
8 Reviews
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The Chair (2021)
Had Potential, But....
26 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the first episode and the rest of the series kept me moderately interested. However, there were several missteps that really lessened my enjoyment of The Chair. As a result, I am not 100% sure I would watch a season two if it is renewed. The pros and cons of the show are as follows:

Pros -
  • Sandra Oh's character was really likeable, as were her father, Yaz, the IT guy, and the professor who keeps falling asleep.

  • Taylor Holland was fantastic. To me, she was the star of the show. So many of her scenes had me laughing out loud.

  • The serious aspects of the show were generally well-done.

Cons -
  • Oh's character's relationship with her daughter was terribly done. It was never really made clear why the daughter was always so mean to her mother.

  • The daughter was an incredibly annoying character. She was a spoiled brat who was rude, disobedient, and pretty unlikeable. This was a huge mistake by the writers and really lessened my enjoyment of the show. The kid was so bad and I couldn't stand her!

  • The Jay Duplass character was also pretty bad. He was very selfish, arrogant, and I found myself hoping he would get fired.

  • There were a large number of jokes that fell flat. Like I knew it was supposed to be funny, but it just wasn't.
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Not great, but...
30 August 2019
There are tons of cliches in this movie, but it is an enjoyable enough movie. I thought the characters were likable and I thought there was chemistry between the two leads. If you go in without too high expectations, I think you will enjoy this movie. In no way is it a great movie, but not a bad way to spend 90 minutes or so.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Nothing Seemed to Make Any Sense
13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
GoT's 8th season has been an incredible disappointment and this episode is a perfect example of how the series has lost its way. Character development has been cast aside for the sake of visuals and advancing the story as quickly as possible. Also, the writers seem like they couldn't care less about logic or making any sense. Just a few examples from this episode:

1) Where did all the Dothrakis soldiers come from? I thought they were all killed in the Battle of Winterfell when they had that disastrous charge? 2) How was Dany suddenly able to dodge all those Skorpion arrows when their aim was so perfect previous episode? 3) How did Qyburn know that the Iron Fleet and all of the Skorpions had been destroyed? 4) How did Jaime not die after suffering two grievous wounds from his fight with Euron? How was barely able to crawl to his sword and suddenly he's able walk up all those stairs with only a small limp. Shouldn't he have died well before then given where he was stabbed and how badly he was bleeding? 5) How did Arya not die? I love Arya but no way she should have survived. 6) Where the hell did that horse come from? Everyone's dead except for Arya and a horse that happens to conveniently be standing right near Arya.

What a disaster. I originally gave it 3 stars but dropped it down to 2. If I write anything else, I'll probably drop it to 1 star.
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Ideal Home (2018)
Why the Hate?
5 December 2018
I am stunned by some of the negative reviews - someone actually wrote they did not laugh once. All I can assume is they must have been watching a different movie.

While there were some cliched moments and I could have predicted some parts, I really enjoyed this movie. All of the main characters were extremely likable and I found myself rooting for them. There were many moments, while understated, that were absolutely hilarious - No cheap laughs at the expense of the characters.

One last thing, and I hope I'm not overstepping as a heterosexual, but I thought the gay relationship between Paul and Erasmus was treated with respect and not demeaned in any way. I'm not sure how often this occurs, but I would guess not often enough (I hope I'm wrong).
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Mojave (2015)
Not Great,but....
10 August 2018
In no way is this a great movie, but it kept me engaged to the end. Would I watch it again? Absolutely not, but it did have a few redeeming qualities. Specifically: 1) First and foremost, I thought Oscar Isaac was excellent in it. He is clearly the star of the movie and had all of the best lines (Not that there were many of them). 2) There was a bit of suspense in the cat and mouse game between Hedlund and Isaac. 3) I wanted to know how it would turn out and the ending was slightly different than what I expected.

The cons: 1) Hedlund's character is a real jerk and you can't stand him. Almost made me root for Isaac's character. 2) You never really understand why Hedlund's character is so unhappy and such a jerk. 3) The pace moves very slowly at times. 4) Nothing particularly innovative or creative about the script.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Very Good but a Bit Overrated
29 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As I begin this review, I can't help but wonder if my review is influenced by the fact that I saw this movie several weeks after it was released. So much praise was heaped on Get Out that I went in expecting something akin to Citizen Kane or The Godfather. I liked Get Out a great deal, but I don't think it's ultimately worthy of its outstanding reviews.

It is a very good movie, that contains some great social commentary about race in America. As a person of color, I couldn't but help but laugh at some of the inside jokes. This is not to say that whites will not enjoy the movie, though I am sure some will take offense at the depiction of all the white people in the film.

The movie starts a bit slow and meanders a bit before the real suspense kicks in. As Chris starts to wonder what the hell is going on in the Armitage household, I found myself at the edge of my seat wondering what what going to happen. The ending is satisfying and generally ties things up well.

Overall, an exciting, clever, and well-written movie that contains great insights on race relations in America. Definitely worth seeing!
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Deuces (2016)
Some Plot Holes, But Decent Overall
13 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I first started watching Deuces, I wasn't sure how much I was going to like it, since this is a well-trod genre. In the end, I have to admit it won me over. I think the plot is good (if a little clichéd), the actors did a good job selling their roles and were likable, and the movie moves along at a brisk pace. Definitely not The Godfather or Citizen Kane, but worth watching.

My main complaint with the movie is that it never really explains how Jason Foster, the undercover police officer played by Lance Gross, develops such strong relationship with Deuces, the crime lord played by Larenz Tate. They seem to become best buddies at the drop of a hat.

Other than this complaint, I enjoyed the movie and liked the ending (though totally unrealistic).
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Tank 432 (2015)
Truly a Terrible Movie
13 April 2017
I was intrigued by the premise and decided to give it a try. What a huge disappointment.

This movie is bad on many levels. Just a few:

  • None of the characters are remotely likable. They are either jerks, poorly-written, or bland as hell. - Almost all of the acting is really poor. Particularly bad are George Kennedy as Smith and Tom Mateen as Evans. Ever, Rupert Evans, who is decent in The Man in the High Castle, can't muster a good effort. - Most of the story makes no sense and very little of substance seems to happen.

Please, don't torture yourself by watching this movie - it is that bad!
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