
29 Reviews
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A Wonderful Movie for All
20 April 2013
... I was only 6 when this film was released & later saw it on local TV here in Bflo./Niagara! It enchanted me with it's B&W footage, but more importantly the plot of the young children with the otter-&-Nature. Who knew it would win a major award at the Cannes Film Festival, among-4-other awards. I became hooked on the many, wonderful +, upbeat movies from throughout the world-&-Hollywood! Comedy-&-musicals, my favorite, which would later lead me to write for "Billboard Magazine" in L.A., Vegas & here in thee Bflo./Niagara markets! & sing in choirs since 6th grade! Thank God for music-&-IMDb, which allows us to enjoy life more-&-share our memories!
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PERFECT on ALL levels!
9 March 2011
... I first saw this amazing B&W film, as a freshman at New Mexico Highlands Univ. in thee original Las Vegas! ('65-'66) Such great actors & that inspiring, sometimes haunting score by a young movie composer Jerry Goldsmith.

  • Flash ahead to '79, when I was West Coast Editor of Radio & TV for "Billboard Magazine" in L.A. & interviewed Mr. Goldsmith at his Beverly Hills home. He was working on thee 1st. "Alien" film & starting the 1st. "Startrek!" Imagine what-a-THRILL it was for THIS fan to FINALLY-meet-HIM! ... We briefly spoke about "A Patch of Blue" & his process in creating the music. I told him how I'd always enjoyed film scores, starting with "The Wizard of Oz" (Harold Arlen was-a-Bflo., NY boy, where I-grew-up!) Working with Poitier was a thrill-for-him.

  • If you've NEVER seen this classic, you owe it to yourself, friends-&-extended family to share! I thank God for thee arts, especially music. writing & the movies. It has enriched-my-life beyond measure!
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What a Semi-Gem!
1 December 2010
... Thank goodness legendary Hollywood film composer Henry Mancini wrote the score for this movie, for as usual, it elevates this flick with its interesting cast! - Led by Kirk Douglas, the ensemble is then headed up by Brenda Vacarro, who was nominated for an Oscar and won a Golden Globe award for her tasty role. ... "Once is Not Enough" is "Valley of The Dolls" East, but not as good! Still, is has its moments. And having worked in print-journalism for 35+ yrs. in the mainstream and gay media on both coasts: including 15-yrs. with "Billboard Magazine" in L.A., Vegas-&-the Bflo./Rochester, NY markets - I've met these "types" and lived in their worlds briefly. - Some are shallow for sure, selfish, others caring, kind, talented. Of course rich, often stingy while others very generous. All human. Kudos to Paramount Studios for this semi-gem from 1975!
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Timeless Classic Thriller!
26 October 2010
... This movies stands-the-test of time in every way. It will always be fresh and relevant, since there's a constant tension between the citizen-elected Presidency and the military-run Pentagon! - With an amazing cast and director, "Seven Days in May" is enhanced by the taught score penned by the late, great Hollywood composer Jerry Goldsmith. One of the most thrilling assignments during my 15-yrs. work-for-"Billboard Magazine" in L.A., Vegas-&-the Bflo./Rochester, NY markets, was interviewing Jerry in 1979. ... Mr. Goldsmith had just completed the 1st. "Alien" and was starting the 1st. "Star Trek." He graciously welcomed me to visit him in his 2nd. floor studio behind-his-home. I'd been-a-fan since seeing "A Patch of Blue" in 1966, which he'd scored. - A magical setting, with large overhead windows - allowing plenty of sunshine and views of trees above - Jerry shared how he created that wonderful melodic music. I was mesmerized and overwhelmed. ... Attending the sneak-preview of "Alien" at the 20th Century Fox back lot, was part of the assignment. I almost threw-up my popcorn on nearby Olivia-Newton John and Richard Dreyfuss during the scene when the alien burst-out of the actor's stomach! Of course, Jerry's music was magical! - Even though limited in this film, it's effective when heard.
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A Classic From 1972
4 October 2010
... With Director Frano Zeferelli (sp.?) with music-by-Donovan, this movie-was-destined to-be-a-classic! - It stands the test-of-time, for I just saw it on cable again. The great cinematography enhanced the story-of-St. Francis of Asisi. And costumes, which also received awards for their authenticity-&-beauty.

... When I 1st. saw-this-film, I was graduating with a B.A. in Broadcast Journalism from BYU & preparing for-a-2 yrs. Mormon mission to thee Pacific/Northwest. I'd known I was gay since 6-7, lasted 15-yrs. LDS & was excommunicated for being gay-in-'83.

  • SO: Yes, as Ed in St. Louis in his '04 review, this may-or-may not have been made 5-yrs. before-or-after "Moon" was made without the "hint of homosexuality." BUT: to this gay man, it opened-thee-door for more self-acceptance with semi-overtures-of "homosexuality." (such-a-clinical, medical term made-up-by Str8's!)
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Classic British Sci-Fi Thriller!
17 January 2010
... By 1958's standards, "The Crawling Eye" was really scary for children. such as I. It remains such, for those-with-imaginations still, even in 2010! The music, acting & decent black-&-white cinematography all adds up to a well-produced movie of its time. Lead actor Forrest Tucker heads-a-professional cast in a believable plot-&-building drama. True, the "monsters" in their own right, are what-they-are, but the film doesn't dwell on them for a good reason! They're not-that-great, but work well in context with thee entire effort. Just sit back & enjoy this trip back into the late 1950's, when UFO's & mental telepathy were just coming into-their-own! Grab the microwave pop-corn & Coke. Let yourself go & get ready-to-scream!
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Carousel (1956)
Rodgers and Hammerstein Rule!
11 January 2010
... This classic Rodgers & Hammerstein musical continues to stand thee test-of-time! "Carousel's" soundtrack remains fresh & powerful as if these two great artists had just written the score! And the cast, led by Gordon MacRae & Shirley Jones, gave Broadway a run for-it's-money! 20th Century Fox spared no expense in this glossy production, with remotes filmed in New England. And kudos to thee musical crew, led by Alfred Newman, Kim Darby & Nelson Riddle as well as thee choreographer Agnes DeMille. Hollywood quite often gets=it-right & they did with this near-perfect production. Surprising "Carousel" didn't have more than 2-nominations or any award wins! But, to many generations, it will always warm-the-heart & uplift-thee-mind.
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Kudos to Paramount & Producer George Pal!
26 December 2009
This 1953 classic still holds up after all these years! As a 12 yr. old, I was glued to my front row seat at our neighborhood theater in East Aurora, NY! (a suburb of Bflo., NY!) And had nightmares for months! Producer George Pal created a quality movie and cast, with an effective soundtrack. (I'd later work 17-yrs. for "Billboard Magazine" in L.A., Vegas-&-here) and meet one of thee greatest Hollywood composers, Jerry Goldsmith. ("Alien," "A Patch of Blue," "Star Trek!") Fun fact: Legendary costumer/multi-Oscar winner Edith Head, was uncredited for this film! So: sit back & enjoy "The War of the Worlds!" The remake, with Tom Cruise, is OK, but seems less personal and real than this version. After living & working in L.A., it's-a-kick to see several familiar shots of local areas, such as the nearby mountains & certain bridges.
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Great Disney Adventure Movie!
31 July 2009
... With a super cast, led by British Actor John Mills, "Swiss Family Robinson" (SFR) remains a solid, entertaining film for all ages! And, of course, that famous Tree House is-a-star all-by-itself! Seeing it at Disneyland in Anaheim, CA. was a thrill every time. A believable script, the movie is well-paced and the musical score fits perfectly. Suitable for even younger children, it's not boring for adults! This was the Golden Years for Disney movie-making, starting in the 1950's. Even effective on TV, it's best viewed on the full-screen at your neighborhood theater. It's worth having SFR in your permanent collection-at-home. Tahnk-you for TCM in just airing it. Enjoy!
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Minsky's Still-a-Classic Comedy!
23 June 2009
... Just saw this on Flix Movie Channel earlier today & brought back great memories of going-to-college in New Mexico & Utah in 1968! I must have seen "Minsky's" several times in just one week, it was so mesmerizing.

  • Didn't remember Director William "The Exorcist" Friedkin & Norman Lear on the screenplay credits. No wonder this was such a fun, fast-paced movie! The editing caught the spirit of show biz then in Manhattan.

...Especially the great Burlesque bits, black & white clips of-the-times in New York City & Bert "The Cowardly Lion" Lahr. "Minsky's" stands the test-of-time! You have to have no heart or be dead & buried not to cherish this Hollywood gem!
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Cast & Mancini's Music Great!
30 March 2009
Me thinks several semi-homophobic comments need to look in-their-mirrors!?! This classic, Blake Edwards musical/comedy is still-a-treasure after ALL-these-years! Pure Hollywood entertainment! Reviewed Julie Andrews' Vegas debut for "Billboard Magazine" at Caesars Palace in the late '70s & was dazzled by her amazing talent. She was so gracious at the after-show dinner party, personally meeting each press member at their tables! A classy lady! - Had seen Robert Preston with Mary Martin in the musical/comedy "I Do! I Do!" on Broadway in '66. This was his best movie role ever, way better than "The Music Man." & Leslie Ann Warren nearly stole-the-movie with her dead-on portrayal of the dippy gun moll!?! & Henry "Hank" Mancini's amazing score proves-the-vital element-of-music in film. It's wonderful!!!
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Music Makes "Zebra"
6 March 2009
... Composer Michel Legrand's score enlivens this MGM thriller, as most of his music does!

  • I interviewed Legrand, when he was conducting the Bflo. Philharmonic Orchestra in concert, for "Billboard Magazine." He'd was in post-production for a little Barbra Streisand musical film "Yentl." We talked about that & his long career.

... Whether it's movie scores or pop music, his sounds are always haunting, unusual. Check-out his web site & any movies he's written for. It'll be well worth it!

  • A gracious, creative genius, I always enjoy listening to his work & am glad he's still with us. Write on Mr. Legrand!!!
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Still a Thriller after ALL-these-YRS.!?!
4 January 2009
... Even though I 1st. saw this classic Sci-Fi flick in black-&-white on TV in the mid/late 1950's, it STILL shines bright as-the-ORIGINAL! Coupled with a decent cast-&-creepy score (oh, that weird chorus of "ah'ers,") this movie would freak-out-ANY child (or adult) with half-a-brain! - & SKIP the REMAKE, which was God AWFUL! Hollywood should LEARN-their-LESSON! DON'T fool-with-redo's. Can you IMAGINE seeing this film on a twin bill with another Sc-Fi classic "This Island Earth," which ALSO can stand the test-of-TIME! Drive-an impressionable kid TOTALLY nuts! LOL!!! ... SO, cook up some hot popcorn, grab a Diet Coke, turn-off ALL the lights, turn of your damn cell phones-&-ENJOY!!!
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Best EVER UFO Movie!!!
1 November 2008
... Hope you're ALL watching the re-broadcast of this GREAT Sci-Fi film ever made-by-Hollywood, on AMC right now!?! - Based on the BEST of "Project Blue Book," the US Air Force attempt to DEBUNK UFO's, "Close Encounters" STILL remains the MOST realistic depiction of such events! ... Enhanced by Director Spielberg's amazing direction & usual, great composer John Williams' music score, it's OBVIOUS this movie is a loving chestnut to those EARLIER classics: like MGM's "Forbidden Planet" (which was JUST on TCM!), "Invaders from Mars" (the ORIGINAL!), etc.

  • As a print journalist of 35+ yrs., in both the mainstream-&-gay media on both coasts (17 with "Billboard" in L.A., Vegas-&-here in the Bflo./Rochester, NY markets), I SALUTE Hollywood for such WONDERFUL films-as-"Close Enocunters." It IS film-making at-it's-ZENITH!!!
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1981 Seems Like YESTERDAY!?!
31 August 2008
... Watching this ageless classic on TCM, Sun., Aug. 31 '08 it seems-like-1981 was YESTERDAY. My father died 2-yrs. later & my mom 10-yrs. later in '93. Seeing "On Golden Pond" brings mixed-emotions about family, friends-&-extended family.

  • The movie REALLY holds-up after ALL-these-yrs.!?! On SO many LEVELS!?! Check-it-out for YOURSELF!?! From the script, cinematography & sound to the score, it all WORKS! ... As an award-winning, print-journalist of 35+ yrs. in the mainstream-&-gay media on both coasts, (17 with "Billboard Magazine" in L.A., Vegas & the Bflo./Rochester, NY markets), music has played an INTEGRAL part of my life for almost ALL of-my-61 yrs.! Isn't jazz composer Dave Grusin's score GREAT?!? - & Kat Hepburn, Henry Fonda & Jane Fonda are AMAZING! The family tension, interaction & resolutions are FAMILIAR, heart-wrenching at times. Acting collides with the real-life issues between Jane-&-Henry. How we miss him-&-Kate!
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Ben-Hur (1959)
Music Makes "Ben Hur" Great!?!
30 June 2008
... As a print journalist of 35+ yrs. in the mainstream-&-gay media on both coasts, including 17 with "Billboard" in L.A., Vegas-&-the Bflo./Rochester, NY markets, the film score to "Ben Hur" really makes this classic, long-lasting movie! - I'll NEVER forget seeing the large-screen/full-stereo version in an old-time Salt Lake City theater. It was mind-blowing in 70m!?! ... & yrs. later, it was interesting to learn about the semi-homo-erotic scenes (intentional-or-NOT) between wonderful actor Stephen Boyd & so-so B-actor Heston. Director William Wyler, as usual, is GENIUS! - If you EVER get-a-chance to see "Ben Hur" on the LARGE screen with FULL stereo sound, TAKE IT!!! This is Hollywood at it's-VERY-best!!!
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East of Eden (1955)
Another Scene Missing!?!
28 April 2008
As a print journalist of 35+ yrs., working 17-yrs. for Billboard Magazine in L.A.. Vegas & the Bflo./Rochester Markets, I have always been a fan of movie composers. Leonard Rosenman did a wonderful score for this film.

&, as a gay man, who's read many books about great Hollywood films such as this one, I was saddened to learn about a controversial scene edited from the final cut by the censors. It was a brief, intimate moment between Dean & his fellow actor, who played his brother. The scene inferred conflicted homosexual/incestuous feelings between the two, which increased the building confrontational nature of their relationship through life to the movie's climax.

Of course, this was way-to-much for the audiences of the time, much less the stifling mid-50's with all the Sen. Joe McCarthy anti-gay baiting as part of the black-listing of Hollywood actors, producers, etc.

As much as I hate remakes, it would be a welcome addition to any production today to add that all-important scene. Today's sophisticated audiences, as well as movie makers, could handle it. Time to grow-up America!!!
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The Reivers (1969)
Sill Holds Up After 39 Yrs.!?!
29 March 2008
... I was a Jr. at BYU when "The Reivers" was 1st. released in '69. Watching it today (March 30, 2008!?!), the film STILL-holds-up!?! One of Steve McQueen's most charming roles.

  • As a Broadcast Journalist grad, who spent the next 35+ yrs. in the mainstream-&-gay media on both coasts, I'd work 17-yrs. for "Billboard Magazine" in Vegas, L.A. & the Bflo./Rochester, N.Y. markets.

... Was a fan of the late movie composer Jerry Goldsmith (since "A Patch of Blue" in '66), later interviewing him. John Williams, who wrote-this-score, was a close 2nd.

  • & Burgess Meredith as narrator, was PERFECT!?! A CLASSIC!!! Don't MISS this!!!
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Heidi (1937)
Blast from the Past!?!
23 November 2007
... Thank-you AMC for showing this memorable, childhood classic during Thanksgiving '07. Brought back many memories of the pre-10 yr. old days for me.

  • & what a treat seeing comic genius Arthur Treacher again!?! As the butler, he NEARLY stole-the-show. Recall him on Merve Griffin's early TV series. He was a riot as-a-guest. Shirley's not bad either, but that governess was EVIL!?! Surprised she didn't scare us more than Margaret Hamilton as the Wicked Witch of the West!!! Share this wonderful film with your children. Or enjoy it again-all-over for just YOU!!!

... Forget all the remakes & stick with this ORIGINAL. You can't beat it!
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Peter Pan (1960 TV Movie)
TV Musical at it's BEST!?!
19 November 2007
Hey Kids!?!...

... Even at 60 now, I find this classic TV musical a MUST see!?! It's "TIMELESS," as Barbra would say. If you've NEVER seen it, rent or buy it for the inner child of vous!!! - You KNOW, as a print journalist of 35+ yrs. in la mainstream & gay media (on both coasts), ESPECIALLY 17 with "Billboard Magazine" in L.A., Vegas & the Bflo./Rochester, N.Y. markets, I'm just SAD there's no trailer-to-watch OR music-to-hear!?! Legendary Broadway composer Jerome Robbins?!? You CAN'T get-ANY-better!!! ... Great songs like: "Neverland," "Lullaby" & "I'll Never Grow Up!" Hope YOU haven't. MOIS-never-WILL. "2nd * to the right & straight on 'til morning!" SEE YA THERE!?!
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Godspell (1973)
Still a Classic!
10 November 2007
Saw this well-done movie musical 4-times in the 1st. week it opened at the old Red Rock Theatres in '73. Was starting my 35+ yr. print journalism career at the "L.V. Review-Journal" & had covered the world premiere of "Jesus Christ Superstar" for "Billboard" in L.A. "Godspell" was MUCH MUCH better in EVERY way!?! In reading the cast credits, was sorry to learn that Jeffrey Mylett had died-of-AIDS in '86, the same yr. I had a major heart attack. He was SOOO good as one of-the-followers, the cute drk.-haired character wearing the small, black hat. Like the rest of-the-cast, he had a certain magical quality the music enhanced.

Rent or buy this movie if you've never seen it. I agree with other posts. It's BEST seen on a LARGE theater screen!?!
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Magic (1978)
Another Classic!?!
28 October 2007
... As a full-time correspondent for "Billboard Magazine" in Vegas during '78, I first got-to-know Ms. Margret through her show at Caesars Palace. It was an exciting time-for-her & this movie was her breakthrough into major movies again.

A yr. later, I'd interview the film's composer Jerry Goldsmith, who I'd admired since hearing his score for "A Patch of Blue" in '66 when I was a college freshman in N.M. It was a thrill to meet him while he had just finished the 1st. "Alien" & was working on the 1st. "Star Trek." Those were heady times at BB.

And of course it didn't hurt to have Mr. Hopkins in this lead role. He'd go on to be in many other major movies & be knighted. Hollywood DOES get-it-right sometimes!?!
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My Fair Lady (1964)
Saw Original Broadway Musical!
20 October 2007
Watching the movie version takes me back to front-row, center balcony with-my-parents watching Harrison & Julie Andrews do-their-thing!?! I was 12 & mesmerized!!! Lloyd-Weber said on TCM it's the most PERFECT musical/dialog ever written for the stage or movies. After 35+ yrs. as a print journalist on both coasts in the mainstream & gay media (17 with "Billboard" in L.A., Vegas & the Bflo./Rochester, N.Y. markets), I finally agree with him on SOMETHING!?! Except for seeing The Beatles TWICE-in-Toronto, nothing-came-CLOSE to this 1st. EVER Broadway experience!?! I highly recommend this movie to any & all to see what a CLASSIC really is!?!
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Still Tops After All These Years!
26 August 2006
... Note to today's "alleged" stars: Study this movie over & over to see REAL actors! Not some crappy "Survivor" so-called stars! - I first saw "Hush" as a transfer student at BYU in '66. Just caught the classic again on AMC. From Betty Davis, to Olivia de Havilland & Agnes Moorehead, Joseph Cotton & you can't find better today! They stand the test of time & seem even better! Try that Tom Cruise or Brittany Spears! ... You can see why the film received so many nominations & awards. Kudos to Director Robert Aldrich, the cinematographer for doing such a great job on a black & white movie & Composer De Vol was enhancing the spooky moods with his amazing score!
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Update: Include gays, gypsies, physically-challenged, elderly, etc.
24 April 2006
As a print journalist of 35+ yrs., having worked in both the gay & mainstream media, I think it's important that this classic film about Nazi Germany be seen by ALL students in high school & junior highs.

I've lost track how many times I've seen this outstanding movie, but remain spellbound at the brief but powerful portrayals by both Judy Garland & Montgomery Clift (in real life, a gay man.) I'm sure he took the role, knowing the truth about the thousands of gay men killed in the concentration camps. ("Bent" is the successful Broadway play about this subject, based on the book "The Men With The Pink Triangle.") So many different types of people found themselves on the Nazi lists for death. They started with the most vulnerable, the sick & elderly, worked their way through the so-called "undesirables" like the mentally ill, disabled, political enemies, nuns, priests.

As a gay man in the year 2006, I remember ALL the victims of the camps. Especially my gay brothers who wore the Pink Triangles. It CAN happen again, has since. NEVER FORGET!!!
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