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They did not Soh-ka it.
27 February 2024
The original series is my favorite TV show ever. Asking the Netflix series to be as amazing as the original would be like asking for a grandma that's better than the one you had growing up, it will never happen. This show can mimic and modify, but my hope was that it wouldn't butcher. I do have my criticisms, but overall I thought it was quite solid.

I began episode 1 unconvinced that I would make it to episode 2, but soon I wound up watching the entire first season. Right away the tone of the series is quite a lot darker then the original. The show is structured to be less funny and while I find the drama to fall by the wayside just a little bit, it is still funny and sad when it needs to be, and it benefits from epic action sequences, and higher stakes. The lookalike actors, costumes, and cities are impossible to scrutinize, and I got tears in my eyes regularly from the love that went into rendering the anime into live action. The show reimagines the story, and adds a few plot elements that I now wish were in the original. They also added more backstory to some of the characters, and delve further into the lore that is only seen in the spinoffs. It may be less lovable than the original, but there is still a lot to love.

There were some issues that I took with this show however. While there is a good amount of talent in the child actors, they can't convince me like the cartoon can. The episodes are triple the length which results in telling as many as three episodes at once. While this works well at story driven times, it's awkward to see them combine The King of Omashu, Jet, and The Northern Air Temple all into one episode. They also cut some lesser but still good episodes. I was also bothered by a few character changes, Bumi is jaded, Ozai is louder and less calculated, and Azula needs to be a complete &$@#%. There were also instances where it wasn't edited well, and it felt like the characters were talking about something that happened in a deleted scene, though I never had an issue catching up with the plot.

Don't go into this show expecting it to be the original, it's not that good. I recommend the original to those who have never seen Avatar, and recommend this to the fans of the original series. This show uses fan service smartly, and you can take the good out of it, and use it to improve a few blank pages of the original. The anime holds no surprises for me anymore, and this is a fun way to re-experience it for the first time. I look forward to season 2. Any fan with an open heart will really enjoy this.

"It's like the hermit crab, maybe you weren't born here, but you found this empty shell and made it your home."
  • Aang, 2005.
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My First Ballet.
24 October 2021
It is no exaggeration to say I have seen over 30 film adaptations of Alice In Wonderland, I am completely obsessed. This one stands out as one of the greatest.

I didn't know there would be no dialogue, but the orchestrated music is beautiful to hear and tells the story just as well as words. The dancers were just as much beautiful as they were graceful. The set design and props look like a dream come true.

If I were to criticize anything, it might be a little too long. After an hour and a half, I kinda wanted it to wrap up.

I am very much a stranger to ballets, but if they are all as good as this one, I would like to see more. I am definitely an Alice fan, and this is among her best performances.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
A must see for all independent film makers.
11 June 2021
In a Hollywood oversaturated with Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and superhero movies, the idea of a talented small group making a movie on a budget, sounds mortifying. 12 Angry Men proves not only that it can be done, but it can make one of the best films ever.

The movie begins with a judge telling 12 jurors to decide the fate of an accused boy. Then the 12 jurors go to a room to discuss the trial. And after they decide the boys fate the movie ends. Get a cast and crew of 20 talented people, and you can make it yourself.

The jurors discuss at length the events of the trial, as well as the crime which lead to it, all without any flashback scenes. When I first heard of it, I was worried it was going to be boring, but with strong performances from all jurors, great camera work, and a compelling case, I found myself under the trance of this masterpiece.

It's not always a comfortable movie. The jurors are constantly yelling, the camera is claustrophobic, and the characters get sweaty, and it captures the jurors just perfectly. The case was interesting enough to begin with, but as new evidence presents itself, the film constantly gets more fascinating as it progresses.

12 Angry Men is a film with a story to tell and it doesn't need a huge budget to tell it. I highly recommend, especially to the filmmakers of the future.
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Fight Club (1999)
I don't care what IMDb says, one of the worst A list movies I have ever seen.
24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Before I begin, I should clarify. I am not giving it three stars because I think it's overrated, but because I genuinely believe that on a scale from Lord of The Rings to Garbage Pail Kids, this movie falls closer to Garbage Pail. And yes I have seen both.

To give this movie praise where it's deserved, the movie is high budget with no technological set backs. I can also appreciate the originality of the story. I hate it, but I have never seen anything quite like it before. Also no actor did a bad job. I like Brad Pitt reasonably well, and I love Helena Bonham Carter. The characters they portray are awful, but I do like the actors. The cinematography is sometimes okay. That pretty much wraps up everything positive I have to say about the movie, now lets get to the more interesting part.

It's about an insomniac who struggles to find his place in life before he starts joining community groups with various ailments that he pretends to have. My first issue, why does he pretend to have problems? If you go to a community group and say, "I don't have this issue, but I'm here to support all of you." are people going to start throwing things and force you to leave? As we jump into the movie, the problems of this guy are presented, and he is so close to resolving them instantaneously. However he starts to lose it, when he discovers, a woman named Marla who is faking it just like him. Does this guy realize his ugly reflection in the mirror when he witnesses someone doing the same thing? Nope, but he still can't stand her for 'reasons', and proposes that the two of them split up groups so they don't have to see each other.

The movie then switches gears when our narrator meets a fascinating stranger on an airplane. Tyler is ultra reckless and has a very uncivil approach to life. When the narrator arrives at his home, he comes to find out that his apartment caught fire, and asks to move in with Tyler. Tyler agrees, but before the narrator moves in, Tyler asks him to punch him as hard as he can. This leads to a pretty intense fight, even though they're friends now, they enjoy a hard fight. This leads a bunch of passers by to join in the fight. They all have so much fun with it that they decide to start a fight club. What??? I realize that I'm pretty pacifistic, but don't you fight when you hate someone??? Even if you enjoy beating the crap out of someone, don't you regret dealing with the scratches and scars??? I realize that some things just aren't for me, but I can't understand why it's fun to beat up your friends.

As the movie continues, the narrator crosses paths with Marla again. Tyler and Marla basically lose their pants immediately after meeting. Then we get to one of the most annoying scenes I have ever seen. We hear Tyler and Marla moaning in a super dragged out scene that lasts five minutes, while the narrator who still can't stand her, struggles to find a quiet place on the other side of the hall, or downstairs, or in the furthest corner in the basement. I think this scene is supposed to be comedic, but I find it just as annoying as our narrator. I guess I can understand how this might be funny for a twelve year old, while I'm on it, I should just say this entire comedy-drama is not funny.

As the movie progresses, the Fight Club gets bigger, more intense, and more dangerous. Also the characters go from bad people, of the earth. They begin to provoke fights with people outside the club. When the narrator is about to be fired from his job for good reasons, the narrator starts threatening his boss. When the turmoil with his boss gets worse the narrator beats himself up, and blames his injuries on his uninjured boss.

Eventually we come to a point where our narrator struggles to find Tyler, so he starts digging up a ton of airplane tickets, and comes to find out that Tyler has traveled all around America, and started fight clubs in every major city. At this point, I had been waiting for two hours for karma to catch up with these people, or for somebody to get a redemption arc, but instead the movie decides to give us a good contender for the worst plot twist ever made. It turns out that our narrator has split personality disorder, and Tyler doesn't really exist!

So let me get this straight, When Tyler, and the narrator got into a fight in the beginning, which grabbed the attention, of numerous people on the street, it was really just the narrator beating himself up? When Tyler and Carla have sex, and the narrator is struggling to get away from the noise, it's really just the narrator having sex with Carla and making up crap about what the other him is doing? And the narrator totally blanked on many months, if not years of his life that he would spend traveling from city to city, starting up Fight Clubs throughout America?

Well that's what the movie is running with, so I guess I'm supposed to run with it. Every movie that I have seen with a twist relies on an oversight on the viewers part. It adds clarity to things that didn't make sense before. This twist however, makes the entire movie make far less sense. And instead of providing clarity, I feel lied to. You know all that stuff that happened before this twist, a ton of it didn't really happen, we appreciate your understanding for our gaps in logic, yours truly, 20th Century Fox.

I hear all the time in movies like this that you need to watch it a second time and notice all the hints you missed the first time. I only saw this movie once, and I'm not seeing it again, but looking back at the hints, the two of them bought the same exact suit case, and they both have insomnia issues. Well don't I feel like an idiot for thinking that coincidences happen, obviously I should have realized that it's far more likely that this character really doesn't exist, what great foreshadowing. The only thing I take away from that, is that the writers looked over the script a second time before making this movie. Am I supposed to be impressed? This plot twist literally makes just as much sense as Han Solo being a figment of Luke Skywalker's imagination. In fact every movie that involves two or more characters could have done the same twist. What a great way to ruin all your favorite movies.

Anyways the narrator realizes that he's a victim of the dumbest twist in cinema, and the movie becomes a struggle of him ridding himself of his inner Tyler. The narrator and Tyler get into another fight when the narrator tries to stop a bomb that Tyler planted. Of course this fight is just the narrator beating himself up again. The narrator eventually realizes the only way to kill Tyler is to kill himself. So he turns his own gun to his head, and fires killing Tyler, but as luck would have it sparing the parts of his brain that made him the no name narrator that I can't stand.

As I'm writing this, Fight Club is the 11th best movie on IMDb, and in a list of 250 movies this isn't falling off anytime soon. What the hell? The Shawshank Redemption is rated number one. While I think it's only okay, it does have some excellent moments, and I can understand why it would be rated number one. I cannot understand why this movie is so highly rated. I really can't understand how this could get mediocre ratings, it's just bad. Every character is unlikeable, and unpleasant. This leads to the entire movie being unpleasant. When the movie decides to give it's unpleasantness a break, it reverts to sheer stupidity. By the end of the movie, the narrator is in a worse spot then where he began. Also this being one of the greatest movies ever, I fear that people who over analyze it will get the message, 'If I'm having mental issues, then I should shoot myself in the head, then maybe I'll feel better.' I do not endorse this movie to anybody whatsoever.
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Has nothing to do with the Lewis Carrol story, but good enough.
15 December 2019
The Disney cartoon is one of my favorite movies and while looking into other adaptations of the story I stumbled across this.

The beginning of the movie feels cliche and it drags a little. When she gets to Wonder/Horrorland the movie began to pull me in. The eerie infinite looping Mansion, with freaky characters and bizarre happenstances work well to build an unpredictable world that you alongside Alice get stuck in. Towards the end of the movie, keeping it spoiler free, Alice made a decision that I really don't understand. And the conclusion is something I had seen before in a Twilight Zone episode.

As an adaptation of Alice In Wonderland/Looking-Glass it's a flop. There is no Wonderland. None of the characters are there. The story is original. It's not complete non-sense. It's adult oriented. And aside from a couple of vague novel references it has nothing to do with Carrol's Story.

As a stand alone I think it's a hidden gem. With dozens of movie renditions, Alice doesn't always need to be true to the book. This movie has a great atmosphere, and in its own right a good sense of world building. Sure it's flawed and is clearly put together with time constraints and a low budget. But I do think it's worth checking out, and it's among the better horror movies that I have seen.
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This Comedy-Drama never made me laugh, and it made me feel pain, but that's not exactly sadness.
17 July 2019
I should have seen the warning signs from the beginning, with the opening credits that fall off the sides of the screen. Cliche drama. Dull characters. Wooden actors. Poor writing. It just has nothing going for it. Only watch if you enjoy bad movies as much as I do.
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Ben & Arthur (2002)
It hurts so good.
23 September 2018
Where do I begin? Your smartphone camera can make a higher quality movie. Ben and Arthur are a gay couple, who are pushed apart by Arthur's brother, and his brothers church that makes Westboro Baptist look good. After going to Vermont to get married, that's where the fun begins, as the brother 'brews' holy water, threatens people with guns, and hires private investigators/hitmen, all for the good of his Christian, or maybe it was Catholic (or maybe the movie can't keep straight the religion) church. This movie is hilarious, I recommend a shot every time it does something well, you'll remain sober by the end of it. Don't even think about shots to every mistake, alcohol poisoning kills.
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The Room (2003)
It's not the classic that Troll 2 is.
18 September 2018
I was hoping for a movie that was so bad it's good, and I felt a little let down by this. When starting the movie I was amused to see Tommy Wiseau's name appear twenty times in the opening credits. I knew I was in for a treat as soon as Wiseau said his first line, "Hi babe". Then we got a gratuitous sex scene that lasted way to long, then we saw Lisa talking to her mother about how she doesn't love him anymore, then she cheats on Johnny with his best friend, and soon I noticed a pattern happening in the plot. Gratuitous sex scene, Lisa talks to mother, Lisa cheats with Mark, rinse and repeat. Eventually the story does go somewhere, without flagging myself for spoilers, let's just say it has an unintentionally hilarious grand finale. Although Wiseau is the most hilariously awful actor, because of the repetition of plot, and the super cynical nature of this movie I didn't like it as well as other bad movies.
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Disney had to fail somewhere.
17 September 2018
When Disney tries to be Shrek they fail. The jokes are hit or miss, the story is lacking, they have no original songs, but worst of all, the characters are so mean spirited. Where Disney's usual villains are maniacal evil people, Chicken Little is filled with a bunch of realistic jerks. Usual heroes have their limits, but Chicken Little is a perfect, good spirited character. The pop culture references have already aged this movie. Despite it being a bad movie, I have definitely seen worse. I also find a small unexplainable charm in it.
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I just finished writing a nine star review for A New Hope.
16 September 2018
What happened to Star Wars? I'm a life long fan of the original trilogy, but then I learned it was a quadrilogy. You hear the title and you cringe, you start the movie, and you see Han Solo, and Chewbacca flying away from galactic empire ships. You think to yourself, the premise is obviously cheesy, but maybe it can be a fun, actiony Christmas Special, and then we get to Chewy's family, and all hope is lost. The entire movie follows Chewy's family sitting around at home waiting for Han and Chewy to get home. They are obnoxious and growl and moan at each other for 80 minutes, God only knows what they are talking about. Was anything done well you may ask. I always like the Star Wars theme by John Williams that they play in the credits, but it's the same theme as it is in every Star Wars movie. Dodge like the plague, this movie isn't worth the five seconds it takes to YouTube search it.
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It was great in the 70's and it's great today.
16 September 2018
This is the rare movie that can appeal to every audience in some way. Star Wars does an amazing job of taking puppets, flashy lights, and a magical world, and making it just as much for adults as for kids. It's got great action, comedy, world building, and a story that only gets better as the sequels move on. This is a very fun movie that I would recommend to almost everyone.
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16 September 2018
This was an assault on the three senses, sight, hearing, and pain. My brother, a couple of my friends, and myself, are bad movie junkies. If you love bad movies but can be tipped over, this is not the movie for you. The first 10 minutes suck, but they don't drain on you like the rest of this movie when those putrid puppets show up. Just when you think you've hit rock bottom, they start to sing. Once in a while you'll find a movie that is so awful, you are left with a horrible fatigue, and you can't do anything else for the rest of the day, and that is what this movie is. I rank every movie I watch from best to worst, and this isn't quite my least favorite, but it fought the good fight, and it is as I write this the sixth worst movie I have ever seen. Don't let loved ones watch this.
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My favorite movie ever?
16 September 2018
Marnie is filled with wonderful visuals, great music, but what really wins me over is Anna the protagonist. It's probably not really the best movie ever, but I love how we start the movie by seeing Anna's strengths and weaknesses. She is a great tween artist who struggles with terrible depression. I consider myself an artist and though I am happy now, I wasn't always, especially in my early teens. I have never connected with a character like I did her. After watching this movie I struggled to get to bed and was actually depressed the next day. This movie forced the questions on me; Who am I? What should I be doing with my life? Although it may be hard to recommend to people with very different problems, it really spoke to me, and is one of my absolute favorites.
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The Black Hole (2006 TV Movie)
Plagued with so many problems.
30 June 2017
I watched this movie for the first time when I was fourteen, and my quality filter was not quite developed yet. As a fourteen year old, I thought that this was the most boring movie ever. I have just watched it for the second time six years later, and this time I was still able to enjoy it a little more. The acting was only a little better than Arnold from Troll 2. The CGI special effects were worse than the original Jurassic Park (which was completely passable for the time, it was released ten years earlier). The science regarding the black hole was so absurd that Wile E. Coyote would laugh at it. The characters don't even try to be interesting. The entire movie was just boring. I liked it better the second time because I could laugh at the problems, but it was still a very flawed movie, and not very memorable.

How could they make it better? I see two ways of fixing the issues with this movie. The first way would be to up the budget, get better special effects, actors, editors, and writers. The writers need to make the characters interesting. They also can't refer to it as a black hole. If a black hole spawned on earth our entire planet and solar system wouldn't last three seconds, let alone ninety minutes.

My other idea to fix this mess would be to make it campy. Have the scientists use stupid alternatives that somehow work. fill the movie with one liners. make the special effects over the top and even more ridiculous. In other words, make me laugh. This movie is so serious and is uninteresting. It's as if the writers had the time to write a script, but not the time to go over it again. If you thought Michael Bay was good, but he needed less skimpily dressed women, and a lower budget than this movie is for you.
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Troll 2 (1990)
A movie that is perfectly awful.
28 February 2017
What should a good film would have to offer? A good movie should have a good story. Actors that bring to life the severe moments are a must. A movie should have good special effects and costumes. They should have natural sounding dialogue. Good music that accents the atmosphere. More important than anything else though, a movie should entertain.

"Troll 2" starts in an instant with Grandpa Seth reading young Joshua a story to bed. In his story, there are goblins who can change form to make themselves resemble humans. These goblins would trick humans into eating a green sap, which would turn them into vegetables, because the goblins are vegetarians, and their favorite food is human vegetables. Joshua and his family were prepared to go on vacation to the small town of Nilbog. When they arrive, Joshua quickly discovers that the residents of Nilbog are goblins in disguise. Unfortunately, nobody believes Joshua, so it's up to him to prevent his family from eating the food given to them by the locals.

I think it goes without saying that the plot of this movie is ridiculous. The actors make Hayden Christensen's performance as Anakin look like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man. The special effects are breathtakingly cheesy. The goblin costumes are suitable, for those going trick or treating. The dialogue is about as natural as a person speaking his second language for the first time. Lastly, the music is shockingly upbeat, it sounds fine, but it completely offsets the creepy tone that the movie is trying to portray. This movie is very bad.

Did this movie do anything right? Believe it or not there was one thing that was done well in this movie. The most important thing about a movie is that it entertains, and this movie is very entertaining. This movie attempted to be a creepy horror, but it became an amusing unintentional comedy. Every poorly acted moment is a burst of laughter. Every time I see those plastered on facial expressions of the goblins I laugh. I can forgive all other flaws with a movie as long as it's entertaining.

This movie is truly the offspring of a bunch of bad elements that don't work being blended together into something that miraculously does work. People love to watch the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man wreak havoc on New York City. People also love to watch the poorly acted "Scooby-Doo" cartoon. When people watch old movies, they look for the wires that hold the UFO's up. People love to find imperfections, and are wired to love garbage. This is the perfect mesh of over the top ridiculum, combined with rancid acting, with corny special effects sprinkled on top. Everything offsets itself so perfectly, I wouldn't ask them to change it at all.

I really did enjoy this film and it's many, many flaws. I actually would recommend this movie, not only to those who get a kick out of watching bad films, but also to those who love to laugh. This is a bad movie, but it's a guilty pleasure. This is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen, and it was supposed to be a horror film.
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