the head thief and even though he tries to kill her she stays with him at the end of the episode because he couldn't kill her because he loves her. If it was a normal person he would have killed him or her but that's Okay with Chris. Worthless episode and condones stealing money from people and also staying with a batterer. I'm assuming trying to kill you is battering.

What's really bad is that Charles Townsend agency is hire to find stolen art. When the thief is caught, he agrees to return stolen art to owner for 1 million dollars. The owner of the art switches suitcases giving the thief and empty suitcase so the thief gets nothing and Chris secretly switches it back for her boyfriend. Their is nothing crooked or bad about the owner. The angels then wave to Chris and her new beau (Bert Convy) riding off into the sunset and commend her for her actions. The angels themselves have pulled more cons and worse to get money back in some cases having people beaten up. I Would write a part 3 to this episode entitled Charlie Townsend gets sued and three angels get put in jail for fraud. Bear in mind that the Angels were hired to get the art back. The thief deserved nothing but jail but was never put in jail.
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Barney Miller: Heat Wave (1975)
Season 2, Episode 5
I see below that I'm not the only one upset with this episode.
2 May 2018
I am a fan of Barney Miller too; but this episode was clearly inappropriate. The men all make a big joke about it and excuse it as the heat. In the end she doesn't sign the complaint and the men applaud her and send her on her way as that is the right thing to do.

We are then treated to jokes by the character Fish subtly hinting that there might be domestic violence to his wife.

Very disappointing to see a normally good show produce such trash.
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A Matter of Justice (1993 TV Movie)
Good Story , bad producer
21 September 2013
Lifetime movies generally operate by the following conditions: 1. All gun owners are bad and evil; especially in Oklahoma as depicted in this movie. 2. All male characters are feminine, weak and neutered, no backbone, except for the evil ones. The female characters are the only people accomplishing anything or showing any strength. 3. All liberal states with strict gun control laws like Illinois are depicted as good states.

If the above had been taken out of the subject movie, I probably would have given it 5 stars.

This was a good story with excellent acting by Patty Duke and Martin Sheen and others that made this an okay movie to watch. Just keep in mind that some of the parts were changed from what really happened to accommodate the above three items. I have relatives in Oklahoma and they are not like what was depicted in the movie.
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Dallas: Guilt & Innocence (2013)
Season 2, Episode 10
Shows some promise with Lee Majors
26 March 2013
It was a wise choice to add Lee Majors to the show. He's always been an excellent actor and very good at playing different types of characters. Dallas is no exception Recommend that the writers, directors and producers spend time in Texas to get familiar with Texas culture. This show lacks that realism.

The actors are excellent. They are trying to add as much realism as possible to badly written scripts.

If they would get rid of the liberal and 'anti-gun' posturing it might be a more believable show. Change Christopher's character to show a little more darker side and change John Ross's character to have a redeemable side.
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Pan Am (2011–2012)
Disney for adults
3 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The show is a nice fantasy reminiscence. I grew up in the 60's when being an airline stewardess was considered glamorous. All girls wanted to be stewardesses.

The plots, however, are light, non-original simple worn out plots from past years designed to keep you tuned in to the next episode. This is Love Jet instead of Love boat. Since the series is set in 1961, the same old plots about woman's lib, equal rights will be re-explored again.

you can predict sweeps plots. (Hijack1,Hijack2.....);(Engine blowout1, engine blowout2 .....); passengers get food poisoning; passenger has contagious disease; etc.

The pilots are way too young for their roles, especially for a new type jet's maiden voyage.

Pilots in the 60's and 70's were mostly retired air force jet pilots. They were ruggedly handsome in their 40's and 50's. These pilots in the series look like they're straight out of a college fraternity.

This show is nice if you like to reminisce.
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