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Fleabag: Episode #1.6 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 6
Pretty nice season with a risky season finale
13 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think it was overall worth watching. Fleabag Season 1 looks fine. There isn't anything exceptional about how it's shot or how it's directed, there isn't really a lot of originality to it, but I feel like I still have to give some credit because it's pretty funny and Phoebe-Waller Bridge is amazing. The revelation at the end was pretty obvious for me, and the way it was revealed was a bit too stupid. The relationship of his sister and his in-law is interesting but doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense. I am pretty okay with most things here but Season 2 is such a big improvement on many levels. So, I guess, good first season.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
Now that it's over, I am confident in giving it a 10.
26 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Even if you don't like it, Mr. Robot is undeniably a very unique show with lots of great ideas. It's biggest crime to this day is how much it stole from Fight Club, which is now more or less forgiven by everyone.

The show is very stylish, it's unique camera angles, I love hoe they play with focus, and zooms. There are a lot of very great little montages, or parts where there is a lot of quick editing. The show's intro alone is unique enough to make people excited for the episode. So the editing is really on point inthe first 3 seasons, but in the 4th season it slows the hell down, and there is an abundance of really long takes, that are really impressive. Some locations in and of themselves are beautiful, and the CG is mostly well done, although it is not a prominent thing in the series, it's just a tool they use to make long takes easier to pull off, and it's pretty seamless, with the exception of a scene from 402 Payment Required.

The whole show and the world of it is full of details. The title of every episode is very closely tied to the story and the fact that they are hackers in the show itself. There are actual websites from the world of the show, reddit pages from 2015 (the year the show is in), and so on.

The descriptions for each episode on Amazon Prime are really funny too.

The story and the motivations of characters always change and the show is many things at once, but it's always about the main protagonists's internal, personal emotional journey, it's the central focus of the show. He is a really likable character.

Mental illness, hacking, and economics are all pretty accurately and realistically predicted in the show, that make the world all the more interesting.

The overall plot is just there so that the characters always have something to do, but the characters are the important and interesting part. All the characters are either lonely, depressed, anxious, or lost, and the show explores them very deeply. All of them are different so it makes for very fascinating scenes.

I don't want to say too much, but watch the first few episodes. If you like Elliot and who he is, than continue with it, and always watch it like it's his show, because it is. It is about him.

Another advice: Watch Season 2 in a short period of time. Lot of people got bored because there is very little progression in a huge amount of time, and for some, it is frustrating. Still, keep watching because Season 3 and 4 are universally accepted as magnificent seasons of television.

Thank you Sam Esmail! You are amazing.
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Mr. Robot: Hello, Elliot (2019)
Season 4, Episode 13
Nice tutorial for crying!
26 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So this is what everything was leading up to. Elliot's (or I should rather say, the Mastermind's) desire for saving the world was always caused by him wanting to protect the real Elliot, and wanting to make life better for him. As Darlene says it in the episode, he succeeds in doing that, so he can finally let Elliot continue living his life. It's a bittersweet end for this show. It is the end of this character's journey, this was always going to end with him finally letting go. And it was really emotional. Great soundtracks pairing with quoteable dialogue. He made Elliot better. He was great. Now, he'll watch Elliot live his life with Darlene.

Hello, Elliot.
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Mr. Robot: eXit (2019)
Season 4, Episode 11
I'll wait for the finale to rate it, but filmmaking-wise it's really good.
16 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Nice music, and powerful compositions, impressive and intentional cinematography as always, with both Rami and Wong killin' it. They were actually mindblowing. But if we really saw an alternate universe after the red blur, I think the show is actually ruined. Hear me out. The show was always about very real people and very real struggles, and it wouldn't make much sense if they traded realism for awesomeness. Yeah it could be fun, but I prefer the idea of this all being in Elliot's head. A twist like this could undo all the consequences of the first few seasons and it'd make it all... worthless. I hope it's not the case, but frankly, Elliot is crazy enough to imagine something like this. The season finale will either make this one of the best shows ever, or kill the whole thing. I hope it's the former.
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Mr. Robot: 410 Gone (2019)
Season 4, Episode 10
It's hard to decide what I even think about this.
9 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I know I like this episode, it's certainly not bad. It gave two characters two good conclusions that didn't feel like fan-service really. The ending was a real subversion of everyone's expectations. I still hope we see Darlene after this, but if not, I think I am satisfied enough.

Irving being there was an absolute surprise. I am glad he finished his novel, but him ACTUALLY BEING AT THE AIRPORT felt random, and it was kinda convenient. Even though I like his character, this little conclusion to his story was good, but still, his presence made Dom's and Darlene's plot move forward and I am not sure I believe that he was there. That he could've been there.

I love that, after all this time, they really did redistribute wealth, just like how they wanted in Season One. That was glorious. Bit cheesy though.

Leon was a nice little addition to it. I think he never had that much of a big role in this and if this is his final scene I am satisfied too.

The cinematography wasn't that amazing in this, but the really white and bright colours made sense because we're done with all the dark for now.

There was some nice setup for next episode, and I can't wait to see it already.

Both Darlene's and Dom's conclusion made sense because they both chose something that indicated that their characters changed in good ways.

The ending was... Quite a surprise. I love that they went full-on clichéd and then pulled the rug. It fit very well, overall. It's fine but I feel like nothing really happened that I need to rewatch to understand or more get out of. It's fine but it's nothing special. I don't have any huge problems with it, but I don't think it achieved anything huge honestly.

Thanks for reading this much and sorry for not knowing what the hell to even say.
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Mr. Robot: 409 Conflict (2019)
Season 4, Episode 9
Season of payoffs.
2 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Everything that was set up in earlier seasons is now slowly but surely paying off in Season 4. This episode in an of itself was so satisfying. Although it breaks my heart to see Price die in this way, it feels earned and it adds a lot to the finality of this season. He went out like a boss. It looks like Whiterose has snapped, and I can't wait for her resolution. I hope they won't bring back Angela because her death meant a lot for the show and the characters, and it's good this way.

The hack has finally gone trough. The top 1 percent of the top 1 percent is finished off. And it was glorious. It paid off and I love that it did, this show is just so amazing. The cinematography, sets and the clever zooming out and editing were all great.

But what about that conversation at the beginning? I feel like the next few episodes will be about that convo and that room, and what it all means.

But it was really uplifting and surprising. Another great hour of television.
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Mr. Robot: 408 Request Timeout (2019)
Season 4, Episode 8
An episode of payoffs.
25 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
According to IMDB's ratings, eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4, the fourth episode of Season One is the worst episode of this TV show.

It is the episode where Elliot suffers from withdrawals, and he hallucinates a lot of random-seeming stuff that isn't actually random. Every little thing it set up slowly pays off, and it really feels like everything was planned from the very beginning, which makes it all the more satisfying.

But other than that, this episode is a much needed break for Elliot. He needs a damn break, and I feel like we needed it too. It was a logical decision.

Krista and Elliot's goodbye was sweet, and I am happy even if that was their last conversation.

The scenes with Darlene, Dom and Janice were pretty compelling too. Maybe the fact that they may have some sort of unspoken relationship was a bit heavy-handed but I didn't think it was a problem. It was pretty damn tense and I am still not sure who'll die and live.

The resolution to that Janice plotline was really well planned and I think it just shows how well written this series really is.

All the stuff with Elliot and Mr. Robot at the end was really fantastic. Slater shows his range, and Rami just continues to be magnificent in every way. I love their relationship in this series, it' s really complex and fascinating.

I really want to see what happens next and I think that whatever Sam Esmail and his people have on their mind, is pretty much what I think would work for this show. I feel like I don't even have to stress it anymore how well the music fits and how amazing everything looks and feels. It's quite amazing honestly. It's just the way I'd want it.

And now I'll take the opportunity to stress how genius the writing really is.

The biggest setup and payoff is of course the sexual abuse, and that is explored a bit more upon in this episode.

The key from da3m0ns is revealed to be the key of Elliot's bedroom, he hid it so he can fight back and protect himself from his father - who is then revealed as his real monster from da3m0ns. It just makes perfect sense and is really really satisfying.

The little girl with the scooter was revealed to be Darlene at the end of Season One, Angela with Querty was revealed to be that Querty was with Angela in the latter seasons. The only really big thing that is still not explained from that whole scene is that Elliot was only born a month ago. Everything gets revealed slowly and it' s amazing.

Thank you for this, and sorry guys for the long one but I had to... I had to write these things down.
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I see you now.
18 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Some say that the best villains are the ones that actually win. By this rule, Vera IS one of the best villains, because he could actually connect with Elliot.

I am now completely sure that this show will go down the exact road I want it to. By that, I don't mean that the story will be the way I want, but it will be as good as I want it to be.

The show always proves itself. It shows that the filmmakers know what they are doing in every way it matters.

Sam Esmail gives this episode a five act structure, like a stage-play, the five acts are presented via the Mr. Robot font, and it makes sense because the whole episode takes place in 2 locations, and there are only 6 actors present in the whole episode.

This turning point was probably what they wanted the Season 4 finale to be when the show was planned to be 5 seasons long, and structurally it makes sense and it's perfect, and I just really want to know how everything really unravels from this point on.

This is an episode with excellent dialogue and direction, and brilliant performances, but what really makes it work apart from Rami Malek's beautiful acting and Esmail behind the camera, is the fact that it feels like this was all planned from the beginning, and it... IT MAKES SENSE.

This is probably the best episode of this show. It's quite amazing in every way. And it gave Vera a purpose, and also some poetic ending for his character. He achieved what he wanted, he connected with Elliot, after he broke him. He came to his hospital, after he bashed his face in with an Eastern Magnum Aluminum Baseball bat. But Krista, worried for her own, and Elliot's life stabs him with the very knife that killed Shayla, finishing that storyline for good. Vera won in the end, he achieved his goal, but he also paid for what he did.

And as Elliot watches his only current friend slowly die, he's all alone again.

Vera allowed Elliot to want someone by his side, he finally wants not to be alone. And that is where this show is going. Vera was important to this show in the end, he was the one to finally allow Elliot to be happy, but Elliot still needs time to recover. But what about the Deus Group meeting? Will there be enough time for Elliot and Darlene to do the Deus Group meeting, or will Elliot leave Whiterose alone for good? Will she even get to show her true intentions?

Did Mr. Robot go away for good?

We'll get answers to these questions, I'm sure about it. But this was brilliant. I am on the verge of crying. Thank you Sam Esmail, and everyone involved. I love all of you. You make my life easier every week.
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Mr. Robot: 401 Unauthorized (2019)
Season 4, Episode 1
Promising start for the season.
15 November 2019
Mr. Robot is my favourite show for multiple reasons.

Every single thing I like about the show's overall quality is present in this episode, and it looks like we'll be getting the final season we -and the show -and Elliot -- deserve.

Season Four proves that every single season of Mr. Robot is unique both visually and narratively, and this final season is, again, very well shot and acted.

The gutpunch at the start was amazingly mixed with the recap of the episode. It was very fitting with the characterwork, and shows that the writers really know how to dispose of a character in a way that affects and impacts the show, and also WHEN to dispose of a character. If this happened in shutdown -r, it wouldn't have been fitting. This was very fitting.

Everything in the middle is great too, but for me the best thing about the show is in the end. It was really surprising, and I can't wait for the end of the season to see it pay off.

Thanks Sam! You're amazing.
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It's not good in any way but it's funny.
14 November 2019
It's bad in every aspect. It looks awful and fake and the acting isn't good at all, the music is the only thing that's actually unique in some way. Nothing makes sense and it is dumb as hell but it's sooo funny because of it.

It's good as a "too bad it's good movie", but it's not good in any way.
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Great start for a season.
13 November 2019
This was pure insanity, this was an episode filled with really entertaining and smart ideas that makes me excited for what's to come. The animation is surprisingly amazingly well done.

But! I think the character arc of this episode was a little bit abandoned. Although it's there, it's not present enough in the finale I reckon.

But still, it seems like Rick and Morty will continue to be the best dumb but clever show that can be. It's good for therapy too.
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Mr. Robot: 406 Not Acceptable (2019)
Season 4, Episode 6
Can't wait for the next one.
11 November 2019
I kind of hate the fact that I have to watch every episode so I don't get spoiled, but at the same time wait a week between every episode. This, especially is going to be hard for me to endure. I wonder how this all turns out.

There are some really really intense moments where I just didn't know what would or could even happen. The performances are all fantastic, cinematography is still really unique and amazing, what can I even really say?

Although I feel like some parts of the story will be detailed enough only when we see the bigger picture. I might lower the score because of that. Still, amazing filmmaking and script.
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Hustlers (2019)
Not as bad as some make it out be.
10 October 2019
Some of the directing and lighting/cinematography is actually pretty great along with really fine performances.

The movie is basically carried by the 2 main characters that are both the 2 best written and acted characters in the whole movie and there is a surprising amount of heart in this.

The music was fitting, I guess.

But! There were a lot of repetitive scenes in the "Hustling" itself, and the story is really by the numbers simple and mostly predictable. But it's good enough for one watch.
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Joker (I) (2019)
There is more than enough stuff to watch this at least once, so go check it out if you want!
10 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thought that the movie was shot really well, the colours and the digital look really made it gritty and it fits the story it's telling. There are some aspects of the story that I liked but there is a lot of things untouched, and a lot of just dumb stuff.

Phoenix really deserves an Oscar Nomination at the very least, but for me the whole character of the Joker is still better in the Dark Knight than this. Phoenix fits for this one. Ledger was fitting for that one.

Directing-wise there was a lot of creative shots and sequences but overall it didn't blow me away, but the score was so unsettling and well used that I was pleasantly surprised.

The sound editing was also really slick too.

Every other main performance was good too.

It's really well paced. But some parts are really predictable and a lot of things have no shock value at all.

My biggest issues are the story and the overall themes and messages of the movie.

I don't wanna go in-depth with the plot because I could do it all night long, but the themes and messages are either really sick, or just non-existant. I guess nihilism and mental illnes both play an important part but I can't find any actual human thing other than those.

Maybe a bit about popularity and meaning of people and money.

but.... SPOILER The whole thing with the Wayne Family, especially the end scene was soo forced. It really didn't have to be there and it made me think about the businessmen rather than the actual characters.
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A mixed but pretty unique experience.
29 September 2019
A perfect 100 on Metascore would indicate that this is indeed a perfect movie, and while I'd call a few aspects perfect, it has undeniable issues.

The georgeous cinematography makes the 4 hour runtime much less unbearable, compared with the well used music compositions. All the performances are amazing, especially the main 4.

All the action sequences are really well done along with the practical effects.

The 4k remaster added a lot of depth. The sunburn scene was really powerful with the image of the sun and that irritating music, and the dialogue generally was witty, and playful, and mostly cleverly written.

The runtime itself is a choice that I feel like was really intentional and purposeful, this movie had to be big and monumental so that it could really make you understand the psychology of Lawrence, and I don't have a problem with that, but some scenes could've cut down. Some sequences are too long, while others are too short. And the intentions of the director aren't always clear, and sometimes it can feel like a mess. And while I think it's a completely unique, and masterful movie that I won't forget anytime soon, but the enormous runtime, sometimes unclear intentions, and cheap and really boringly done death scenes kind of bring it down for me. If you are going to do something that's 4 hours long, every single scene in it should be perfect, to keep me completely interested, but it's really not perfect.

I'll watch it again 20 years from now.
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A 7/10 is fitting for this.
29 September 2019
It's a complete parody of music biopics from the 0th second to the last. It can't really be put into any actual existing dimension, so I forgive every cheese. It's entertaining and has a lot of good ideas, everything is intentional, but.... It won't stick with me, I don't think. Maybe I'll watch it again.
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Disturbia (2007)
This... could've been better.
23 September 2019
This is a likeable, very okay movie. There is nothing that really ruins it, but there is nothing to really keep it above the water.

Clichéd music, likeable protagonists, somewhat terrifying villain, and interesting concept - shame that Hitchcock did the same a "few" years ago. There isn't a lot of depth to any character, and none of the choices made by the characters are really given any kind of... depth? Somebody does something, and the movie doesn't even try to decide if it was a good thing or a bad thing, except the villain, but we have to give bad things to the villain of course, because he's the villain.

Hm. Worth a watch though.
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Ad Astra (2019)
The bad reviews to this movie sadden me to be honest.
23 September 2019
Ad Astra uses the unlimited potential of sci-fi films, a genre, that can basically be used to develop themes about any psychological, or phylosophical problem there is. All the themes are very rich, and even though it's a space epic set in a world where traveling to the moon is not a very unusual thing to do, it all feels very real and personal.

This is a cinematic masterpiece in directing, sound and cinematography. It resembles 2001: A Space Odyssey in a few ways, mainly the lighting, and the colours of some scenes, a few angles too.

It always follows the main character's perspective, so the voiceover kind of makes sense, it's always the things that he thinks, or the stuff that's in his mind.

The music compliments the events of the story very well, the sounds were pretty realistic and jaw-dropping, and almost every frame is just beautiful.

The acting is mostly good. There weren't a lot of people in the film, but Brad Pitt and Tommy-Lee Jones are knocking it out of the park.

I only have a few little issues with the movie.

There was a scene with a CGI monkey, (you all know what I am talking about), which just came out of nowhere. It was really odd, and out of place. Also, the CG on it was the weakest in all of the movie.

My second issue was with the scene on the moon, with other vehicles. It was foreshadowed, but it really didn't need to be there, and while it was made very well and effectively, the events themselves are too unrealistic because of how convenient some things are.

Also, there are sequences where milimeters could matter, lives could be at stake if someone makes a mistake, and sometimes they are lucky enough to conveiniently survive.

But overall, this is something I'd like to see again. It shows how much ambition Sci-fi has, but it also shows what could go wrong with it.
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Aquaman (2018)
It's a good and enjoyable movie but nothing more
29 December 2018
Everybody says that this is the best comic book movie ever, but they kind of forget 2 things: narrative and characters. The movie has some issues with these two, some characters aren't fully developed, the story doesn't really have 1 main villain too, and the love between Mera and Aquaman feels forced. And this movie is amazing visually, the production design is top-notch, but to be honest some of the de-aging CGI is so obvious, that it's annoying, some models aren't fully rendered here and there. The story is really full of cliches and that sometimes ruins moments, but overall the movie looks and feels amazing due to the charisma of the actors, the musical score and the overall comic-booky atmosphere of the movie. Has some issues, but overall worth the wait and worth watching

An extra message for the hardcore DC fans giving this movie 10/10 and saying that this is better than everything the MCU could offer

Aquaman is a good movie. I think it's really well done, and DC is improving on their movies. Shazam I believe will be really good. But this movie is still not better than most of the MCU. I am more of a DC guy actually but Marvel movies are much more consistent with tone and quality, with the CGI, and with all characters, and they are I think overall better movies. Saying that this movie is better than most MCU movies is just too much and DC doesn't deserve it. They should work their asses off to finally give us 1 movie that everyone can say that it's great, until than, I will say that most of their movies are mediocre, because they deserve it. Good luck DC, I hope you do what we, the fans deserve. Aquaman is a good step in the right direction
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The Office: Finale (2013)
Season 9, Episode 23
15 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I know I'm kinda late, but A few months ago, I was looking at series on IMDb which had good ratings I decided which ones I wanted to watch and made a list One day I was looking at my little list for something to watch and I came across the Office I thought it would be a fun, and delightful experience with nothing really deep in it It was a lot of fun Fast forward a few seasons, and when Michael left the show I honestly got so emotional I didn't write a review but I think Michael was my favourite and his story and his character was well finished. I was sad to let him go 2 seasons later, we have this episode "The Finale" I must say... Most of the endings to some series were disappointing But this episode got it right They realized that Michael's story is already finished, he HAD TO make an appearance and he did, but he did not steal the time from others, we got to know that he's doing okay and he has children, but that's it

Everyone's dreams came true in the end, really

Kevin had his own pub, and I think he was happy about it

Erin got to know her real parents

In the end, Phyllis was happy because he reunited with all of her friends, he got a little statue of herself from Stanley, and she got married on the show

Andy got a job at Cornell

Nellie finally got a child

Hopefully, Ryan and Kelly are together til the rest of their lives, they both had really bad qualities, so they are perfect for each other

Stanley has a quiet and peaceful life, just how he wanted

Darryl is with Val, he quit Dunder Mifflin to work in Athleap

Oscar is running for state senator, and is the godfather of Philip

Angela is happily married to Dwight

Dwight has a wife as Angela, has a child, Philip, and is finally the Manager of the Scranton branch

Jim and Pam are together, married, have children, and are going to fulfill each other's dreams for the rest of their life

Creed was basically a joke character, and he got what he deserved, whatever it was what he's done

I talked about Michael before, and

Well, as for the newer guys, they are still going to wait for their dreams to be coming true

And of course the replacement people show that life will continue in Dunder Mifflin, though the documentary is over

And just... Wow They all said some funny and some very true things... All I can say is, that When I first saw the show I thought that it would be just a fun ride But now that I watched it, I can say that it was so much more It was... People Mostly good, but rather average people And I'm gonna miss them I will never forget the Office, and I will never forget that the Office could do so much for me It made me wiser and happier, and I must thank the creators for that They did an amazing job Thank you
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