16 Reviews
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Season 3 falls short
23 June 2022
Season 1 was amazing and season 2 managed to surpass it by being excellent. However, season 3 was just all over the place, lacking consistency, hard to follow and difficult to keep viewers engaged. Very disappointing to t after such a long wait.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Good yet unrealistic
24 January 2022
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So, I have to agree with many others by mentioning that it started off much better than it ended. For starters, the fact that everyone slept on the ground one night with not even a chill and the next night Jackie just froze to death? Or the fact that a leg amputation with no antibiotics or surgery just magically healed properly with no infection? Or the stranded plane just coincidently had no big trees in front of it for it to gain speed. And what exactly caught on fire, the teddy bear? And why the hell is Tai eating dirt when she sleep walks? Does she even remember killing the dog? The whole spirit or wtv it's suppose to be was overly vague, like I understand suspense but this was just annoying. How about Shauna's husband that does not seem bothered one bit by her journals or that she murdered someone and disposed of a body. Misty, obviously is a total sociopath and I still don't get why the coach or everyone else take it so lightly that she keeps poisoning people. Or the reporter that can clearly see that she's crazy, injecting chocolates with drugs that could kill her father and is still stupid enough to smoke cigarettes or even drive a car that were in the hands of the nut job keeping her hostage.

Anyhow, all in all it's got me hooked, interesting story, I just hope it won't drag along for too many seasons like LOST.
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Terrible movie
20 October 2021
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So I recently watched "the movie that made us", "Halloween" episode. Reminded me of when I watched the Halloween movies with my friends at sleepovers and with my big brother. So I decided to watch the 2018 movie the other night and thought it was pretty good, so I went and saw this movie tonight with my bother, and oh my was it terrible. I don't like horror film but enjoy the thrill of the classic Halloween films. This had no thrill whatsoever, just complete stupidity to the point of being ridiculously and awkwardly funny. All the characters make the most idiotic decisions as if they've gone brain dead. It was just overly gory and felt it did not respect the character or basis of the "Halloween" 1978 idea, which is thrill, suspense, heart racing, holding your breath while you wonder where Michael Myers will come out from next. Don't waste your money or your time. Guess what, everyone dies except for Lori and the cop, the end.
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Carol (2015)
Cate Blanchett is seductive
18 July 2021
Like most film adaptations of books, it fell a little short, but it's to be expected when you have to fit an entire book into the length of a film. Cate Blanchett is simply seductive. Although her character at times is confusing in her hot and cold attitude, using money in her power, we have to keep in mind that she is also a separated mother in the 50's and homosexuality was still very much frowned upon. The cinematography was lovely, wardrobes and everything that just brought the 50's to life in this slow paced, quiet film that speaks volumes through the picture on screen. It's a must see and a must read.
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Why a male director?
4 July 2021
I was so surprised to see that this was directed by a man. It was very disappointing that after tell us to hire more women for an hour and a half, they didn't hire a woman themselves to direct it.
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Dawson's Creek (1998–2003)
90's - 00's nostalgia
27 June 2021
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I've been binge watching this all week, 15 years after I've last watched this show and it is exactly as I remember it. Intellectually over the top dialogue for a bunch of teens, but I think it's what makes it still interesting to watch now in my thirties. Many of the subjects are well approached and ahead of their time. However, I do think they overly tortured some relationships and the whole Joey Dawson thing was absolutely annoying. Thankfully they had Joey and Pacey end up together even if they split them up in such a horrendous manner. But, the show became a whole lot less interesting when they went off to college and from beginning to end, Dawson was always intolerable.

I remember all the shows lined up on the WB when I was a teen all being quite mature and blurring my reality of what I should expect from high school, considering all the actors were at least in there 20's, thus creating unrealistic expectations.
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
It's done it's time
5 June 2021
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I admit that I have binged watch the entire show at least 2 or 3 times, however, it should have ended a good 3 seasons ago at least. I feel like they don't know what to do with the show anymore, besides killing people off or having them move away. Since Mc Dreamy died, Meredith lost her flavour. Alex's exit was the last straw, especially the way he hurt Jo so terribly after renewing their vows (even if it was to be with his kids and fist love). Everything in between had some good but also too much drama just butchering everyone's relationships, like Arizona and Callie, how could you destroy a couple so many different ways?! Seriously! Teddy was good the first time around, but is now unbearable and Owen is as always intolerable. A good show needs to know when to call it quits, not leaving people hoping for it to end.
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Ended pretty abruptly
5 June 2021
It was quite good, kind of predictable but well done. I just thought it ended quite suddenly.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Not a horror nor a thriller
5 June 2021
Pretty predictable, was not the worst thing I've seen, didn't expect much, but nothing worth praising.
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Sharp Objects (2018)
Slow, somewhat predictable
29 May 2021
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So, I have to agree with many that it could have been much shorter. It was stretched out over 8 episodes with all of these flashbacks and the mysterious woman in white that was never really dealt with. Clearly, Amma was a psychopath from the beginning, at no moment do we believe it's the brother or father of the victims. She was jealous of the attention her mom was giving to the other girls. Camille's parents are also messed up, and even if they did not kill the other girls, they clearly poisoned their daughters and ended up killing one. The suggest a man would have had to pull the teeth out, yet they never arrest Camille and Amma's dad when the mom is obviously not strong enough. Would have been nice to understand the blood under the bed as well. The acting was good, the soundtrack and the visuals.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Should have stopped after season 2
2 May 2021
I have to agree with other "bad" reviews here.

Season 1 was a strong 10 with an amazing soundtrack, a cool storyline with mystery, creepiness and darkness that keep you captivated. And 80's throwback nostalgia was a bonus.

Season 2 had the same vibe, a little less mysterious and more far fetched sci-fi, but still captivating.

However, season 3 just lost it all, it seemed like the adventures of Scooby-Doo and the gang. So much bickering, pointless storylines, not intriguing or captivating at all. My 11 years niece told me it's her favorite season, which make complete sense. Seems like they had a new target segment of viewers.
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
Didn't age well
15 April 2021
So, I can't say I did not like this show because I did very much at one time. I used to find it quite funny, even though Ted could get annoying at times and Barney being way to much. However, I attempted to watch the series again recently and it was cringeworthy. The way they treat women is just awful. Even though we all know the actor portraying the playboy Barney is actually gay, and his character is an exaggeration, it just does not work in 2021.
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Not so amazing stories
6 April 2021
I wish I had read the reviews before wasting a few hours watching some of these episodes.

I don't even know how to explain why this show was not worth watching. It's like they tried to shove too much into 1 hour than it just came off as so little. Lacking depth, detail, emotion...

I read somebody else's review, comparing it to goosebumps, I have to agree, not in the « scary » sense, but in the way the stories are told.
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Replicas (2018)
Portly thought out
7 February 2021
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Ok, so I am only half way through but how is it no one discovered the vehicle after 20 days? In such a high tech facility, no cameras seeing 2 dudes carry around dead bodies? Family and friends will just magically forget about Zoe? Missing so many details to make this a credible film. Yes it's sci-fi, but I would expect good writers to think of the small details to make it believable.
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Inheritance (I) (2020)
Does not make sense
19 January 2021
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The film as a whole was interesting, even if it was somewhat predictable. However, the plot makes no sense. Why would he leave his daughter's biological father and wife's captured rapist to his daughter as inheritance without any explanation?
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Knocked Up (2007)
Did not she well
14 January 2021
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I remembered this movie being much funnier, however, it did not age well. I want to say It's because of the stupid immature male humour, yet I still enjoy the classic American pie films. There is no chemistry at all between the leader characters to pass as a couple. Would have worked if they stayed friends.
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