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awful unwatchable garbage, stark contrast to vol. 1
17 September 2023
"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" is a train wreck of a movie.

The (supposed) jokes fall flat on their face and are never funny. Not once.

The characters are boring stereotypes, the costumes and aliens look like a bad episode of the Eurovision Song Contest.

The rock music that worked well in the previous movies is misplaced and doesn't fit at all.. Instead of the energetic and fun classics, here they mostly play manic-depressive indie rock that makes you want to jump out of the window.

Worst of all are the interactions between characters, which are just tasteless and vulgar. Characters barely talk to each other, but instead constantly bark or scream hysterically, making them seem like a gang of maniacal sociopaths.

The dialogues are flat, clichée, and mind-numbing, as if they were written by dyslexic teenagers with less than a rudimentary grasp of the English language. There is not even a remote resemblance to the wit of the first movie.

In short, this film is a complete waste of time, money, and braincells.

Save yourself the agony and skip it!
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
super boring, irrelevantly meandering second half
19 August 2023
"Oppenheimer" boasts a stellar cast delivering commendable performances. But its excessive runtime with tedious plot detracts from the viewing experience, compounded by its lack of engagement or identification with any of the characters.

Disappointingly, the movie fails to explore even the most basic scientific aspects it promises, offering no insightful takeaways whatsoever. Similarly, Oppenheimer's intriguing personality remains flat, unemotional and unexplored, lacking credible depth.

The movie also fails to convey the horrifying impact of the nuclear bombings in Japan, omitting a vista of destroyed Hiroshima or Nagasaki, hundreds if thousand of killed or cripples civilian victims, or the US bomber pilot's remorse leading to self-sabotage (and an alleged suicide attempt) after witnessing the horridic aftermath of his actions. By sidestepping these controversies, the film glosses over the darkest facets of nuclear warfare. The failure to adequately address the moral complexities of arms races and deterrence further diminishes its impact.

Adding to its woes, the second half of the film tediously meanders aimlessly, introducing an artificial conflict between Oppenheimer and Strauss that goes on and on an on... This narrative detour feels disconnected from the movie's core theme and comes across as poorly executed screenwriting, beyond being infinitely and intolerably boring.

All-in, the film falls short of its potential, offering few new insight and leaving viewers bored and exhausted. In light of its tedious pacing and lack of substance, "Oppenheimer" struggles to justify its viewing time and fails to leave a lasting impression. Alas, a movie not worth watching.
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Mind-garbage! so tedious and bad it's aggravating to watch
20 June 2023
"Avatar The Way of Water" boasts dazzling visual effects... and sadly, that's the sole redeeming quality this film can muster.

The plot is a mind-numbing bore, following a shallow and predictable path from beginning to end. After about 5 minutes you know what's gonna happen in the rest of the movie. The theme revolves around the tired clash of nature versus technology (how incredibly original!), repeating much of the first film but worse. There are zero surprises or innovative or unique storytelling ideas. Instead, it's all just regrettably formulaic and unoriginal, failing to offer even a grain of depth, originality or wit.

Without exception, every single character populating the screen is cliché, boring, and flat: The hero dad, the rebellious son, the emotional daughter, the sadistic bad guy, and of course the unbearably constantly smiling (even under water) nature-loving savages ....

Wait, it get's worse! Because unfortunately the characters speak: the dialogue is so aggravatingly tedious and dim-witted, that it makes you want to innerly scream. The lines sound as if they had been written by dyslexic six-year-olds trying to sound cool ("yeah bro!"). Alas, throughout the entire movie not a single original or intelligent thought is uttered.

Scene after scene the audience is tortured by a slew of one-dimensional torrid mush, drowned in an overload of meaningless special effects... and to make things worse it's even really long at 3 hours runtime!

In Summary: Barring the big budget, this film would have struggled to rise above C- or B-movie rank. Save your time and money, avoid this film like genital herpes, and instead do something comparatively more intelligent or interesting with your life, like watching paint dry on a wall, or observing laundry tumbling in a washing machine...!
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Halo (2022– )
AWESOME! love it! more please!
22 December 2022
Love it! My girlfriend and I binge-watched Halo series 1 in just a couple of days - so good we couldn't stop!

I'm not an Xbox player/geek so never played the game, but have seen youtube gameplays and Master Chief is a cool character, so great that there's a series based on Halo. The TV-series does some really cool world building, and quality-wise I was really positively surprised - this could easily be a cinema release!

The series features excellent acting and cool casting - finally a show where not every actor is a bland teenage supermodel with botox and plastic surgery, but instead you have nuanced and edgy characters with real depth to them. Very cool casting, from lead character to supporting acts all really play their roles super well.

Not sure what some other reviewers are rambling about "spoiling the game" (maybe it's not a 100% videogame copy, but who cares?) and some say "bad special effects" which I really can't understand - the animations, creatures, space scenes and planets are totally awesome! This TV series is 100x better than most cinematic space movies out there. Amazing costumes, designs, space locations (the pirate asteroid is cool!), the style, colours, creatures... pretty much everything just works and is cool!

Most importantly: the story is refreshingly clever and original, with unexpected twists and turns. With most TV-series on Netflix or Amazon Prime these days the story is lame and predictable and you get episode after episode just obviously filling screen time and stretching the minutes of script with no purpose, dragging the plot along with little happening. In contrast, in "Halo" the writers did a really good job - every episode has it's own purpose and drive and moves the story forward. Everytime an episode ended, we thought "oh we can watch just one more"... until it was past midnight. The dialogues and character motivations make sense and are credible - it's really refreshing storytelling!

(only the hysterical Asian rebel girl is slightly annoying:-)

Overall a really awesome series, great cast & acting, cool space worlds action, and I'd love to see MORE MORE MORE!!!! :-)
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Troll (2022)
unfair and evil bad movie
15 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A troll wakes up from underground mine work.

The norwegian government, helped by an archaeologist, apparently after having killed the troll's entire family in the distant past, has nothing better to do than send in the military to attack and try and kill the poor troll, who has done nothing wrong to anyone.

After hours of senseless plot and chases, admittedly with good special effects and two or three halway decent jokes, they ultimately manage to ruthlessly murder the poor troll.

It's really sad and evil, and i found myself rooting for the troll to win, because the "good guys" were just aggravatingly dumb and unethical.

When the film ends there is no moral message, just "kill whatever is new and different". Depressing! Why bother make such a film?!
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Into the Wild (2007)
booooooring and annoying main character
29 October 2022
The movie is about a silly pseudo-intellectual law college student who, in an existential crisis, runs away and becomes a homeless tramp wandering across the U. S. to find himself or something.

Despite being homeless for many monthy and having given away or burnt all his money, his hair is always perfectly styled (with ginormous amounts of hairspray) and his beard well trimmed, his teeth bleached, and his wardrobe constantly changes (and is pristinely clean) and he buys kayaks, rifles, and all sorts of other stuff.

All the people he meets along the way are well-meaning happy hippies that are all altruistic and infinitely helpful, and half-saints. (of course, all government officials, police, capitalists, consumers, and society at large are bad).

The "pretty boy" main protagonist is infinitely annoying, his character bland and one-dimensional and without expression, and even when he is alone in the wilderness he is follishly grinning into the camera as if shooting a chewing gum commercial or a boy-band music video or something. It's the opposite of Tom Hanks in Castaway, whom one can watch for hours doing fairly little. In this film, in contrast, the main protagnonist's acting is so bad it's aggravating and painful to watch the main protagonist for more than ten minutes.

Throughout the film, nothing much really happens, accompanied by lame slow music. It's just so incredibly booooooooooooring! No idea why this film get's good rating? Maybe if somebody's life is even more boring than the film, on a relative comparison it makes the movie exciting?

All in, a really super lame and boring movie, possibly great as alternativ to medication if you're suffering from insomnia and need something boring to help you fall asleep.
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Lame! what is wrong with Disney & Hollywoood these days???
20 October 2022
The movie starts off in a fun way, introducing a cast of characters that could potentially be interesting and including some funny and occasionally even witty dialogue. (wow - people talking longer than a minute for a change, and where you don't guess what they're going to say after the first five words! That's good, to get people away from the usual mono-syllabic twitter conversations, and requiring an attention span longer than a horsefly! @Screenwriter: kudos, well done!). Alas, it's just in the first few minutes of the movie.

Regrettably, after about the first third the movie it all gets REALLY lame, predictable, and formulaic. The wit of the first 10-20 minutes is replaced by lame boilerplate dialogues, uninteresting and flat "background stories" (yawn), and ultimately, when the plot completely breaks down to hare-brained formulaic auto-pilot cliché mush, the viewer is bombarded with special effects and flashy colours to distract from what has become a torridly lame story.

Not sure what's wrong with Hollywood these days, but the industry seems to be churning out more and more utterly forgettable garbage. In Shang-Chi, as in most movies these days, the characters remain "flat" and gain no real depth as the story proceeds, and have no interesting "edges" or controversial multi-facetted traits, but are one-dimensional and remain way below their potential. Why not have a few more moments of atmosphere and character building, and 10 less explosions?

Obviously this is an action film and no high-brow drama, but c'mon guys: in the past (1980's, 1990's) even hollywood action characters were edgy, unique and memorable, and the plot (sometimes) not entirely predictable after the first 5 minutes... today all characters are smooth and mushy and politically correct.... same as the plot is formulaic and robotic.. making characters and stories and utterly forgettable and BOOOORRRRIIIINNNGGG!!!

It's like hollywood studios have agreed on a single basic "cookbook" with standard story and character and plot recipes ("save the cat" and blake snyder beat-sheets over and over?) and are scared or too un-creative to experiment or try anything new.

Thing is, if you always just follow standard recipes what you get is a cinematic McDonalds, which is fine once in a while, but not day after day, and that way you will NEVER ever create a premium dish or get even remotely close to a cimematic michelin star (or oscar) delicacy.... and that despite gigantic production budgets?!! What a waste of money and talent!

So, dear Hollywood & Disney/Marvel studios and directors: boys & girls, wake up please and get creative again, and have the guts to get experimental and try something new, not the formulaic boring slosh being churned out en masse these days, it's really bad and forgettable.

You're better than this!
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Prey (I) (2022)
Good attempt to a fresh angle, but weak plot and character development
18 October 2022
The Predator character/universe is awesome and offers great potential, so it's cool that there's more Predators being produced.

Obviously, the first one was the best with classic Arnie rocking the jungle. The later sequels got progressively worse: 2 was ok, 3 weak. AVP in the north pole was great, then mixed or bad again...

Prey offers an interesting novel setup of Indians vs Predator, experimenting with a different time setting (btw: a Predator with pirates would be cool! And more predator vs aliens movies set in space please!).

The film has nice scenic nature shots and is well paced. Wild beast CGI is ok but a bit clumsy at times.

The plot is weak and linear, with few surprising plot points and a mono-view from the main character's perspective. The lack of story and plot tension is compensated by body-count, which doesn't really make it more interesting.

In terms of characters, predator's design is weak, with a weird skull as helmet which doesn't look cool. Some of his gadgets are creative (shield, net).

The main character is just plain annoying: she's totally incompetent and useless throughout the whole story and then suddenly - for no reason at all - magically transforms into a badass warrior. The character arc is artificial and constructed and doesn't feel convincing at all, ultimately making this a very average movie.

So overall good attempt at giving it a fresh angle (cool! Do more of those!), but poor execution on plot and character development.
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totally illogical and unintelligent
18 September 2022
The plot makes zero sense - nothing adds up. The good guys kidnap one of the bad guys, then bring them abroad, only to then bring them back to the original country and there get lost, with "undercover" missions made in huge military convoys - really covert and hidden stuff! And the whole time the secretary of defense follows minute operational updates, like they have nothing better to do in their job. Totally unrealistic and just plain silly. Like a 5-year old thought up the story.

If secret service and defense personnel were that naive and incapable, the government would have collapsed long ago! One logic mistake follows the next, and the plot is full of holes and errors.

It's really hard to watch without getting a headache from how moronic the story and characters are - no idea why there are so many good reviews for this movie???? Maybe bots or people paid to vote??

Ugh - huge waste of time!
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nice setting but boooooooring
27 August 2022
The setting is well made hinting at a post-apocalyptic world a bit like the "fallout" game, only with a destructive red moon added for space flavour.

However, that's where the fun ends.

The slow-paced (boring!) unmenacing and humdrum atmosphere does not match the setting's potential.

Instead, random robot soldiers (making annoying noises) and drones are stationed around randomly protecting a derelict society against no particular menace(??), and boringly chasing the "hero". The antagonist is one-dimensional and doesn't really clash against the hero or create meaningful or interesting conflict. Nor is there any discernable plot, with random family flashbacks, and nothing really happening. The story just patters along and along... until the viewer falls asleep or checks the news on teh phone. Yawn!
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RRR (2022)
nationalistic romp
12 July 2022
Extremely nationalistic film, depicting the British as evil, brutal and sadistic twits, while all Indians are benevolent and humble saints.

It's understandable that India is happy to be rid of Colonialism, but depicting English people in such a derogative manner is somewhat bewildering and probably doesn't help "past wounds to heal" or progress global understanding and friendship, instead promoting vengeance and hatred. From that messaging standpoint its certainly not a good movie.

On the pure entertainment side: the two main characters are fun (mr moustache, and the little bearded village dude) and the friendship vs. Tension between the two heroes with the double (triple) undercover identities is interesting across the film. The "bromance" and dance scenes are somewhat ridiculous, and the absurdly unrealistic action scenes and special effects are fun and fairly well made.

Overall the film is a bit too long: starts of well and then at some point loses pace, randomly introducing new characters halfway through the film.. so after hour #2 a slight touch of boredom started to kick in.

In summary: ok entertainment with some good attempts at epic scenes, but unpalatably nationalistic.
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so bad..
23 June 2022
The original is 10000000000000x better.

Better story, better music, better acting, all better in the original film with peter ustinov.

The remake is just bland, tasteless, with irrelevant and badly made cgi wffects, bad acting, really bad scenography. Waste if time!!!

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Apollo 13 (I) (1995)
boring. boring. boring.
27 May 2022
Great cast but static, lame plot, and nothing happening the whole story.

90% of time just a bunch of dudes in a box looking concerned, while another bunch of dudes in a control center rambles meaningless technical mumbo-jumbo (including a gazillion radio static repetitions of "copy that" "stand by" "riger that"... YAWN THAT!)
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Outland (1981)
nonsensical and boring
27 May 2022
No idea why this film is so hyped, featuring in many "top space movies" lists.

Beyond the somewhat slow and boring plot, where the bad guy is obvious after the first 20 minutes, the "sci" from "sci-fi" is totally flawed: unlike in the movie, people don't explode in a vacuum (they perhaps bloat and have organ failure or heart attacks), and a space kitchen on a jupiter moon outpost equipped with porcellain crockery and glass bottles is the silliest unrealistic nonsense conceivable.

The story is dull, the set lame.. tedious to watch and not worth spending time or money on.
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
good acting, boring plot
4 May 2022
Good production value and often nice settings, although not very atmospheric somehow (pirates of the carribean way cooler style-wise).

Generally good actors and cast (except somewhat boring billy bones and weirdly styled rackham, who looks more like from a porn flick than a lirate movie); especially the Flint and Vane characters are cool.

In theory a great idea of having a gritty pirate story as series, but black sails just drags on and on for ages with uninteresting dull side characters and eternally long dreary rambling dialogues that are pretty much irrelevant to the story.

It's like a bubble gum stretched into eternity, thus losing all taste.. yawn!
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27 March 2022
The Green Knight is weird, visually well made and somewhat atmospheric, but it's just so incredibly slow-paced and tediously boring!

The film drags along at snail pace for ages with very little happening. Instead, you get either stretches of unbearable silence, or eternally long convoluted dialogues, where the different characters don't really converse, but instead recite endless monologues at each other, rambling pseudo-psychological nonsense that is probably meant to sound profound.

Scattered inbetween are bizarre scenes with blind(folded) women, random sex scenes, talking foxes, and a bad copy of a Lord of the Ring Ent as nemesis. Maybe the director and/or writers were high on something when they thought up this thing?

To make matters worse, throughout the entire time a horribly warped, irritating and dissonant "music" (noise) plays in the background. This blatant offense to the ears alone would be sufficient to hit the stop button on the remote.

Also, not to sound racist (I'm a half-foreigner myself) but why is Sir Gawain - originally a character from medieval Britain at the court if King Arthur - played by an Indian guy?? He acts well, but it's a weird casting choice and doesn't really fit with the story. It's like having Harold & Kumar play Sherlock Holmes and Watson.

In summary, watching the Green Knight is like suffering a long, slow and pounding headache from a hangover-night. But without the fun part of having been drunk before.

Better to read the book and skip the film!
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Siegfried (2005)
23 March 2022
German "humour" at its worst: Bad acting, lame fabricated plot, no identifiable character arc, stunted dialogues, zero suspense or unpredictability, and not funny at all.

Siegfried is an annoying bumbling fool, the "bad guys" a bunch of clowns (in a forced, unfunny way). And for reasons nobody understands, a bad version of a talking "piglet babe" is Siegfried's constanr sidekick with long and prominent parts in the film, adding nothing to the story but irritation.

The jokes are terrible and not funny at all, with actors laughing about themselves, while the audience sits silently staring at the screen in a state of lugubrius dread.

The whole thing is so annoying that you kind of hope and beg for Siegfried (and the random pig) to please get killed!

This film has really nothing going for it, and is a shameful offence to a great German myth.
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great cast, dismal storywriting... overall lukewarm and unsatisfying
9 February 2022
Always tough for a sequel to follow a legendary original - huge shoes to fill. And this film doesn't quite succeed (although not as awful as its predecessor re-makes).

On the positive side: the characters are brilliantly cast and acting is great and fun.

On the negative side: the story starts off in an interesting and fun manner, but turns really lame and incoherent after the first 1/3 of the film. It's unclear who the main character is (the girl? All? No-one?), there's no genuine conflict or active pursuit of clashing interests by antagonists (stuff just happens, it's unclear why the bad guys are bad.. they just "happen" and "are" bad, but don't really do anything at all).

Also, randomly featuring the original cast prominently towards the end is more confusing amd annoying than helpful (caters to nostalgia maybe, but fits nowhere into the story). Similarly, lots of plot links and references to the original movies seem forced and artificially fabricated (e.g. The guy in the cave owned the mine and the new york building.. why? Who cares? What the...?) - all these fabricated references are too self-servient and disturb rather than help the story-flow!

It's just really shoddy story writing(!), as with most hollywood films these days.. Makes one wonder, for what do hollywood screenwriters get paid??? Doesn't anybody have good original story ideas for a coherent plot anymore?

Lastly, the directing is pretty weak: scenes are way too fast-paced and hectic, there is zero atmosphere and world-building and not a single contemplative moment in the film, with perhaps a clever conversation, or an atmospheric sequence?? Nope, none of that - just scene-after-scene of dull action with almost no characterization whatsoever, leaving the characters empty soul-less shells.

Overall, the great cast and brilliant acting, as well as the high-quality production/look save the dismal storywriting makes it an "ok" movie, which would otherwise be torrid.

Unfortunately, wasted opportunity to reboot the brilliant Ghostbusters-IP.

Dear Hollywood: please cut back a bit on special effects, and instead invest more in good intelligent screenplays!
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lame. lots of singing, shallow dialogue, zero story
26 January 2022
There are so many good animation films.. and this is NOT one of them :-)

A totally predictable cliche story, flat characters with shallow dialogues, and tons of musical stereotypes.... and waaaaaaaayyyy too much singing all the time that tries to make up for a lacking story. It's like watching a really bad musical.

All-in, maybe good for five-year-olds.

On a positive note: the character designs are cute.
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so bad.. bond gets worse with every sequel
16 January 2022
Sad! What ever happened to the classy, elegant, intelligent and witty james bond interpretations of sean connery and roger moore???!

The new bond films are just brainless action, endless explosions, boring car chases and unnecessary violence on inflated budgets. The old classic "elegant and classy" bond was exchanged with an "expensive and primitive lacking style" bond version.

Once again, bond is a spy that does no espionage, and instead is more a brute rambo rather than a cunning investigator. Boring - YAWN!!!!!
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unwatchable. boring and bad acting
11 January 2022
Really slow-paced movie where barely anything happens, and most of the time its just the uncharismatic couple uttering really bad and mundane dialogue.

The lead actors are dull and one-dimensional (especially him) and just painful to watch.. after 30 minutes I started fast forwarding some of the (many!) lame scenes, at minute 60 I switched off because it was so bad...
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
meh- bad... anime 1000x better
14 December 2021
Generally a good idea to make a cowboy bebop film. But this remake of the series is mediocre and a lot worse than the original Anime.

Especially, the lead actor John Cho is just badly cast, looks ridiculous in the Spike outfit and lame in fight scenes, and is generally sooooo annoying. He was irritating and not funny in all his other movies, and this one is no exception.

In summary: little need to watch this.. check out the original anime - it's so much better.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
awesome series, mixed acting
20 November 2021
Great series with fairly realistic depiction of a potential future human colonization of the galaxy (brings the "sci" to sci-fi).

The story has a lot going for it on good entertainment: action, lots of political intrigues and scheming, interesting characters, and fun futuristic & alien setting.

The biggest drawback is the totally miss-casted main protagonist jim holden: steven strait has zero stage presence and is about as expressive and charismatic as a cardboard box, and unbearably boring.. totally unbelievable he could come to lead a spaceship crew let alone that anyone would follow him through space - they would more likely fall asleep at the sound of his yawning call to battle..
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Dune (2021)
wow! awesome and epic, despite some minor flaws
19 September 2021
Before watching the movie I thought the many good reviews of the film were fake, but after having seen it... this is hands down one of the best films of recent years!

Superb visuals not just in terms of CGI but the graphic storytelling via retro archaic style of buildings, atmospheric settings and lighting and soundtrack, stylish costumes, spectacular desert landscapes and retro high-tech machinery, great cast and acting, clever story with intrigues and political backstabbing all work extremely well together.

This remake is one of the few exceptions that by far outguns the original on all levels, and is sci-fi cinema at its best!

Only negatives are: the movie's a bit drawn out in the end and could have been 15mins shorter. The "he's the chosen one.. oh but he doesn't look like it" mantra is a repetitive and a lame cliché - it's unnecessary to mention it and the story would work well (actually better) without random people constantly saying it. Also, the characters are a bit flat and linear and could have a lot more depth or controversy to them, indicating their motivations, inner tensions, what drives them etc. - so far the characters seem a bit like puppets on autopilot.

But all in: amazing and potentially epic film and looking forward to part 2.
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Carnage (2011)
boring and irritating
28 July 2021
Highly-billed cast and good acting (especially totally brilliant Christoph Waltz).

BUT: nothing really happens, just 4 stereotype characters sitting in a room talking. The conversations are unrealistic, silly and convoluted - with dull and exaggerated dialogues moodily turning round in circles.

I tried watching the movie the first time and it was unbearable, so I switched it off. Next day, I watched the rest, hoping that eventually it gets better or something interesting happens down the line... alas, no. It remained dull, permeated by mind-numbing conversations, hysteria and screaming, irritating, and utterly boring.

The best part was when it finally ended.
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