
61 Reviews
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The Love Boat
1 September 2023
I thought I was watching "The Love Boat" seeing so many well known actors past their prime. The only difference was the names of the famous actors came in the end credits. The first one I recognized was Audrey Totter, then Bruce Bennett, Jeff Corey, Ben Johnson, Elisha Gish Jr., and finally Ted de Corsia. These six actors go back many years and were in many good movies. If this show were made in 2023 using actors with this pedigree, it would be a big deal. I imagine back then these actors were happy to get a payday. The Perry Mason show often used once famous older actors, but this episode outdid any other in the sheer number of them.
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A Few More To See
30 June 2023
Great movie. Not knocking the John Wayne version, but this is so much better. Walter Brennan at his best, really appreciated Chester Morris for the first time, and for me discovering Lewis Stone as more than an accessory. I will hold judgement to this being the best version until I see the 1929 one starring Charles Bickford. I most likely will never get to see the two silent ones, both with Harry Carey, It is a B&W film and that is a plus, I can't imagine it being as good in color. Happy ending in one way and unhappy in a few ways, which makes it feel all the more real. Oh yeah, that baby is a cute as any that ever came out of Hollywood.
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Wagon Train: The Lisa Raincloud Story (1962)
Season 6, Episode 7
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wrote "Verified" for the title of this review to express my belief that 1950's and 60's Westerns were mostly garbage. I used to be a fan of a lot of them and "Wagon Train" was one of my favorites. This episode has a couple of things in it that prove my point. It is not new, but I saw it again here, whenever a main cast member becomes very involved with a person of the opposite sex, it usually means that the other person is not long for this World. If I had written this I would have preferred she lived and decided to stay with the Indians. The man that shot her was able to hit a moving target from a distance and make a killing shot. This is akin to the good guy shooting the gun out of the bad guy's hand while shooting from the hip. When a cast member ever gets shot, it is always non fatal. To make it even worse, the man who shot her appears to have been given a pass, as we didn't see him hanging from a tree as the wagons resumed their journey. I am not saying that every episode is bad, just most of them. Watch it if you are too happy and want to come down a lot.
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Just Short
21 February 2023
I love this movie. The aerial shots alone make this movie worth watching. I think the number of murders could have been reduced and still have an enjoyable movie. What makes this a 9 star for me, not a 10, is the ridiculous ending. The fight on the cable car was just so out of character with the rest of the movie. While I felt other aspects of the story were plausible, the ending was unbelievable and silly. I guess it was meant to be suspenseful, but like in episodes of Gunsmoke, we know Matt Dillon will not be die. The thing that really surprised me was how small the part Jack Elam had was. Maybe he should have been cast as the bad guy, bigger part and in his wheelhouse.
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Needed More
21 February 2023
A dignified portrayal of Black soldiers. Never thought of Woody Strode as an actor, just a fantastic physical specimen, but he proves me wrong here. The ending is a little disappointing for me as the breakdown of the guilty party was something right out of an episode of Perry Mason. I wished something could have been done where physical evidence was conclusive enough to exonerate the Sergeant. More movies like this might have been able to reduce the racial tensions of the 60's. I am OK with Jeffrey Hunter's job here, but would preferred a more grizzled less handsome actor for that part. Regardless, it is a excellent movie.
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So Much
12 February 2023
There is so much I want to say. I will start by writing that I noticed the old man's mustache coming off and was going to say something to my Wife, but thought that can't be right, so said nothing. Then I read here someone else had noticed it also, so I might be right.

My Wife loves Ann Francis and we were surprised to see she had an uncredited part here. She must have been the girl on the right among the three at the very end. I thought the one on the left was quite beautiful. Also when watching this again we will have to look for Brian Keith as one of he skaters.

I was really struck at how beautiful Ethel Barrymore was. I know the name, but can't say what films she was in as easily as I can for Lionel.

My Wife was watching it initially, I just sat down to see what she was watching and became completely absorbed by it. This happens rarely for me, the last time was for "A Matter of Life and Death", a 1946 British fantasy-romance film. In both instances I wouldn't change a thing in the story, these two films are perfection. Wasn't a big fan of Joseph Cotten before, but am now. Jennifer Jones was very good, Wife and I agree that Cyd Charisse would have been great. I think she could have pulled off the young Jennie part more believably, plus she was so beautiful.

Great movie to see at least once in your life.
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Pit Stop (1969)
31 January 2023
If you grew up in the 1960's and had a Dad that took you to the stock car races at Long Island's Freeport Speedway this movie will bring back memories. The guys here are not the ones you see today racing in NASCAR. They are like the guys I saw growing up, guys that owned their own gas stations and raced for the love of it. The reason my Dad took us there was because he knew a driver/owner that owned the local Sinclair station. It was a slice of America that no longer exists. We had the oval, not the figure eight, which seems like a waste of good old cars. I was surprised to see a 1958-60 Thunderbird at one of the race in the movie, I almost cried.
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Buy a better blouse, I mean shirt.
9 December 2022
I like this show, but there are times where it gets too ridiculous or annoying. This episode has both those complaints.

The first is the annoying one, because it will be brief. The Earp love interest character is very annoying and I wish it were her that took his punches, not the hired hands.

The ridiculous stuff is Earp beating up a man that has a reputation for being good with his fists and then after that, with no rest, beating another man. I guess there is some demographic that liked seeing him having his poofy shirt (blouse) torn off while the other combatants have their attire remain on. Lawmen have guns so that they don't have to engage in fisticuffs. This is almost as bad as Dillon on Gunsmoke, in at least two episodes, beating professional boxers.
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Enlisted beware
11 November 2022
When I was younger without any military experience, movies like this would be fun to watch. After more than 30 years with most being in the Navy I have grown tired of seeing enlisted people made to appear like idiots that need the direction of officers to function. Even the depiction of Chief Petty officers make them appear that without the guidance of a 22 year old Ensign would be lost. Mister Roberts, again with Lemmon, is a great example of the denigrating depiction of the enlisted. Sailors need an officer to allow them to take their shirts off while working in the hold on the Equator. The Lemmon character only begins to stand up for the enlisted after he learns of Mister Roberts's death. This is why with time I love Kelly's Heroes more and more, it's all enlisted.
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The Fugitive: Nobody Loses All the Time (1966)
Season 4, Episode 10
7 November 2022
Without a doubt the best thing about the fugitive is David Jansen. The worst thing is Lt. Gerard. Not Barry Morse, just Gerard. This episode is typical of the ones he is in. He shows up, in most cases, to another state. He then bosses around the officers of departments he is not a member of. He is only a Lt. And they are a dime a dozen, but he is all of a sudden their Chief. Less Gerard would have made many episodes better. This episode had a lot going for it with the underrated Philip Pine and Don Dubbins in parts too small for their talents. I know it was different time, but Kimble to be allowed to operate and then care for the patient is a stretch even for the biggest fan.
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Gunpoint (1966)
Couldn't do it
10 October 2022
I couldn't get past the opening of this movie. I understand that most Westerns, except Hondo, have their ridiculous parts. Guns being shot out of the hands of the bad guys by someone shooting from the hip is especially annoying. This movie took the Gold however in the first few minutes when a rider on horseback threw knives at the occupants of the locomotive's cab, killing them. At that point I said we are done here. I am almost positive that the knives were shown striking them in the front even though the rider was approaching from the rear. I find that when things start out bad in a movie that they don't usually get better.
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The Andy Griffith Show: The Song Festers (1964)
Season 4, Episode 20
Too much annoying Barney
6 October 2022
I used to like this show, but the older I get the more Barney annoys me. It is also annoying that Andy keeps him as his deputy. He is basically a loud mouth coward. Here, for the umpteenth time, Andy worries about hurting Barney's feelings even though Barney rarely has empathy for anyone else. This is a recurring theme in the show whenever Barney's feelings might get hurt or someone call's him out. We changed the channel once we saw Gomer back out of singing the tenor part. If this only happened once or twice I wouldn't mind, but the covering of his ineptitude is constant. It is like watching The Honeymooners and wondering after just one episode of his mistreatment towards Alice why she hadn't already left him.
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The Fugitive: The Girl from Little Egypt (1963)
Season 1, Episode 14
30 July 2022
I came to IMDB to refresh my memory. Pamela Tiffin is a name I have heard before, but can't say as I know what work she had done. After I got the name I looked at the description for this episode and see it starts with "An average looking airline stewardess". Pamela Tiffin has to be the best looking actress to ever appear on this show, "average" is not the best way to describe her. What I liked about this episode is that Kimble is not discovered by law enforcement. I grew up in the 60's and know that killings were happening all the time. The idea that one man accused of one murder would get so much attention nationwide is ridiculous.
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Blood Arrow (1958)
What Can I Say, I Like Her
15 July 2022
Started watching this after seeing Phyllis Coates. I have always liked her look and think she is a good actress. Then I saw John Dierkes and thought it has to be a good movie. I wouldn't say it was a good movie, rather more like a decent episode from a 50's TV Western. It was fun to watch, but not at all memorable. Interesting also is seeing Rocky. Shahan, of Rawhide, playing an Indian.
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Cry Terror! (1958)
Hubba Hubba
3 June 2022
Gave this a 10 for two reasons. First a very young Inger Stevens and second a very young Angie Dickinson. Love them both, but Inger is the one I always had a crush on.
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Highway Patrol: Suicide (1958)
Season 3, Episode 31
Getting Worse
30 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen quite a few that have been bad, but this one takes the cake. The part I found most bothersome was Mathews arresting the wife, now a recent widow. She reported the possibility of a murder and ID'd one of the bad guys. All she did was point a gun at the man she felt responsible for her husband's death, she never fired. Mathews grabbed the gun, so we can never be sure if she would have actually pulled the trigger. Never understood why people that say they are going to kill someone talk so much, shoot and talk later.

Mathews drives to the station and just happens to pull up behind the car of the murder victim. The "Syndicate" sends two people for a one person job. The experienced hit man leaves his knife in the victim. Hit man stabs the victim in broad daylight in an area open to the public. The lab report came back in less than an hour, please. Mathews was the first on the scene, you mean to tell me that there wasn't a patrol unit closer?

Really bad, though I love the old cars and the places from a time long gone.
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Highway Patrol: Psycho Killer (1958)
Season 3, Episode 30
Mathews not so trigger happy.
27 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In just about every episode Mathews doesn't need much provocation to waste someone. In this episode the bad guy has killed three women, shot at Mathews and shot at two uniformed officers. They never return fire and actually treat the murderer rather politely. In the previous episode a bad guy with a rifle is killed and Mathews afterwards grabs the "dead" man by the hair and never checks for vitals. I guess he could tell if a person was dead just by doing that. Lt Mathews is not a nice man or a good cop.
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Highway Patrol (1955–1959)
Goes south very quickly
29 April 2022
I was too young to see this series when it was originally being aired and only recently been able to see it. I was hoping there would be more emphasis on cars, but that never materialized, though I did see a Corvette in the first episode.

What sticks with me after seeing many episodes is what a jerk Mathews is. He is constantly shoving prisoners after they have been handcuffed, which when I worked was a no-no. Once the cuffs are on the rough stuff stops. Then the way he treats innocent or even helpful people is very annoying. Last night I caught an episode from 1958 where a farmer called in to Highway Patrol reporting that he saw a body being dumped. He described the car, gave them the plate number, and then said he would be waiting at the location for the police. When Mathews showed up one of the first things he asks the farmer is why hadn't he given a description of the bad guy on the initial call. Never said thanks for reporting what he had seen. That is just one of many examples of Mathews being a jerk.

Don't get me started about the really stupid stuff like the officer jumping out of a helicopter onto a man they were chasing. Then there is Mathews being Annie Oakley with a snub nosed revolver. I can say from experience that there was a reason why our service revolvers had 4" barrels against our backups having a 2", that being accuracy.

I do like the show, just can't stand the arrogant Mathews.
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The Phil Silvers Show: Bilko's Allergy (1958)
Season 4, Episode 9
One of the better ones
9 April 2022
The Phil Silvers Show is great, but sometimes he is too slimy as Bilko. This episode is not one of those. What I found interesting is that two actors listed as uncredited here went on to the most fame, they are John Marley and J. D. Cannon. It is also the first entry in Cannon's IMDB list. Even more interesting is who was the beautiful actress that played the waitress at the end. Sometimes you find out that they had decent careers, but she wasn't even listed as uncredited.
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Highway Patrol: Desert Town (1955)
Season 1, Episode 7
Higher score later
13 January 2022
To be honest, I only caught the end of this one. There is always at least one that is memorable in a series and until I saw this didn't have one for Highway Patrol. I think this is the one.
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Needed a better ending.
6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I believe I have never watched the entire movie. The first time I tried I think it was the idea that a man would put himself in such a ridiculous position turned me off. It was on TV again and I got to see the ending. He was getting a pardon because the influential man that knew of the plot left behind a letter with additional documents and pictures that proved Andrews innocence. Are we to believe that Andrews just mentioning the name of the murder victim to one person is enough to disregard that? He did confess to that same one person, Fontaine, but he only needed to deny that. The phone call made one minute before the signing of the pardon is absurd. I wouldn't waste my time in the future watching this knowing how bad the ending was.
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The Phil Silvers Show: Doberman's Sister (1956)
Season 2, Episode 10
One of the better ones
4 January 2022
A happier ending than most, but I didn't like one thing. The names of the girls in the dream sequences are nowhere to be found, not even as uncredited. I am pretty sure the one in Bilko's dream was in at least one other episode, but the one I am most curious about is the one in. Cpl. Fender's dream.
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Dragnet 1967: Burglary: DR-31 (1969)
Season 3, Episode 20
31 December 2021
I overall hated this episode, but found something quite good in it. Tim Donnelly gave a moving performance. What I found incredible is the lack of empathy from Friday and Cannon. Shaking their heads and glances at one another while Donnelly described the cruelty he had endured was hard to watch.
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Steaming, at least I am after watching this
7 November 2021
While I think the core of the story is workable, in this instance I find it very annoying. The idea of someone living in my house, wearing my clothes, sleeping in my bed, and using my bathroom is quite disgusting. Then there is the ungrateful child, here Gale Storm, that enjoys living in the excess provided by the father, but complains much too much. Capra was smart to take a pass on this, if that piece of trivia is correct.
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The Phil Silvers Show: Hollywood (1956)
Season 1, Episode 16
Familiar Faces
13 May 2021
A good episode where the usual cast is mostly absent. What made this one interesting for me was spotting 2, maybe 3, familiar faces. The studio secretary might be Nita Talbot. The clapperboard operator was definitely Bill Dana. Then there was Eric Fleming, at least he is mentioned here on IMDB as uncredited.
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